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((Y/N)'s POV)

The sounds all stopped and thanks to a faint light at the desk, I saw Chica come in the daycare and I was in a playset, just watching her walk by. She was looking for me and thankfully I had my flashlight off, so I could hide from here, but quickly she went back to the light switch that I broke before she went back to searching. I waited by a slide that was close to the door before I saw her walk by again.


Chica-(Y/N) honey, I know you're still here! Come to mama, I think it's best to have you put down for a nap!

I quietly slid down the slide and tried to head to the exit, but just then the switch started to spark up and the lights turned on anyway for some reason. I was scared for once that the lights were on instead of off and I looked back to see Chica looking at me.

Chica-There you are. Don't worry me like that.

I was about to run, but I don't think I would get over that wall in time or even the door since stopping for a second could be too long. She just picked me up and took me out of here with her while giving me kisses, but on the way up the stairs, I saw broken pieces of Moondrop's face and body all over the floor next to dented chairs and broken vending machines.

*Stomach growl*

Chica-Awww, poor baby. All that running and hiding from that meanie who took you must've made you scare and hungry. Let's go to the kitchen and make you a pizza.~

She gave me more kisses while rubbing my tummy before she sniffed me a little and backed head up a little.

Chica-And where have you been young man?... It was that ball pit, wasn't it?... We're getting you another shower and this time you're not leaving my site for a second. We'll dress you when we get back to my room after we take care of everything else.

(Y/N)-What?! I don't want to be carried around naked!

Chica-Oh calm down. I'm your mother and your auntie saw what I saw. Nobody else is gonna see you... and live.

I had to find a way to get away from her again, but I think it was gonna be harder this time, but even if I do get away, I still have that rabbit and Roxy to look out for.

(Vanny's POV)

Turning on the lights was a little tricky, but now I could find my baby bunny on the camera's and I saw Chica taking him to the showers again. Probably better because that ball pit was not cleaned today, so I decided to head there and wait since I was closer. I just brought a little tool with me to help me out in getting my baby bunny back easily and I upgraded a few things to help me after.

Vanny-How nice of her to clean you for me again. This time i'm ready for you.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Chica made it to the showers with me again and even took my clothes off me in the hallway before we got in. I was so embarrassed, but while I was hiding my face in Chica's shoulder, I felt something like more eyes watching me, but I couldn't look at anything right now.

Chica-Don't be so sad. It's just a shower and it's my fault really. I should have never even thought about leaving you alone for even a second in the first place, but I won't make that mistake twice.

I heard running water before I was put down in it and let it rain down on me before she started to scrub me again. I couldn't do anything right now and I was actually right back to where I started, like what I did, didn't even matter. Soon she took me out to dry me off with a towel she had, but I saw the rabbit lady behind her and screamed which made Chica jump.


Chica-What's wrong?!

(Y/N)-B-Behind you!

She turned and looked right at the bunny walking towards us now, but then she looked side to side like she was still looking. She looked right back at me while having her arms crossed and the rabbit stood right behind her and held a phone.

Chica-Now that wasn't funny. You made me think that bad person came back to take you.

(Y/N)-B-But she's-!

Chica-No buts. After you eat and take a nap, we're going to have a serious talk about this.

Just then the rabbit held the phone closer to Chica's head and pressed a button to make a sound like scarping metal with metal and it made her freeze while I covered my eyes and she fell to the ground before the noise stopped. I looked at the rabbit again before I tried to back up, but she grabbed me and wrapped me in the towel before she picked me up and I couldn't move my arms.

???-Mama bunny Vanny has been so worried and so had Vanessa. Let's get you dressed in something cute before you get strapped in.~

When we made it to the benches she grabbed a stroller from here and i saw there was more straps on it and something on the seat with a needle on it. She picked up the needle first and even while I was begging, she didn't stop and poked my leg and squirted a tiny bit of something into my leg before she put the needle down. I didn't feel tired, but my leg she poked was completely asleep after a few minutes and it was hard to move my other leg. She put me down before she grabbed the clothes from the cart and besides underwear, there was 2 other things that made my heart sink, but also blush hard.


