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(Zara's POV)

I was getting ready for a few harmless tests after Chemfi gets out of the bath with (Y/N) and I just couldn't wait to get more information. When everything was set, I made a quick dialog before I simply just sat and wait while thinking of new tests to run. Later when the door opened I had a pretty good idea who it was, but I finished what I was writing before I turned and saw none other than my new boss and human child, but he looked kinda nervous.


As they both walked up to me I got my tablet before I stood up then bent down to (Y/N) to give him a smile to try and help him not want to repeat what happened last time.

Zara-Hey little guy. Are you ready for a few exams and tests. This should only take a half hour, tops.

Chemfi-He asked during the bath if there was going to be any needles.

Zara-Well, I was going to draw a little bit of blood. Other than that, no needles, and we can even save it for last.

Chemfi-See, you'll be fine. You can come back up after you're done and Hemio and Gena will have a treat waiting for you.

She left him with me as she back upstairs and I took his hand to lead him to a chair and I need to calm him down first and luckily, I have a test for that. I sat him down and closed a mini table on the chair before I got a little box with 3 kinds of candles in them then set them on the table on little metal plates and lit the first one that smelled like flowers. His reaction was still uncomfortable at first glance, but I could see no signs of discomfort due to the smell, so I blew it out and lit the second that smelled like fresh baked cookies. This time he looked like he really enjoyed it and even relaxed a little to where it was kinda cute considering how uptight he was before. I blew out the second candle before I lit the third one which was cast iron and I assumed he was going to hate this one and he even covered his nose.

Zara's mind-I'll just give this one to Moltra. She'll love it.

I wrote down the sense of smell he has and it was more like Chemfi would have than with anyone, but later i'll see how strong that sense of smell is. I'll just have to do it without noticing until he can just smell it.

Zara-Ok, next we're going to do a hearing test and I just want you to raise your hand when you hear something while closing your eyes.

(Moltra's POV)

This job was easy enough to do since I just need to make sure nobody gets hurt, but no guest or anyone else other than who lives here is here. I was just looking at the weapons I had and it was just tasers, pepper spray, batons, and I only had one question...

Moltra's mind-She really expects me to use this stuff?... Eh, maybe if i'm angry and they come to mind.

I just did a walk around outside to check the fence when I suddenly got an alert on my phone that someone was ringing the bell at the gate. I just went up to it and there was 5 people there with cameras and I had a pretty damn good idea what they were here for, but they weren't gonna get it.

Moltra-How can I help you all?

Man#1-Hello, do you mind if we come in for a quick photoshoot?

Moltra-I do mind. I'm gonna ask you all to leave.

Woman#1-Oh please, we're standing outside of the property, so there's no law to where you can make us leave.

Moltra's mind-I think I could afford a few more lawsuits before I can worry about money... Might get in trouble with my new boss and lose my pet already.

Moltra-Fine, but you're just gonna be out here taking pictures of the house from where you're standing.

They tried to appeal to me to let them in, but I just walked away and it was annoying, so I kinda wished one of them would try to hop the fence. I'm sure sending one to the hospital would scare the others off. I just went to the garden to relax when all the sudden I started to get alerts on my phone.

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

It was starting to get on my fucking nerves, so I went on my phone to go on the doorbell app connect to the damn thing outside and I had a mic, so I clicked on it to speak to them.

Moltra-Go. Away.

Man#2-Not until we get a few pictures. We can do this all day if you want.

Moltra-If you ring that doorbell one more time.


*Ding dong*

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Gena's POV)

Hemio and I were putting the final touches on the cake while Moltra was dealing with paramedics with Chemfi after some press annoyed Moltra by constantly ringing the doorbell. You would they would remember that her race can get aggravated very easily due to their molten magma for blood. (Y/N) was still downstairs with Zara to do testing and question and I found out that he has no allergies that he's aware of, so I decided not to go too crazy on this cake. When they paramedics left after they got details and it shouldn't be too bad since they did aggravate her and Moltra said she could easily pay off the small amounts she had to help with, Zara came back up with (Y/N) and he had a band-aid on his arm from when Chemfi said that Zara was going to take some of his blood.


I just finished putting the last of the frosting on the cake before Hemio went to go pick him up and show him what we made and he looked a little surprised at this.


Hemio-Look honey, we made a cake for you.~

Gena-We made it a chocolate with vanilla on the inside. I even gave it a chocolate pudding center... Would you like a slice?

Zara-I think some food and sugar is something he could use.

I just got a plate and cute a sliver since it was a tall cake and put it on a plate for him and I admit I did something to the cake to help take the edge off of him and the others. Nothing to make you high or intoxicated much, but enough to calm down someone his size. I also put the plate on the table and sat (Y/N) on my lap to help feed it to him. He was hesitant, but I could tell that he wanted it.

(Y/N)-Can I just feed myself?

Gena-Um... Fine, but you're sitting here.

I gave him the fork, so he could eat and I could still bond with him a little and it did feel nice to have him in my lap. Soon I could feel him slowly relaxing as he finished his cake. I just spent my time rubbing his back and this felt much better than keeping him in a cage. While he was calm I scratched under his chin a little and I think he kinda liked it because instead of closing his neck to stop it, he lifted up a little more.

(Chemfi's POV)

I was still annoyed from what happened from those people constantly ringing the doorbell to paramedics already having to come to come get 5 reporters. Luckily, we had grounds on harassment, but then they had excessive force and she said just talk to her family's lawyers while giving them a number. It doesn't surprise me that a rich family of Zinkenights have lawyers for this stuff on speed dial. This moment however was nice and the cake was good, but I stopped after one when I didn't feel the stress from the incident anymore. My little pet was also looking relaxed and adorable... I took my phone out and took a picture of him and Gena together and the others saw this.

Zara-Can you and me that?

Moltra-I better get one of Teddy too.

Gena-If I may, i'll take one.

I did send them copies, but then I had other ideas.

(No POV)

For the rest of the day the girls did poses with (Y/N) like him sitting on Moltra's arm while she was stood up with a flexing pose, or Hemio did a nose rub with him, Gena got a picture of him being fed a piece of cake, Zara cupped his face to squish his cheeks a little while giving him a warm smile, finally Chemfi just laid back with (Y/N)'s head on her chest while she cuddled him. Many more pictures were taken, a few were even posted and got blown up online which was good for Chemfi to see how many were noticing her with her pet.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw it was night outside now and I was just so tired while Moltra was holding me that I could almost fall asleep if she wasn't actually as hard as a rock. Everyone saw how tired I was too, so Chemfi took me from Moltra and walked me to my room while the others stayed out in the living room. When we got to my room she put me in my bed before she tucked me in and my blanket just felt so soft and warm when she flipped a switch near my bed before she gave me a kiss on the head.

Chemfi-Everyone just loves you... I think we can do an actual photoshoot soon and made some big money for us... Rest now little guy. I think we're gonna be a little busy tomorrow.~

(No POV)

Chemfi left (Y/N) in his room alone to sleep while she went back out with the others to get ready for bed. The first day on the job had a few bumps in the road, but this set up was going to work, at least for now. (Y/N) has a home in a world he still needs to adjust to a little, but some answers might come with a price... Perhaps on another day.



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