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(Amy's POV)

Rouge was already making breakfast when Cream, Cheese and I came out here and joined (Y/N) on the couch, but we noticed he looked so much more cleaner and cuter than last night somehow. She said she stayed up late "grooming him" into what we see now, and I swear, it was almost like you could see a little bit of light reflect off his cheek. Cream got him to lay his head on her lap again and I just laid his legs across my lap before I leaned over to rub his belly, but when Cream went to go to the bathroom, I took her place to have (Y/N)'s head on my lap. He just looked at me with those cute little eyes of his and I leaned into to kiss them, and they closed their eyes when I got close.

Amy-Hey sweetie, did you sleep well?

(Y/N)-Um... I guess.


Rouge-He just stayed up a little late, but insisted on getting up when the alarm went off instead of sleeping in. I think we're due for a nap later today.

I remember making a blanket fort at home when I was little and maybe we can do that here when they nap and i'll join them. Maybe Cream and Cheese would want to join too, but just as breakfast was done and Rogue was making plates...



Cheese-Chao, chao, chao, chao!

I got up and left (Y/N) on the couch and he was going to follow me before Rouge stopped him from coming down the hall and had him go back to the couch with Cheese. I was the first to reach the bathroom and opened the door to see Cream crying while she was being held by... her.


Amy-What are you doing here?!

Just then Rouge made it here and saw Bri holding Cream hostage then she pulled out a knife before backing up to the wall while Rogue and walked in and closed the door to prevent any quick escape.

Bri-Both of you better not try anything! You ruined my whole life, but now you're going to fix it!

(Bri's POV)

Nobody else would even think of hiring me after my old boss posted the fake story Rouge fed him. My debt was all paid, but after 3 or 4 months, i'm screwed, and when I went to my boyfriends for help, the news traveled fast since I guess my tory got posted online with my picture. This "new discovery" however was going to put me back on top. I wanted to sneak into my old bathroom to wait for her to come in and catch her by surprise, but the door to my old room was locked, so this was a close second. I held the knife closer to her while the other 2 got mad.

Rouge-It didn't take long for you to get so desperate.

Bri-Don't fucking test me!... I'm leaving with her and if you try anything, the rabbit gets it!

I slowly started to walk up to them while they backed up, but the second I grabbed the doorknob one of the rabbit's ears swung up and poked me in the eye. The brief moment my eyes were closed my arm was grabbed and I was hit in the chin which made me very dizzy, and I lost my hostage before I could even open my eyes again. I fell to the ground after losing my balance then saw the rabbit cry into the pink one before Rogue stepped in front of me and I slowly looked up to her.

Rouge-You should've just stayed away and accept that you lost.

She brought her foot up before she stomped on me to knock me out with the last feeling that I had was her dragging me somewhere.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard yelling, but couldn't understand what was being said since a door was closed then soon I heard a door swing open before Cream ran in her crying and jumped on the couch next to me. Cheese flew to her side and hugged her arm and she hugged Cheese with one arm and my arm with her other before the others came in.


(Y/N)-What happened?

Rouge-Don't worry about it. We'll have a house meeting later and it's going to be a "very" serious talk to make sure everyone understands everything.

They joined us on the couch, but made me lay down across them with Cream having my head on her lap, I was laying across Amy, and Rouge had my feet. I felt her play with my toes she did a lot of work on last night and even traced a little circle on my foot and it tickled, so I pulled back a bit to hear her giggle. She stopped and got up to get the food since it looked like it cooled down now and she gave a bowl to everyone, but put mine on the table.


(Y/N)-Can I have mine?

Rouge-That one... That's not yours, unless someone wants it to be.

She smiled a little before she looked at Cream and I looked at her to see she was smiling at me and she held a potato for me on a spoon while Cheese put a pillow under my head to prop me up a little. I saw she was still crying a little, but she was getting better until she slowly got worse until I took the bite and she relaxed.

Amy-Hey, don't hog all of this for yourself Cream, let me have a turn.

She got the spoon from Cream and fed me a bite and I couldn't stop them because I don't want to make Cream cry again from whatever happened earlier. Rouge even took a few turns until the bowl Cream was holding was empty then she got close to me and kissed my cheek.

Rouge-Stay here honey. I'm just gonna be busy for a little bit. Then we'll have a meeting out here for you.~

(Y/N)-Huh, me?

She just left us in the living room and Cream got her bowl from Cheese and started to eat herself while we watched a show. Amy just laid on top of me to get comfy and I wondered what the meeting was going to be about now since it was about me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Am I in trouble?

