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((D/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I was on a bed, but it was very thin and might as well be a blanket over some wood, but what caught my attention was that I couldn't move much. I looked around to see I was in a jail cell, the light looked like it was about to be sundown, I was in a straight jacket, my pants and underwear were gone, and I had weird mittens strapped on my hands and feet. I couldn't move my fingers or toes a lot and I was starting to breath faster in a panic.

(D/N)-HELLO!!!... ANYONE THERE?!?!?!... HELP!!!

I screamed for a while longer before I heard a door open in this stone building before I heard a door open down the hall and soon I saw the woman that knocked me out come in holding a bowl of berries and a bowl of water.


???-Are you done screaming? Everyone already knows that you're here.

I remembered what she called me in the woods and I could tell what she thought of me, but how else could she think this unless my son has been lying to them.

(D/N)-Please listen, I never molested my son. I don't know what he told you, but-.

???-Save it. He didn't tell us anything, in fact he tried to always defend you after you were clearly lying to him.

(D/N)-Who even told you I touched my son?! They're fucking lying!

???-Layla explained everything about how she found out the truth. How you think it's ok to make your son take a bath alone unless it's with you... "alone".

She was getting angrier as she slipped the bowls between the bars and put them on the ground and since I can't use my arms and hand, it was clear what she was expecting to do.

???-Taking advantage of a baby boy, your baby boy like that. A lot of women are dying to come here to beat you to a pulp... me included. Lucky for you however, we need something from you for now. Sleep tight.

She just started to walk away from my cell as I went to the bars to see her walking down the hall, but I couldn't give up on making her understand this is all a big misunderstanding.

(D/N)-Wait!... WAIT!!!

???-Those berries better be gone tomorrow or i'll force them down your throat!

Just then I heard a door slam after she turned a corner and I was left, but the worst part was... I was already hungry and thirsty.

(Joan's POV)

I was walking away from the prison for the day, and I will come back tomorrow after breakfast and see how he is doing since we need him alive and healthy for now. I remember bringing him to the other girls after I knocked him out and they were all furious they were with him after invading houses to look for his son most likely. He was even near Dixie's house when I found him coming from there, so I don't know if he tried anything with Fawn. Some wanted him to die slowly, while others still thought of our problem on the island. It later came to a decision after Kate and Fia restrained him and we burned his pants and underwear since he won't be needing them anymore. The punishment didn't sound like a punishment at first, but later on it will be, but I know one thing for sure...

Joan's mind-I'll rather save myself for when (Y/N) turns 13. I have standards.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Earlier when we left Hana's house to come back to Lazarus's house, she never let me down and would only give me sad and sorry looks when I try to talk about my dad. I saw others were mad earlier about my dad, but I never saw him since I found out he came to this island, and nobody will tell me where he is. They even whispered what happened into Lazarus's ear, but won't tell me a thing. Right now, the sun was almost completely down, and Lazarus was making dinner and said after that it's bath time, and I get a few stories before bed. I don't care about that, and I want Lazarus to take me to my dad because I think she knows where he is. When she was done cooking and sat me at the table across from her as she put my plate in front of me, but I just looked at her.


(Y/N)-Lazarus... Can you just please tell me what that girl told you... About my dad.

Lazarus-Sweetie, we're not talking about him right now. Please, let's just eat.

(Y/N)-No, I wanna know. He's my dad.

Lazarus-Honey... *Sigh* We don't need to be talking about this and that's final.

(Lazarus's POV)

He didn't want to listen and tried to push this on and I don't think I should punish him just for asking about his father. He doesn't know any better about what his father did to him and I don't know how far it went with him, but breaking into houses and being caught near Dixie's house made me hope he didn't try to do anything to Fawn. It only made me feel better that he was locked behind bars somewhere on the island, so even if I told him that his father was in our jail, I don't know because it's out in the woods, I don't go out there very often, and only hunters used that place for storage for a very long time. After dinner he was very worked up during the bath more than usual and he still went on about his father.

Lazarus's mind-What do I do? If I tell him the truth, it'll only make things worse... Maybe I need to take him to Layla in the morning... I'll just let him find that out when we get there.

(No POV)

Later after the bath Lazarus took her child with her to bed while in the prison cell in the woods, there was 2 mostly empty bowls. The night was calm with few coming out in the night and while (Y/N) was sleeping a little used to her sleeping habit in having no clothes on in bed, he slept through the night. When morning came and everyone was starting their day Lazarus just made them a quick breakfast before she said told (Y/N) she was going to take him to show him something fun.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Lazarus was letting me walk while bending down a little to hold my hand the whole time, but just used 3 fingers to hold my hand. We were going somewhere "for fun", but I only came because I can try to find out more about where my dad is.

Lazarus-Alright, we're almost there.~

I recognize this place and I wondered where she was taking me, but soon I saw we were heading to Layla's house, but I saw 2 other girls through a window, talking with Layla. I know she tricked me, but when we got close to the house Lazarus took us to the front door where we saw a sign that said "Busy" then Lazarus picked me up.

(Y/N)-What are we doing here?!

