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(Carmelita's POV)

I woke up while the sun was just coming up and checked the time to be a little past 6 o'clock, but something else caught my attention. I looked down and saw (Y/N) sleeping, but his arm was wrapped around my waist and as cute as this was, I had to get up without waking him. I tried to do it nice and slow, but his little hand was hooked in the pocket of my jacket which was harder to get out while keeping him asleep and it took a few minutes with some close calls to finally get out of bed. It was a little cold, but I just turned on the heater in here before I went to my computer to finally check that email from The Contessa. It started with a formal greeting, but soon turned into bad news when I read that she was sending a college of hers over here for some mentoring by me and under the circumstances I simply can't do it. I would reply and say that I can't, but apparently this college of hers should almost be here by now, so I just have to tell the office downstairs that I am under a very important job right now and not to be disturbed until further notice as well as sending an apology email back to The Contessa.


I looked back to the bed in the middle of my office and I saw (Y/N) feeling for me before he opened his eyes and sat up a little to look around until he saw me. Now that brings me to other problems as to what he's going to eat for breakfast and where I can hide him since he can't stay in here forever, my home isn't secure enough, and it's just a matter of time before he will need a bath. I started to report this to the head director as well as requested parfaits for us before I got off my computer and saw (Y/N) was just staying in bed to look around like he was shy, so I sat next to him.

Carmelita-Good morning. Breakfast will be here in a bit. Do you like yogurt and fruit?


I could hear it in his voice and it's like he took a step or 2 of progress we made last night back. I need to get him to come out of his shell. Games worked last time, but I saw him mostly looking outside and maybe he was just sick of being stuck in a small room. I can't let him outside unless it's a secluded area which is probably what he won't have in mind.

Carmelita's mind-I'm over thinking this.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just looking out the windows and I remember my teacher teaching me about the Eiffel tower in class and how my mom said she and my dad went to Paris before I was born then promised I could go someday... I really wanted to see them and just go home,... but I know it's gone too, just like everything else. Just then Carmelita put a hand on my shoulder and I still felt kinda nervous around her even if she is nice, but I really wanna see my parents to make sure they are ok.




I snapped out of my thoughts and started to panic on who was at the door since nobody can see me, so I just hid behind the first thing I could see which was Carmelita's desk.

Carmelita-Who is it?

???-Your head director. Came to check on our little guest.

Just then I saw her walk to the door and I just hid stopped peaking around the corner to make sure they can't see me. I couldn't even pay attention much to what they were saying, but it sounded kinda serious and by the time I started to calm down a bit...

Carmelita-(Y/N), can you come out for a moment. It's safe, my boss already knows about you... He even has your breakfast.

My heart was beating faster, but I just slowly peaked out to see Carmelita and her boss with the breakfast I was going to have.


???-Well, hey there... You're (Y/N), right?

I didn't want to talk, so I just nodded my head and just then his phone started to ring and it looked like the kind of phone my grandpa uses and he answered it.

???-Hello... I see, i'm on my way. Don't let her up.

He hung up and gave the yogurt to Carmelita and rubbed his head a bit like he was annoyed.

???-We'll discuss your issues later. I have to go deal with something.

He just left and it was just us again then I went up to her to get my yogurt with berries and crunchy oatmeal in it. She gave it to me before she took my hand and led me to her couch and made me sit down next to her.

Carmelita-Let's talk while we eat. Anything you want.

I felt kinda embarrassed talking about my life before all this, but I guess I did have a few more questions about her.

(Neyla's POV)

I can't believe I came all this way and even show off my ranking, but still get stopped at the front desk after I requested to see Inspector Carmelita Fox and all they have to say is "She's too busy right now". We had the Chief coming down here and I just don't understand what can be so important that I can't even see her right now for a chat. Soon the chief got here and I felt like I can finally get somewhere.


Chief-Ah, Constable Neyla. How may I help you?

Neyla-I was sent by The Contessa to see and work with Inspector Carmelita. I can even call her to confirm it.

Chief-That won't be necessary. As sad as it is, Inspector Fox is not available at this time. The case I have here on is strictly limited to a few officers.

Now I was going ack and forth with the chief until he was getting worked up, so I just left the building, but there was no way I was going all the way back after coming so close. What was even so important that only a few officers can know that I bet i'm higher ranking than others besides just 2 here.

Neyla's mind-Let's see what you're hiding.

Nobody will talk to me head on, but luckily there are ways to intercept phone calls and texts with a little computer magic a friend of mine can do.

(Carmelita's POV)

(Y/N) wanted to know about me and my work for a while and I sparred him all grizzly details and told him i'm a high ranking officer that arrests criminals. He then was interested in some stories and I guess I could go into some stories friendly enough for him. I told him stories of my first arrest, muggers, people who commit fraud, stalkers, but when I got to robbers and thieves, I left out The Cooper Gang. During my stories he actually leaned on me and... it felt really nice.

Carmelita's mind-Human skin just feels kinda smooth, yet weird,... but's it's very warm.

During more of my stories, he got cozier until I was caught off guard by him laying on my lap to stretch a little and he let out a little noise. It was cute and I did something a little daring, but I grabbed him and had him sit on my lap with my arms wrapped around him and he was a little shy about it, but didn't look too bothered.

(Y/N)-Um... Can you tell me more about the time you caught that big bulldog guy? How did you beat him if his muscles were almost as big as you?

Carmelita-Oh,... a shock pistol does the job. Now, let's talk about something else... Or how about this?