(Bri's POV)

I woke up tied up in my old shower with my legs and hands tied together behind my back, my hair was tied in it too, and a washcloth was stuffed in my mouth. I was panicking until I heard the door open behind me, but I couldn't turn to look then I saw Rouge come in through the glass door and walked in front of me while I looked up to her.


Rouge-I let you and you were too stupid and stubborn to admit you were beaten, now look at you... I don't care much about Cream, but if you told everyone about us, do you know what might've happened?... They would've taken my baby away from me and that "really" pisses me off.

She flipped me to my side with her heel and stepped on my neck and I couldn't breath now.

Rouge-Since you want to be here so bad and maybe even wanted your job back, i'll give you a new job and your payment will not being thrown out on the streets or me just putting you out of your misery here and now.

She got off me and I was breathing really hard from my nose while she knelt down to me.

Rouge-Here's going to be your new job around here and conditions.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We brought out a board game and played Sorry for a while before we heard a door open down the hall and soon Rouge came out of the hall with Bri and she looked soaked, like she jumped in the pool with her clothes still on.


I was so confused on why Bri was here because she quit and Rogue managed to pick me before she sat me on the couch, on her lap.

Rouge-We're gonna have that meeting now. Any questions?

(Y/N)-Um... I thought Bri quit or something.

Rouge started to explain that she was re-hiring Bri as something else to help her. She told us that Bri was going to be doing all the house chores, shopping, yard work, and serving us while Rouge just worries about caring for me with the others. She will be sleeping in the shed outside on the air mattress and I was surprised that Bri was ok with this. Rouge was even very clear that Bri does not tell me what to do at all or she would be fired, but just as I thought the meeting was over as Bri was told to dry off and start cleaning Rouge made me look at her.

Rouge-Now for you.

(Y/N)-D-Did I do something wrong?

Rouge-No, you're not in trouble... You know how much I care about you and the others too?


Rouge-And how you barely see your mom and dad here? You must get bored being in this house all day.

(Y/N)-Well... sometimes.

Rouge-I only want what's best for you, so if the day were to come... How would you like to come to live in our world?

I was confused for a moment, but if a portal or something brought them here and they want to take me to live in their home... I guess that would be pretty nice and I can always come back here to see my mommy and daddy when they come home or they can come to her world.

(Y/N)-Really?! Ok!

Cream-*Gasp* You mean you'll come live with us?!

(Y/N)-Yeah, sounds fun!

(Amy's POV)

Cream and Cheese looked so happy that (Y/N) decided to come with us when the time comes for us to go back home, but I don't think he really understands. I don't think even tails can keep a portal open for raveling from this world to ours whenever you want since we need the chaos emeralds for chaos control. I wanted to tell him the truth, but then it might make him say no and makes things complicated since I really don't want to leave him here... He's mine!

Cream-Oh, I can't for my mom to see you and-.

Rouge-Hold on, he'll be living with me and he'll need time to settle into his new home.

Cream-What? My mom can-.

Rouge-See him later.

The thought of (Y/N) going with her was out of the question since he was going to be living with me, but i'll keep it a secret for now. We soon went back to our game until we saw (Y/N) looked a little tired, so I guess it was nap time for him already and we all decided to nap with him and Rouge in his room, but Rouge looked to Bri when we saw him in the hallway.

Rouge-Bri, be a dear and make sure this his is clean and the grocery shopping is done with the things I told you to get. After that you can go get your new room ready.

Bri-... Yes ma'am.

Rouge-Oh and one more thing... Your wet clothes will drip all over the floor and make your job harder. I think it'll be easier if you didn't drip.

Bri-Ma'am, I don't have anything to ch-.

Rouge-I'll watch the footage later from the few cameras here. Hope you're done before we wake up.~

We all went to (Y/N)'s room and got cozy on his bed to snuggle together and Rouge totally cheated and put his face into her boobs while (Y/N) and Cream didn't see what she was doing. When she saw how it bothered me, she gave me a smug look before she closed her eyes, and I wrapped my arms around him tighter.

(???'s POV)

With Sonic's help and Knuckle's too, we already had 6 chaos emeralds while the 7th was still at large, but knuckles made it easier by capturing Eggman and making sure he can't do a thing to stop us. We also know how gullible he could be, so we didn't leave him to guard since the cell should hold him until it's time to go. We also need to find the girls and I was working on that right now while Sonic was out searching for them and the emerald we need.

Tail's mind-If things go this smoothly, we should be able to leave by the time this machine is done in 3 or 4 days.


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