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((Y/N)'s POV)

This morning was the best in a long time because I have my pet with me the whole time and we just finished having breakfast. I didn't have that much homework today, so I went outside to go play in the front yard and Penelope just watched me play and even played a game of catch with me. She got tired of playing and just laid on the porch then I took this chance to pet her ears and she just pulled me into a hug while rolling on the porch.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Hey!

Penelope-Why don't you go play one of your games inside or something. I'm gonna sunbathe out here for a bit then we can get started on getting your bed ordered.~

(Y/N)-Ok... I'll stay out here though.

She just gave me a kiss before she put me down and I ran around in the yard while throwing the ball up in the air or at the fence to let it bounce. Soon I saw Penelope sleeping and this time she can't stop...

(Y/N)'s mind-A butterfly!

I saw it flying over me, so I followed it out of my yard and into the woods to try and catch it. It was too high, but maybe if I try really hard to jump super high, I can get it and I can have a pet butterfly too. After a bit of chasing the butterfly and having fun I heard something that made me stop and look somewhere.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is... someone crying?

(Bea's POV)

I couldn't stop crying from all these feelings of one of my owners not wanting me anymore and the other hates and wants to hurt me now. I had no home, no love, and I tried to go back home last night to see if he missed me and wanted me back, but all he did was yell at me through a window before he passed out. There was nothing for me in life anymore and I had no idea what i did wrong or what made them fight. Suddenly I felt someone shake my legs a bit while I was curled up then looked to see a little boy looking at me like he was worried.


???-Hey, are you ok?

Bea-*Sniffle* Wh-Who are you?

???-I'm (Y/N)... Is your name Bea? It says it on your collar?

I suddenly felt made before I just took it off and threw it away at a bush while crying harder and this even made the boy tear up before he hugged me.

Bea-I-I d-d-don't have a home anymore! M-My *hic* owners hate me! *sobbing*

(Y/N)-... *Sniffle* Hey, don't cry... I'm sure they still love you.

I started to tell him what happened and what my male owner called me that was appropriate for him since I can't tell him that I was called a whore, a tramp, and so many other mean things. I said a few to him like how I was called useless, ugly, and a home wrecker. All he had to say was...

(Y/N)-Well... I don't think you're any of those things... I think you're pretty and he was just being a big meanie.

Bea-*Sniffle*... Y-You're just saying that.

(Y/N)-No. Just look at your cute tail and ears, you're super pretty, and I think anyone would be lucky to have you in their home!

This made me stop crying a little and I felt a little better then I saw his tears were gone. He looked so happy again before he sat next to me and hugged my waist and I hugged him back.

Bea-You're so sweet... I... guess i should just go back to a pet store or something... Maybe next time I can find a better home... maybe.

(Y/N)-Wait... I got a better idea!

(Penelope's POV)

I was just barely awake, feeling the warmth of the sun on me as I was completely zoned out and in my own little world. I couldn't stop thinking of (Y/N) and this time I didn't even try to stop it this time. I had fun little fantasies of him just acting like a neko kitten and even poking at little fish in a pond. Soon I thought I could hear his voice in my head, but then I could actually hear him just far away, so I opened my eyes and saw he wasn't in the front yard anymore, but just then I saw him come up the trail with someone, while holding their hand and... I didn't like it.


(Y/N)-Oh, and you're going to love Penelope! She my other pet neko, so you 2 can be friends... There she is!

He ran with her while tugging her with him until they made it in front of me. I could smell (Y/N)'s scent all over the new girl and I didn't like it at all, but I kept it hidden.

Penelope-(Y/N), who is this?

(Y/N)-Penelope, this is Bea. She lost her old home and her owners were mean, so I said she can stay with us and told her everything. You have the big room, so you can share the room with her. It's a good idea. right?!

I was kinda mad about this and was about to say something, but all he did was pull her inside and started to show her around. I'll play along with this for now, but i'll be keeping an eye on her and let her know that I was here first, so I was the one really in charge of this house.

(Bea's POV)

He showed me to my new room I was gonna be sharing and I never had a room this big before and the first thing I wanted to do was take a quick shower and he let me. It felt nice to get all the dirt, sweat, and smell from the last few days off me before I got out to only find a robe, so I put it on and soon found (Y/N) down the hall, putting clothes in a washer before he closed it then turned to me with a smile. He just came up and grabbed my hand, but I was still surprised that he was doing chores, since I see kids his age never do chores like that.

(Y/N)-Come on, I have so much to show you. There's a lot of food coming today and soon, so I gotta make this quick.

On his "quick" tour, he told me all sorts of stories and it seems like it was just him for a while with his sister abandoning him without him realizing it. I didn't have the heart to tell him, but soon he said something that made me worry a lot for some reason and hat was...

(Y/N)-My grandpa said I wasn't ready for pets, but I can keep this house clean, and take care of "2" all by myself!

