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(Carmelita's POV)

I was in my office right now still mad about the Cooper Gang getting away... again, but I had human child passed out on my couch. I tried my best to make him comfortable on there, but as a safety precaution, my door and windows were locked tight, and I wasn't letting the human out of my sight for a second for when he wakes up. Not to mention I gave everyone a heads up that there might be screaming, but I couldn't tell them way and the chief had my back because he knew about the humans too, but was down in the med wing with the adult humans. I will get notified when they wake up, but the paramedic confirmed that they were in a coma and the worst part is that in comas, sometimes you never wake up. That will be the last thing this child needs to hear since just breaking it to him that since he was frozen for who knows how long, his world and old life was over. The best thing for him now, was to stay here where we can keep him and the others safe since they are the last of a race that we thought died out long ago and if some bad people hear about this they will come and who knows what they might do. Some might hold them to extort money, or keep us from stopping them by threatening to kill them, and that's not if they wind up on someone's dinner plate.

Carmelita's mind-At least he's not in the hands on the Cooper Gang. Maybe they didn't even see him if they bought my bluff and left before taking much or anything.

I just went back to making my report while making a secret separate one mainly for the humans we found. When I was done, there was nothing to do now, but wait since I can't go after Cooper and even if I did, he always hides very well after a heist, but he always comes back and I find him and I will get him. While I was trying to relax, I heard stirring and looked at the human moving a little on my couch.

Carmelita's mind-Alright Carmelita, second chance, so try not to screw it up.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just had the craziest nightmare in a dream, but at least it was all over. I remember getting in the pods to sleep with my family and other adults, but something felt off, like I was covered in a blanket. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw a ceiling with a few lights on it and I was on a couch then I looked around me becoming more scared because I had no idea where I was then I saw "her".


She slowly got up and was coming to me then I just felt my body act on it's own to get up, but after that, all I could was back up to a wall.

???-Please don't be scared. I'm here to help.

I didn't listen to her and just thought about where my mommy and daddy are, but then I saw a door, so I to it and unlocked the door, but there was another lock at the top of the door that I couldn't reach. I turned and she closure to me this time to where I can't run around her, so I backed up as far as I could into a corner. I was so scared and just closed my eyes to look away, but after a bit, I just smelled something kinda good and hear something like tinfoil being unwrapped and when I looked I saw the fox girl was taking a few steps back, but I looked at what was on a plate on the floor more.


She sat on a couch in here while just looking at me and I just felt so hungry and wished I ate before I slept. I took the food she gave me and it just taste so good and it was still warm, so it was better. When I finished I was still kinda hungry, but I just looked at her still looking at me.

???-You were hungry... My name is Carmelita Fox. Care to tell me yours?

(Y/N)-... (Y/N)... Where are my mom and dad?

Carmelita-Don't worry, they're safe down in basement. They are still unconscious, you're the only one that has woken up.

(Y/N)-Where am I?

Carmelita-Um,... you might wanna stay sitting. A lot has changed while you were asleep.

(Carmelita's POV)

It was hard to just to break it to him as gently as possible because not only has nobody have to give this talk before, but I don't think there is a way to do this easily. I basically had to tell him that his old life was over and when I asked when the adults would wake earlier to at least give (Y/N) back to his parents, they said there's a chance they could never wake up. I'll keep that from him for now since telling him we thought all humans were died and it would be dangerous for him to go right now alright made it too hard to process for him. He held himself even tighter and wasn't looking at me, so I can't move in to surprise him, but now he was crying. I know I told others to expect it, but I don't need them to come snooping around and have them freak out then it'll just be a big mess. I had no choice, but to go up to them and i'm not expecting a warm welcome though. The moment I touched he just flinched and screamed for a bit.

Carmelita-Hey, it's ok. Everything is gonna turn out ok. I promise.

I picked him and tried to calm him before others start to question what's happening. I tried everything a mother would typically do for her child as far as I know, but that's not if they had some different way of comforting kids back then. I kept on doing what I was doing and soon he started to become quieter, but I just hope it meant he wasn't about to pass out again from being overwhelmed. When he stopped I held him in front of me again and saw he was still awake, but his eyes were pink and puffy from his crying.

Carmelita-Do you think you got it all out?

