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(Roxy's POV)

I was doing my makeup in my room to look my best for when my favorite fan comes back to see me, and he'll be nice and clean for me. After I was done, I headed for the main stage area and I think we should start with my racetrack, so he can sit on my lap as I drive with him. On my way to the spot where I will be meeting Chica and (Y/N) though, something stopped me...

Chica-AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! *down the halls*

Roxy-Chica?... (Y/N)!

I ran down the hall as fast as I could to the point I would slide at the corner and punch a hole through the wall to stop at the sharp turns. I soon made it to the shower areas where I saw Chica swinging open lockers and looking in laundry bins.


Roxy-What happened?!

Chica-I went to go get another towel and when I came back there was a knife on the floor and (Y/N) was gone!

I felt the same pain as I did when officer Vanessa took my little fan and it was clear that he was not in here, so I ran out of here to go look for him and she followed my lead. If there was a knife that came out of nowhere then I don't think he just ran off and somebody else was here.

Roxy's mind-When I find who you are and you so much so much as laid eyes on my favorite fan, i'll rip your body parts off and smash your face in with my bare hands!

(Y/N)'s POV)

I was alone as I was quietly walking down a hall until I made it to the big stage area and robots were everywhere for security. I tried my best to stay away from them as I tried to get to the main stage and I know there's a backstage and when there's a backstage, there's a way outside. When I made it to the big main room where the stage was I saw that this place was bigger when it was empty. The walk way was blocked and so were some of the stairs were too, so I tried to find another way to get to the stage until...

Chica-(Y/N)!!!... (Y/N) HONEY, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?! *echo*

It sounded like it was coming from upstairs, so now I can't go to the stage or she might see. I had to get back to the elevator and just pressed a button without looking for the doors to just close and when I looked I saw it was the dance floor and arcade. When the doors opened I just went to the dance floor to see Music Man was off which was weird because I never saw him turned off before, but I jumped when I heard the speakers for announcements and stuff made a beep.

???-Oh, baby bunny, mama was so worried about you. Go to the elevator and to the lobby floor, mommy's waiting for you.~

I was not going to the elevator and I never heard that voice before, so I decided to check the doors at the arcade, but most of the doors were locked without a security badge. Just then the speakers beeped again.

???-Baby, I can see you and I know you're being bad. Mama is going to count to 3 and if you're not going to the elevator, i'll have someone hold you and come to you myself.

There was no way I was listening to them and just kept on walking down the arcade since I remember a room where they take broken games. Maybe there was backdoor.

???-1... 2... 3!

At first nothing bad happened and I think she was just talking about the robots I was already sneaking by until...

I remember this music from Music Man, and I just laughed since she thinks playing music will do anything. I even heard a man's voice talking about 3 levers to do something and I saw a lever by a game, but I didn't touch it in case something bad happens... It suddenly just sparked a little before the light turned green then the music changed. I thought it was nothing, but then I felt the ground shaking a bit and when I looked to where I heard some thumping, I saw something on the ceiling that made me freeze for a bit.


(Y/N)-*Faster breathing* AAAAAHHHHHH!!!

I started running while it was coming after me then the music changed again and I could hear it coming after me. It chased me through the arcade and I even tried to hide in some of the karaoke rooms, but all Music Man was reach in for me and I was lucky to get on top of his hand and jump over to run under him and deeper into the arcade. I made it to the door where broken games go and the music changed again and I used to love this song, but now it was just so scary now. The door swung open and I saw his giant hand reach in for me, but I know he can't fit and I kept on running until I saw all the games back here.

(Y/N)'s mind-Backdoor, there has to be a backdoor!

I kept on running through the games as to the wall hoping to get out of here, but all I saw was a dead end.

(Y/N)-Well, at least he can't get me here.

Just then something sparked behind me and I looked to see it was another lever box and the music changed again. I felt the ground shake again before I looked up to a giant hole in the wall and saw Music Man coming out of it, so I screamed and ran before it could get all the way in then things got worse when a game console flew over me and crashed into other games. More of them flew over me and I couldn't run anymore since I might get hit and the path was blocked before I was grabbed. I screamed louder and tried to get out as the took me with them back in the hole in the wall.

(Vanny's POV)

I had everything ready for my baby bunny to sleep in a stroller I gave extra straps, and even a combination lock on it to make sure he was safe to take back to the car after I lift the lockdown. Now I have to go up and put him to sleep after I hoped he was going to be a good little bunny for me. I made it to the dance floor and when I did I saw DJ Music Man holding my baby bunny in his hand and he just looked so cute when he was scared, but I prefer him to be smiling or even sleeping.


Vanny-There's my bad baby bunny. You earned a punishment and nap when we get home.~


Vanny-I'm so glad you said that! Now you heard him, he wants his mommy.~

As my baby bunny was given back to me he only screamed and wiggled more in my arms, but I held him tight as I went to the elevator with him. The ride to the lobby floor was really loud as my baby bunny got more cranky, but when the doors opened and I was about to walk down the stairs...


