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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was getting close to dinner and Amy and Rouge were in the kitchen while Cream put my head on her lap again which felt really good while we watched a show we liked together. Everything just smelled so good then Cream played with my hair and ear a little while still watching our show. I tried to move a little to get comfy, but she thought I was getting up, so she pushed my head back down on her lap and I didn't say anything because I didn't think it mattered that much. Soon Rouge came in and in front of us which made us look at her smiling like she usually does.


Rouge-Dinner time you 2. Come (Y/N), you're sitting next to me.~

She took me from Cream and she didn't like that, but we went to the dining room where I saw Amy setting the table and the food looked delicious.


We all sat at the table and while Rouge made me sit next to her, Amy sat on my other side before Cream and Cheese took their seats. Dinner just looked so good then Amy pulled me a little closer to her.

Amy-Do you like it? I made it just for you.~

(Y/N)-It looks amazing.

Amy-Well don't just go off of looks. Here.~

She got a bite for me then fed it to me and it was so good.

(Y/N)-Wow, you're cooking is better than Bri's cooking!

Amy-Awww, thank you.~

I was about to take the fork from her, but instead, she fed me another bite while she was eating hers. I tried to ask her if I could have my fork, so I could eat by myself, but she just shook her head no before feeding me until it was gone and others were finished too.

(Y/N)-Amy, can I have seconds?

Rouge-Now why would you want that when I made dessert, Sweetie? ~

(Y/N)-You made dessert?... But Bri said no dessert 3 times in a w-.

Rouge-Bri is not your nanny anymore. Wait here.~

She pulled me away from Amy before she gave me a kiss on the cheek then went to the kitchen while looking at Amy which made her pout a little. When she came back I saw what she made and I don't think she ordered this from the store like Bri would for almost everything... She made this herself.


She gave one to everyone before she sat back down next to me, but Amy looked kinda of mad for some reason, but I have no idea why because this just looks so good.

Rouge-Did Bri ever do this?

(Y/N)-She never cooks or makes anything like you 2. This looks yummy.

Rouge-I'm glad to hear that because there is a rule of my own if you want dessert tonight.

(Y/N)-What is it?

Rouge just smiled at me before she grabbed her cup, and scooted back a little bit before she just slowly patted her lap. I recognize this from Cream, but there was no room to lay down until I thought of something else... I just went to her and sat in her lap and I was just as tall as her, but she made me lean back in her arm.

Rouge-How adorable. Now open wide. ~

I tried telling her that I could feed myself, but before I could finish, the bit got so close and didn't stop, so I just took it and while I was chewing, she played with my nose, cheeks, and chin before she gave me more bites until I was done... then fed me hers. I got off her lap before I looked out the window and saw it was getting dark outside. The clock said 7:36 and my bedtime was 8.

(Y/N)-I gotta take a bath and get ready for bed.

I just left them before I heard whispers as I walked down the hall to the bathroom and then put my clothes in the dirty hamper. I got the water going before I suddenly heard the door open, so I jumped in the cold water behind the bath wall then saw who it was that came in, but saw it was just a towel being put on the sink for me and I checked the shelf to see there was none.

(Y/N)-*Sigh* Thanks!

(Amy's POV)

I just walked back into the living room after I gave (Y/N) a towel only to see Rouge go into (Y/N)'s room. I just glared and went in after her then she turned to see me while I saw her putting something under (Y/N)'s bed.


Amy-What are you doing? Don't you have your own room now?

Rouge-Relax, honey. I'm just looking for something I might've dropped.

She just sat on his bed while looking at me and crossed her legs and I just huffed the decided I set things straight with her.

Amy-I hope you know that it's going to take a lot more than food and teasing to be his favorite since we actually helped him.

Rouge-Is that right?

Amy-I'm the one he loves the most around here and don't you forget it.

Rouge-Wow, you seem so sure of yourself... How about we prove it tomorrow? I did order something since it was getting hot and thought about the both of you as well.

Amy-What are you talking about?

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

After we had breakfast this morning, I just took a quick shower to get the syrup off me since Cream wanted to feed me and at first I said no with confidence behind it... until she cried, and I did what she wanted to make her stop. I didn't bother drying off that much since Rouge, Amy, and Cream were going to put on bathing suits to go out to the pool for a pool day and I was going to be the last one out. When I got my bathing on I just went out into the backyard and saw the others out here as I walked up to them.


Amy-You know how to swim right?

(Y/N)-Bri taught me when my mom told her to teach me.

I swam out to them, but I was still kinda slow then Amy came over to help me and took my hands.

Amy-Kick your feet a little more. I got you.

I did what she said, and I went up a little more then she let go and I moved my arms and saw I was going a little faster like this, but when I got to her, she just backed up. I chased her in the pool, but when I finally got close, she pushed off a wall to go very fast and then slammed into me to give me a kiss on the cheek. I sank a little before she let go and I was getting tired, so I tried to go back to the shallow end to rest, but I was suddenly pulled out of the water then looked up to see Rouge was flying and then landed back in her tube with me on top of her.

