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((Y/N)'s POV)

Kaia just got done cleaning the house a little more while she held me in one arm the whole time and I liked being carried, but whenever I started to get mad and talk about daddy, she gives me more honey. She sat on the reading chair in here and fed me some more honey before she told me a story without a book. I wasn't really paying attention, but it was something about a prince and an evil king. I was looking at her hand or paw since it looked so fluffy... I wanted to grab and play with it, but it poked my nose while the story went on.

(Y/N)'s mind-Oh, it's on.

(Kaia's POV)

I tried to get him to understand what his dad did was so wrong in the form of a story, but now all he wants to do it try and catch my hand. I know he was sedated a bit and not fully thinking straight, but he looked so happy at first then serious while he was still trying to catch my hand. Soon, I just let him have it and he wrapped my arm in his and it was so cute that I just played with his lips and nose while he still refused to let me go.

Kaia-Sweetie, can I have my hand and arm back?


Kaia-*Giggles* How about if we make some cookies. I'll give you the job of licking the spoon and bowl clean. You can even give your mommy some when she gets home.~

(Y/N)-... I still wanna hold on.

Kaia-You can have my arm back after the cookies are in the oven... Deal?~

He thought about it before he let my arm go and I gave him a kiss on his forehead then went to the kitchen and just sat him on the floor by my feet while I got things started, but then I started to wonder...

Kaia's mind-I wonder how that dad of his is doing?

((D/N)'s POV)

I tried to break out of this cage dozens of times already, but this cage was just so strong since it was made of metal. I still couldn't just sit and do nothing while my son was out there and these woman and animal woman think I abused my son. I was still trying to get out until I saw someone coming and they had a bag with them with something sticking out of it.


(D/N)-H-Hey, listen! This is all a big misunderstanding! I never hurt my son or did what you all think I did!


I could tell she just ignored me while she put her bag down by a tree then pulled a key out of her pocket before she bent down to go into her bag.

(D/N)-Please, you have to believe me! I never did a thing to hurt him!

???-That's nice.

I saw her get up and put something in her back pocket as she came over her to open the cage. I tried to rush her to get by and run into the woods, but she grabbed me by my shirt then threw me against the bars and I landed on the ground.

???-I heard a lot about you. There is already a list in my head of things I want to do to you and we're gonna work down that list... together.

She sounded so calm and that's what was so scary then she grabbed my pants and pulled them off with my boxers while turning to sit on my chest to pin me down. She was bigger and heavier than me, so I can't get her off, but while I was thrashing to try and get up, I got her tail out of my face and saw what was in her back pocket after she jerked me to get me hard then took it out.


I was terrified since I know what she was going to do and I tried to think of something to make her stop. Maybe if I just agree to what she thinks, she might be willing to talk this out.

(D/N)-No, no, no, wait!... I'm sorry for what I did! I am!

???-Well, you should be.

I heard the metal clamp a few times before I felt it on my hard member. I tried squirming to get out then squirmed in pain when she squeezed harder and twisted it, but when she didn't hold back anymore...



(Timeskip 4 Hours)

It's been a long day and the sun was starting to go down. I was in so much pain after she did all kinds of things to me, but I was also completely naked while she hooked my legs in the bars to spread them wide and I couldn't even find the strength to close them. Just then she leaned over me while glaring into my eyes.

???-I'm going to go over some things... You're not going near (Y/N) again, you're not going to talk to him, you're not even going to have anything to do with him anymore or the girls. You can live out here for all I care, but you better not bother anyone because if I find out, we'll do this again. Understand?

I was so scared of her, so I just nodded my head a little to make her stop, but i'm going to be leaving with my son. She just smiled at me like it was a real smile.

???-Good, but we before I go and leave you to pick yourself up, i'm going to give you one last lesson.

She left to go through her bag again and I was using what little strength I had left to beg and look up to see what she had and based on the position I was in... She had a clear shot.


???-Last one for the day big boy. Give me a good scream. 1... 2... 3...~ 4!!!


