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(No POV)

For the past 3 months war has been waged from a terrorist group trying to overthrow the military and take over the state. They did bombs on big building in the city and people were either gone, trapped, or part of the fighting since the military won't do evacuations anymore after a plane went down by a suicide bomber. The only option people had was to his and scavenge by risking their lives... Unless you're these people.

((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 5

I was sitting on a bunk bed in this bunker being very bored since I was the only kid here and some adults here were kinda mean or just angry about all of this. I haven't been outside in a long time to play, and my mommy and daddy didn't let me bring any games or a lot of toys since I we only packed clothes and extra food. My daddy was very, very, very smart and said he was working on a way to get us out of here faster or make waiting quicker. When I was playing with my stuffed toy I was tapped on my shoulder and turned to see my mommy and she had a smile on her face.

(M/N)-Sweetie, go eat and take a nice shower. You daddy is almost done with his work. Just wait for the Logan's to be done in the bathroom before you go in.

(Y/N)-What's happening?

(M/N)-Daddy has everything all ready to go and we'll be done with this soon. Now go eat something.

(Y/N)-But i'm sick canned fruit and vegetables.

(M/N)-Go have Mrs. Kendale open something for you.

All we had for weeks now was canned fruit and vegetables and I wish we just had something else like pizza, or ice cream, or even just cereal. I just went to the kitchen and Mr. and Mrs. Kendale already made a big bowl of fruit, but I decided that I didn't want it because I wasn't very hungry. I just went back to my bed until I saw the bathroom was open and went to take a bath alone while the adults were talking about all of this happening because of policies or something, but I didn't care. After I was done with my bath I just got dressed and looked in the mirror while I brushed my teeth.


When I left I went up to my mom and when she asked me if I ate, I just said yes to keep her from making me more canned food that I was sick of. We all went to the front room of the bunker that my dad turned into his lab that I wasn't allowed into. There was 7 tube things that kinda looked like beds on the inside.

(D/N)-Alright everyone, here's the plan. We're gonna be put in cryogenic tubes for a few years and by the time we come out, this war should all be over and we can get on with our lives.

Mr. Logan-Wait, years? How many years?

(D/N)-Nothing too bad, just 5 to 10. Just long enough to make sure this war is over when we come out, but for us, it'll only feel like as long as dreaming, so not very long.

Mrs. Kendale-Are you sure this is safe?

(D/N)-We're in my most secure lab and I did the math over and over again while testing it on a fish by freezing it for a week which lives to this moment completely fine. It's perfectly safe or I wouldn't put any of us in these things.

Mr. Kendale-Can we just explore our other options?

(D/N)-Ok, here's our other option. We go out for more food since we just went through the las of it, risk getting shot or blown up if we're lucky. Not to mention the chance of terrorists finding this place the second we open that door and leave the cave.

Mr. Kendale-... Sleep for 10 years and go on from there. Got it.

(D/N)-Alright, step in everyone. (Y/N), let me help you in yours.

My dad took my hand and led me to one of the tubes then laid me back inside even if I was just leaning against a crooked bed. He patted my shoulder and gave me a smile before she should me a fist which was his way of saying "Be strong" and mom said he stole that from a movie which just made it more funny.

(D/N)-It's gonna get cold in here, but that's ok. Just don't move and relax. When you wake up, we'll go out for pizza or something. Whatever you want.

(Y/N)-... How about a burger place with some ice cream?

(D/N)-You got yourself a deal.

He just gave me one last wave before he closed the door and there was no window, but there was lights in here then soon... very cold fog sprayed me in here and I screamed a little and wanted to get out of here, but it was already so cold that I couldn't move. I was getting scared and just closed my eyes to not look as I felt something covering my body... like ice until everything was quite... and dark.

(No POV)

With the other adults getting into their tubes and closing them to wait a few moments to get comfy before they froze. The war went on and a few months prior to the time they froze in the lab in the mountain there was an airstrike on a camp near the top of the mountain which caused a bit of rubble to fall from the ceiling and onto the main computer which made it cause a malfunction and delete the timer, but the pods remained active and must be opened manually.

(Timeskip 10 Years)

The pods still remained closed and power remained on through solar, foils, and stored energy. Meanwhile the war only continued to spread and grow globally until off in the distance... nukes were dropped and while parts of the world were destroyed the others were radiated and in... it showed effects for what one day will be the new world.