Vanny-Hold still. We only have a few minutes before your legs wake up, so we have to be fast.~

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Roxy's POV)

I was so angry that I didn't know where my superstar was that I was smashing robots sometimes in a fit of rage. I was coming from the basement and about to head back up to the front doors to see if he tried going there to wait for them to open, but when I got there I was greeted with another surprise.


They didn't see me yet, so I decided to watch for a bit and see what else was going on. I saw that (Y/N) was trapped down in a stroller with extra straps, he was wearing a bunny onesie, there was something strapped in his mouth to keep him quiet, but what this told me made me beyond angry...


This got her attention and she tried to reach for something, but I tackled her while accidently knocking over the stroller and one of my superstar's hands got lose, so started to free himself. I wasn't going to let him run away this time, so I tried to just knock her out for now, but just then...

*Metal screech*


I just smashed her phone before I fell to my side for a second and when I recovered (Y/N) was finally free, but I lunged at and grabbed him. With him wrapped firmly in my arms I looked at this rabbit woman again and she was running away. I couldn't go after her until (Y/n) was locked away somewhere safe.


(Y/N) was struggling in my arms again as I just stood up and easily being able to hold him, I tried to bounce and shush him to calm him down. He only had muffled screams and since I don't want to argue with him, I stopped him from take it off by using my hand to cover the buckle while supporting his head.

Roxy-You should calm down before we take that off you, but as for this onesie, we'll get you changed at my room. Let's go.

He tried to struggle more, but it was hopeless since I was far stronger and had a good grip on him. It also made me think about a Roxxane Wolf onesie... I can report that to corporate, but for now, I focused on getting my superstar to my room where it's safe.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Chica's POV)

I woke up kinda dizzy and I tried to think before I remembered I was here with (Y/N) and now he was gone. I panicked and ran to go find him or Roxy while trying to think about what just happened because he said he saw something, but it was just us. I checked everywhere until I made it to Rockstar Runway and checked Roxy's room first to see if she was here and I would in on the sight of something adorable... My baby was half asleep in Roxy's arms while she was laying on the couch.


There was something wrapped around his head and in his mouth, but he looked fine and Roxy even fixed it a little.

Chica-Oh my god, what happened?!

Roxy-Caught the freak in a bunny suit trying to walk off with Superstar, but she got away... He just needs to stay in here.

Chica-Did he eat anything, yet?

Roxy-No, we came straight here.

Chica-Well... can you go get some pizza for us while I stay here with (Y/N)?

Roxy-*Sigh* Fine. Just make sure my door stays locked while i'm gone.

I felt so happy when she gave me my tired baby and I bounced a little and he just let out a little yawn for me. When I sat down with him on my lap, Roxy left and I decided to take this thing out of his mouth since it wasn't from us and he seemed to have calmed down now. He was quiet and even closed his eyes when I took that thing out of his mouth, and I even got to lay down with him on top of me.

(Vanessa's POV)

I have to fix my mask that Roxy actually tore and that means Chica will see me, so I have to do things as myself for a while. I was so mad because I was so close to getting out of here with (Y/N). All I had to do was open the damn shutters and close them again when we leave, but I let my guard down at the door and it cost me everything, so now i need a new plan. I still have my phone and can command the non-rogue animatronics then I decided to go for the muscle of the group, but something was wrong with Monty as he was barely working, so I had to go with the next best thing. I just put on my security outfit and went to a certain door and when it open, I saw... him.


Freddy-Oh, officer Vanessa. I didn't know you would be here.

Vanessa-Hello Freddy, how would you like to help me with something?

Freddy-Um, of course. I would be happy to help. Is it your son again?

Vanessa-Yes, but we need to do a few things first, so come with me to the parts and services room.

He started to follow me and I was careful to avoid making too much noise since it looks like Roxy closed her curtain, and Chica was not in her room. Given that Roxy took them back, I know he's in there.

Vanessa's mind-This time, I won't be so gentle Roxy.


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