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(Vanessa's POV)

Today was a good shopping day and I left the bags of clothes at my house in the room I had set up for him, but I needed to grab something at work and since I didn't trust (Y/N) not to wake up and run away while I was gone, I took him with me. He slept through most of the shopping trip anyway and whenever he tried to call out for help in a weak or tired voice, everyone thought they were cranky. When I got back to my work I saw at least 8 police cars, 12 ambulances, and 3 firetrucks, but when I got a better look, the front doors had broken glass and bent metal that made it look like there was a break in, in broad daylight. I walked up to the crime scene and walked up to an officer while I made sure my baby was still sleeping over my shoulder.

Vanessa-What happened? I work here.

Officer-Two of the main robots went crazy and murdered 7 kids before they ran off. We even found a dead body in the trash. This place is a crime scene, so I think it's safe to say that you got the day off.

I never gave an order to attack for any of the animatronics to attack anyone, but my first suspects were the ones I gave new bodies to... Chica and Roxy.

Vanessa-I actually came to pick something up. Can I go in to get it? It's just a white box with something really important.

Officer-We will send it to your address after we get ahold of your employee profile. This place won't be open for a while, so if there are questions regarding your job, take it with your corporate.

He just walked away and I was furious because if they take a look at what's in the box, things might get complicated if he tries to ask others who worked here about this... I just hope they mistake me for a furry instead of finding the truth because killing cops in secret is hard. With no other option I just turned back to get in my car and made sure the child safety locks were on while I cuffed (Y/N) to his car seat. With my baby safe and secure, I just started the drive back home where it was just a 2 bedroom apartment. At first my other room was just an office with a shrine, then it became my baby's room with a shrine,... and now I threw out the shrine to Afton to make more room. I tucked my baby in bed and adored me before I left his room while locking the door. The lock was flipped, so now it looks on the outside and the window in his room is completely tented to make it to he can look outside a little, but nobody can get a glimpse on the inside because they don't need to see my baby.

Vanessa's mind-I should be able to track those to one my computer. I just need to get ahold of the suits serial numbers.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up in a room and I was in a bed that just felt so soft and the blanket was warm then I sat up and stretched before I looked around. This room... looked kinda like my old one, but had a few things that I wanted in it before to make it better, but the only thing that I didn't ask for wa a 70inch T.V. mounted on the wall. I got out of the before and went to the door to get out of here, but it was locked from the outside and the window glass looked as dark as a pair of sunglasses. Would knock on the door to try to get someone here, but I know Vanessa was out there if anyone was, so I tried to open the window and scream for help, but the window would not open, even if I flipped the lock both ways. I saw people walking on a path, so I tried pounding on the window without caring if it would break.

(Y/N)-HELP!!! UP HERE!!!

They just walked by like nothing happened while I was still screaming for them. Just then the door opened and I turned to see Vanessa smiling at me before she closed the door behind here.


Vanessa-Hey sweetie. Scream all you want, but I don't think anyone is going to hear or see you. I made sure of that.~

I was scared and tried to run and stay away from her, but she laughed a little before she quickly caught and held me like a baby before she laid on the bed with me.

(Vanessa's POV)

My baby boy looked so cute when he was scared and he just looked so much more active now that he was awake. Good time too, because when I make lunch later he'll eat something and I know what he likes too and won't be able to resist. I just held him down for a bit to snuggle him before I let him run around his room again to try and get out which was funny to watch until he finally gave up and cried in the middle of the room, so I picked him up and he didn't do a thing to stop me.

Vanessa-My poor baby, mama's here... How about you watch (F/C) on your new big T.V. while I make some yummy food for you. If you're good, i'll make a dessert tonight, just for you.~

He only kept on crying a little before I tucked him in bed and put on the first episode of (F/C) and gave his head a kiss before I left his room while making sure it was still locked. Whimpers could still be heard through the door while I went to the kitchen to get started on my baby's lunch.

(Random Man's POV)

I was not ready for today because my home has just been invaded and I was hung upside down by my feet above a bucket of bleach while I was gagged. The weird part was who it was that invaded my home and the fact that I lived alone meant that nobody was coming to my rescue and that fact hit me harder when both of my invaders came in with a pot of boiling water and a knife.


Roxy took out my gag while Chica poured the boiling water into the bleach right below me before she held the knife to one of the 2 ropes, mainly the shorter one since the longer one is meant to hold me in a place I don't want to be. I was fearing for my life and didn't want to scream to make them angry or maybe they were just malfunctioning in some new kind of body I saw on the news they had today. Roxy took my phone off the couch before she looked at me.

Roxy-How do we find locations on here?

Man-M-Maps! It's on the second page, the 4th app on the 3rd row!

She did stuff on my phone before she grabbed a file on the couch that had a name, "Vanessa" on it and typed in what must be an address before I heard the address she put in. They both smiled at this before they tossed the file into the boiling bleach and my nose was really starting to burn.

Man-S-See, I gave you what you wanted. I'll give you whatever you want, just let me-.

She was ignoring me the whole down before the rope was suddenly cut and my head was dunked in the bucket, and it burned like hell!

(Chica's POV)

This man's screams filled the room as I went to see where Vanessa lived on the phone and before we left I just lifted up the man's pants and boxers to find a new home for the knife since I could leave it on the floor for safety reasons that I live by. Instead, I just left it in his tender area, since he won't be needing it anymore and it made him scream louder in the boiling bucket.

Roxy-It says that it's a 25 minute walk, but we should go at night and just charge in the sunlight during the day.

