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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was nighttime and we made a pizza in the pizza air fryer to make it crispy since it even had stuffed crust. I was used to having left over pizza whenever I do this, but this was a nice change to share with someone and she had half of the pizza. I also wanted to do movie nights with someone again, but I don't know what kind of stuff she likes that I can watch. I'm not allowed to watch scary movies, my grandpa lets me watch PG-13 movies sometimes and I know some good ones, but I think I should ask what kind of stuff she likes after dinner. When we finished eating and I washed my plate a little to put it in the dishwasher she did the same and I took her hand and pulled her into the living room with me.

(Y/N)-Hey, what movies do you like?

Penelope-Um... Let me see what you got.

(Penelope's POV)

He took me to the T.V. and he had all kinds of streaming channels, but went to VUDU to show me all the movies he had, and he had over a hundred to choose from. I was about to pick an action movie I saw once that had some horror, but then he looked nervous. I thought about it and decided to not have a scared kid clinging to me at night, so I decided against it and soon found something that wasn't too childish that was kid friendly and that was Jumanji. The movie started then he snuggled up to my side and I was about to push him away,... but decided against it when it felt kinda nice. During the whole movie the only part scared him was when the boy was sucked in the gamed, and those spiders showed up. When it was near the end the doorbell rang and (Y/N) jumped a bit which was kinda funny, but then he got really happy.

(Y/N)-It's here!

He jumped off the couch practically to go run to the door to open it and when I walked to follow him, I saw him pushing in a big box inside and there were a few other boxes with logos of the clothes I bought and I was going to shop more before I bought everything, but I guess he went ahead and got everything, but I had no idea what was in that big box though. We just brought everything inside and I took out my clothes that were brand new, but he was pushing the big box to my room and I watched him open it. He was having a problem, so I used my long nail to poke a hole in the tape and go from there and when I opened the box I froze a bit as I had an idea what it was, but when he pulled everything out,... I was mad, yet not surprised.


It was big enough for me to sleep on and of curse he thinks of me as a pet, he sees the ears and tail, and assumes i'm like most others who love to swat at cat toys. He just set up everything in the cover before he looked at me with a smile and I was giving him a blank look, but I wasn't happy with him.

(Y/N)-Do you like it? I got the comfiest ones I could find and I think red, silver, and black are so cool together. Look, it even comes with its own pillow, so you have extra cushion, but if you're like me and like to cuddle tall pillows then I can get you one tomorrow.

Penelope-No. Thank you.

I just watched him get the bed set up for me, but I guess he wanted to try it and rolled around in it and even sunk into it a little. It looked like he was really cozy and for some reason it was just hard to stay mad at him, but when I wasn't that made anymore I thought popped into my head and a real smile curved onto my face.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This bed was so cozy and fluffy like when I take all of the pillows in the house and put them in a pile to lay on them. This blanket was so fluffy and soft too since it was new and love it when they are new or fresh out of a dryer. I soon got so comfy and Penelope laid next to me and rubbed my head and for second I almost forgot this was her bed, but I think we can both fit easy if I wanted to sleep with her.


Penelope-You look comfy in my new bed you got for me.~

(Y/N)-I am... Maybe we can sleep together tonight... You know, in case you need help sleeping in a new house.

Penelope-How thoughtful, but I need to take a bath before bed and need to do more shopping for clothes, but... I don't think I have room for everything I need.

(Y/N)-What, but you just need a dresser, and maybe-.

Penelope-I need brushes, lotions, lots of clothes, space to do my makeup, and not feel like i'm in a tiny room. I'm bigger, so I need more room... like your grandpa did when he had that room.

I guess that makes sense, so we can switch rooms, but there was a problem since my stuff will never fit in here, but most importantly.

(Y/N)-But my bed would never fit in here or the other stuff since it's too big.

Penelope-We don't need to move it.

(Y/N)-Then maybe we can share the big room.

Penelope-Then it will be very crowded. I won't get rid of any of your grandpa's stuff.

(Y/N)-Well... What about your bed? Maybe this can be your room at night and we switch again at daytime.

