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(2 Days Later)

(Rouge's POV)

I had Bro go shopping for more food and things to help polish my baby, but as for him, he was kinda pouty that Amy and Cream were trying to pack a few more things for him after my treasures were all packed up or I traded for something even more beautiful. I was cleaning his ears and by the time we're done i'm taking him in my bathroom for a shower with him which the girls wanted to join. I don't mind that much, but what i'm gonna do to clean him comes first. Just when I flipped him over to get his other ear cleaned, brushed, and filled with peroxide to make sure all that oil is out, he was facing away from my stomach now.

(Y/N)-Why can't I go help pack my things and they can.

Rouge-You being clean takes top priority mister. I'm not standing for even one spot to be misses and so help me if I spot a pimple on you, ever-.

(Y/N)-It's a mud bath with a face mask, and cucumbers, before you pop and clean it with rubbing alcohol.

We had an incident earlier where I thought a spec of tomato sauce that was accidently splashed on his neck from when Bri poured some tomato soup for grilled cheese one time for lunch. I was fully prepared to do it and was annoyed, but sort of relieved when it just took one wipe of a napkin to clean him. Needless to say I dragged Bri out to the shed where her room was to brutally punish her for getting my son dirty at all. It ended with her front and backsides completely red after I whipped her with a plastic wire and that made her think twice from getting sloppy like that around us.

Rouge-That's right. After this it's shower time and we're doing what we did last night. I don't care if the others are there and you can splash around in the puddles after.

(Y/N)-What?! That makes my hair feel weird though and it feels like there's sand in it!

Rouge-It's to keep pimples off your head too. You're doing it.


Rouge-No buts. Unless you don't want to come with us.

(Y/N)-*Groan*... Fine.

I just smiled that he really does want to come live with me to the point I can pretend to threaten him into leaving him here to get him to do what I want. He was coming rather if he liked it or not, but it was still fun.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Amy's POV)

Rouge was really stubborn on cleaning (Y/N) without us getting involved to help and she's using a special kind of shampoo and conditioner that when I put a little between my fingers it did feel sandy. It's supposed to help your skin and hair, but I can see why he doesn't like it then again, I can't say I don't want his hair to be more soft, clean of pimples, and fluffy. Cream, Cheese, and were cleaning ourselves until (Y/N) was finally done and Rouge moved on to herself while (Y/N) still looked kinda embarrassed to be in here with us, but he did splash in the few puddles in here until I grabbed his arm and got on my knees to make him lay his head on my lap.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Amy-Just hold still.

I just played with his hair and already could tell how much softer it was while even still wet then I could only imagine how it will be when he's dry. Just then I noticed how hard he was blushing and the others were watching, so I had 2 options. I could let him go and let him save a bit of his pride or... I stopped playing with his hair and flopped his ear a little and caressed it a little or even cupped it to play with it. His little cheeks just looked so pink and adorable, but by the time it was time to get out of the shower and dry off we heard a doorbell. Since Bri was in her room in the shed, I don't think she heard it.

Amy-I'll get it in a second.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Tail's POV)

I was waiting out here for what felt like a while and I know Amy and the others are still here because I just flew over this place last night while they were out in the backyard having a fire with smores after I collected the final emerald and just put the final touches on the machine. Soon the door finally opened and i saw it was Amy and Cream and they looked like they just got out of a shower.


Tails-Where's Cheese, the other girl, and the kid?

Cream-Cheese is helping Rouge out with (Y/N). She's very picky on how he does his hair to make sure it's completely dry the way she wants.

Tails-Huh?... Never mind that. We got the last emerald from Eggman's hideout and ready to go tonight.


Tails-So i'm going to need that answer after he's done.

Amy-Maybe this will answer it for you.

She led me inside and this was a nice house then she took me to room that must be his and there as 3 big suitcases. The big stuff was left out of course since he can't take those with him.

Cream-He's really excited to go and helped pack most of this.

Tails-Well I still want to see him myself. Just for my conscious.

Amy-Rouge is busy with him, so don't expect a full introduction. Come on, let's go see him.

She took me to another room and when she opened the door I just saw how fancy and nice this room looked until I saw the who must be Rouge brushing, and combing (Y/N)'s hair while Cheese was helping by shining a light him then they both looked at us.


Rouge-Who is this?

I could tell from the looking her eyes and she pulled the kid a little closer to her that she already didn't like us being in here or something. I remembered Amy's warning and I guess she was right.

Amy-This is my friend Tails. He wanted to talk to (Y/N) to see if he really does want to back home us.

(Y/N)-I do... I thought you told your friend that.

Rouge-See, now we're busy and I need his full attention, please.

Tails-If I can just talk to him for a-.