(Kaia's POV)

(Y/N) and I were on the couch, and I opened all the windows earlier since the oven made it hot in here, but now he was cold and clung to me after I gave him some regular honey. I even let him cuddle my tail and now when I take it away he just whines a little to want it back and it wasn't that big a deal since I was blessed with a long tail, so I can let him cuddle it while I still hold him. The silence was nice to adore him, but just then we heard something out of the window.

???-Aaaaahhhhh! *off in the distance*

I looked out the window before I felt (Y/N) nuzzle his face into my tail fur while holding it a little tighter before it started to move it around to play with my tail. I held him a little closer before I got up to go out in the front yard for some more fresh air. Just then I got an idea and took my tail away from (Y/N) and he just gave me a look like I just took a toy from him.


I held him in front of me before I tossed him up then heard his screams of laughter as he came back down for me to catch him then throw him back up again. He was having fun and I could see others from a distance or walking by looking at us with smiles, but mostly eyes were on him. Soon I saw someone walking up to us and it was my best friend and she also looked like she worked up a sweat and had her torture bag with her, so I know what she did.



I caught (Y/N) one last time before she came up to us and she looked kinda sweaty a little and I could kinda smell it. She just smiled and came over for a hug with (Y/N) in the middle of us before she broke the hug and bent down to get closer to (Y/N) while he looked at her too then put his little hand on her nose.

Riley-*Chuckles* This is supposed to be the shy and damaged little boy?

Kaia-I gave him some honey with seda flowers for his sore throat and to calm him down after he kept on wanting to go to his dad. He's a little out of it right now.

Riley-How long ago did you give it to him?

Kaia-I give a few bites when he gets a little grouchy. Maybe a little over ten spoon fulls.

Riley-... And that will be enough of that. Don't want him having an overdose... Here, let me see him.

I let her take him and she managed to hold him with one arm since she's 8ft something and she rubbed her nose on his. We went inside and I could still smell the candles I lit earlier, but her sweat could still be smelled then it hit me... Now (Y/N) has sweat on him and will need a bath with her.

Kaia-Riley, you need a bath. I can smell you sweating from here.

Riley-Huh? *sniff* *sniff*... Eh, alright. Guess he's coming with. What about you?

Kaia-I guess before Lazarus gets home. A bath should fill the time... What did you do to that man anyway?

Riley-Ohhh, lets wait until we're in the bath because it's a long story.

We got undressed and did (Y/N) next, but he tried to keep his clothes on, but Riley and I easily won that fight then got in the bath. I let Riley wash herself first while she started her story and everything, she did to that man it sounded so painful. I think my favorite thing she did to him was shove 5 needles in his penis before she yanked them out all at once then did the same to each of his balls. During the story (Y/N) hopped out of my arms and tried to get out of the bath, but Riley picked him up to cradle him in one arm again.

Riley-And where do you think you're going little man?~

(Y/N)-I *grunt* want out!

Riley-What are you talking about? We still need to wash you.


I think the flowers were wearing off again and Riley put him back in the water while I got the soap for him. He slowly started to fight us more and more in the bath and this was more heart breaking than the stories that he was fighting us. By the time we were finally done, I just took him out to dry him off and get him dressed so he would calm down while Riley went from being in a good mood to a bad one.

(Y/N)-Put! Me! Down! Put me down!

He kept on screaming now, so I guess he was mad about the stuff he remembered when I sedated him with honey and seda flowers.

Kaia-Riley, we really need to sedate him. He's just gonna get fussier.

Riley-No... Just get a blanket for him, I got an idea.

(Lazarus's POV)

I was just leaving Layla's house after having a nice talk with her and she even said that if she sees the dad, she will have a talk with him too to see how he thinks. I was on my way home and thought more about what Layla and I talked about being angry and she said it was perfectly normal and the dad was the one in the wrong, not me. When I made it home, I saw Kaia holding my baby while he was wrapped in a blanket and Riley was here too.