He was just silent while looking at me then I went to sit down with him on the couch in my office and we just stayed silent to make sure he calms down. Even as i'm holding him he should at least be starting to get used to me and it reminds me of the other kids we bring here after the parents are arrested and it happens more than you think. We have a specialist for those situations, but this one is a special case and the less that know, the better. Which means, it's best if he stays with me for security and not see his family in comas while scientists exam and treat them. Even if he was done there, I don't think he'll like the thought of being examined and put through tests by people he doesn't know... I need to gain his trust.

Carmelita-Are you still hungry?... Or we could find a game to play.

(Y/N)-... Wh-What i-is there t-t-to eat?

Carmelita-I can get you something for dessert, like some cake. Would you like that?


Carmelita-Any kind you like? What's your favorite?

(Y/N)-Um... Vanilla with chocolate frosting.

He said while sounding a little excited for it which was cute then I went to my phone and asked for someone to go pick up a small cake. When that was done, we just had to wait for it to get here, so I tried to think of some things we could do in my office that can entertain him without wrecking anything. I do have a pack of cards in my desk and I just went to go get them while leaving him on the couch for a second.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

We were playing go fish and he wasn't that into the game and to be honest, I would be surprised if he was. I could tell he wanted to ask a few questions, probably if we can go see his parents, but I don't think it was a good idea and I don't want to pry into it. He can't leave my office anyway without us clearing the floor and he might want to go outside if we do that. During our fourth game we heard a knock at my door.

Man-Hey Inspector, I got the cake you wanted, but all they had was regular sized.

Carmelita-Fine, just leave it by my door and i'll get it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

She got up from our game and went to the door and waited a bit before she cracked it open before she bent down to get the cake. She brought it in inside a pink box, paper plates, and plastic forks and knives. I haven't had cake in so long since we got to that bunker and when she cut a slice and put it on a plate, I felt my mouth water to where I almost drooled a little.


She put it down on the table and I went to it very fast to sit on my knees at the table since it was small then grabbed the fork.

(Y/N)-... Thank you.

Carmelita-*Chuckle* You're welcome.

I took my first bite and it was just so good then I thought about seconds already. Carmelita sat at a desk eating a slice of cake too and she was kinda smiling at me, but I just looked away kept on eating.

(Carmelita's POV)

How typical for a child to be won over with sweets and he was still nervous around me, but I can see he was a sweet, well-behaved, and gentle. It was also kinda funny and mostly cute to see him get a little frosting on his upper and lower lip. He ate his cake not too fast, but he wasn't shy to eat it neither and came back over to me holding out his plate and I know what he was going to ask.

(Y/N)-Um... Can I h-have another slice,... please?

It was going to be hard to say no, but then I thought after what he's been though, how could I say no. Plus it would help my image with him and I just need to draw a line somewhere.

Carmelita-Ok, but this is the last slice for the night.


I gave him his slice and I put the cake up and decided to get some more work done before I call it a night and have a 2 sleeping bags brought up since I can't take (Y/N) home with me and him sleeping here in my office alone is just out of the question since anything could happen. One of the worst is if Cooper gets the nerve to sneak in here for something since I have his file and no doubt he might come for it. While I was checking my emails I saw (Y/N) exploring my office and being careful not to touch anything. It was hard to keep my eyes off him for being a human, but then I saw an interesting email and it was from the Contessa labeled "I need a favor".

Carmelita's mind-What does she want?... I'll read it in the morning. I need to put this child to bed soon.

I just got on the phone and asked for some blankets, foldable beds, and have an officer that knows of (Y/N) bring them up. However, there was a problem. There was only one bed, I don't want (Y/N) to sleep on the couch since it won't be good for his back to sleep on it overnight and the same goes for me... I'll just sleep on the floor.

(No POV)

As Carmelita had a bed brought in and offered to sleep on the floor (Y/N) kinda felt bed and said he can make room on the twin sized bed by scooting over. He was insistent on it and Carmelita saw that he just didn't want to sleep alone and if he couldn't have his parents, he would settle for the only one he somewhat bonded with. During the night someone sent by The Contessa was on their way to the city due to the favor and while she was an agent of Interpol due to her unique skills, some might say she can be very hard predict at times. Though the question remains of how she would take news like this if she were to find out the truth.

???'s mind-I will be seeing you soon Inspector.