Rouge-Sorry hun, but that's a no. Odds are i'm probably already going to have to wash his hair, so i'm taking him.

(Y/N)-I just had shower.

Rouge-I know you can probably feel those grains left in your hair.

(Y/N)-... I mean...

Rouge-Come on. You know I won't stand for this.

She just wrapped his upper half body in a towel and took him to the bathroom before I heard a sink turn on. She was just so cold towards me and seemed to really care about his hygiene a lot. I looked back to Amy and I guess this answers my question on if he really wants to come, but the most surprising is...

Amy-I know. She even calls it "polishing".

Tails-... Huh?

Cream-We just like to give him some extra attention.

I took a look at a mirror in here to see a reflection into the bathroom where (Y/N) was leaning back over a sink to have water poured on him while his hair is combed. Amy took me with her out of the room and I saw nothing really bad, but just kinda odd.

Tails-Well... I'll come get you all later when everything is finished. Just meet me in the forest tonight.

Amy-Tell the others we said hi.

(Timeskip to Night)

(Amy's POV)

We sent Bri out on a run just for her to get what she wants since "We're sorry and she can have the big room again in secret". In reality, she'll be out for a long time and we were currently getting (Y/N) ready to head out and he was excited to go. He even asked about when his mom and dad could visit and... we decided to brush that off for now and just told him we'll talk about it after he gets settled him. The only question for me was how was I going to get him to my place since I persuaded him with my cooking, but he likes some of the treatments Rouge does to him, and he can almost never say no to Cream. The deal that we made yesterday was that he chooses, and we swap at times and I am determined to have the first turn.

*Ding dong*

Amy-That's Tails. (Y/N), grab your bag and I have your suitcases.

He did what I said while Rouge answered the door and we saw Tails at the door and Rouge seduced him a bit and I don't know what angle she was playing, but I got in between them.


Amy-Ok, let's get going. I'm sure (Y/N) will like to sleep soon.

Tails-Uh, y-yeah.

Rouge just winked at him before he went to his plane, and she helped me with his and her bags out jewelry she wants to keep. When we all got the plane packed up, Rouge flew herself using her wings to follow us to where Tails is heading. On the way there, Cream and Cheese were sitting in the back with him to cuddle him and luckily, I came prepared to, but i'll save it when we get back to our world.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Cream was cuddling me and I did it back since it was cold up here then soon I kinda heard Amy and Tails talking which was kinda hard to hear because of the wind. Later we landed and I got my stuff out of the plane with some help and I tried to help Rouge with her stuff, but her bags were so big and too heavy to carry, but she picked them up while making it look kinda easy.

(Y/N)'s mind-How strong is she?! Those things are heavier than my bed mattress!

Cream-Where are the others?

Tails-Already went through before I came to get you guys. We wanted to make sure Eggman didn't try anything to stay and cause problems.

Amy-*Sigh* Figures Sonic already left.

Tails-Hey, you'll see him at home for sure. You know how he pops up when you need him.

I don't know who Sonic is, but I snapped out of it when Cream took my hand and we looked at the portal before Rouge was the first to go in with her stuff.

Rouge-See you at home (Y/N).~

Soon I couldn't see her through the light anymore then Amy took my bags and stood by my side as she, Cream, and Cheese lead me to the portal as Tails started to drive his plane too it. When we got inside I felt like we were kinda falling, but we could still walk a little until I quickly saw a way out and it was coming fast until... we were flung forward and I feel on the ground, but it was soft dirt, so it didn't hurt. The plane came flying out and Tails left us while waving goodbye then the portal closed, but I know he can open it again to let my parents come. I got up and I saw Rouge walk up to me then the others stood next to her while each holding a suitcase of mine.


Rouge-Now that we're here, we need to ask you a question.


Cream-We thought we let you choose and you can even switch some nights. Amy and I each put everything you need for clothes in each bag.

Amy-So who do you want to spend the night with first? Oh, and before I forget, I made this for you.~

She opened the suitcase of mine she had and pulled out a container before she opened and what I saw inside looked so good.


It was huge like I could eat off it like a plate huge, but then Rouge gently made me look at her.

Rouge-Look how dirty you are. I know a certain bubble bath that someone loves will fix that up. Extra long to let you play with bubbles and maybe even after, I can even give you that massage you grown to love.~

I do love to play with bubbles, and at first I felt weird about it, then I kinda liked having my back and neck rubbed, but that chocolate bar looks so big and good then I felt a little tug at my arm and looked to see Cream was looking at me in a way that it's really, really, really hard to say no to her and what made it harder was that she had flowers.


Cream-Don't you want to come with me? My mommy will be so happy to meet you!~

It was starting to feel really hard to pick, but I had to pick someone and now the question is...

(Y/N)'s mind-Who do I go with first?


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