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((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls were laughing about something from time-to-time while we were all out walking and Ellie made me ride on top of her, Peaches, or Shira. I wasn't allowed to walk basically, but when we stopped I was finally put down, only for Ellie to take the bag off her tusk then got out the sleeping bag before she rolled it out and opened it.

Sid-What are you doing?

Ellie-It's gonna get dark and colder soon.

Sid-Wow, well don't mind if I-.

Shira-Not you! (Y/N) doesn't have that much fur, so he's getting in.

Sid-What am I supposed to do until we camp for the night?

Deigo-Don't you have fur?

Sid-I also used to have a nice warm coating of dirt until certain possums took most of it away!

Manny-Maybe you would be more warm if your fur wasn't mostly sticking together and clean to make it fluffy and cover you more.

Sid-Oh please, that's what my mom always said.

Granny-It's like she had a reason. Just look at your slob of an uncle.

Sid-Hey, you shouldn't talk about uncle Fungus like that!

Granny-Oh please, he was the second one we tried to ditch. Your dad and him just got stuck together after he fell in some tar and refused to take a bath for a week.

Sid-How did he fall into tar?

Granny-I pushed him in so he would smell better than he already was.

Just then I was suddenly picked up by Peaches and put in the sleeping bag that Ellie was holding before she held me tightly in it. I was completely inside until I poked my head out to breath and as much as I hated to be embarrassed by this... It was getting warmer in here.

(Ellie's POV)

I saw him pouting a bit through whatever this thing was again, but he just looked so cute in it that I just couldn't take it. Others looked at me holding him as we kept on walking around the island and when it got dark out, we stopped in the middle of an open path and Sid started gathering sticks while Manny, Deigo, and Shira were getting actual logs to burn and I usually sleep in the trees,... but I was going to try the ground tonight. I laid down and pulled (Y/N) closer to me, but he just hid inside his little bag.

Ellie's mind-So cute.~

I just rubbed him through the bag and he didn't try to fight me, but soon he did poke his head back out and looked tired.


I held back my aww in case it turns his peaceful and tired face into another pout then I thought back to his mom for a moment which mad me angry, but snapped out of it when.


I saw the fire was lit and Sid was looking proud of himself for this as he kissed a rock.

Sid-Ah, another victory for "The lord of the flame"!

Manny-Hey lord of the flame-.

Sid-Eh, i'll stop you right there Manfred. I kept my tail away from the fire this time.

Deigo-Um, Sid.


Deigo-Your foot is on fire.

He looked down before he screamed, but Deigo pushed him into the pond to put the fire out on his foot and sighed in relief while Deigo just rolled his eyes and we had a good laugh. Just then Shira came over and tried to drag (Y/N) over with her, but I slammed my trunk over him to stop her.

Ellie-Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?

Shira-You had him for a long time. I'm taking him for the night.

Ellie-He's comfy where he is. You can have him in the morning.

Shira-I'm taking him now!

Sid-Why not let him pick?

Ellie/Shira-Bud out Sid!

Manny-Honestly, how many times have you had this fight?!

We just glared at each other a little and maybe she forgot that if it weren't for me, that human probably have ate our food then came back later to be a problem if my daughter and I didn't slowly squish her! Soon Manny just came over, ripped him away from us and just laid him near the fire alone and he stayed quiet as he closed his eyes. Shira just glared a bit while Deigo came to her and lead her back to their spot. Peaches tried to go to him, but...


Peaches-But dad-.

Manny-I said no!

She just pouted and laid back down then I just went into a tree and hung by my tail to get ready to sleep. I don't wanna fight anyone, but I know that I wake up earlier than Manny, so i'll just take (Y/N) and go somewhere with him and have Deigo or Shira track me down in the morning when they wake up.

(No POV)

After a few hours everyone was asleep, but in the middle of the night a bug flew into camp and the buzzing made some ears flicker when it got close to the mammoths or the tigers, but when it landed on (Y/N)'s ear, it made him wake up then sit up which made the bug fly off.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I looked around to see everyone was asleep and the fire was getting really low, so I must've been asleep for a while. I was also not close to anyone, but I need that bag Ellie has and if I can get that and sneak away, maybe I can find who this stuff belongs to and we can try to go home. This stuff is adult sized, so it was worth a shot. I slowly got out of the sleeping bag and rolled it up before I tip-toed over to Ellie then slowly got the bag off her tusk. She moved a little, so I froze for a bit then got it off her before I slowly walked away and when I got into the woods, I was in the clear. When I got far enough I kept on running more and more until I got tired then worried about finding a place to hide. I looked around for anything until I found another cave under a tree like last time and I have a sleeping bag this time, so it will be better, so I got in to hide then got in my sleeping bag. I smiled since I finally got away and there is no way they can find me this far away after so long.

(Y/N)'s mind-Finally.

With time I just went into the bag to check the things again in case I missed something, but it was all the same stuff so maybe this person was camping. When I was just about to give up I found a small pocket in the backpack then I took it out and it was a picture of me when it was my 3rd birthday. Who would have this?

(Y/N)'s mind-Is... my mom here?... Where is she?

(Shira's POV)

(Y/N) was snuggling and petting me while he was just so small that he was a kitten to me and when I nuzzled my face into him, he hugged my whole face just barely. Everything was perfect until...


(Dream End)

I shot my eyes opened and so did the others that just woke up and panic in ways that some of them hurt themselves a little, expect Granny that just knocked out Sid by swing her cane in his face while he was screaming too. Soon I noticed Ellie was searching a lot, but I didn't know what until things settled down a bit... (Y/N) WAS GONE!!!


Manny-What happened?!

Ellie-I don't know! I just woke up and (Y/N) was gone and so was that bag! He ran off!

I tried to sniff the air and the ground where he was last seen, but the trail was cold, and I could feel my heart racing. I tried find a trail, any trail and when Deigo touched me to try and make me stop...

Deigo-Shira, calm-.


That honestly just slipped out on instinct, and everyone saw what I just did, and I just quickly brushed up against my mate before I bolted off to go look for (Y/N). I know he wasn't taken, at least at first or that bag would still be here.

Shira's mind-When I find you, you're in so much trouble young man!

(No POV)

When (Y/N) woke up, he just packed up his sleeping bag and went out to get water and to start searching for his mother. While he was doing all that, more animals saw him walking around and while none wanted him for love or caring for as far as others knew, some had other ideas.


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