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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and felt I was laying on something soft while something was rubbing my back under a blanket. It felt good at first that I almost went back to sleep from how warm and cozy I was, but then I thought about what happened and my eyes shot open before I looked to who was holding. It was almost no surprise sine it was either her or Chica, but just as scary.


I tried to get up and run, but he quickly pushed my head back on her chest and held me tighter. Now I couldn't get her to budge an inch from how strong she was and she even started to kiss my head while all I could do was scream into her to let me go.

Roxy-Be a good boy for your favorite aunt and rockstar. Your mama Chica is coming back with pizza and cake.~

I didn't stop, but to her, it was like I was laying still since she wrapped her legs around mine, so I couldn't move. I just stopped since it was hopeless to break free and just then the door opened and I saw Chica come in hiding things behind her back, but I think she had 5 pizzas behind her back.


Chica-Awww, did you just wake up? I wanted to be here when you woke up.

Roxy-When we're eating, don't leave those boxes in here.

Chica-Whatever. Give me my baby.

She put the pizza boxes on the table before Roxy gave me to Chica and since I could move again I tried kicking her to get free and run, but she held me against her and from how strong they were, I could tell she was not even hurt, but she did look a little mad and flicked my nose and it actually did kinda hurt.

Chica-No. You don't hit your mommy or aunty.

(Chica's POV)

After that little incident he was lucky I was still going to feed him not counting his aunt that would want to do it do, but we had an agreement. I get to feed him the pizza, and she can feed him cake. The only problem was getting him to sit still and Roxy had an idea earlier which was to strap him down with spare seatbelts from her raceway to her video game chair she has for her racing game. While I held him down she used each seatbelt to secure him and soon he couldn't get him, so I got a slice of pizza and held it to him.

Chica-Open for mama.~

He only turned and since he was going to be difficult I gave his nose a couple of flicks, each with a warning to open his mouth until my 6th flick made him cave. He made it through a whole slice while being good and I was so happy, but there was more slices for him. Soon we heard noises coming from Monty's room next door and he was going crazy which scared my baby sometimes when loud crashes could be heard. Roxy had enough of this and pounded on the wall to Monty's room.

Roxy-Knock it off! My biggest fan is trying to eat!


Monty-*Roaring through a wall*.

She looked over to her little nephew and saw how this was disturbing him from eating then another crash came from next door. She got really mad to where her eyes were glowing again.

Roxy-Oh, that is it.

She got up to grab the biggest wrench on her wall and left her room and I knew what she was going to do, so I covered my baby's ears and since I was holding his head, I don't see why I can't cover him in kisses until she comes back. Meanwhile, the noises next door were getting louder and happening a lot more,... but I didn't care since my baby can't hear it. The noise also made me think about officer Vanessa and how she was doing.

(Vanessa's POV)

It took all night and to noon, but I finally broke free by breaking my bed frame and unlocking these cuffs. I was heartbroken that my baby was kidnapped, but I know only one place those 2 pieces of future scrap metal can be without getting attention and the repairs if and when needed. I heard my doorbell go off earlier, but I didn't care and grabbed my phone to get the app ready and when I opened the door... I saw something that made a smile curve on my face.

Vanessa's mind-This will help out a lot.~

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Chica's POV)

My baby boy managed to eat 6 whole slices before he had a full tummy that I blew into after to make him laugh before I had the rest of the pizza's since Roxy didn't came back for hers. I let his stomach rest for a while before I think it was time for cake, but i'll keep my end of the deal and let have hers.

Chica-Wait here honey bunch. I'll be right back with your aunty then after cake, we'll go play some games.~

I gave him a big kiss on the cheek and he gave me a little whine as I left the room to go to Monty's room where Roxy was and the noises were still as loud as ever which my baby got used to, sadly. When I opened the door, I saw it was dark in here, but the light from the door was let my see Roxy holding a now dented and bent wrench and what was left of Monty as bits of him were scattered on the floor.


Roxy-Get out of here!

Chica-It's cake time and unless you want to give it to me...

She weighed her options before she dropped her wrench, got on one knee and made Monty look at her glowing eyes while she was still mad.

Roxy-You so much as make my biggest fan flinch one more time for any reason, i'm finishing what I started.

