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((Y/N)'s POV)

Hemio was cuddling me in my room after Chemfi made me sleep with her last night and now Chemfi wants me in my room while other aliens are moving the other girls in today. I still felt scared about some of them moving in and by some, I mean all. Hemio just kissed me on my forehead before she flipped me over to check my hot water pack for the 5th time to make sure it was still warm, but I did like it warmer. She knew this and left me in here to go replace it then quickly came back with the pack then put it on my chest. She closed and locked the door before she laid back in my bed, but she looked worried.

Hemio-Sweetie, are you ok?... Your chest doesn't ache or anything does it?

I just shook my head no then she knew what I was thinking because even Chemfi knew I didn't like her idea last night.

Hemio-Chemfi just wants you to be safe at home with strangers trying to use you... At least you won't have to go a doctors office where others would bother you. Now you have one here... sort of... I do have a tinie tiny problem with the new guard.

She was talking about Moltra and she was the one I was scared of the most since she was really mad last time I saw her before that award thing. I just wonder what they were all doing now.

(Zara's POV)

I had help moving everything out of my apartment while I canceled the contract with the owner of the building. I was so excited to have another chance to observe (Y/N) and now I am getting paid for it while getting a new and nicer place to live. I just put the things I don't need now in storage and apparently press was on things because I was already on the news when I went on my phone. It was about Chemfi hiring us last night and I was going to be the researcher and medical provider for minor illnesses and injuries. Men were gonna take my stuff to Chemfi's and they were also my ride, so I had time to kill, but had no idea what to do with it. Soon my question was answered when someone with a camera walked up to me and took a picture then pulled out a tablet.

Man-Are you one of the new hires of the hunter with the human? Chemfi Jerrica?

Zara-I am.

Man-Amazing! Do you think I can ask you a few questions?! What are your thoughts on the job?! Did you also have any noted on the human at this moment?!

Zara-Um... I'm excited to start the job by observing a new creature to our world and as for the notes, I don't have much other than what most now.

Man-What about your new boss? You were just hired by the new world renounced hunter, so you must have thoughts on that.

Zara-Um,... I don't know her personally, so I don't have an opinion, but it's clear she cares about her new pet since my job is to take care of minor illnesses and injuries while also observing his body and activity.

He kept on asking question after question which started to get tiring, but when i saw the truck loading the last of my things I decided to just go in the truck's back seat. I told him no more questions because now it was getting really hard to answer them, but I tried to be nice about it while I closed the door.

Zara-Only one press can make you this irritated?

Now I get why many famous people just answer a few small questions to a crowd while walking by or just none at all. Soon the truck started driving and I was on my way to my new work and home.

(Moltra's POV)

I had my own people moving my things for me while I was wrapping things up with mom and dad over the phone that I found a new job with my new pet Teddy. I don't care who that woman thinks she is, but i'm still calling my pet Teddy rather if anyone likes it or not. Soon I hung up with my parents then saw my sister walking down the hall.


Galmi-Just get off the phone with mom and dad?

Moltra-Dad was stubborn about me leaving the family business, but mom thought it would be good.

Galmi-When do I get to see this human?

Moltra-This isn't something I can plan on the first day. The most I can do is send pictures and videos until I can get the ok for you to visit and my new boss seems to be very picky.

Galmi-You better.

I just rolled my eyes when she got sassy with me and she's lucky I was in a good mood, or I would call her out and not care if we get into a fight my last day living home. Instead I tried to be the bigger person and just gave my sister a hug before she came downstairs with me, but then I saw some idiot carrying my sisters make-up box and I just stopped right in front of him and Galmi noticed this too and got behind him. This guy was so dense he just tried to walk around me and this annoyed me, so I grabbed him and lifted him off the grab then he got mad.

Man-Hey, put me down!

Moltra-Put my sister's make-up box down first!

Man-What are you talking about?! It was in your room!

Galmi walked up to him and snatched the box from the man and opened it before she closed it again then grabbed the man. She yanked him away from with one arm.

Galmi-Who's room have you been packing up?!

Moltra-He should know that the room had my name on it!

Man-What?!... I thought we were moving both of you?

Moltra-Who told you that?!


Galmi-What else in my room have you touched?

She dragged him to her room and I followed them down a few doors to her room and we noticed her walk in closet was empty from here. This made Galmi snap since she has anger issues and she raised him up higher.


Man-The tru-!

She threw him against the wall in the hallway which left a few cracks in it while he was on the ground, coughing. My sister didn't let up and marched up to him grab him by the back of his shirt.