I just got up while holding him before I spun around a bit to play with him and he had a little smile, but oddly what I loved more was him gripping on to me. His little hands felt so adorable which made me think about some of my old hopes of being a mother someday, but with this job, and no man in my sights right now, I try not to think about it. I did however soon start to notice his hair looked a little different than it did last night, and it was quickly obvious that it was greasy.

Carmelita-You need a bath soon.

(Y/N)-Um... Is there one here that-?

Carmelita-*Chuckles* No, not here. I hope we're leaving soon. I bet you don't like being cooped up in my office.

(Y/N)-... Like... your house?

Carmelita-I... I don't know, yet. I need to talk with the chief.

(Y/N)-You mean the badger man that was here?

The way he said it was funny and adorable, but what made it funnier was that nobody would dare say it to his face because of his short temper. The look in his eyes too showed me the innocent curiosity.

Carmelita-*Snicker* Yes, the badger man... If you stay here and behave, I can go talk to him. Maybe we can see your parents and others before we leave.

The look in his eyes just looked so hopeful and I bet he would love it if his mom or dad or both woke up. He nodded his head in excitement and I almost forgot to put him down before I left then had a weird feeling when I did put him down to leave. I even had to fight it a little as I walked out the door before I knew what I was doing and shook my head to snap out of it.

Carmelita's mind-Calm down. They are one of the last humans, but do not get too attached... It will only make it harder when the parents wake up and want their son back... Well... "if" they wake up.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so happy I was going to see my parents and the others before we go and get out of this office. Maybe there will even be more games to play where we're going or maybe some video games. I just looked out the window for a while to pass the time and was sure that nobody could see me, but while I was looking out into the city of Paris I wonder if it was the same as when my mom and dad were last here. Later I heard the door open and when I turned, I saw Carmelita and she had cart then said laundry and a blanket.


Carmelita-Come here. We'll see your parents before a truck gets here for us.

I was happy and ran to her and she scooped me up and I swung a little before she put me in the cart and covered me in the blanket after I laid down.

Carmelita-Stay down and stay quiet. I'll let you know when it's safe, but if there's a problem, just knock 3 times.


I felt her starting to push me out the door and down a hall where I can hear other voices until I heard a beep before we stopped and got into something that must be an elevator. I could feel us going down further and further until another beep happened when we stopped and she started to push me again. I could hear small noises besides the wheels before a door opened and there were a few voices before Carmelita pulled the blanket off me.

(Carmelita's POV)

A few of our doctors were in here and on break as I took out (Y/N) then they had their eyes fixed on him while (Y/N) looked at the beds we had the adults on. He looked so happy even if his parents were in comas still and ran to them then crawled into the bed we had the pair on to cuddle with his mom and dad. It was cute, but I just had a feeling again that I didn't like, but chose to ignore as I turned to the doctors.

Carmelita-Any news?

Doctor#1-Well nothing wrong with them physically, but a few of us have been talking.

Carmelita-About what?

Another doctor motioned for me to come with them to the corner of the room behind a shelf of junk. I was ready to listen and they held their clipboard a little tighter.

Doctor#2-We don't know how long they will be out or if they ever will wake up, but we have 3 pairs of human males and females... This could be a golden opportunity to repopulate the human race.

Carmelita-... Are you talking about forcing them to mate over and over again while in comas?

Doctor#2-It sounds crazy, but if we can let in a few doctors experienced in childbirth under different circumstances-.

Carmelita-Stop, just stop... There are too many variables like if a female were to wake up, pregnant, surrounded by us, she will react in fear the same way the little did when he woke up and saw me, and only me. Stress for any living being during pregnancy will hurt the unborn baby in a way that can even kill the mother if something goes wrong.

Doctor#2-We have a chance to bring back a whole race. If we wait, we might be waiting until they really die or can't reproduce... Just talk it over with the chief at least.

This idea was insane and risky, but maybe... I looked back over to where (Y/N) was and he put his dad's hand on his head himself. He was using it to rub his head before he turned to his mom and now this plan sounded a little better to me for some reason, but I snapped out of it.

Carmelita-I'm taking the child to a secure location where he can run around a little more. Keep me updated on the adults and... i'll think about your offer.

I just went up to (Y/N) and he looked at me as I picked him up from the bed his parents were he did look at them and I felt the annoying feeling go away as I put him back in the cart and covered him up.

(Y/N)-Carmelita... can I come back to see my parents again soon.

Carmelita-Of course... Let's just go. When we get to our secret little home, it's bath time for you.

I just started pushing to the elevator before I went up to the first floor and to where the truck pit it and apparently it was there waiting for us. I just loaded the cart onto the truck and there was a door leading to the front of the truck where I can buckle (Y/N) in a backseat, but just as things were going very smoothly...


I jumped a little before I turned and saw someone new, but i'm willing to bet this was the one that The Contessa sent here.


???-Didn't mean to scare you. I am Constable Neyla and The Contessa sent me... I'm taking that you're Inspector Fox.

Carmelita-I believe the others told you that i'm really busy. I don't have time to take someone under my wing right now. I'm sorry.

Neyla-So an inspector can't find time to let me accompany her because... she's doing laundry?

Carmelita-Yes and I have a place to deliver this too, so I must be going. Good day.

(Neyla's POV)

This was all very suspicious and no way a high ranking officer like her is busy with a job of a rookie cop at best. I was not going to let this go until I find out this secret and i'm willing to bet whatever it is, is in that laundry cart in the truck. I watched Carmelita Fox close it and left to go up front of the truck with the driver, so I acted fast to pull out my phone and take a picture of the license plate before the truck took off.

Neyla's mind-I got you now... Let's see where you're going and what you and this station is hiding.


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