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(Sly's POV)

Bently showed us a door that looked promising to pull 2 big scores in one night, but even if the door was rusted and old, we would need explosives or something strong to get in since there was broken keypad by the door that Bently said is beyond repair since some of the buttons were gone, power was glitching out, and even if we got it to work, we don't have the code. Bently did some research and was coming up with a plan to get in as soon as possible in case we need to make a run for it and the cops find this by chance. When he came up with something he laid it out in the van and Murray, and I were all ears.

Bently-Alright, with what we have, this should work, but very risky. With my small bombs I should be able to blow off the lock and hinges of the door without making too much noise. Just to be safe, Sly, I want you to make sure the coast is clear, and Murray can get the door and rubble out of the way.

Sly-Got it, i'll head out now. Wait on my call.

I left the cave while Bently got his bombs in place and I checked the area to see cops were closer than we thought, so good call on checking the place out. I was wondering how I was going to get their attention without getting the others caught and just like that it hit me and I had an idea. I just need to make sure i'm further from the others.

(Carmelita's POV)

I was not going to give up until I have that racoon, turtle, and hippo behind bars where they belong. During my search alone I heard a ruckus off in the distance before I heard the radio go off.

Cop-It's Sly Cooper! He's... surrendering?

Carmelita's mind-What?

It did surprise me that he was surrendering until I reminded myself of everything he had going on around him. After all the times he has slipped away before, we finally got him, but just then sirens went off which was not a good sign.

Cop-He's making a break for it towards a cliff!

I was far from them, but I wasted no time in running and not long after...

Cop-He jumped!... Lost sight of him. All units move to the valley.

This was all so strange about what was reported to me and none of made sense. Why surrender then suddenly run away right in front of cops? This was all very suspicious and made me think that they weren't following him... he was leading them to where he wanted to go, far away from where the crew was actually hiding.

Carmelita-Nice try Cooper, but I see through your little trick. I know I have to be close.

I tried to call for backup at first, but if I do, they'll know that we're on to them and besides.

Carmelita's mind-If anyone is going to arrest him, it better be me.

I stayed up here to work alone and tried to keep a low profile and maybe even find Cooper to lure me to the others and recover the statue they stole. As I kept on searching I soon saw a shadowy figure and know who it had to be, so I hurried to follow them quietly. When I made it next to another trail, I saw it was indeed Cooper like I suspected and he went inside a cave.


Carmelita-I got you now.~



Whatever that explosion was, it came from inside the cave.

(Sly's POV)

Murray was moving the rubble and the door out of the way before we walked into place while lights flickered a little. The first room had some kind of dusty tube things and speaking of dust, this place was covered in it. There was other halls, but when I checked them and they looked like bedrooms, a kitchen, and other rooms you might find in a house.

Sly-this place sure isn't a vault.

Bently-I think it's a bunker, but it looks like it wasn't touched in ages... It looks so futuristic though. How?

Murray-This place looks cool... What's down here?

He went down another hallway while Bently went on a computer and it was so thin, but looked better than other computers. I also saw tons of words, numbers, pictures of science kind of stuff on the computer and Bently looked blown away.

Sly-What is this stuff?

Bently-I... I don't even know where to begin... What's this?... Error, requesting restart. Warning, current program will be aborted.

He started to do stuff on the computer to look at other things, but something needed a password after it said something and it had a timer on it counting down from 30 seconds.

Bently-Oh no... Quick find something that might be a pass-!


We both turned and saw Carmelita standing there with her pistol pointed at us and just then Murray walked in and saw her.


Carmelita-You are all under arrest. I already called for backup and they will be here soon.

Sly-Aww and I thought it would be a nice chat between old friends. Nothing like a good old bunker... lab... place to-.

Carmelita-Enough racoon! Your words won't be enough to save you this time! Nothing will!

Sly-Wow, that hurts. It's like you don't even know me.

I was trying to think of something to get her to drop her guard, even for a moment and fast or it'll just be harder for us. Just then the tubes started to open and fog spewed onto the floor and when it reached our feet, it was so cold. I noticed that Carmelita had her sites fixated on this, so I seized my moment, but Bently used his sleep darts to beat me to the punch.

Bently-Let's go!

Sly-What about-?

Bently-She will be fine and whatever they find here, we'll get later. Now hurry before the cops get here!

I saw Carmelita fall to her hands and knees as the fog was already going away, so she will be fine and we'll find out more about this stuff later. We all made a break for it to the van to make a get away, but after an easy get away with no chase at all told me one thing.

