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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still in Roxy's room and the doors would not open for me no matter what I and I even tried to break the glass, but I couldn't make any more than a smear on the window. I saw my mommy when I woke up earlier, so I have to get out to help her and there has to be a way out because I just can't be stuck in here! I looked at the other door that should go to the back that I came from and now it won't even open, but soon the door that Roxy left at opened and I turned, but it wasn't Roxy.


She had a pizza with her and it smelled good, but I backed away from her as she just walked over to me and took my hand.

Chica-Who's hungry? I made a pizza just for us.~

(Y/N)-Let go of me!

I tried to pull away, but she just pulled me and walked like normal while my feet were dragging as she took me out of Roxy's room. I was so close to getting away now, but I can't get her to let go until we got into her room, and she lifted me with one arm to put me on her pink couch while the door closed. I was back where I started, but now I was in a room with pizza boxes and junk all over the floor and it looked so girly in here. I just got up to at least try and leave, but Chica grabbed me with one arm wrapped around my belly and arms while she sat down and put the pizza on the table then opened it.


She took a piece before she ate it right in front of me, but she suddenly perked up and looked surprised and happy.

(Chica's POV)

Pizza never tasted so good before since this tasted like a hundred pizzas rolled into one slice. I ate the rest of my first slice, but I didn't forget about my baby since it was his turn now, so I got a slice for him then he just turned his nose, and I don't understand since he always loved the pizza here.

Chica-Open up, honey bunch. You have to be hungry.~

(Y/N)-No, I just wanna go!

He tried struggling more and more and I couldn't blame him since that woman tricked him too which made me happen she was in the trash where she belongs. He quickly gave up and just pouted before I heard something that was music to my ears and made my baby boy even more adorable... His little tummy growled, so I held the food up to him again.

Chica-Who's hungry?~

He wanted to be pouty about it, but tried to take the pizza from me, but I didn't let him because I wanted to feed him. When he gave up quickly on that too he just took a bite to eat out of my hand.

Chica-Do you like it? Mommy made it with lots and lots of love.~

He looked confused while he was chewing and the look he was giving me with those chubby cheeks of his made me kiss both of them. When he was done with his bite, I gave him another before he could talk then bopped his nose a little when he talked with his mouth full. I had more slices myself until (Y/N) got full after 4, so I had the rest before I laid on the couch while holding my baby above me.

Chica-I'm so happy to have my special boy back. Mama's baby boy just wants to cuddle, eat, and party with me. Oh, yes he does.~

(Y/N)-You're not my mom! You better let me go because when morning comes and i'll find another security guard or cop about this and-!

He kept on going and it was just so hard to take him seriously while I was holding him above me, but what made him stop getting fussy was me dropping him on me then trapping him in a hug while I turned to my side and caressed his little head to pet it. I thought about making cupcakes with him when he learns I am his mommy and calms down, but it stopped when there was a sudden pound on my window before soon my door opened and I saw it was Roxy and she looked really mad, but I also noticed she was holding a few bags from our gift shop.


Roxy-What are you doing with him?!

Chica-What do you mean?

Roxy-That is my biggest fan! How dare you touch him!

Chica-I'm his mother.

Roxy-You are nothing, but a thief! I need to show others he belongs to me!

Chica-Stop yelling in front of my son!

I sat up and put (Y/N) on the couch before I stepped out of my room with Roxy and we started to argue, but she was going to understand that she may not be a guest, so she's allowed to touch him due to my main programing, but as his mother, she won't lay a finger on him while she's like this!

(Vanessa's POV)

I was getting so very, very, very mad at Afton when he keeps going on about killing my son! I told him the woman would die for sure, but he won't let up and as I was just getting more worked up, my breathing got heavier too. Then he said something that finally pushed me over the edge and even if it was an email, I could tell how he was saying it.


That finally set me over the edge and I just grabbed a crowbar from the corner of the room before I went back over to the computer to...




Vanessa-HE'S MY SON!!!







I kept smashing the computer until it was in little pieces then dropped the crowbar as well as what felt like a heavy burden now. Nobody telling me what to do... It was like I was myself again, but better, then one thing came to my mind and it was my son. Afton would definitely try something, so I need to think a step ahead and make sure that everything is under my control. When I just threw away the computer I started to head back to parts and services to check on the girls and see if my son is awake. He should be up by now and if he tried to run off i'm sure the girls got him since he's gonna be dizzy and drowsy when he gets up. I just went straight to part and services, but my heart stopped for a moment when I realized... EVERYONE WAS GONE!!! Roxy, Chica, that bitch, and... and...

Vanessa-MY BABY!!!

I rushed to the nearest security room to check the cameras and when I made it rockstar runway I saw movement next to Chica's room, so I turned the camera a bit to see Chica and Roxy talking out of her room. I was mad that I didn't see my baby until I turned a little more to see him looking out the glass wall and it made me feel a little better that I know where he is. After I took a deep breath, I went to go get him and since he's not going anywhere.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was stuck in Chica's room, but I could still look out to the rest of the place and I remembered when I used to want to come into some of these rooms without the robots in them. Now that I got what I wanted, I wanted to get out and go home more than anything. Soon the door opened and I saw Chica and Roxy come in after their arguing was done.


The door closed behind them and Chica looked a little mad while Roxy looked happy as they walked to me. Chica grabbed me then took me to the middle of the room while Roxy put the bags he had down and dug through them like she was choosing something.

(Y/N)-What are doing?

Chica-Roxy and I compromised. She won't take you as long as she gets what she came for. Honestly, I would rather these come off too since that liar was the one that gave you them which might count as touching... Better safe than sorry, sweetie.

