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(Layla's POV)

I kept Lazarus and (Y/N) over night and all day yesterday to let (Y/N) do what he thinks is normal and secretly give Lazarus notes, but I notice some parts were low on details when I asked for more. He said sometimes his dad would come into his room he would stay in at many places and give him a kiss goodnight or something then sometimes that story would change when he said things that would require to suppress emotions. We can't call him out on it for now and later on in the day I just came with the same conclusion that confirms my last claim. Slow and soft is too easy for a habit this strong and since we were getting into hotter weather here soon I thought of something that most girls already do when it's too hot inside or outside to go swimming. When I brought this up to Lazarus I told her to make sure she starts as soon as she gets him and lock his clothes away unless he really needs them to stay warm. After we had lunch it was time to move on to the next step which might be the hardest for him, so I thought I should give him a warning and also I needed time to start a fire to make it warmer in my house for this.

Layla-Ok (Y/N), now that we did what you consider to be a normal day I think the worst problem is already taken care of, but now we're going to take care of the second problem.

(Y/N)-What's that?

Layla-It's just some exposure therapy. Put exposing the problem to you, you can become accustom to it, and after that we can move on to the next problem for understanding.


Layla-What I mean is, since you think only seeing your dad naked besides you is normal, we're gonna have to show you that it's normal to see others naked in the bath or when we have hot summers here. Which is why I started a fire to warm up my house for this.

I just undressed myself and Lazarus followed my lead which made (Y/N) already try to not look and I expected this, but now the hard part was his turn. He was panicking a little more than the baths as I sort of expected, but this needs to happen. This also made me think about what was going to happen to his dad soon when every woman that desperately wants a child, like the couple that was last here.

Layla's mind-I wonder how he's doing with his temporary job?

((D/N)'s POV)

I was exhausted and sore while getting what little rest I could before another woman comes in, but I think I was out now. It was taking longer than normal for another girl to come in, so I just closed my eyes to even try for a few minutes of sleep, but just then the door opened and when I opened my eyes I saw the guard.


Guard-Hope you enjoyed your last time.

She grabbed me and threw me on her shoulder then carried me down a hall, past my old cell, and down to a room where there was a table with straps and chains on it, and I saw it was that fox woman again holding those sharp tools.


I was put on the table and strapped and chained down before the fox injected a needle into both of my legs. After that I couldn't feel them anymore, so I know what's coming next and since they are both stronger than me while i'm tired, tied down, and helpless, I could only do one thing.

(D/N)-Pl-Please, don't do this. I never molested my son or anyone else.

Fox-Then why did you break into house after house and even a little girl's bedroom?

(D/N)-I was just looking for my son. I just wanted us to go home.

Guard-Oh and we believe that. You would love to be alone with your son again. Like nothing ever happened.

(D/N)-I never did anything wrong... Please, you gotta believe me.

Fox-We saw the mental damage you put on him, so you can save your words. I'm already being nice by numbing you. After this you can go back in your cell for a while.

I was going to beg again, but this time I gagged and the guard straddled me on my stomach, so I can't see what was going on, but soon I heard noises and that meant the process was already starting. Just the guard lifted her skirt to use it to cover my face after she saw I was trying to look past her.

Guard-It's better you don't see it. Layla did say you love looking at stuff like these those.

I couldn't even think straight right now and when I tried to look forward of me I saw it was kinda dark, but I could see... Now it was too blurry to see until I just passed out.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Lazarus and I were heading back to her house since another woman showed up that needed help and on our way she made stops to pick up food and do things in her garden, but the weird and worst part was... that we were still naked and outside. The others only asked Lazarus was "Is it really that hot outside for you and him?" and they act like it was normal until she told them it was exposure therapy for made and went into details. I couldn't believe they think this was normal then some of the girls at the garden said they would "help" by joining in on this while others didn't because they said it was too cold outside for this and it was kinda cold, but not very. By the time we were done at the garden the others put their clothes back on and we finally made it in the house.

Lazarus-Sweetie, you didn't say a word on the way home... I know you're upset and embarrassed, but others didn't laugh at us. My friends at the garden even did it. It's perfectly normal... granted it happens more often in warmer weather... Jasmine is a special case since she tries to make less covering clothes in the summer.