(Timeskip 1000 Years)

In the city of Dallas, Texas there was a museum full of priceless artifacts and gems and in the dead of night, the museum was cleared out of any tourists, and guards were the only ones inside. Alarms were set, and the police would have a 3 minute react time if the alarms were tripped. It would take someone who has a talent for stealing or one who might be... a master thief.

(Sly's POV)

I was in the big air vents just crouching to get by where I can go straight to the golden pharaoh statue of Egypt. When I made it above the room I just looked through the vent and I saw cameras and lasers all over the room.

Sly-It was like they didn't want anyone to steal this small statue... Weird.

I decided to check in on how Bently was dealing with the security system to shut down the alarms without suspicion.

Sly-How are we looking Bently?

Bently-The cameras are almost deactivated and set on a loop for the guards, but it won't fool them forever. I can't however shut down the laser system, so just be careful on your way down.

Sly-Do you know who you're talking too?

Bently-I'm serious, one wrong move and police will be here before you know it.

Sly-Just tell Murray to keep the van running and i'll be there soon.

I hung up before I opened the vent used my cane hook to hang off the edge before I swung to a metal bar used to hold lights and hung from un as I climbed upside and dropped down on the part where there was a clearing of the laser, but when I touched the floor.

Sly-Cameras, lasers, and pressure plates?!

Bently-Sly, police are coming! Grab the statue and let's go!

I wasted no time in grabbed the statue and leaving my symbol in its place before I ran off to get out of here.

(No POV)

Police were rushing to their cars to head over to the museum since they weren't that far away and some wondered who set off the alarms, but one inspector from Interpol knew who would fit the profile after trying to arrest them for so long. Last time she almost had them, but it ended with her being cuffed to a homeless woman that was caught selling stolen goods to others which made her angrier at the memory of it.

???'s mind-Cooper.

When police arrived on the scene they saw a speeding van driving away, so that was the number one suspect and multiple police cars chased after the van with sirens feeling the once quiet streets.

(Sly's POV)

The police were hot on our tail, but Murray was the man for the job to lose them and had a route in plan to go up mountains and lose the cops in the landscape. I had no worries as this heist only had a small bump in the road, but was going to end well... That was until an electric blast flew past us slowly and barley missed the van and hit a tree.


Bently-Um Sly, we got more unwanted company!

I looked in the side view mirror and saw none other than my favorite cop Carmelita as she was sticking her head out of the car, her shock pistol pointed at us, and her hair waving behind her in the wind.


Murray-Is it me or does she seem angrier than before? You did cuff her to that homeless person.

Sly-What makes you say that?

Carmelita-When I catch you, i'll enjoy watching you rot away in jail on camera to watch at home! YOU RING TAILED RAT!!!

Sly-... I guess she might be a "little angry", but in my defense, I gave her someone else to arrest.


There was a blast heading right for us and Murray acted fast in driving off the road and recovered through trees to lose the cops and as we made it up higher we got on another trial and what we need now is a place to lay low for a bit. Soon he backed up into a cave and turned off the van for us to hide. I just stepped out of the van with the statue in hand and it was almost too easy for what it was worth that I felt a little bad for Carmelita.

Bently-Well I think it's safe to say that we are spending the night in here. Luckily we still have some left over pizza for a snack.

Murray-Oh... We used to have that.


Sly-Calm down. We'll get a fire going and go to a donut shop in the morning. I'll get the wood.

(Carmelita's POV)

The helicopter lost sight of them, but I know they were hiding on this mountain somewhere, so I ordered the men to keep on searching. There was no way they could slip away off these mountains withing being seen, so they must be laying low in a cave or something in their van. It was also clear that we weren't going to cover everywhere by car, so a few stayed in cars while most of us traveled on foot, and I was the first one to go. I had my shock pistol ready as I went back to where they lost us by going off road and used a flashlight to follow the tracks they made and when they end, i'll go from there.

Carmelita's mind-Good luck escaping this time. We got you surrounded with nowhere to go and nothing, but time to find you tonight.

(Bently's POV)

I took a flashlight to see how far this cave goes and see if there was anything else in here with us, but instead of finding a bear I found... a big metal, rusted door. I had no idea what was inside of it, but if it's hidden, old, and still standing without looking like it was open, chances are there was something inside.

Bently's mind-The others are gonna wanna see this.


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