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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 5

It's been 3 months since my grandpa died and he was the only family I had left that I know about, so I got his house, but I was alone. I know how to clean a lot of it, the shopping is easy to do online, I can buy whatever I want since his old company gives me money, and school is easy to do online, but the only problem was... there was nobody to talk to. It was so boring here when there's nobody to play with, and with school out for the summer, there was nothing to do. My food won't be here until tomorrow and I have nothing sweet to it and some candy or something sounds awesome, but then I remembered there was a candy store near the park.

(Y/N)-How much do I have in coins?

All the money I have is on the computer and stuff, and the candy store doesn't do that, so I checked in my room and found that I have about $15.75 in quarters. That should be enough for a lot chocolate while playing at the park, so I ran out the door.

(???'s POV)

I just got out of the pond at the park for a quick bath with some soap I stole from a hotel a few blocks away. I love baths, but I can't always take them the way I like and this one barely counts since I love it when someone I know leaves home on vacation or something and I managed to sneak in and took a nice, long, and hot bath. When I dried of by shaking off the water and using the sunlight, I got dressed in some clothes I found in a suitcase at a fancy hotel a few days back. Now for the most important part of the day... I was starving.

???'s mind-Where can I find some food... I'm sick of that hotdog cart.

I looked around my area and saw a few good places, but something was giving me a sweet tooth and I saw a candy store just across the street, but there was a few cops patrolling the area today, so I can't get caught. I tried to think about it and there was no way I was going to beg anyone for money by getting on my knees. I tried to look for what might be a close second around here, so I can get out of sight quick, but with cops here, it's very risky and can land me in a pound. Just then I saw a little boy and based on his clothing, he most come from a family with good income.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I had a bag full of candy and the good ones too like reeces, skittles, life savers, twix, and a bag of fun sized chocolate. I could be out here for hours and go home later to put the rest in the fridge. While I was running to the park I saw a big crowd of pigeons, so I ran to them to make them fly when I got close. I watched them all fly before I sat down for a bit to have some chocolate, but soon I felt someone tap my shoulder, so I turned around to see a woman, but then I noticed they had cat ears, and grandpa told me about these very expensive pets... A neko.


???-Well hello there, Nya.~

She hopped over the bench and sat next to me while putting her arm behind the bench, but I was looking at her ears. They looked so fluffy and the wind blew the fur a little and made one flicker a bit and I thought it was cute. I couldn't look away from them until...


???-Hey, you listening?

(Y/N)-Oh, um... Hi.

???-I just asked where your parents were or are you big enough to come here by yourself?

(Y/N)-Um... I don't have a mom or dad. I'm here alone.

???-Oh then do you have grandparents, auntie, uncle, or... Maybe let's change subject. How would you like to make a-.

*Stomach growl*

I looked at her belly for a second before I looked at her tail and when I thought it might be a little rude, I looked back to her and saw she was looking at my candy bag for a second. I don't see a collar on her, but she looked clean and pretty, so her owner or someone must be close, but... I don't mind sharing.

(Y/N)-Want some?

???-What? No.

(Y/N)-But I saw you looking at my bag. Here.

I grabbed a few fun sized cady and held it out to her then saw he tail go up which grandpa told me that's when a cat is happy, but she turned away from me.

???-I'm fine without your candy.

(Y/N)-Oh,... ok... Where's your owner?

???-I don't have one, alright.

I heard her tummy growl again and I was starting to think she lied about not being hungry, so this time I just put the candy next to her before I got up and gave her a smile to let her know it was ok. Maybe she just needs to know i'm a friend.

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N). What's your name?

???-*Sigh* Penelope.

It was quite for a second before she just took the candy and I kinda laughed from how she tried to hide it. She said she doesn't have an owner and that means she doesn't have a home... There's a lot of room at my house and I always wanted a pet... It's a win, win for both of us.

(Penelope's POV)

I tried to ignore this kid and he's nice, but on the streets, I can take advantage of that and get him to do something to leave his candy here and walk off with it. Suddenly I felt him poke my arm and he was giving me a smile like he was kinda excited and even bounced in place a little. This was kinda weird, but just as I was about to trick him into leaving his candy here he suddenly scooted closer and...

(Y/N)-Do you want to come live with me?!

Penelope-... Huh?

I know some kids were easy to trick, but he was asking me to live in his house and there was no way it could happen with another adult there. Most of them are so damn annoying when they treat me like an actual cat, despise me for who I am, or just hella stuck up.

Penelope-I don't think your family or whoever you're staying with will let me.

(Y/N)-It's my grandpa's house and he passed, so I get money. My sister said she was just going to go on a trip for a long time, but will technically live there. She'll be back soon though and won't mind.