Sly's mind-I guess she was bluffing about back up... She always did want the honor of arresting me for herself.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just had a good dream, but it was kinda longer than my others dreams, but now I was waking up and felt cold still. I also felt dizzy and tried to get up, but I fell to the ground and I kinda felt it a little bit and it didn't hurt that much. I also couldn't see that well and just felt for the pods we were all in and when I touched one, it felt so dusty, but we did sleep for 10 years. I could soon see again and looked to see Mrs. Logan was still asleep, so I tried to shake her awake a little before I moved in a circle to the other pods and saw everyone was sleeping and not waking up, but when I made it to my mom's pod I saw something on the floor. I just looked at it from here to wonder what it was, but...


Whatever that thing was it was alive and slowly getting up before I saw them stand and turn around while I just hid behind a pod. They looked dizzy before they reached down and grabbed a gun.


It... was a monster.

(Carmelita's POV)

I was starting to recover from that surprise sleep darts and there was no doubt that the Cooper gang was gone. I don't know how long it's been, but I looked around to check my surroundings and saw I was in a lab and my sights came to one of the tubes that was empty and had padding in it. I don't know if they took what was inside or not, but I walked around to check this place and without being caught in the moment, this looked like it was from the future or something. It was no time flat when I peaked in another tube to see... a human.

Carmelita-... Oh my god.

I looked closer to see that this one looked male then checked the others to see there was 3 males and 3 females. They were all sleeping and wouldn't wake up, but that could mean they are in a coma or something, but when I got back to the empty one, I worried if the Cooper Gang ran off with a human.


I turned and pointed my pistol out for a bit before I put back down.

Carmelita-Who's there?... Come out.

I followed the noise and it came from a hallway that led me to a kitchen that looked dusty, rusted, and disgusting, but I searched the room real fast. It was clear, but I heard footsteps and ran to where they were which was back in the hall and back to where I came from. The footsteps could still be  heard and I followed them down the hall, but I heard something.


???-*Wince* *sobbing*.

I made it back to the pod room then saw something was knocked over, so none of this was a part of my imagination. If one of the pods are empty and the Cooper Gang was gone, it's another human, it has to be and considering the stories in history, he must be so confused and scared to see me. They were long gone before we even started our history and even for a time, some thought they were a myth.

Carmelita-Wait, come out... It's safe.

I slowly went done the hall and this one led me to a room full of bunk beds and curtains and the one bed that stood out, had a few toys on it. I just closed the door behind me since they have to be in here and checked under the beds and behind curtains, but under the bed with toys... I was blown away by what I saw.


They were covering their mouth, but gave up when I found them and were trying to hold back their cries. I was speechless with no idea what to say from this shock. In one look, I knew they were so young and their breathing was getting faster in a panic. I snapped out of my thoughts a little.

Carmelita-Hey, hey, it's ok... I'm not here to hurt you.

I slowly held out my hand for them since grabbing him was not only out of my reach, but will only make things worse and give them a reason to be scared. However, he didn't take it and tried to crawl out on the end of the bed, but stopped when I moved to be ready to cut him off from running.


They suddenly screamed very loud that kinda hurt my ears before they took this chance of me being stunned a little to crawl out and run.

???-MOM, DAD, HELP!!!

I got up as they swung the door open to run down the hall and I thought they might run out the exit and try to run, but I was quickly catching up, but he didn't run for the exit, he ran into another tube and when I looked in I saw him crying into who must be his mother's leg while keeping one eye on me. He's scared to death of me and resorted to cuddling his unconscious mother for protection, so I just knelt down to him and his breathing was getting faster and faster until... he fainted.

Carmelita-The Cooper Gang can wait.

This is the discovery of a lifetime, so I radioed in for real this time for not only officers, but for paramedics to come to my location where I will fire a shot in the air. When that was done I just went back to the human child and took him from his mother and saw his breathing and heartbeat was starting to go back down when I checked.

(No POV)

It took 20 minutes, but police and paramedics mad it to where Carmelita was and were all shocked to seeing her holding a sleeping human child in her arms and lead them to the 6 sleeping human adults. Carmelita decided to stay close to the human child that ran from her since if he wakes up, this will all hit him the hardest and she wanted to care for that. Everyone that came was told by Interpol officials that this is all to stay a secret, at least for now. Carmelita and (Y/N) were the first to leave in a helicopter, but will not being taken to a hospital, instead they were heading to the Interpol office in Paris, France and Carmelita will take him to her office for now while the adults are planned to be taken to the med wing under the headquarters. One thing was on Carmelita's mind that almost made her forget about the Cooper Gang for a moment.

Carmelita's mind-I can't believe that humans are still alive... The stories you could tell about your old life... Maybe I can ask later.


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