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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking still to try to find my mommy or maybe someone who knows her since that picture of me when I was a baby. I was also thinking how they could lose all this stuff so fast since I wasn't here that long considering this kind of thing, but it was still kinda weird that as much other animals are here, they would've saw my mom or someone and Manny, Ellie, or someone would've heard something from the others when they go out. I was thinking about it when all the sudden I saw 3 shadows fly over me and I looked up to see 3 birds land on a tree.


They were just looking at me while I was standing here, and the baby bird tilted its head a little a me. I started walking again while they just followed me and flew from branch to branch as I started to run until I had enough then turned back to them.


Bird#1-Don't mind us. We're just waiting.

(Y/N)-For what?

Baby bird-Food!

Bird#2-Junior!... We don't tell the food they are food until they really are food. *whisper*


I think they meant me since in some cartoons, birds like these are not a good sign then I remembered the names of these bird... Vultures. The mom just looked at me again.

Bird#1-Oh come on, you're a lost child without a parent in the middle of winter. What are your chances?

I just blew my tongue at them before I just walked away before I heard the dad say something.

Bird#2-You're gonna be just like her!

This got my attention and I turned back to them before they all looked at me.

(Y/N)-Huh?... What do you mean?

Bird#2-She was with your tribe, right? Had the same weird kind of things on you. Same color hair too.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Was her hair also kinda wavy?!

Bird#2-Um... I guess.

(Y/N)-That's my mom! Where is she?!

Soon the 2 of them kinda laughed a little at me before they leaned down to me a little.

Bird#1-Don't we have a story for you.~

(Peaches's POV)

I was searching for my little brother alone while my mom and Shira were split up too and the others were searching together. I just kept on going down this path and remembered it's the one I went down when I first met him. Maybe since he recognizes it and it's where he came from, he tried to go back. He can't and won't leave me and when I find him, he's getting a punishment for running away in the middle of the night. I just hope he didn't find his mom's body since I accidently crushed her the 10th time I sat on her and slipped and it was disgusting then took a while to get all her blood off my ass.

Peaches-You better be close.

I stayed on this path before I finally saw (Y/N), but he looked so scared while he was walking in circles slowly and also looked like he was crying a little.



He jumped a little as I ran up to him and when he turned to see me he quickly ran, but I was catching up to him while yelling for him to stop. He didn't listen and I was about to grab him, but he turned and I missed him then had to back up to follow him down a cave.


I was catching up to him again, but this time he stopped when someone appeared on the other side of the tunnel and cut him off, but he turned down into what was a dead end that i remembered was here.


Shira-What happened?

Peaches-I don't know. I found him and he looked scared of me.

We both thought about before we went to go get (Y/N) since he was trapped with nowhere to go anymore. We saw him looking at the wall before he turned back to us and backed up into the wall.

Shira-Sweetheart, what's wrong?~

(Y/N)-St-Stay away from me!... I know what you 3 did and how you found this stuff!

I could tell Shira was just as shocked to hear that as much as me to hear him say that, but I don't think he saw what we did. The body wasn't even close to here, so there was no way he saw things for himself. Shira was the first to get closer to him and (Y/N) curled up against the wall while he started to cry, but other than that, he pretty did nothing to stop or fight her.

Shira-Love, we're not going to hurt you.~

He only flinched away from her touch now and I started to walk up to him, but just then he snapped at us and yelled...


When he said that he desperately tried to run, but I easily grabbed him and held him tight for him to struggle in my trunk. I laid him back down as gently as I could before Shira pinned him, so I let go.

Peaches-Please, we're not trying to hurt you... They were just lying.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I know that she was lying because those vultures knew what my mommy looked like. Shira would not get off of me, so I was stuck and didn't want to listen to a thing they said while they tried to calm me down. After a while I was getting tired then Shira flipped me over to see my back and even bit it a little to pull it up and it was so cold until... she started to rub her head on me. It did feel good, but I didn't relax because of what she did then Peaches laid in front of me with a smile before she used her trunk to push my head down and rubbed my cheeks. Soon it got hard to yell because I did it a lot until I couldn't do it anymore and I still couldn't move.

Shira-We know you like this honey. I even happen to know about this.~

She stopped rubbing her head up and down my back, but now she laid on me and started to nuzzle the back of my neck and it felt like when my mommy would massage it, but fuzzy now. I tried to get up, but I could barely get up before she pushed me back down and I don't know how she knew I liked to have my neck massaged, but I had to focus on hating this. Every time I would get some energy back I tried to get up again, but got tired very fast. She started to lick my neck a little before Peaches curled up with Shira and I against her and it just felt... so warm and cozy...

(Y/N)'s mind-No! They killed my mommy! I know I did, but there has to be something I can do, right?

Maybe if I get out of here and back him she'll come back. Since this is all a movie,... so maybe a rewind button. I just need to think of something that can get me out of here.

(Peaches's POV)

He was burning himself out time and time again while I just cuddled him then used my trunk to grab his sleeping bag and Shira got off him to help me get him inside before I put my arm around him to trap him a little. I also had an idea and looked at Shira.

Peaches-Go find my mom and bring her here. I think he needs a few days with just us, so make sure my dad or the others don't come.

She kinda smiled before she nodded and ran off to go find my mom while I felt (Y/N) wiggle out of his bag a bit, but I just pushed him back in deeper with my trunk then went back to rubbing his cheeks like how his old mom said he likes. He was so fussy which made me think of what he said and if I find the ones that told them, they're dead meat for their own kind! I soon smelled mud, dirt, and sweat all over him which made me remember a hot spring close by that Shira can find me at and I can leave his stuff here, since we're coming back.

Peaches-Oh (Y/N). You might be mad and confused since those mean birds lied, but I know what will cheer you up... I nice relaxing bath with your big sister.~

He tried to say no as best as he could, but that wasn't going to be an answer right now, so I took him out of his bag and took him with me out of the cave. He tried to break free from me, but he was too tired and weak to do it.

Peaches's mind-You're going to learn to love us while you get over that bitch. I don't care if she was your family then, BECASE WE'RE YOUR FAMILY NOW!!!


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