Riley motioned for me to be quiet since (Y/N) was sleeping then Kaia came to me to give me my son and it felt so nice to hold him while he was sleeping. They both left my house while showing the last bit of love to (Y/N), but I stopped Riley and she looked at me.

Lazarus-I heard Kate went to you after she dragged the father into the forest in a cage... What did you do? *whisper*

She just smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

Riley-He knows not to go near the kids or bother us, but if he does... just tell me first. *whisper*

Lazarus-Thank you... I will. *whisper*

Riley-Night. *whisper*

She left while closing the door and I smelled that (Y/N) just had a bath and I took one with Layla for stress relief today while having a cup of tea with her. I just looked around the house and just found a few cookies next to a piece of paper with my name, so I took them and ate them before I just went to grab a book and go into my reading chair. (Y/N) was in my lap and maybe after reading a few chapters, we'll go to bed early.

((D/N)'s POV)

It was painful to get dressed and walk back into town and I saw a few women were out still and so far, they were all taller than me by at least a whole foot. They all looked like they hated me as I went to the docks and I saw a few boats out here that we can leave on, but I need to get my son first. I needed to find out where he was first, but no woman would talk to me, but then I saw 3 kids running to the docks like they were having a race, so maybe they know where my son is since everyone seems to know everyone by name around here.


I started to walk to them while they were catching their breath then when I could hear them...

???-Ha, I win! I'll be going to his house first!

???-Get your eyes checked, it was a tie! We have to race somewhere else!

???-No, I was first! Fawn, back me up here!

Fawn-Um... I think it was a tie.


(D/N)-Hey kids. Mind if I talk with you?

The 3 of them turned to me and went silent as 2 of them looked at each other while I got closer to them then stopped a few feet away.

(D/N)-Hey, do you know where I can find (Y/N)?

Fawn-... Um... We don't know.

I know that was a lie since the blonde girl said she will be going to his house first and there is no other guy on the island besides my son. I know that they know where my son is, but I need to play this cool.

(D/N)-Then do you know where that lady is that had him or who he lives with?


(D/N)-Come on, i'm not going to hurt him. He's my son and I need to get him back home with me, so I would really like it if-.


I just turned and I saw an animal lady and she looked mad while crossing her arms then showed me her teeth a little before, she took a breath.


She motioned for the girls to come to her, and they ran past me to get behind her before she walked up to me while looking down at me with each step before she grabbed my shirt collar to lift me off the ground.

???-Come near my daughter or these kids again, i'm gonna find a hammer then smash your balls like grapes.

She dropped me on my feet before she turned to go back to the girls and bent down to push them a bit with her.

???-Come on girls, i'm taking you all home.

I have no idea what I even did to make everyone so pissed off at me, but I guess I was gonna have to do this the hard way. I just need food and water for the trip and I can get those while looking for my son then we can get out of here. I started to think about the other girls and i'll see how things are here too before I start thinking about them because they love it here, but if something bad is going on then i'll do what I need to.

(Layla's POV)

I was thinking over what Lazarus said while she was just mad, but she said something along the lines of "him playing dumb". I took into consideration if he was playing dumb or if he really didn't have a clue in which case he was a danger to others and maybe even himself. I told Lazarus to keep him away from (Y/N) anyway then she went on a rant on how it was obvious and I never seen her freak out like that, but a bath a tea calmed her.

Layla's mind-Honestly this man is going to be hated or just locked up for everyone's safety.

It was getting close to my bedtime, but I felt restless with the need to talk to this man myself, so I just put on a jacket and went out to look for him before something happens. It was getting darker then soon I saw him at the docks, so I went up to him to see he as messing with a boat.


Layla-Excuse me.

He turned to look at me and he backed up a little and I showed no reaction incase if he was bad or just crazy. I need to handle this neutrally.

Layla-I know you're new here and need a place to stay for a while at least.

???-I'm fine.

Layla-I know you had a rough day and it looks like you need a bath too then some food... Last chance, even if it's for the night.