I didn't care and when she finally put me down I went to go find a blanket somewhere to hide under.

(Lazarus's POV)

I know he was mad, but what else can I do to help him break his bad habit and I know he was going to be made regardless when i'm force to take that blanket from him. Before I do that maybe I can start a fire and get a big blanket to wrap us in. Maybe some food and sweets will help him feel more cozy then maybe I can invite Fawn, Jenny, and Addison to come over for the night. This all sounds like it would be good for him as long as I tell the girls what they need to do when they come over and to not wake him up in the middle of the night again.

Lazarus's mind-Alright, I think I can give him some time to cool down. I'll just bring his clothes with me before I go out to get the girls then start the fire and cookies.

With that in mind I was about to take the bag and head out, but then there was a knock at my door. I went to answer it and saw it was Joan.


Lazarus-Oh, hey.

Joan-Got a moment?

Lazarus-Um, sure. Come in

Joan-If (Y/N) is here, we might want to take this outside.

In that case I stepped outside with her and felt a breeze hit me a little since I planned to get dressed out her, but I don't want to get distracted in case this is important.

Joan-How's he holding up. The girls told me about his new therapy, and I don't think he would be happy.

Lazarus-He's pouting under a blanket for a bit. I was about to go get the kids and bring them over.

Joan-Really... I guess you've been really busy with you son and haven't heard.

Lazarus-Heard what?

Joan-Dixie is keeping Fawn inside until she's positive the man is dealt with, Hana is wrapping up surgery with his dad and is gonna want to relax with her daughter, and Jenny is also not leaving her mom's side since the story of (Y/N)'s dad breaking into houses and others over exaggerating rumors freaked her out.

I guess it was understandable and so much for the girls coming over and I still had everything else, but I did want to give him someone else to be around since we already take baths together. Suddenly Joan used her pointer finger and thumb to hold my chin.

Joan-I know your trying you best and all the girls want to be here for you and your new boy. If you need something, say it.

Lazarus-... Well... If you're not too busy and don't mind.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking around the house looking for the bag with my close in it, but I can't find it anywhere. Suddenly I heard laughter out of the door before I saw it open and Lazarus came in still naked, but she was being carried by Joan by being cradle in both her arms.


Lazarus-Joan, *giggles* p-put me down! I have things t-to do still!

Joan-You love this.

Lazarus-Joan, please!


She put her down and I saw Lazarus had the bag with our clothes in it, so I just ran down the hall into Lazarus's room, but on my way I heard them say.

Joan-Should I leave my clothes with yours?

Just then I jumped into the bed and hid under the blanket and could still hear them.

Lazarus-Yes, but I think your axes are fine out on the porch. I saw (Y/N) run into my room again. Go get him please while I start a fire.

I gripped the blanket tight as I heard footsteps getting closer and closer until I felt Joan sitting on the side of the bed.

Joan-Now where could he be?... Under the bed, in the closet, is he even in this room or is he...~ HERE!!!

Just then I was grabbed from the blanket and it was taken from me before I saw Joan with no clothes on and more of her muscles and she looked very strong. She picked me up and held me in one arm and messed up my hair in a playful way, but I hated it and tried to fix it.

Joan-Awww, sorry about your hair. Come on, your mother is making a fire and some sweets for us.~

She started to toss me and catch me in the air while making smiling faces at me before she held me in one arm again to poke my nose. We got to the living room where Lazarus was starting a fire and looked at us before she got up to give my face a few kisses while Joan was still holding me and she even fixed my hair a little herself.

Lazarus-Why don't you get a book to read for him?

Joan-I have another kind of story in mind.

Lazarus-Huh?... No, no scary stories.

Joan-Come on, it's still light out. Just one of mine.

Lazarus-Joan... I don't want my son to have nightmares.

Joan-Ohhh, is that a blush a I see? Correct me if i'm wrong, but if I remember things right, not only the girls, but you had nightmares.~


Joan-You should've seen her on that camping trip. She was so scared she slept with Kate in her tent and wouldn't sleep in her house alone for 4 days.

