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(Lazarus's POV)

I woke up and saw my baby boy was still in the middle of us and Joan was still sleeping too, but I think it would best if Joan and I sneak away to go make breakfast for us and him. I tried poking and shaking her a little. She stirred a little, but didn't even open her eyes and I checked on (Y/N) to see he was still asleep. I tried other methods to wake Joan up gently and get her to come with me, but so far there was no luck, so I heard to try and whisper just loud enough to get her attention while also keeping (Y/N) asleep.

Lazarus-Joan... Joan, wake up. *whisper*


Lazarus-Joan, wake up. I might need some help with breakfast. *whisper*

Joan-... It's so warm... 5 more minutes... 10... 15... an hour.

Lazarus-Joan, not so loud, you might wake up (Y/N). *whisper*


I felt her wrap her arm around my waist before I saw her smile from trapping me in bed and I saw (Y/N) was stirring, but stayed asleep thankfully.

Lazarus-Joan, let me go. I'll go make breakfast myself. *whisper*

Joan-Hmmm... no.~

She rubbed my back a little and I tried to get out of bed with her holding on to me, but her grip was too strong. I really didn't want it to come to this, but I was to going to get my day started and that as final, so I carefully reached for Joan and pinched her nose closed and this made her wake up, let go of me, and jerk back a little.

Joan-Hey! *whisper*

Lazarus-I tried to-. *whisper*


I looked down to see my baby was waking up now, so I guess no surprise breakfast in bed. I wasn't mad, but a little annoyed that Joan playing around with me made my baby wake up and I know how she's going to make up for it since she saw I was a little upset with her.

Lazarus-Can you take (Y/N) to the living room and start a fire? I'll make breakfast for us before a bath.

Joan-Alight then... Are you mad?

Lazarus-No, just... next time try to pick a better time to play like that. Now come on.

She took my son out of bed with her, and he shivered from the cold air hitting him. He even curled up a bit in her arms as she carried him out of the room, and I followed them and headed for the kitchen. While I was cracking some eggs for some omelets, I heard Joan getting a fire going. I was gonna add some bacon and bell peppers to the omelets then when I got everything prepared and on the stove to cook, I just went to the living room to see Joan having my baby laying on top of her with his head under her chin and had him under a blanket for more warmth, and it looked so cute.

Lazarus-Breakfast should be down soon. I assume you got patrol today.

Joan-Ugh, I do. Gotta make sure nobody tries to kill that man. We have that house by the riverside for him and rations planned out for him, but that's it.

Lazarus-The one close to where most animals migrate at?

Joan-Yeah. Nice and pretty, he'll have copany, food and water, not even expected to have a job.

Lazarus-Well... maybe some time alone and with animals will do some good.

Joan-Don't really care. He's someone else's problem now.

I went back to the food to flip it a few times and added a few seasonings to make it better, but my mind went somewhere else thinking and remembering about what that man did and what he's doing now.

((D/N)'s POV)

I woke up this morning still kinda hurting to walk, the cell door was not even locked, so I could grab my pants leave. All that got me was lost in a forest until I decided to follow a river and after a 30 or so minute walk I saw a house with a water wheel, so I guess that was the house that they gave me. I decided to just go in and when I got in, it was already cleaned, had some furniture, and there was even an indoor water stream thanks to the wheel outside. I looked around some more and even saw some of the food was already here, some extra plain clothes, and there was even a fireplace near a bath that was constantly running with hot water. It was a nice-looking house, but with how I got here just made this worse because it was just a fucking reminder now. I did eat something and looked out a window to think about what to do next, but then...




I felt dread as I walked to the door and when I did I saw a girl with weapons on their sides and I was kinda scared because these women are fucking crazy.


???-Oh, you are here. I just came from your cell and was about to show you here.

(D/N)-Who are you and what do you want?

???-Well, i'm so far one of the few guards not dreaming or fantasizing about killing you... I'm Kimber. Just need to make sure your settled in and-.

(D/N)-Watch me right, like you're the cop for my house arrest?

Kimber-What's a cop?... You know what never mind. I can go over rules and just have to see to it that you behave and so someone doesn't try to kill you.

(D/N)-I don't want your help.