Lazarus-I'm sorry, but I promise this is all about you getting better. You need to understand what your dad really did was not ok. I know that's not what you want to hear, but-.

(Y/N)-He didn't do anything wrong! Why can't you understand that?!

She just sighed and we waited a bit before the door opened and the 2 girls came out holding hands and Layla saw us, but turned to the girls as they walked away.


Layla-Remember, for bondage, it's important to build trust and to not cross any lines. We'll check your progress next week you 2!... Hey Lazarus, just got done with some couples consoling.

Lazarus-I'm sorry, but do you think you can help (Y/N) with his daddy issues. It got worse since he got here.

Layla-Why of course. I actually expected something like this. Come in.

I just grabbed the door to try and stay outside, but Lazarus easily pulled me into the house and Layla closed the door. They walked into her office while I was wiggling and screaming to be put down before they sat down with me. I was really mad that we were even talking about this and Layla pulled out a bowl of candy and held it to me.


I just stared at it before I took a hand full, but I was still mad.

(Layla's POV)

Now that (Y/N) was busy chewing his candy instead of yelling Lazarus and I could finally get down to business. I kinda want to know more about his father, but after the kind of animal he is, he needs to stay behind bars and I don't think many know where the prison cell is anymore since we haven't used it in a long time. It stands to reason (Y/N) doesn't know where his dad is and it'll be best to keep it that way.

Layla-Alright Lazarus, let me hear how bad it is.

Lazarus-This is all just so difficult. He just wants to yell and demand I tell him about the "incident", but I don't even know that much myself. I don't want to punish him just for asking about his dad, but I don't want him near him anymore either.

Layla-Now you (Y/N). Can you tell us how you feel?

He only grunted in anger from being here like this then just looked away to show us he was not going to answer. I too wish he would understand how awful his dad was, but this is a slow and delicate process. I can't break the truth of how I discovered his father was a child molester or ask if his dad ever actually did it with him because the twisted way, he was raised would be to deny it.

Layla-Ok, so let's do a little exercise. I just have to make sure of something.

I just got up and took my clothes off in front of them and I saw (Y/N) blush a little, but curled up while pouting and looking away. Nothing like how his dad reacted which was expected, but now for the questions.

Layla-(Y/N) do you really hate bathing with us that much? I know you did it with your dad.

(Y/N)-Because he's my dad... I barely do it anymore because I can do it on my own. *mumbles*

Layla-Do you still do it sometimes?

(Y/N)-... Sometimes, I guess.

Layla-You know, your dad said he would've loved to bath with all of us.

(Y/N)-Liar. He doesn't take a bath or shower with anyone. He said adults always take showers alone.

I caught him in his own words since he said his father bathes with him sometimes and his father wanted to use a bath as a chance to check me out or even seduce me if I given him the chance. It just proves that he is defending his father by hiding the truth and that means he could have done anything and (Y/N) would keep his mouth shut. I just got my clothes back on and sat back down and he relaxed.

Layla-Lazarus, be a dear and I want you to let him go for a moment and (Y/N) I want you to treat my home like you live here. Pretend like you're getting ready for bed and act like we're not here unless you want or need help with something. That includes taking a bath alone.

She did what I said and put (Y/N) down and he grunted before he went straight for my bathroom and I was looking for holes where his father would need to come in and if he brings up that his father doesn't do that then it means he is lying or his father neglected that part to help his son.

((D/N)'s POV)

I was curled up in a corner after I just pissed in a hole this morning in my cell then soon I heard a door open and other voices were outside before it got quiet except for 2 voices. I saw who they were and it was the fox woman that threatened me and the guard woman.


I saw the fox woman was holding a bag in her hand as they just walked by a bit before they stopped in front of my cell.

Guard-There's a room down there that we can clean. This should take a while, so we have time.

Fox-I'm not worried about clean. Just clear a table and i'll get everything all set up. Point me to the room.

Guard-Don't you want a turn with him?

Fox-I'm not fucking him. I'll leave that to (Y/N) when he turns of age.

Guard-Fair enough. Room is down the hall on the right.

I was confused and angry about what that fox bitch just said, but the guard turned to me.

Guard-Alright listen up. We have around 15 woman outside wanting a child and we don't care about how long it takes because you are going to give them one.

She opened my cell door and walked in before she grabbed me and dragged me out into the hall and into a small room with a pile of blankets and pillows in it, and a few lit candles on a window ceil.

Guard-Consider these your last times of having sex since after they have what they want we are making sure you can't hurt our children by taking these.

She just grabbed and squeezed my balls really hard before she pulled and pushed me on the soft pile and gave me a smirk.

Guard-First girl will be here soon. Enjoy it or not because she's not the age you like, I don't give a shit.

She closed the door and my heart sank because not only were they going to rape me over and over again to give them child...


I was panicking as I tried my best to get free, but the door opened and I saw the first girl was taller than me by a lot, but she had a six pack and strong looking arms and legs while I was helpless and when she just took her clothes off with no passion, her body alone made me hard for her to start.

Woman-Let's get started.~