I turned towards the photo booths and saw Roxy next to them, so I pulled out my knife.



She ran to me at a full sprint, and I know I can't beat her in a head on fight and she was faster than me too, so I have to out flank her. When she dove, I dodged her attack while she was midair, but as a result (Y/N) managed to break free and as soon as he hit the ground, he started running.



He didn't listen to her and ran to the big pair of doors and I know where those lead. I had to wrap this up quick and get away from her to wait for another chance, so I pulled out my phone and turned the security robots on her and only 2 were up here.


(No POV)

The 2 robots headed for Roxy as Vanny ran to follow (Y/N), but after the doors closed both robots were about to rip Roxy apart... That would be the case if her eyes didn't start glowing and she punched a hole into one of the robot's head then grabbed ahold to rip their head off and used it to help beat the other then ripped their arms off. When both robots were destroyed her breathing was so heavy and full of anger that when she walked up to the doors to follow the others... she kicked the doors down.

Roxy-That is my... superstar.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could hear footsteps running by then soon others with heavy breathing as I hid in the boy's bathroom. It was dark besides the creepy wet floor signs looking at me, but soon I took a peek out in the hall and saw the doors I came in at were kicked down. I had no idea where I was, but I decided to keep going down the hallway since Roxy and that bunny lady were both gone. I never been down here, but soon I saw a slide and there was a fence I could climb over to stay up here. I was about to go that way until...

Chica-Roxy?!... (Y/N) sweetie?! Is anyone here?! *echo*

I needed to hide quickly before Chica sees me, so I went down the slide and when I made it to the bottom, I landed in a ball pit and thought I should stay under the balls for a while. I didn't even know this place even had a ball pit.

(Y/N)'s mind-Where am I?

After a while and I didn't hear anything I got up to see a playground in here, plastic walls, castle towers, and when I walked in the ball pit to get out I saw something else jump in here, but I didn't get a good look until it jumped out and grabbed me.


???-Well hello there new friend! You're the first one here today, so lucky you. Oh we can do all sorts of fun things, like drawing, or tag, or drink some fizzy faze until our heads EXPLODE!!!... We just need to make sure the lights stay on, but it's daytime, so that shouldn't be a problem!

I was just screaming and tried to get this guy to put me down and soon he did, so I ran since he's just another crazy robot here! I ran to what looked like a workers desk as he skipped to follow me.

???-New friend, we can't go over to that desk. We can have fun over here!

I saw a button and maybe that opens the door, so I reached out to press it as i was almost there.


I hit the button, but it only turned off the lights in here and I heard noises coming from the robot guy behind.


He stumbled back until he trip over a cushion thing and I couldn't see him for a second, I saw him get back up with the first thing was... red eyes.


???-*Sigh* Naughty boy... You must be punished.~

He was getting closer until he jumped at me and I was about to turn the lights back on, but he grabbed me and pulled me away before he held me up and really tight. I kicked him with both feet in the chest to make him drop me, before I panicked and ran away screaming. I was quickly grabbed again then this time held against a clear plastic was and it actually hurt so much I started crying.

???-Bad children must be punished. *chuckling*

I couldn't look away as he squeezed me tighter and I don't know if I was seeing things, but behind me... I thought I could see a blue glowing light before...


An arm came past me and grabbed this creepy guy's neck as bits of plastic were sent flying. I was dropped and more of the wall broke before I saw Chica walk in and not only did she look very angry while holding this guy up... her eyes were the thing that was glowing blue.


Chica-You were breaking my baby... Now i'm going to have so much fun breaking you... *SCREECH*

Her loud scream as she dropped him made him not able to move before she kicked him so hard he was sent flying to the play set and even bent the bars when he hit it. I took this chance to run away even if it was dark, but when I crawled out through the hole and was about to go up[ the stairs in the dark.


I saw him hit the wall right in front of me and he was sparking while one of his eyes was blinking as he was trying to get up.


I looked at her and she had a creepy smile on her face and I was froze as she came to pick me up and took me back into the place that said "Daycare".

Chica-Go play for a while sweetie. Mama needs to talk with our Daycare provider. I'll be close by.~

She pet me head while I couldn't move until I fell back on my butt and she closed the door while winking at me. Soon I heard all kinds of crashing and smashing noises followed with screaming and when she's done out there, she'll take me again...

(Y/N)'s mind-I gotta hide.

(No POV)

With quick thinking, (Y/N) thought it would be better if the lights stayed off to help him hide, so he went to the desk to find something to break the switch while grabbing another security pass and the thing his used to break the light switch was... a flashlight. Now he went to go hide with his flashlight and waited for Chica to be done and come in, so he could try and sneak out.


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