Penelope-What, how long was she gone?

(Y/N)-I... think about almost a year before our grandpa died. She's also really hard to call after that boyfriend of hers took her on a cruise.

He actually said that like nothing was wrong and it was clearly obvious that she was not coming back. This changes everything because now I can always have a soft bed, warm baths, a roof over my head, and no annoying adults. This kid might think of me as pet or something since he clearly eyes my ears and tail, but from how dull he is, I can handle him no problem. I just put on a smile, a real one since I could get off these damn streets.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

The whole walk was him bouncing around me while he tried to talk about his house and it was kinda in the country near the town. There was plenty of privacy at least, but now I expect an old log cabin at best, but when we made it to the house... it was actually kinda nice and homey.


(Y/N)-Come on, let's go inside!

He pulled me with him and opened a sliding glass door before he looked it like the gate out front. Last family I was with their son would never close any door, not even the bathroom and the worst part was, he was a spoiled 20 year old. When we got inside it was actually fairly clean and if he was really living alone then he must clean or have someone do it.

(Y/N)-Come on, i'll give you a tour to my room which was my grandpa's old room, you can sleep in the empty bed room. We'll just have to get you a bed and everything.

He showed me room after room and this house wasn't huge like the others, but it did take a bit since he wanted to tell some stories about his life here. The last stop was his room and he ran in to jump onto his bed and when I walked in...


(Y/N)-Tada!... I kept all my grandpa's tuff to help remember him, except the new blankets. You see this is my favorite color and there was just so much pillows to help make a fort with the other spare pillows we have that my grandpa and used to-.

I stopped paying attention to what he was saying to process on how this kid was and not only was he sweet to bring me to his home to live here, he never once tried to beckon my like a cat, but instead just held my hand to show me everything and spill every secret like he already completely trusts me. He wasn't even shy to tell me the combo to the safe in the basement that his grandpa keep his guns, the deed to the house, and his bank info... It was all just so easy, it was too much.

Penelope's mind-There is no way he's not at least a little skeptical of me. We met not even an hour ago.

Just then he ran to me to pull me to the office where I saw a few toys on the floor and a stuffed teddy bear by the computer.

(Y/N)-I keep my bear hear to talk to him during school or he helps me remember stuff with his little tape recorder. His nose is to record and stop, and his little hand button is to play. I mostly use it for shopping for food that should be here tomorrow. I got fruits, canned veggies, hot pockets, milk, burritos, ice cream,-.

He went on and I found an amazon icon, so I clicked on it and found stuff for my room and that kinda small and empty, but i'll just get clothes, bed, and bathroom stuff for me for now until I can think of other things. While I was shopping he finally calmed down a little and just played with one of his toys on the ground and he even rolled around on the floor a little to do while making a few plane noises until he accidently dropped it and hit his head a little which made him curl up a bit.


He looked at me with innocent looking eyes before he smiled then left the room to go do something else. Just then I thought of other things I would need like space to do make up, and all that other stuff. Just as I was looking for a small dresser when I remember the big one in the room, something popped up on the screen and it said "Unfinished homework, click here to go finish". It was a parental lock thing or some kind of program.

Penelope-(Y/N), this computer says to finish your homework or I can't buy this stuff!

(Y/N)-Oh, be there in a second! I'm making a sandwich!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just so happy to have someone else living here with me and what made it better is that I have a pet now. She's really nice and my grandpa said no to pets since he thought I wasn't ready to care for one, but I know I can do it. She's also big enough to do things herself and I can get her a surprise collar ordered later when I can find the perfect on, like with a bell and pretty gems on it! I can't wait to even get cat toys, and maybe even a bed pillow to sleep on since I saw videos where some nekos love those more and they look so comfy.

(Y/N)'s mind-I wonder if she'll let me try it sometimes to see if it's comfy.

I just finished my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and made another for Penelope too before I put them on a plate and ran back to the office to see her.


I like it with no crust better and maybe she will too, but I looked at her ears and tails again as i just sat on her lap.

(Y/N)'s mind-Having a pet is going to be awesome! She's so pretty!

(Penelope's POV)

I couldn't believe he helped himself to my lap and even brought me a sandwich which I took because I was hungry, but I just put him on the chair and left the office while eating. I sat on the couch and I just didn't know how to process this.

Penelope's mind-Why is he so sweet and cute?!

(No POV)

When (Y/N) finished his homework on the computer he was brought back to Amazon and saw what Penelope bought so far and he decided to finish the shopping with stuff he thought she needed like the bed pillow bed, and he didn't know what toys or stuff to get, but everything else looks good and he decided to hide them by setting them as a gift that would need his password to view them. He just left the computer as the stuff was ordered and will be there tonight for same day delivery.


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