I was still confused before she started to take off my clothes by force and I tried to stop her, but it was like it didn't even matter until Roxy came over with new clothes for me while she smiled. It had her name on the shirt and the same pattern as her leggings on the pants/

Roxy-Come here. You might be in here tomorrow for others to see, but they'll know who owns you now.~


I reached for my clothes, but Chica held me still and help Roxy dress me in the clothes she wanted me to wear. I tried kicking and screaming, but in the end I was in the clothes and Chica took my old clothes and threw them in the bag Roxy had the other clothes in.

Roxy-Do you just look cute like that. I might just take you out tomorrow and show you off a little.~

Chica-No guests are touching them!

Roxy-I will rip their arms off with everyone watching if they do.

The way she said that and her eyes kinda glowed bright for a second made me kinda scared, but glad she wasn't talking about me. She went back to being happy before she kissed both of my cheeks then Chica came over to pick me up and Roxy went back to the bags and this time pulled out a plushie toy of her.


Roxy-Hold on to this. You're gonna sleep with this for now on.~

Chica-*Gasp* That would be so cute! I might have to get a fazcam to get pictures. Oh, or I can just use his phone then keep it as a wallpaper!~

Roxy-You have him here, so I will keep it! We trade off everyday, so you can be lucky I don't take him by force!


She looked annoyed before she smiled again like she had an idea before she put me on her couch again then went to the bags to get my phone and turned it on. Next, she came over and used my phone to take a picture of me while I was still holding the toy then Roxy looked excited before she came over to pick me up then struck a pose for Chica to take a picture.

(Timeskip 10 minutes)

(Vanessa's POV)

I just made it to Chica's room door and it sounded like they were having fun in there now and when I opened the door I saw Chica posing with (Y/N) by bending over enough to have (Y/N) sit in her back while holding a Roxy plushie and her finger was to her chin then Roxy took a picture before they all saw me.


I even just noticed he was in new clothes from the gift shop, but I still plan to do shopping with him at a real clothes store to get him in something cuter. Chica stopped posing while Roxy got him off her and gave Chica (Y/N)'s phone I let him keep since I jammed it's signal.

Vanessa-What's going on in here?

Chica-A photo party!

Vanessa-That's nice... Alright, fun's over. I'll be taking my baby and-.

Chica-Your baby?... I'm his mommy.

Vanessa-Huh? No, I had you all get my son and return him to me and you're about to do it again.

I just walked up to them then Chica looked concerned and got defensive enough to turn my baby away from me. Instantly, my thoughts became fantasies of turning her into scrap just to melt down, but I snapped out of it when I grabbed me phone and still had the command app I made.

Vanessa-Chica, give me my son this instant.

I clicked the button and... nothing happened, but...

Chica-I don't have your son.

I was confused until I remembered that it might have something to do with her new body or maybe something went wrong., but there should be something her programing should have in that new body of hers and it's never to harm staff since I never tampered with that part. I just got closer and ripped (Y/N) away from her then she looked so heartbroken before she got really mad and so did Roxy. Their eyes glowed at me and I was worried, so I tried the app again.


They both did what I said and I was confused on why my last command didn't work, but I didn't care right now.

Vanessa-Tomorrow, my baby and I are going actual clothes shopping on my day off. I don't want a repeat of this.

I just turned and when I did I started to hear crying coming from the both of them, but I didn't care because I was still mad about everything tonight... It was just hard to stay mad while I made it to my room where I just cuddled my baby and I plan to keep him up all night and the day, so he can be very tired while clothes shopping tomorrow. If he makes a scene, I can just pin it on him being cranky without a nap and others will see it in his eyes.

(No POV)

It was the next day and Vanessa was at the store and keeping (Y/n) up while he was half asleep. He tried to ask help around the store, but Vanessa could easily pin it on him being tired while turning his face into her to muffle his cries for help. Everything was going smoothly for Vanessa, but meanwhile at the Mega Pizzaplex.


Freddy and Monty looked at the girls crying under the stage before they are let up to roam around and greet guests. Freddy went up to Chica first and put a hand on her shoulder.

Freddy-Chica, what's wrong? You were crying and being upset all morning.

Chica-*Sniffle I-I-It's *hic* my s-son... I couldn't do anything! *sobbing*

He tried to calm her down and talk again, but it was hopeless then Monty got in front of Roxy.

Monty-Hey Roxy! We're about to go out and shine like rockstars! Where's that game face? Who's the best?!

Roxy-GO AWAY!!! *sobbing*

The boys just saw the girls completely devastated before they got them to settle down enough to stop their crying before the stage was lifted. They made it up top to wave to the audience before they had to walk around now to greet guest here. The boys were doing fine, but the girls were getting more attention because of their new bodies and... it only made them feel worse.

(Roxy's POV)

All of these annoying pests, small fans, and arrogant brats were making me actually feel sick to my stomach. I just wanted "my biggest fan" back, but it was like something was keeping me from taking him from Vanessa. I kept on walking until I saw Chica looking at something with a blank stare, so I followed her gaze until... I saw 3 boys. My memory base was triggered and I saw that once those boys were picking on my favorite fan,... bullying him,... touching him.

(No POV)

Both of the girls felt all kinds of things while their programming told them to do another. They heard voices in their heads, too many to understand what they were saying, but soon they started to go haywire a little before they both went down on their knees.

Programing-Error:... (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N),(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N).

The people that were here saw the girls on the ground like they were somehow in pain, but soon they both got up and looked at 3 boys out of everyone there. Their eye colors were glowing as they slowly both walked up to the boys with blank, yet stern looks on their faces.

Boy#1-... What do you want?

Chica/Roxy-... You three.


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