I saw Lazarus blush harder before she left to go to the kitchen and I think that was the first time I saw her blush at all. I watched clips of scary movies online, so I was more prepared than her and this can be a good chance to get back at her. Joan just sat down with me on her lap before she bounced me on her lap for a ride and it would be nicer if we had clothes on.

(Y/N)-Hey,... I want to hear a scary story.

Joan-Well look at you being a big brave boy. Let's wait for you mommy to finish in the kitchen and have some food with that story. You can even sit on lap for it.~

(Timeskip To Night)

((D/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I was in the prison cell again and I saw only moonlight and lit candles as I turned over to see a note next to a bowl of berries. I tried to reach for it, but saw the suit was gone, but the mittens on my hand and feet were still there, so I can't grab anything and forced me to eat like an animal again. I tried my best to sit up against a wall while next to my bed and looked down to see... my balls were really gone. I just cried before I just felt so angry and went to go look at the note and it said.

Note-Hello, my name is Hana, to fox woman that was with Joan the guard. I'm sure you noticed that we made good on our promise and took what we clearly could not trust you to have for the safety of others and our children, your testicles. You'll stay here to rest and for others to calm down since most including 3 little girls don't feel safe anymore all thanks to you.

After you're done resting, there's a house near the riverside away from town that you can have or not. Nobody wants you near (Y/N) or the girls and a some will get really fucking violent even if they don't look like they will, so don't test us and stay away from our kids. Food is rationed for everyone, and you'll be getting your share for being alone and it would be best to not get a job and stay home. You'll have food, water, some books, and many animals come around there, so you'll have company, and others will bring you everything you need, so you're not allowed into town.

We all hate you, but we're not heartless and considering everything you did to us and your former son, I say we're being too nice. Goodbye and good luck.

P.S.-If you're wondering what happened to your balls after I removed them and stitched you up, I most likely fed them to a boar or something in the woods. Better safe than sorry in my case.

I just crumbled up the note and threw it at a wall in anger and looked at the cell door to see it was closed to keep me here. I just let out a scream in anger and before I went back on the bed.

(D/N)-YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! *sobbing*

Soon all my sadness turned into anger before I started to think of extreme measures to take my son and leave. I had no weapons and maybe they left me knives at my new house, so I can use those. I thought harder and harder of a plan and needed it to be foolproof, but that might take some time.

(D/N)'s mind-This is not over yet. I'm not only going to take my son,... i'm taking these children away from this island. I just need to find out where the other 2 and my son are... You'll regret crossing me!

(Lazarus's POV)

It was nighttime and she told a few scary stories in the morning, and I tried to put my foot down,... but she told more anyway. I was scared even as we were taking a bath and so was my baby, but Joan took these chances to play around with us. She was always playful, even if she was rough at times and when it was finally time for bed I just held my baby in my arms and he was getting tired as I kept reassuring him everything was alright while I was scared too. It took a while, but he finally got to the point where I can put him in my bed with me and Joan. He was in the of us and our bodies where already covering most of him up and I made sure our boobs weren't suffocating him. Being scared made him more open to us having a no wearing clothes rule for a while, but now I can't sleep then Joan made me look at her.

Joan-What's the matter? I'm sorry I scared you, but you got your baby cuddling you now.~ *whisper*

Lazarus-You still scared us half to death. Now I can't sleep. *whisper*

Joan-Don't be mad. There's no monster coming to get you... Even if there was, you know I can kill it, right?~


I was not giving her the satisfaction, but then she scooted in to press up on my baby between us or at least I thought that was her goal before she kissed me on the lips... I kissed plenty of other girls here before and who hasn't kissed Lucinda and even her daughter Jenny knows that. I was still mad at Joan until she just kissed me deeply again and again.

Joan-Don't be mad or scared... I think I know what you need. You want some cuddles too.~

She wrapped her arm and leg around me instead of my baby, so I was the only one holding him and she was holing me. It did make me feel a little better then she kept on giving me more kisses until I couldn't stay mad and I wasn't really scared anymore.

Joan-There's that smile from the island's sweetheart. Night.~

Nobody as called me that for a while or at least to my face and she closed her eyes to go to sleep and I took one last look at my son before I felt happy then closed my eyes to go to sleep.


Aiden Cassidy

(D/N) doesn’t learn this is not gonna end well for him