He soon hung his head in shame before he followed me back to my house and part of me was regretting this if he was bad, but if he's just crazy then it'll be on me if I let him go and something happens. I asked a few small questions and got his name and it was (D/N). When we got back I lead him to the bathroom and he went in while I went to get more paper ready for notes before I went to get undressed and get in, but when I did he kinda jumped a little as he noticed me getting in the water while I saw bruises, scabs, and marks... Mainly near his penis area.

(D/N)-What are you doing?

Layla-Is there a problem?

He looked at me a little while I sat on the other side of my bath like he got lost in thought and it took a bit before...

(D/N)-Um, no. Nothing.


He relaxed now and I think I was just going to sit on the edge to only have my feet in the water, but now he can't take his eyes off me. I then noticed he was mostly looking between my legs and boobs a lot, so I tested something by spreading my legs a little while he was looking at my upper body then his eyes shot back down. I need to now see what happens if I test him, but of course i'm gonna have to sprinkle a little bit of lies on top.

Layla-So... If we can, can we talk about your son for a moment? His name is (Y/N), correct?

(D/N)-U-Um yeah. What about him?

Layla-When he came to us, he was just terrible at bathing himself. How did you teach him?

(D/N)-Um... I gave him baths, but when he turned 4 I slowly stopped. It gave me some alone time for work.


(D/N)-I help people publish books.

Layla-And how often do you have time for your son?

(D/N)-Um... I let him do what he wants a lot since I work most of the day often then I need free time for myself, but I spend time with him.

I asked him what he liked to do in his free time the most and he talked about going to see many "strip clubs" and loved "women kinda like me". I probed him for information even after we got out of the bath to get him something eat, but one question stood out and something made it easier for him to talk about and that's when I took off my shirt for him to let his guard down. This kid of stuff is what (Y/N) hates and think is bad, but him... he likes it.

Layla-How about next time we have a talk in the bath, (Y/N) and a few other girls can join us? Just so we can all talk in a place that's very relaxing.

(D/N)-Wait... You want my son to get in a bath with us and other girls?

I took note that he excluded his son, like if his son was not there then it would be better somehow then I started to piece things together a bit.

Layla-Oh yes, but the others will be moms.

(D/N)-I mean, i'm his dad, but... you're not even his mom or the others, so that would be... weird.

I saw how defensive he was getting, like how if it was just him and his son then it would be fine, but how he was checking me out in the bath... Does he do the same to his son and just wants him to himself... like how he obviously wants to have sex with me when we were alone, but if he and his son were alone...

Layla's mind-No, he wouldn't do that to a child... Would he?

I had an image in my head of him checking out his son in the bath alone with him, but I stopped thinking about it and thought about something else before I got farther in that thought. It did make perfect since. The way (Y/N) thinks and acts, how he always defends his dad despite how one sided the situation is, his dad wanted to exclude his son with a bath with women, but wants more to be alone with him...


I had to be calm as not to set him off then put my shirt back on and gave him a small smile that made me sick to give him.

Layla-I have a guest bedroom I have for patients that you can sleep in. I'll be up a little longer.

(D/N)-You're a doctor?

Layla-I'm sorry, but I have a lot of work to do in my office, but you had such a rough day.

He sighed while covering his penis area a little before he just went off to the guest bedroom that I have labeled. When he got in, I just put an extra jacket on before I headed out into the cold night to go warn the others, but I will start with the mom's first and I don't care if this takes all night to warn as many as possible.

(No POV)

Layla started with Dixie since she was closest and was still awake with Fawn for a story time before she asked her to put Fawn in Dixie's room since she doesn't want her to hear this. After Dixie came back alone Layla told her what she knew and might expect what (D/N) might do to her daughter. This brought shock to Dixie's face before she just closed the door slowly to go sit down and process since Hana told her that he walked up to the girls not too long ago to ask about (Y/N).

Layla's mind-And that's just one of many I have to break bad news to.

