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((Y/N)'s POV)

Cream, Cheese, and Amy played with me all day after I woke up from the nap and Rouge was the one, I had to keep my back away from which made her laugh a little whenever she noticed. I saw her on her phone a bit today and when I peeked, I saw her looking at pictures of jewelry and I think my mommy has some of the same kind she was looking at. During dinner Rouge said she had something at the door to get and it was a package that she said she ordered today, but wouldn't tell us. Amy and Cream whispered to each other a little before I just went back to eating the dinner Amy made for us before Rouge came back to finish her food and when we all finished there was no dessert tonight, so I just went to get a towel and take a bath.

(Y/N)'s mind-What a day... I just wanna lay in a bath after I clean myself.

I got in the bathroom and took my clothes off before I turned on the water, but just then the door opened and I don't think anyone walked in, but was giving me more clothes after my bath. I just turned to see what I got and say thank you, but instead I saw Amy and Cream were in here with spare towels, so I panicked and got in the bath quickly.


Amy-*Giggles* Calm down. We're just here to join you and make bath time quicker.

Cream-It's always nice when I had baths at the bath house with my mom and others.

(Y/N)-Do those have boy and girl rooms?... You can't be in here. My parents and Bri say it's bad for anyone except for my parents.

Amy-Oh... I'm sure they mean by age. Cream here is 6 and i'm only just 14.

(Y/N)-That's not-.

Amy-Not another word. We're coming in.

They both just got undressed and I didn't wanna look, but then I felt long ears hit my face a little while a pair of legs touched my sides from behind... They were in the bath with me now!

Amy-Awwww, don't be shy. Here's lets start with you, so just sit down.~

She closed the curtain and just then the bath turned into a shower and I was getting all wet. I kept my eyes closed even before water was sprayed closer to my head since the shower head had a hose.

Amy-Cream, hold this. I'll start with his hair.


Water stopped spraying me and I felt Amy started to scrub my head with shampoo, but it actually felt... nice. She wasn't using her nails like my mommy would when she's over here and wants to give me a bath, but almost like it was a massage.

(Amy's POV)

I practiced massages scalps for Sonic, but I don't see a harm in doing it on (Y/N) since I took a peek over his shoulder and saw he likes it. I kept on going while Cream was spraying herself with the water until he was ready to be sprayed down to get the soap out of his hair before I moved on to the conditioner. I did the same technique and he was slowly starting to relax bit by bit and I don't blame him since if anyone else was here right now, except for Sonic, I would squish them with my hammer for looking. After his hair was done, it was time for his body and I started with his back while the conditioner was sitting. Cream even helped a litter with his chest, legs, and feet while I got the rest and she sprayed him down when we were done. He was about to get up to get up, but I pulled him back down to sit.

Amy-You stay right there. We don't need more water getting on the floor.

I just wanted him to stay and get used to us being in here since we will be doing this more often and even after Cream and I were done and clean, we thought it would be best to turn this into a bath to lay back and soak. While the bath was filling, Creaming laid on his top while I pulled him back to lean into me and I saw his eyes were still closed with his cheeks looking so pink... I wonder if I can get him to open them by himself, but waited until the bath was full and the water was turned off by Cream.

Amy-(Y/N), can you open your eyes... All the soap is out.~

Cream-You don't need to be shy. My mom says others take a bath together all the time if they like each other. I think it means they have to be good friends... W-We're friends, right?


Cream was oblivious and innocent to what her mother really meant and so did (Y/N) because i know what boys do if they "really" like girls and were close to them like this. He wasn't even reacting to us, but I could use this to persuade him to opening his eyes, so I turned him around to face me.

Amy-We're all friends here, so there's nothing to be ashamed of... Unless... I guess we're not friends... I understand if you want us to leave and never come back.

(Y/N)-Wh-What?! No!

Amy-Then prove it.

