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((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't stop looking at the cop looking at me while Carmelita had me mostly wrapped in a blanket, in the middle seat to try and hide me from others who might look in. We were driving across town and soon we made it just outside of it and into some hills. We soon pulled up to a big cabin house and Carmelita wouldn't even let me walk out, so she put me back in the cart to push me in the house just to make sure that nobody can see me. When she finally let me out I looked around to see this place had a living room, kitchen, a bathroom, and I think 2 bedrooms. The cop and Carmelita watched me look around before she started talking to the cop about boring stuff and soon I found a room that had some old looking toys in it, but it was all I had, so I picked one up. It was just a wooden spinner, so I just sat on the floor and the pattern on top looked kinda cool and even made little dots pop up and I didn't stop spinning it until I heard a door close. I heard footsteps coming closer then saw Carmelita standing at the door before she bent down to me.


Carmelita-Listen, I am going to step out for a bit. I want all these curtains closed and do not open the door for anyone, not even me because I will have a key. Nobody can see you, yet. Understand?


I was going to be stuck in this boring cabin alone for a while with almost nothing to do, but the old toys weren't the problem... What if my mom and dad woke up as soon as I left to come here, and they are wondering where I am? Carmelita was closing all the curtains in the cabin before she went to the front door and waved me goodbye.

(Neyla's POV)

I was walking near the path the tire tracks were leaving in the dirt after I saw the truck going this way. Soon I saw it come back this way and I saw the driver from before and maybe Carmelita, but just to make sure, I better treat this like she is wherever it is she brought whatever she and station is hiding. I pressed forward since I was on the right track and soon, I found a cabin and the tracks in the dirt showed me where it has stopped, so this must be the place. I saw all the curtains were closed, so peaking inside was not an option, and that leaves me with walking up to the cabin. I tried the front door quietly, but it was locked and I don't have anything to pick a lock.

Neyla's mind-I bet Carmelita has the key or is already in there.

I can't just break a window to get in just in case, so I looked around the house and found a cellar door held by a chain on the outside, but I could kinda open it. I just need to get rid of the chain and i'll be in and luckily, I know a trick on how to do it without making too much noise. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out some matches then too one to put it separately, but as for the rest, I used my fingers to take off the red powder that is flammable and used the small stick to tuck it in the hole of the lock and repeated this until the lock was almost full then stuck the separate match in before I lit it. When the fire got inside and flared a little the lock opened.

Neyla-Alright Inspector Fox let's see what you're hiding.

I walked into the basement and turned on a light switch and this place was completely empty aside from a few boxes that I quickly searched, but it was nothing other than junk, story books, dust. I just moved upstairs to continue my search and when I opened the door, the place was well furnished for a cabin this size, nothing fancy. I tried searching a few drawers in the living room dressers until I heard a faint noise.

*Wood creak*

I turned a door moving and I would guess it was the wind if the windows weren't closed, so I slowly went too it. I suspect Carmelita if she was in fact here still which stands to reason, so I decided not to reach for my weapon, but be ready for a sudden attack. I slowly opened the door to see a room with a few toys on the ground, but they looked kinda old and worn out, so I ignored them and checked the room for hiding spots and there was only 2 in here... I checked the closet first and it was completely empty, so now was the bed, and when I looked under I was expecting to find something worth while, but this... made my mind go blank for a moment or 2 as they backed up against the wall.


((Y/N)'s POV)

This was not Carmelita and she said nobody else can see me unless they already know, but she looks really shocked to see me, so I don't think Carmelita let her in. I didn't run and just hoped she stays away until Carmelita comes. I could feel my heart beating so fast it almost hurts, but then when she blinked a few times she moved a little closer to me.

???-Um, hello there... little fella. Would you care to come out?

I just shook my head no to her and she only sat up then when she couldn't see me, I moved a little to the other part of the bed to escape, but stopped when she could see me again.


(Y/N)-Wh-Where's Carmelita?

???-Inspector Fox told me to come here. She pointed me this way. How do you think I got here... It's safe to come out.

(Y/n)-B-But she said-.

???-My name is Neyla, and I work with Interpol just like Carmelita. Here's my badge.

She reached into her pocket and did pull out a badge like I saw with Carmelita, she knows her, and she did find this place fast... I was scared still, but I did come out for her and she gave me almost the same look as the other cop did. She touched my head a little and rubbed my cheek before she stood up and I got on the bed.

Neyla-May I have your name?

(Y/N)-... (Y/N).

Neyla-I was under the impression that humans were extinct many years ago. How is it that you're still... here... Do you have parents?

(Y/N)-Well... My daddy froze us and he, my mommy, and 4 other adults are still sleeping.

Neyla-They are still at the station?

I just nodded my head yes and she slowly sat next to me then I tried to scoot away a little. but she pulled me back to where I was. I just wanted to get more space or even go back under the bed, but then she smelled me a little.

Neyla-Have you had a bath, yet?

(Y/N)-Um... Not since I woke up from the ice. I couldn't leave Carmelita's office.

Neyla-Well, now would be a good time since it's been well over thousands of years. I'll wait here while you go clean yourself... Off you go.

I just got up and went to the bathroom alone and locked the door before I turned on the water, but I saw there was only a tiny bottle of shampoo, conditioner, and soap.

(Neyla's POV)

I needed a moment to process all of this. Not only is there one human child, but 6 adults in total... For all we know, there could be more if they decided to freeze themselves like them and I have so many questions my head started to spin. I needed to take this one step at a time before my head really starts to hurt and when I could start to get ahold of myself, I turned my attention to the sound of running water. The human was bathing now and we have seen pictures in book, but I bet they saw a lot more with the adults if they are still unconscious or even in comas.

Neyla's mind-When is Carmelita coming back?... Should I just take him now since they are so rare?... No, I should confront Carmelita about this, keep this secret, and wait for an opportunity.

I want the Clockwork parts so ad still, but now i have a second target in mind... That human will be mine, but for now... I need to think of a way to settle about taking everyone else out of the picture.

Neyla's mind-You're a patient girl Neyla. In time, he will be all yours.

(Carmelita's POV)

I reported back to the head chief about the current status before I left the station and went to get some toys and food for the child since he looked miserable. I'm not expecting these to put a huge smile on his face since I know most of his suffering is being separated from his parents. The most annoying part is that the station wants to do a full physical on the child and it was too soon and I really don't want him to be stressed. If that wasn't enough, they want his location to be a secret to even more of the few that knows of the home and it's just me, the chief, and the driver that knows. We have to bring him back to the station tomorrow for the exam since I can't do it and I don't know how i'm gonna tell him.

Carmelita's mind-This is by far the most stressful assignment I had, yet.

When I was done shopping I just got in my car and headed to the cabin with all the things i just bought. When I made it back to the cabin I loaded all the bags on the porch for a start before I took out my key and unlocked the door get inside. I was greeted by the sight of (Y/N) just sitting on the couch and looking at the floor, completely bored... No, he looked tense.


Carmelita-Sorry to keep you waiting. I got food and some new toys for you... It must've been so scary to be alone.

(Y/N)-Huh?... I thought you told your friend to come here.

Carmelita-Friend?... Is someone here?

He just pointed down the hall where the bathroom was, so I pulled out my shock pistol and headed back there while he ran behind the couch completely scared now. Not only should I arrest them for tresspassing, but these special conditions are gonna make it harder on them. I saw the door was cracked and the sink was running, so I swung open the door and held up my weapon.

Carmelita-Interpol, hands in the-! Huh?!


Neyla-Why hello there. It's rude to barrage in on a lady while she's doing her make-up.

Carmelita-... What?! Are?! YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!


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