I tried to close the door on her, but she stopped me and pushed it back open to let herself in.

Kimber-I wasn't asking.

She was taller than me by a head and the way she looked around my house didn't look like a curious guest, but someone who was just examining a perimeter before she just sat on the couch and looked at me.

(D/N)-Didn't all of you hate me? I thought I was just going to be alone here until I die after you all made me get them pregnant then took my balls.

Kimber-In all fairness, the first punishment spoken of was far worse and would've killed you slowly. As for everyone hating you, we heard what you did to your son and not only that, you broke into a lot of house, and that scared a lot of people.

(D/N)-I was looking for my son after you wouldn't give him, I never molested him, and what you all did was fucking inhumane!

Kimber-Would you rather be tied to a post with your wrists and ankles cut open, and be left to bleed to death in the middle of the woods?... Didn't think so... I was one of the girls who was objecting to kill you, and thought redemption was... somewhat possible.

This was irritating the hell out of me, but I know I can't physically force her out of here. I need to lose her if I want any chance of getting my son back, but what made me stop thinking of that was that she suddenly got up and took her clothes off and I didn't feel turned on as much by this, but this was what Layla did too.

(D/N)-What are you doing?

Kimber-I skipped my morning bath to get you. You need one too, I can smell you from here.

(D/N)-Get out of my house!

She just sighed before she walked over to me and grabbed my ear to pull me with her into the bathroom with her. She even tried to take my clothes off and there was a part of me that still wanted this, but I mostly wanted this to stop.

Kimber-Honestly, they say your son does the same thing and I can see where he gets it from!

The whole bath was her forcing me while also being careful of the stitches until I finally did myself. We just sat in the water as I just looked down the whole time completely defeated in this moment. It was just silence while we soaked in the water.

Kimber-I know you're getting used to this, bu-.

(D/N)-Don't even fucking start with me... You people take a part of my body and have someone feed it to a wild animal. You're sick fucks.

Kimber-Feed them to-?... *Snicker* Hana left the note didn't she? We still have your balls safely stored with other organs we keep stored. Hana probably said whatever she said to take a jab at you. We thought in case something happened to (Y/N) or the chance for redemption happened or if something happened to (Y/N) and-... Not all were on board though at first.


I was relieved a tiny bit if this was the truth since there was a chance I could steal them back too, but I was still pissed they were cut off in the first place. We were not even close to be friends and the feeling of me wanting to kick her out burned inside me.

Kimber-Hana can be sweet, but if you do something to piss her off she's vicious... You should've seen when happened when some drunk party girl at a party was picking on her 3-year-old daughter... That woman has fucking claws.

(D/N)-You're trying to make me feel better, you're doing a horrible job.

Kimber-Never said it would, but it's better than thinking about her lie to you and you can know her bad side.

(D/N)-Just get your check done for the day and leave.

Kimber-That's the fun part. I don't have a home since I stay in house after house with others, but you can say hi to your new roommate.


((Y/N)'s POV)

Joan just left after she got dressed and Lazarus was waving her goodbye outside while still wearing no clothes before she came back in. She sat next to me on the couch and grabbed a book before she curled up and pulled me on her lap. She held the book in front of me while she started reading. She was even stopping at times to pet my head or kiss my cheek, but I just wanted to leave and get dressed to see my dad. I know he's at a house near a river and if I can get her to let me outside... Maybe...



(Y/N)-Can I go out to play with Addison, Jenny, and Fawn?

Lazarus-I don't think they are out playing right now sweetie. Maybe later I can take you to Jenny's... She could use a friend right now, but needs her mom.

Well that plan backfired to at least get some clothes on, but now I can't say never mind because then she might find out why I wanted to go outside. I need to think of something else.

(Lazarus's POV)

I was a little nervous to go to he's friends, not because of Jenny, but because of her mother. If she sees me like this and I know how she gets with most girls,... but I can't dress up because then it'll probably ruin the progress we made since he doesn't notice it, but he stopped fighting me completely. I'll endure it for my son.

Lazarus's mind-Lucinda might be a little wild, but she won't take me in front of the kids. Yeah,... I just need to keep (Y/N) and Jenny in the room with us and it'll be fine.


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