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

That's when things went from being bad to worse even after I remember him being so nice and gentle... That's it! Master always took care of himself without much help and that made him very angry and mean until he couldn't be happy and nice anymore. I saw my old male owner in (Y/N) now and I was so scared of him ending up like him and I didn't want to go through that again, but what can I do to stop it...

Bea's mind-I... I have to take care of him completely!

It makes sense since a human baby shouldn't be burdened with responsibility, but only know love, play time, and having others care for them. He already does everything and lived alone before Penelope came along and she lets him do anything like this. During the tour the door opened and Penelope came in with bags of food.


Penelope-(Y/N), food is here and there's 9 more bags coming.

(Y/N)-Oh, coming!

Bea-No!... I mean, why don't I help her, and you just watch a show or play one of your games or something.

(Y/N)-Huh, but I can't let my pets do all the work. I can help.

Bea-A-And you can by... How about that movie you love so much? I don't know how to find it, so can you put it on for us to watch after?

(Y/N)-You mean-?

Bea-Yep, that's the movie. I'll help Penelope, so just get the movie ready to go.

He looked happy to watch the movie with me and I just helped Penelope with the bags of food by putting them away. I could see a look in er eye that told me she didn't like me here, but I knew a few other nekos that hate new nekos in their home, so I just need to give her time. I had other things to worry about since (Y/N) can be sweet now, but any day he can be just as angry as my last master, and I even thought of other things like him eating, taking baths, dressing... all by himself... I can't take the risk, so I think I should do those for him for now on. Just then I was snapped out of my thoughts by the box of fish sticks and my mouth watered from the memory of having these as a little kitten.

Bea's mind-I'm sure he'll love a snack with the movie.

He said he did have an air fryer to make stuff like this faster and crispy

((Y/N)'s POV)

Bea was making something in the kitchen while Penelope was rubbing her cheek on mine kinda hard for some reason, but I let her since I tried asking her nice and quiet, but she just growled. Soon Bea came over and she had some of my new fish sticks with her on a plate for us during the movie, so I pressed play to start Monsters Inc.


I tried to reach for one, but Bea got one first, dipped it in ketchup then held it my mouth.

Bea-Open up while it's nice and hot.~

(Y/N)-I can get my-.

She slipped it in my mouth, so I just took the bite and ate it before she fed me the other half while getting one for herself and another for me.

Penelope-He can feed himself. Would you stop?

Bea-I am just doing what I think is best. I think if he was alone for so long then he's done more than enough.

I saw Penelope's tail fluff up for some reason before she got a fish stick and held it closer to me than Bea was with hers. I was confused because she wanted Bea to let me feed myself.


She fed me the bite and I ate it then Bea gave me the next. They weren't even eating and giving all of it to me to the point we were just 10 minutes into the movie and already out of food. Penelope was kinda pouty and put her fluffed tail on my lap and I started to pet it a little and she moved a little while her cheeks were pink, but didn't stop me. Just then Bea tilted my head a little and I saw her at the corner of my eye looking into my ear before... she licked my ear and even inside and it felt gross. I moved away before i looked at her.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?!

Bea-Your ears just looked so dirty and they could get infected like that. When was the last time you even cleaned your ears, mister.

Penelope-Would you stop?!

Bea never stopped looking at me and I tried to think of a good lie to tell about when I last had my ears cleaned, but it was almost a year ago I think... I got it!

(Y/N)-A few months ago.

Bea-... Come here.

She pulled my head to her gently, but Penelope yanked me back to her and my face was slammed into her chest, so it was really dark and hard to breath.

Bea-Hey, i'm just trying to help him before he gets sick.

Penelope-Fine!... I'll do it then!

She pulled me out from her chest and started to lick inside my ears and before I could say anything Bea was licking in my others ear again, so I can't hear the movie anymore. I just felt them licking my ears faster and deeper while both were holding I saw them both mad at each other. I remember when my sister and I fought and I had to think what grandpa would do and even if I didn't want to do it... I pushed them away.

(Y/N)-Stop fighting!... No more fighting and I can always take the big room back and you can have the small room! I'm going to go wipe my ears and both of you make up or... or... I don't know, but you won't like it and teach you that fighting is wrong!

I just went to the bathroom to get a towel and wipe my ears and they did feel better, and it was easier to hear things a little, but I don't like them fighting. I was gonna go back out there, but then had another idea, so I went to the computer and started to order some things I need right now, and my bed can wait for a bit.

(Timeskip To Night)

The whole day since I ordered the things coming tonight was all about laying down the rules. I was so bossy that I actually stopped the girls 8 out of 34 times from fighting over me, or letting them do what they want like cuddle me or stuff like that. Bea wouldn't let me take a bath by myself since she wanted to make sure I was clean and ok, so since it was just caring, I let her watch... then she wouldn't let me wash myself, and I could only play with my bath toys. Penelope got mad after, so I did let her hold me for what I said 10 minutes, turned out to be almost 2 hours, then I had to do something to make Bea feel better. It went back and forth lots of times, but I put a stop to this when the stuff got here and I got things set up after I told them they both needed to go to their room for a bit if they want anything else. While they were busy I got everything set up and covered in blankets.