The next she told was Hana and she reacted by fluffing her tail in pure rage then went to put her daughter in her room and slept with a knife next to her bed in case of any "intruders". Next up was Lucinda and how she reacted to the news was by not only taking her daughter to her room and slept with a knife close, but also leaving the door unlocked just hoping (D/N) tries to set a toe in her house. The final mother and the hardest was going to be Lazarus because she just calmed down not long ago and now, she was getting bad news. Layla knocked on the door and soon Lazarus opened it and looked surprised.

Lazarus-Oh Layla. Did I forget something at your house or something?

Layla-... Please, sit down. It's... about (Y/N) and his dad.


She sat on her couch and Layla tried to say it in a way that wouldn't overwhelm Lazarus and she was almost sure there wasn't a way to do that. Lazarus was in tears at what they thought (D/N) did to his son and Layla just gave her a hug before she went to go tell some others and let the word spread in the morning, but she went to get help from Kate first and after hearing the news, even Fia came with them to get help from Jasmine by making something immediately.

(Lazarus's POV)

I was feeling sick to my stomach from the thought of a grown adult of any gender could such a thing to a baby. I actually did get sick in my kitchen sink before I decided that this counts as him bothering us a lot. I made sure my house was locked up tight before I left crying to go to Kate's house since her and her sister are strong and Dixie was going through enough, but when I got there, nobody was home. I was just sitting at the front door crying before I thought of someone else.

Lazarus's mind-RILEY!!!

(Riley's POV)

I was in bed reading my favorite adult rated book series since i've been saving this one for a week to read. While I was on the 6th page I heard pounding at my door which even made the water in my beach house crater ripple a little, so I got out of the ocean water I sleep in to go answer the door and when I opened it I was instantly met with crying and a hug by Lazarus.


I was not the one to go to for emotional that much, but I just gave her a hug back before I swept my arm under her legs to carry her inside and to my living room while she never let go.

Riley-Lazarus, what happened?

She didn't answer me because she was crying so hard and I think she was trying to say something, but it was drowned out through her cries, so I just held her in a hug while patting her back sometimes before she settled down for the most part.

Riley-Are you able to talk now?

Lazarus-*Sniffle* Y-Yes.

Riley-Ok. Spill.

Lazarus started off nice and slow when she said it started with her putting (Y/N) in her bed and went along her bedtime routine and I wanted to tell her to cut to the chase, but that might make her explode again if i'm not careful.

Riley-Hey, I uh... Can you maybe cut to the part that made you cry?... Kinda the reason why you're here.

Lazarus-*Sniffle* L-L-Layla came to m-my door tonight th-th-then told me that (Y/N)'s dad m-might've done *hic* something w-worse than we thought b-before (Y/N) ca-came here a-and might w-w-wat to *hic* *sniffle* the girls too.

Riley-What is it?

She went into detail of what Layla said to her about him wanting to bath with many women for sex and that I can comfort her about by saying she was beautiful or something, but then she brought up something as I just relaxed, so it really caught me off guard...

Lazarus-H-H-He only t-t-took baths with his son o-occasionally to... *whimper* t-to have-.

I quickly put a finger to her lips to make her lips to make her stop then pulled her into another hug while my heart was racing, my blood boiled, and veins were sticking out of my arms and legs.

Riley-Lazarus... I'm going to take you back home, i'll be with you and (Y/N) tonight, and in the morning, we'll get Hana to check him. Ok.

She just nodded and I went back to carrying her bridal style which was a little tough, but nothing I can't handle. When we made it to her home, I carried her to her room to put her on her bed before I got my wet clothes off then dried off while she got her clothes off too to sleep. We lifted the blanket on both sides and I saw (Y/n) sleeping in the middle of the bed in the blanket I wrapped him in earlier.


We just got in bed together and snuggled him between us and Lazarus carefully caressed his cheek before she rest her hand on his chest and closed her eyes to sleep. I looked back to (Y/N) and he looked so peaceful like this which brought me back to the news I got.

Riley's mind-If I find out he even so much as groped him let alone actually went all the way i'm going to fucking peel his dick and pour salt and sand on it!


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