Penelope-If you want to sleep with me so badly, we can do it, but we need to get another dresser in here for your clothes.

(Y/N)-My old dresser is in the closet.

Penelope-Perfect, we can do it right now. We'll even put this out in the living room for naps and get you a new bed. Anyone you want.

I did always want one of those beds that's also a playset, but grandpa said I would play on it during bedtime. I helped her move my clothes back in here and she got some of her new clothes up in her closet and she wanted me to wait in my room while she did more shopping, so I just went on the new cat bed again since it was cozy and I got my big stuffed tiger to cuddle with and I like it was bigger than me, so I could use the front paws as pillows and the back paws and tail can go in the middle of me legs while I hug it. I had to stay awake to wait for Penelope to be done and I can't wait to sleep with my new pet tonight.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

(Penelope's POV)

I finally got done with all my shopping and saw it was almost midnight, so I went to go get a little snack, like some crackers or something. I passed my new room that I got (Y/N) to switch with me willing and all my clothes should be here tomorrow, but foe now I just got a snack and went to my room to get changed into something cozy and looked in a mirror to see how good I looked in pajama shorts, and a white top. I liked how it felt and I went to (Y/N)'s room and I expected him to be asleep in that cat bed, but when I made it there, I saw him looking very tired and having a hard time staying awake while he was cuddling with a big toy of his.


He weakly sat up and I could see a bit of bags under his eyes a little then I walked up to him only to be surprised that he held his arms up to me, telling me that he wants me to pick him up.

Penelope-You look so tired. Why are you still up?

(Y/N)-I really wanted to *yawn* sleep with you.

I wasn't really surprised by that answer, but it was so cute. I did pick him up and he wrapped his arms around me to hold on even if his grip was weak. I took him back to my new master bedroom and laid in bed with him next to me and I saw his eyes were already closed. Again, not very surprising,... until he landed a kiss on my cheek and... I haven't felt that in a very long time.


He nuzzled into me and in less than 30 minutes I heard cute little snores when his breathing changed. I have been fighting these feelings all day, but keeps on making me want to adore and coo him. I can't do that though, besides the fact that I play idiots like him all the time, so this should be nothing. if I wanted to, I could have left him to sleep in that cat bed.

Penelope's mind-Yeah... He also did look so cute while he looked at me so groggy and-. NO, SHUT UP AND GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!!

I was fighting myself more until (Y/N) suddenly started to kiss my collar bone in his sleep, so it was probably a sleeping habit. I was about to push him away, but... he looked so peacful and there was nothing lewd behind this, so i just laid still. Soon I thought of something and scooted back a bit to see him kissing the air a few times before I turned him over slowly and started to spoon him and let him kiss my wrist until he started to suckle on it a little and I would usually think it was weird, but... It was just so cute!


I didn't even try to stop purring and when I put my wrist done he made a few slowly kissing noises before they stopped. I went over everything today, from being too nice in the park, sharing all his secrets, loving to play with lots of energy, and he loved laying in the cat bed that he got for me.

Penelope's mind-I know you think of me as your new pet, but compared to me...

He acts more like a pet than me... I'll let him pretend that i'm his pet and will obey him, but the fact is that it's the other way around.

Penelope's mind-See you in the morning... kitten.~

(No POV)

Penelope just closed her eyes to cuddle with (Y/N) as she went to sleep in her new home. She was going to enjoy her new life with (Y/N) and so was he under the thought that he was the boss of her. Meanwhile in town a neko ran away from home after she has had it with her new owner constantly yelling at her then started hitting her after he was divorced, left with lots of debt from his gambling and sued for compensation money, but tried to take her neko from her abusive husband as he basically held her hostage. As she cried in the streets alone at night, too scared to sleep because of her shy nature, she decided to go into the woods and find a tree or something to sleep on or under.

???-*Sniffle*... Wh-Why was he so mean?

She remembered her dream when she was a kitten to be adopted by a nice human and live in a nice home and a woman gave her that at first, but years when she met someone, it started out better, but slowly started to change. Feeling and thinking that she was abandoned with that cruel man, she lost trust in her old owner too.

???-'s mind-I... I just want a nice home again.


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