He whimpered a little before he slowly opened his eyes to look at me, but he was only looking at my eyes with puppy dog eyes and didn't look like he was weaving to look at my chest or private area. He looked so cute and embarrassed as I flipped him back over for us three to soak, but Cream splashed a little until it was time to get out and dry off. I let him do it himself since I got a hair dryer from under the sink here and used it to blow dry Cream and I before I got his hair then when it was done... It was nice, fluffy, and fun to play with a little and I kissed his cheek to make him blush a little before he wrapped himself in his towel to cover his head and face, but not the area most would want to cover.

Amy's mind-He's just as innocent as Cream and doesn't even have a clue... He's so adorable!~

When we got out of the bathroom i was already thinking about the cuddle position tonight, but then...

Rouge-(Y/N), I know you just got out of the bath with those 2! Hurry up, get dressed, and come to my room. We need to do some things before you sleep with me tonight!

(Y/N) was nervous, but just went to his room like he was doing what she said and Cream and I just stood in the hallway, in towels, shocked.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was getting into some pajamas while Amy and Cream were asking about why i was sleeping in Rouge's room tonight and...

(Y/N)-It's what made he stop at the pool today... I told her I would sleep with her if she stopped. I can't take it back now... She's my nanny now, I have to listen.

Amy-She's just going to play with that sweet spot on your back all night!

(Y/N)-No... Maybe a little before we sleep.

She looked kinda md before I got my night shirt on then left my room before they could get more mad at me. I started to go to Rouge's room down the hall and her door was cracked open, so I went inside and closed it before I turned around and just saw Rouge in a robe, sitting on a chair, with a cup of coffee while looking at her phone.


Rouge-Are you tired right now?

(Y/N)-N-No, but-.

Rouge-Good. Just lay on the towel on the bed. We're going to do a few things tonight.

(Y/N)-Um... Can you promise not to scratch my... sw-sweet spot?


I just got on the bed and laid on the towel before she put her phone down and came over with a plastic box and empty bag. She got on the bed and sat on my side before she slid off my shirt to show her my back.

Rouge-First, let's see if those girls did a good job at cleaning you to my standards. If not, you're taking another shower with me.


She rubbed my back with her hand while kinda pressing on it until she got everywhere then checked inside my hair and she looked happy at first,... but then she glared a little.

Rouge-Ugh, i'm getting you new shampoo and conditioner. You have a bit of dandruff and I think this smell is too weak. Maybe some new body soap too.

She opened the box then reached inside before I saw her pull out a comb and combed my hair and I felt it scraping my scalp a little. She did this for a few minutes before she put it in the bag and I saw some dandruff on it that was on it.

Rouge-Much better. Turn to your side for me.~

She move and helped flip me, so now my head was on her lap and she pet me before she took something else out and it looked kinda weird.


She looked down into my ear before she looked disgusted and grabbed one of the metal things and started to clean my ear, but Bri always did it with a cotton swab. She only did one scoop before she took it out and I saw a big chunk and felt more now.

Rouge-I notice you're being a little quiet... How about a story?~

(Y/N)-Um... O-Ok. What's it about?

Rouge-How and why I got this job... I had tons of gems and riches to steal back in my world, but much more here I didn't have. I got them of course, but I had nowhere to go until... Bri helped me. When I was told about this job paying you a lot to live here, I could have it all, but when I got here, I saw something so precious that I just had to have.~

(Y/N)-What is it?

Rouge-I'm looking at him.~

(Y/N)-... Me?

She just smiled a little bigger while nodding her head and I felt my cheeks get warmer when she rubbed one with her thumb a little before she went back to cleaning.

Rouge-I always take care of my things, but the ones I care about the most, I make sure to polish them the most, so they look their best... You better get used to this because this is only the beginning of your polishing tonight and you're going to love it.~

I just whimpered a little while she kept on taking wax out of my ear then poured some peroxide in my ear before she kept on going and I even felt little bubbles in my ear. When she was done she flipped me over and when she leaned over a little I felt her boobs on my forehead a little, so I tried to scoot back.

