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(Jasmine's POV)

I was up all night with Layla, Kate, and Fia to make a straight jacket for the horrid man that most likely has at it with his own son and maybe wants the young underaged girls here too. I was almost done and I don't care if he is (Y/N)'s father, he clearly belongs in a cage and far away from here from anyone. We did have a prison house that we haven't used in years on the other end of the island, but it looks like (D/N) has a home here now. When we catch him, i'm going to give him a piece of my mind and a bloody nose.

Layla-Hurry, he could wake up soon! I thought you would be done by now!

Jasmine-I am working as fast as I can! This may not be fashion, but I am going to make it secure to even trap his feet and hands in bondage gloves! He won't be getting out if he can't use his fingers and toes anymore!

Kate-We can worry about that after we have the jacket!

Fia-What if he tries to go after (Y/N) or the girls again?!

Jasmine-I just have one more sleeve! It will be soon!

((D/N)'s POV)

I woke up this morning still thinking about last night, but couldn't find Layla, so I just made a quick breakfast and decided to make a note for her. It said "Thanks for helping me, but I should get going". I think that was a good enough goodbye and I didn't have a change of clothes, so I tried to find some cologne, but all I could find was perfume and I guess beggars can't be choosers. I sprayed only a little on before I headed for the front door, but when I saw something out the window, I saw that bear girl and she was holding a weird looking jacket that I quickly recognized was a straight jacket. She was even talking to Layla and 2 others.


I don't think this was good for me, so I quickly hid and tried to find another way out since I don't want that bear woman chasing me down. While I was trying to find another way out of here I heard the door open and closed before I peaked from the kitchen and saw the other bear girl was standing guard as the others went for the room I was in. Soon after I heard...


Layla-Wait!... It's a note. He's gone.

???-We have to tell everyone. Search the island or stay home with kids behind locked doors.

They all started to leave while talking more about keeping others safe from me and I didn't do a damn thing. Everyone here thinks I tricked my son into abusing him and it was clear even Layla thought that, so I have to hurry to find my son and get off this island. I just left the house when the coast was clear and snuck into the woods to keep an eye on things from a distance.

(Hana's POV)

Addison was staying home today until I know exactly what is going on with that man, since I don't want her out with that molester running around. She was in her room reading while I was making breakfast for us I heard a knock at the door, so I put everything down for the moment to go answer it. When I opened the door I saw Lazarus holding her half sleeping son in a blanket.


Hana-Did something happened?

Lazarus-Do you mind checking my son again? Riley left me halfway here to go see Layla, but I still needed to see if he was-.

Hana-Say no more... I can't tell if it happened for sure, but I can see if anything looks out of place after breakfast.

She just nodded before she came in and there was one area I could check, and it was going to be super hard to tell. I just brushed it off while I went back to cooking.

Lazarus-Is Addison home? I can leave (Y/N) with her and help you cook.

Hana-She's in her room reading.

She just left to go put her son with my daughter and it made me double check in my mind to make sure her window was locked. She came back out here and helped me make the potatoes and cute them up with some cilantro for extra flavor.

Lazarus-So... about his father... I know you must be worried for your daughter.

Hana-We had a word the other day before the news and if he thinks I was kidding even a little, he's dead wrong... Let's just not talk about this.

Lazarus-Ok, sorry.

I don't even want to bring up what he did in front of my daughter since I don't want her worrying about some man wanting her.

(Addison's POV)

(Y/N) was swaddled on my bed still partly waking up, so this made staying inside all day more fun since I have him. I got on top to straddle him while he looked at me and I laid on him to get in his face and covered his face and lips in kisses and licks while he was stirring and waking up at the same time from being annoyed, but he looked so cute. I did stop after a while, traced hearts on his cheeks.

Addison-Hey, did you get lonely ask your mom to come over?

(Y/N)-No... Can you let me out of this?

Addison-Hmmm... Maybe if you do a little something for me.~


I just puckered my lips for him to kiss them and he only turned his head, so I guess he can just stay in his blanket and I was just fine laying on top of his smaller body. He was fun to play with like this and when he tried calling out for our moms to come in here I just got on his side and put my tail between us and to his face and I guess some got in his mouth because he was spitting up stuff.

Addison-Come on. One kiss and i'll let you out to play a game... We just can't leave the house today?

(Y/N)-Huh, why?

Addison-I actually don't know. My mom won't tell me and even told me to make sure every door and window are locked... Actually, this would make since...

((Y/N)'s POV)

Addison told me she saw my dad come to them at the docks yesterday and they were not allowed to talk or be near him. Her mom showed up and got really mad at my dad before she took everyone home. The only thing my dad asked was where I was and I knew it was because everyone thinks my dad is bad, so I tried to tell her my dad was not bad and everything he did was normal where i'm from, but I just saw her ears go down while her tail got out of my face.

Addison-Um,... that does sound very bad.


((D/N)'s POV)

I was still looking for my son while I saw more girls were coming on the lookout for me while many more were just going on while mostly gonna tell if they see me. How am I supposed to find my son and leave without getting caught? I tried to think of ways while getting closer to the docks to see boats were still out there, but then I had an idea... It was just a really bad one. I walked up to the town and it was no time before women everywhere had eyes on me before they started yelling and getting others attention before I just broke into a full sprint through some open window to check a house while yelling filled the air as I went from house to house by windows and open exits that weren't blocked. It lasted for 3 houses until I booked it back into the woods empty handed except for woman chasing after me in the woods now and I quickly dove in a bush then stayed very quiet and waited for them to pass or leave, praying they won't find me. It took a while and I was going to have to improve each time, but this is the only way I could make progress.

(D/N)'s mind-My next house should be one with little to no women around it. I'll still run into some, but it will be easier to escape and maybe that's where my son could be to hide him.

(Dixie's POV)

I let Fawn keep a window open in her room since it was helping her cool down after she stayed in a bath too long after breakfast. I was just reading a book while she was in her room playing with some toys of hers. I was still worried about that man, but I have her door open, so i'll just listen closely to her and check on her from time to time. Soon she came out her to me and had one of her stuffed toys she sleeps with before she helped herself to crawl on my lap.


Fawn-Mom, why can't I go out? What did Layla say?

Dixie-It's nothing to worry about. I'll see what's going on later.

Fawn-... Can we at least bake something for later.

Dixie-Sorry, but I think we might need more flour. How about we have a nice story?

Fawn-... Later when you go out, can I also go with you?

Dixie-You're going to be held by me the entire time.

Fawn-Ok... Can we read-.


We both heard that from down the hall before we started to hear footsteps, so I held Fawn closer and she held on to me.

Dixie-Who's there?!... Come out!

Just then the footsteps ran away very fast and I wasn't stupid to not now who it was, so I put Fawn down on my chair while I ran out the door and I saw the man who broke into my daughter's room.


Dixie-HELP!!! IT'S THE MAN!!!

I chased after him while still screaming for help to catch him, but soon i lost him and thoughts raced back to my head when all the sudden the possibly of him slipping back into my home without me there popped into my head.


I started to run back to my house, hoping he wasn't going there to trying to rape my daughter.

((D/N)'s POV)

The elephant woman was huge and I was glad she gave up quickly because it looked like she could snap my spine like a twig. I got out from my hiding spot and I don't think (Y/N) was there since I checked all the rooms and she only said one name in worry which was not my son's. I caught my breath a bit before I started walking, but just then if I paid attention... I heard footsteps behind me. I just turned before I was just punched and knocked down to the ground all dizzy before I saw who hit me.


???-Disgusting child molester.

Before I could respond she just stomped my face to knock me out and everything went black with my last sights being to bottom of her boot.


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