(Y/N)'s mind-Alright (Y/N), they made you do this, but it's time to show them who's boss around here!

(Y/N)-Family meeting!

Soon the girls came out here and I pointed them to the couch for them to sit down and I crossed my arms and held my chest out and my head high to look scary and serious.


(No POV)

Penelope/Bea's mind-He's puffing up his little chest?... So cute!~

(Penelope's POV)

Bea and I had a talk in the room and I guess she has her own reason after talking about her old shit owners turning on her and afraid he'll turn like them. It sounded stupid, but I guess i did like the thought of caring for him better, so we humored this little play time of his. It was actually adorable and I saw a few empty boxes, and there was a few things under the blankets.

(Y/N)-I know you 2 are no to each other, but I hate it when others fight.

Bea-We're sorry.~

(Y/N)-Thank you, but I was forced to get a few things and some are good and some are bad. I want to start with the worst and it's where you will go if you're bad again.

He just pulled on the sheet to something as tall as him or maybe a bit taller and it showed something that would be intimidating if he was intimidating, but it was still annoying to me.


(Y/N)-This is where bad kitties go and I don't want to use this, but I will.

Penelope-So if we fight, we go in there?

(Y/N)-That's right!

He said that in a way he sounded proud of himself, but when he turned to show us the next thing a bit a smiles and giggling slipped out of both of us before Bea suddenly perked up her ears.

Bea-(Y/N), did you use tools to put that together?! What if you got hurt or worse?!

(y/N)-I-I didn't. I had a guy d-do it for me.

Bea-Oh, continue then.

She look relieved as he pulled up a rag for something on a table before he pulled out a phone and did a few things before he looked at us with a smile then pressed a button and a cat trest that actually half bad shot out onto the floor by my feet, so I picked it up and ate it to see his smile grow bigger.


(Y/N)-I can shot out treats for you 2 whenever you are good. I have bags of extra treats, so be good and you could be getting a lot.

Bea-Awww, you're such a nice little master.~

(Y/N)-Thank you, again. Now tomorrow I want to go to town and try to get you more clothes and toys quicker. We can split up and I will be at the pet store to get more toys for you.


Penelope-Now relax Bea, he's been out on his own plenty of times in this small town and the stores are close by. I also want to talk more about our last talk tomorrow. Perfect for a shopping day.

I did want to talk to her more about (Y/N) and get more clothes and underwear at one of those places that don't let boys inside. After a while of him talking about basic rules in the house and how he called himself "The man of the house" I just gave his cheeks a little rub and pinch and he blushed as I picked him up.

Penelope-We still don't have that bed of yours, so do you want to sleep in that bed you got me or with us?

Bea-What are you talking about?! He's sleeping with us!

Penelope-We can put it next to the bed in our room.

Bea-No, he said that bed was only for naps in the house rules, remember. he's sleeping with us!

(Y/N)-... She's right. I did make the rules,... but since I'm man of the house-.

Bea-No, not another word. It's bed time and you still need to get in some pajamas mister.

(Y/N)-Hey, i'm the boss here.

Bea-Well do you want to sleep in dirty and uncomfy clothes while you sleep?

(Y/N)-... No.

I just gave him a kiss before I gave him to Bea and she walked off with him and I looked at the cage and treat shooter and there was no way I was ever going in that cage and I only ate the treat once from that to humor him. I just emptied it up and poured the treats in a bowl to put up and cleaned out the shooter before I looked at a box on top of the fridge of something else that will fit in this thing.

(Bea's POV)

(Y/N) was dirty and needed another bath before bed and he tried to get out of it, but I got him to march into the bath and have me give him one while he was kinda pouty. I did get him to smile with his toys and gave him sweet words about him being in charge and has to set an example while making others happy. Then I told him how much of a good job he was doing by letting me do this before he had fun in the bath with his little toy boat.

Bea's mind-How adorable. Such a good boy.~

(???'s POV)

I have fucking had it with this damn house and my perverted master that acted nice at first, but clearly wanted me for my body. It started with him asking me for favors, then told me he had a few friends coming over for a party a few weeks ago, each day since then I have tolerated were revealing clothes. I was okay with showing off a little, but at the party with 4 of his friends, he had me was a G-string bikini while I had massage oil rubbed on my body, so I was only covering up a tiny bit. I tried to avoid being touched, but just looking wasn't enough for drunk men and I was pinned to a wall by them and fingered or gave oral until I came multiple times before one by one they passed out from drinking too much. I made it clear that I was never coming back to him by taking what few clothes I liked, tore the rest to shreds, and cut my collar into strips before I left a note saying "If you come after me, i'll tell the police what you did".

???-Men! *sniffle* Fucking perverted men!

I know they aren't all like that, but after tonight, I was done and make sure that if I find a new home, it will be different, and I don't care how long it takes or what else happens to me before then. I'm never going back to that house.


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