Rouge-Where do you think you're going? I can't see what am doing.

She pulled me back and even closer this time before she blew into my ear a little that made me shiver and got started on my other ear. I tried to ignore her boob touching my head a little while she was cleaning my ear and while it did feel good, I couldn't relax. When she was done and blew into my ear again she laid my head back on the towel then took a tissue to throw it in the trash and came back with then flipped me over before she rubbed my eyebrows a little before she got a pair of tweezers then plucked my eyebrow.


Rouge-Be strong. We just need to get rid of a few loose hairs... Be good and I have some spare pudding hidden in the fridge for us.~

(Rouge's POV)

That seemed to make him hold still and honestly this might last over night, so I might be able to toy with him. He might even just fall asleep during a treatment, but I wasn't resting until every flaw I see is taken care of. I can already think of 6 more treatments he'll need after I groom his eyebrows and that's a full body massage to get what knots Bri left him from stress, full body lotion to help his skin, face massage, face mask, and clipping his nails which was next.

(Y/N)-R-Rouge, can I go to the bathroom?

I know he doesn't need to go, but just wants a break and I guess after this treatment I could pick the last seven pieces of jewelry i'm owed.

Rouge-Alright, but come right back here. We have lots of work tonight and I don't care if you fall asleep during it, but there is no getting out of it. Understand?


I let him go and went back to the phone and saw I had a missed call from the mom, but I didn't want to deal with her, so i'll call her in the morning. I just copied seven of the pictures I liked to show her that I picked those then by the time I was done, I saw (Y/N) coming out of the bathroom. It was time to get back to work.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

He just finished applying his face mask on while he was trying to sleep and peeling it off will wake him up, but I was finishing what I started tonight. He fought a tiny bit during his full lotion body massage since I scolded him enough into not fighting me on this or no pudding or dessert tomorrow. He was cold until I covered him in a hot towel, so he doesn't catch a cold since he had no clothes on for this. I was worried his body might react to this since some kids are a little pervy, but not even a wiggle came out of him... My innocent little toy.~ After 10 minutes I peeled the mask off and it took some oil and white heads from his skin and his baby face just looked soft and cleaner now as I threw his mask away.

Rouge-You look so much more adorable now. I could just snuggle you all day long.~

He blushed a little and just looked so tired and adorable, so I looked at the time and it was 2am. It was bed time now and he was ready, but I wasn't tired then I just thought of something that I hope works since he seemed touch deprived before we came along.

Rouge-Ok, bed time. You must be so tired.~

(Y/N)-*Yawn* N-Night.

He slept in between his 2 towels to keep the lotion off my bed sheets then turned to his side while being careful to stay on. His bad was turned to me and since I felt like I could stay up all night, this would be perfect. I reached under his towel and started to scratch slowly down his spin and he was tense for a moment, but I think he was just comfy and a top of liking this... all he was doing to resist this was whimper and making small noises that were music to my ears.

Rouge-Good boy.~

Just then I changed how I scratched him simply to doing smaller scratches on my down and his breathing was getting a little faster while he finally scooted a little, but with a few snaps of my fingers and pulling on his side a little he came back over and maybe even a little closer.

(Y/N)-P-P-Please, stop.

Rouge-Just go to sleep and let me know if it hurts.

(No POV)

Throughout the night Rouge felt wide awake and continued to scratch (Y/N)'s sweet spots while he fell asleep to them. Her plan was to her new son build an addiction to this and if things go the way they are, it may very well happen. However in his sleep Rouge was under the impression he was awake because he was doing something to show how much he liked it... His body hunched back into her touch, much to her delight. Outside of the house, someone was sneaking in over the fence after making it past the security system to also sneak in the house.

Bri's mind-Just wait until morning you old batty hag! I'll make you regret crossing me!


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