Galmi-For your sake they better not have any dirt on them! NOW GO GET THEM BACK IN HERE!!!

I heard him screaming as he got thrown then she was looking both ways down the hall, no doubt at others.

Galmi-What the fuck are all you looking at?!

I heard many footsteps scramble around and it was worth a little laugh at my last day home.

(Gena's POV)

I had just gotten word that Mr. Stern wants to see me before I go to my new job and I don't think he was happy that he heard I was going to another job to care for the human he wanted back here. When I made it to his office lobby, it was completely trashed, and the secretary was not even sitting at their desk, but at a bench further from the door. They just pointed me inside and I just took a deep breath before... I just ran away and decided to call him on my phone.

Gena-It's ok. I'm sure he'll be very... reasonable-... ish... Maybe.

The phone was ringing, and I kept it a bit of ways from my ear then when I saw the phone was answered...


Gena-I'm... sorry, but I can't. If this is about my last paycheck you can-.


Gena-Well... You save money by me leaving like you wanted, so maybe you can-.


Gena-I'm s-sure others w-would love to have a former owner f-for hire for advice or security from how big you are. A-After the animals are transferred, you'll get money from when the property is sold right?


I really hated all this yelling and I thought about Chemfi and how she looked so confident, and I will be caring for (Y/N) for a job again soon. It was all thanks to me being a natural in caring for animals and being good with them, but (Y/N) was a special case and now I have a different approach in mind. This will be my last time working for him and my last chance to tell him... I had to be brave.

Gena-S-S-Sir. *Gulp* M-My name is... Gena a-and don't you... forget it!... You stupid jerk!

I just hung and took a deep breath while actually feeling a little better before I started to hear something off in the distance.

Mr. Stern-*Off in the distance* RrrrrrraaAAAAUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

I just backed up before I started running for the gate and decided to hide in the truck as the men came with the last of my stuff since I didn't have much for only one room here. I saw Mr. Stern just come out of the zoo as we were driving off and I was screaming on the inside as he was running after the truck before he stopped to punch a hole in the stone wall.

Man-What was with that guy?

Gena-Um... Just sad to see an employee go.

I don't think this guy believed me, but the others in the back could be seen through the small window back here and they were holding on to safety straps while they looked out the small plastic windows in there, so now they know about my crazy former boss.

Gena's mind-This is just so embarrassing.

(Chemfi's POV)

My house was now stocked up and later all 3 of the moving trucks came which must be my new employees. I just went out there while I opened the gate through my phone and when the trucks parked, each team should know who's room is who's and when the girls got out of the trucks I rounded them up for the first meeting.


Chemfi-Welcome to your new home and workspace. Contracts are gonna be signed soon after a little tour and I just got everything stocked up and ready. We'll start out here then inside for security for Moltra then move to the kitchen, so Gena knows where everything is for who since not all of us have the same diet, next will be the small lab in the basement with basic equipment and if you want to buy more Zara, it will have to wait or come out of your first paycheck, and finally we'll go to (Y/N)'s room and I give you all copies of his room key. Needless to say, his door will automatically look when closed, but I have a spare on top of his doorframe in case you forget your key. Any questions?

Moltra-Do I get actual weapons?

Chemfi-Non-lethal, but worst case we have an SOS beacon on our phones and police will come. Any more questions?

Moltra looked a little disappointed and I actually do have a pistol with live rounds hidden in a safe in the lab, but based on her temper, I would rather see an intruder go to jail instead of a grave unless it's last resort. We got started on the tour and they do seem to love the house and saw their rooms being unpacked which brought us to our finally part of the tour before they can explore the house. We went to (Y/N)'s room and I saw Hemio in bed with (Y/N) then put a finger to her lips to tell us to be quiet before she showed us that (Y/N) was asleep and his chest was looking better than it did this morning.


They all went to him while checking out his new room that I spoiled him with to my delight and they just watched him sleep for a bit before they left to get settled in. I stayed to get in the bed with them and played with my pet's hair a little.

Chemfi-Let me have some alone with him, please. *whisper*

Hemio-Oh, um... ok. *whisper*

She was a little bothered, but left and I just gave my pet all of my attention before I started to wonder what he looked like during bath time since Hemio did it while I got dressed before... He is my pet over all and as long as nobody gets any funny ideas I think bath time will be fine... I'll save the group baths in the bigger bathroom for later.

Chemfi's mind-When you wake up. It's bath time.


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