Chica-Oh, we can be extra sneaky!

Roxy-I'll be getting his news clothes ready... AND WOULD YOU SHUT HIM UP?!?!?!

Chica-I think in a minute he'll-.

She was angry from all his screaming, so she pushed me aside and took the knife out before she grabbed his leg to lift him out to his neck before she cut it open and dropped him back in then put the knife back where I had it and his screaming lasted 5 more seconds before it stopped. We just let him be while I went to sit on the couch and turned on the T.V. out here and it was a little different than the ones back at the Mega Plex, but I was still able to connect and change to channels until I saw one of a little boy sick in bed while his mom was caring for him... then she left and he started to set traps around the house.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Vanessa had my hands and feet cuffed together while we were in a bath to make sure I couldn't run and even said when she trusts me to be good, I won't need these anymore. After we were both clean she just cuddled me in the water for a while before we got out to dry off, she took the cuffs off, and she carried me to my room before she got me dressed in some pajamas first. After she was done, she tucked me back into bed with a cartoon.

Vanessa-Don't go to sleep yet. Mommy is gonna get dressed and be back with some yummy desert, just for you before we sleep together tonight.~

She kissed my head before he left the room while locking the door again and all I could do was wait for her to come back. Later my door opened and I saw Vanessa come in and she had the dessert with her and it looked so good.


It was a whole cake and she had a knife to cut it and a plate and fork. She put the cake on the table by my bed and got a slice for me then sat on my bed before she held a bite to me. I was worried if I would going to sleep again if I took a bite, but I don't think it would make a difference since i'm already stuck here. I took the bite and it was really good.

(Y/N)-Are you gonna have any?

Vanessa-Nope. This cake is all yours and whatever you don't finish tonight, you can have it later, whenever you want.~

She gave me another bite then another and so far I didn't feel more tired, but when I tried to take my hands out of the blanket to get the plate to feed myself she smacked my hands hard before she put them back under the blanket.

Vanessa-No. Whenever I feed you, don't even think about reaching for anything. Do it again and i'll spank you... You just have to ask.

She went back to feeding me and looked so happy and when I finished my first slice she asked me if I wanted another, so I nodded my head yes and she got another slice for me. She looked so happy feeding me and when I asked for a glass of milk she got it for me and slowly poured it in my mouth. While was making train and plane noises to feed me, it was so embarrassing, but she lost her smile when...

*Ding dong*

She just went back to feeding to ignore it and not answer the door.

*Ding dong*

Vanessa-Just ignore them baby. Focus on opening up for the airplane.~

She gave me the bite, but while I was chewing the doorbell went off again and she looked more angry until...

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

She soon put the plate down and grabbed the knife she used to cut the cake before she headed out of my room and I was scared.

Vanessa-Don't touch that cake until I get back. This shouldn't take long.

(Y/N)-Wait, don't-!

She slammed my door from being so angry at whoever was ringing the doorbell.

(Vanessa's POV)

I was so fucking pissed that someone doesn't know not to take the fucking hint that nobody wanted to answer the door and go away. I couldn't enjoy my time with my baby to feed him cake, so I think it's fair if I invite them in, let them into my bath where I can gut them and use some sulfuric acid to let the body and bones dissolve overnight and I think I have enough under my sink for a body, but clean-up is going to be a pain since I wanted another bath with my baby first think in the morning. I just peaked out the eyehole, but saw nobody.

Vanessa-Is anyone out there?

There was no answer, so I opened the door while keeping the knife behind my back, but when I did I saw Chica and Roxy come from both sides of the door and grabbed me by my mouth.


Chica took me to the couch and I tried to stab her, but she stopped me before taking the knife and putting it on the table. Roxy just looked around my home and went into the back rooms while I tried to scream through Chica's hand.

Chica-Calm down officer Vanessa, we're not going to hurt you... this time. We just want my baby back.

I kept on screaming at her, telling her that he was my baby and I know she can fucking understand me, but she just smiled while giggling a little.

Chica-Maybe you need a place to calm down.

She took me back to my room and I saw my baby's door was opened which meant Roxy was in there. I was furious then Chica saw the cuffs I used on my baby during the bath and picked one up.


Chica-These can work.

(Roxy's POV)

These clothes on him did look kinda cute, but he was not keeping these since I have clothes with my name and face on them for him. He tried to fight me on this, but getting him undressed was easy while Chica was dealing with Vanessa. Now getting his new clothes to brand him as mine was a little harder, but just then Chica came in and I had her help me, but in exchange, she put her brand of pajama pants on him.


He was crying and whimpering and we can't have that on the way back home, so I looked for something to cover his mouth until I decided to just put his face in my chest. I see some boys or mean look here when I still had my old body, so maybe he'll like it too and it keeps him quiet.

Chica-Hi baby. Your aunty and I are gonna take you back home.~

Roxy-He's not staying still. We need him to be quiet.

Chica-I think I saw something in Vanessa's room that can help. Keep his eyes covered.

I did what she asked and he just kept on screaming into my chest before she came back with a needle and injected something into his arm.

Chica-Go to sleep honey. Tomorrow is just going to be us and tons of fun.~

He son stopped screaming and fell asleep on me, so I held him in a more comfortable position before we left the house while I heard muffled screams from the other room.

(No POV)

As the 2 left happy with (Y/N) sleeping, Vanessa was left cuffed to her bed and gagged with dirty laundry from her hamper Chica put in her mouth. She kept on struggling as hard as she could without rest and slowly... the cuffs were breaking from the strain.


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