She slammed his head to the ground before she started to walk past me as her eyes slowly stopped glowing. I looked back to Monty and i'm sure parts and services can fix him, so I just closed the door and went back to Roxy's room, but on the way I heard something.



I turned back to see nobody and I know we were the only ones here since Pizzaplex was closed for a while and workers couldn't be here until 4 days or so. Just to be sure, I decided to check the Rockstar Runway a bit.

Chica-Who's here?... The Mega Pizzaplex is closed until further notice... All personal, please leave the building.

After a bit of searching I gave up and decided to go to Roxy's room.

(No POV)

As Chica went back to Roxy's room to join the others there was someone following that she just couldn't see literally as she walked past them. When she got in the room the stranger peaked into the window while nobody was looking, but they saw their reflection in the mirror across the room then the reflection on the glass.


Vanny-Awww, my poor baby bunny... Mama's here to take you, but first...~

Vanny pulled out her phone and pressed a button and when she did...

As the alarm throughout filled the whole Pizzaplex, a few other animatronics were activated to help assure Vanny gets her prize, and to make sure there was no escape for anyone until she wins... the whole building was on lockdown.

Vanny-We're gonna have some fun.~

(Roxy's POV)

These alarms scared my biggest fan and I quickly ripped the tape off the chair then got it off (Y/N) as we took him out. I accessed the database and searched to what alarm went off and it was a code silver, a crazed guest with a weapon just outside which meant this place was going on lockdown. Chica ripped (Y/N) from my arms and held him close out of fear, but she must know this was a code silver too.

Roxy-Calm down, the one with a weapon is outside.

Chica-But what if they get in?

Roxy-It's morning. Law officials are going to notice someone trying to break in. Plus we're on lockdown. Nobody is getting in or out until it's lifted.

Chica-I'm... Y-Your right... I'm just gonna take him to the showers for a while. Get him cleaned up and in some new clothes.

She took some clothes from the bag in here for him and the shirt had us doing a duet, and the pants and other clothes he will need had out logos on it.

(Y/N)-Put me down! I don't want a shower!

Chica-*Sigh* Just meet us at the bowling alley.

She left while (Y/N) was throwing a little fit and I wanted to look more into this since it was strange that a guest with a weapon would come here, unless they want to steal something. They might be disappointed to find no money since it's all gone, but will be dead if I catch them. I left my room to go check a few places and just as I left my room the alarm stopped and a door closed from down the hall. I decided to run and try to catch whoever did that because that wasn't the way to the showers which meant it was our little guest. When I made it to the door, I followed the path until there was 2 ways to go, so I picked one and it just led me to finding nothing.

Roxy's mind-Whoever you are, you better hope I don't find you.

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Chica took me to a place full of showers before she took my clothes off and gave them to some robot to go wash them and had the other clothes on a bench. She just gave me a quick shower and this was just so embarrassing while she just hummed a song for herself or for me, but it didn't make it any better. She scrubbed my whole body and hair while not letting me do it myself until she was done and left to go get a towel, but I could hear her through the running water.

Chica-Huh, I left it here... Where did it go?... Stay there sweetie, i'm gonna go find a towel! I'm locking the door!

When I heard a door close, I just got up and I don't care if I was wet, I was gonna put those clothes on and get out of here, but when I got out of the shower, I saw someone standing at the end of the hall holding a towel and a knife before she just dropped the knife.


???-There you are. Come here my little baby bunny.~

She started to walk closer to me or... skip and I was so scared that I tried to run past her, but she managed to gran my wrist. Lucky for me I was still soaked, so I slipped out of her hand, grabbed the clothes on the bench and never stopped running when I unlocked the door to get out of the bathroom. I did turn to see she was getting closer as she just skipped and swung her arms then I just screamed while running down the hall.

???-Don't run. You'll just make it harder for yourself.~

I turned the corner and found another door and went into it while carefully shutting it to not make any noise. I saw this was a supply closet and I waited for a while before I thought I was safe. I just used a couple of wash clothes to dry off in here before I put these stupid clothes on and peaked out into the hall before I saw the coast was clear.

(Y/N)-I gotta get out of here.

I just remembered what Roxy said about us being on lockdown, but it can't be everything that's closed. Maybe a phone can help if I call the police or something.

(Y/N)'s mind-There has to be a way out.


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