Rouge-I saw you were getting a little tired there. Why don't you rest right here for a bit little man? ~

She wrapped an arm around me before she used her other arm to play with my cheek, hair, ear, and nose, but soon I felt her scratch a little up my spine and... I was shaking like a leaf while holding her tighter since I couldn't help it. It felt so weird and good then when she got to the top she went back down,... then back up even slower than last time.

Rouge-I can tell you like this.~

(Y/N)-*Whimper* N-No, I-.

Just then she stopped at the middle of my back and scratched with four fingers just right and in circles. She was kissing the top of my head, since I was pressing the side of my head against her chest then my eyes were tightly closed.

Rouge-Everyone is watching Sugar Lumps. They see how much you love this... Cream is even looking at her hand and you, so I think she might wanna try this.~

(Y/N)-P-Pl-Pl... ease...

Rouge-Please what?~

(Y/N)-Stop this... J-Just let me go.

Rouge-Let you go?... I already did. You decided to stay here yourself, but if you really wanna stop... I'll make a deal with you. You can either stay and let me keep going or...~

(Amy's POV)

She was whispering into his ear now before he blushed a little before he just got back in the water while she watched him, but before he swam away from her, she scratched his chin a bit to tickle him and make him laugh before she poked his nose then he swam to me on the shallow end where he could stand. I just pulled him into a hug while she just leaned back and closed her eyes to carelessly bathe in the sunlight.

Amy-What did she say to you?

(Y/N)-... I can't tell you.

Amy-Why not?

(Y/N)-Because... she might make it worse for me, but it's nothing that's gonna hurt.

I looked over to her and saw she had one eye open a little while smirking at me then I just got so mad before I turned back to (Y/N) and since we were already in a hug... I took a finger to the top of his spine and traced my fingernail down then saw him make the same look he gave Rouge.


Amy-Come with me.

I led him out of the pool then to a lounge chair and had him lay down on his belly to show me his back and made sure Rouge was watching as I dragged a fingernail down his back. I heard him make small sounds then Cream got out of the pool with Cheese and sat on the other side of him for a second before she went to where his head was to lift him then got under him to put his head on her lap then started to pet him.

Amy-(Y/N), who do you like doing this better? Me or Rouge?~

I think he was trying to talk, but couldn't even function that much as he was a stuttering mess and he was struggling to get up until Rouge landed on his other side then started to press down on his back to make him go back down then scratched other parts of his back.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't talk, couldn't move, or couldn't even think straight, but my breathing kept on getting faster than slower because I lost control of it. Everything just felt so good and I was just so cozy and relaxed.


Amy-Tired already?

Rouge-You must really love this.~

(Y/N)-*Unintelligent sounds* *muttering*.


I don't even remember what I was going to say, but only what it was about... until I forgot it when I couldn't keep my eyes open easily anymore and that's when they wrapped me in a towel and brought me inside. I was on the couch as they all looked at me then each gave me a kiss on my head.

(Cream's POV)

This was the cutest thing ever and it actually made us all get along as we watched (Y/N) get overwhelmed by comforting him and was about to nap. When he closed his eyes we went back out to the pool for some more fun in the water, but I just held Cheese while sitting on the steps in the water then Amy sat next to me while Rouge got back in her floatie.

Cream-I wish my mom could meet him.

Amy-I'm sure she's going to love him.

That made me feel a little happier. I decided to swim and play with Cheese with a beach ball then Amy played with us too.

After a while longer of playing, we were getting a little wrinkly, so we all dried off and got back inside then looked back to the couch to hear soft snoring and saw (Y/N) was sleeping so peacefully.


Cream's mind-I just want to hold him!

I know he was too big and even sleeping, but Amy took me with her to get a bath and get changed.

(Rouge's POV)

I made it to my room to take my bathing suit off and I never got fully wet, but I still needed a shower. I took a second to admire my room and all my prizes stored in it to make it more beautiful, but I just went into my bathroom, and it was nicer than the other.


I just got in the shower and took my time a little in here before I got out then dried off again and got dressed. I went back out to the living room to see (Y/N) was gone and assuming he was tired still, the others most likely took him into his room to cuddle with him or something and that's fine because he's going to be in my room tonight to sleep with me.

(No POV)

Rouge just went back to her room while hearing a few voices behind (Y/N)'s door, but none were his and she hopes that he sleeps a lot during the day, so she can toy with him more at night. While she just chilling in her room and polishing her gems, she heard a small beeping from a box then the computer in her room came on to see a woman in a car at the gate.


???-Hello, am I talking to Bri or Rouge? This is (M/N), (Y/N)'s mom.

Rouge saw a button next to the computer and then held it down before she started talking.

Rouge-This is Rouge. (Y/N)'s sleeping right now, so try not to wake him.

(M/N)-Oh good, I have some news if you could open the gate. I forgot the code again.

Rouge-I don't know how to do that, yet.

(M/N)-There should be a button in a drawer or something. While you look for that, I got great news.

Rouge found the remote in the drawer, but something made her drop it when (M/N) said...

(M/N)-For the next 7 months, I'll be having my son, so this house will be all yours to care for while he's gone.

The button hit the floor and the mom drove in while Rouge processed her surprise of what she felt. She only took this job for the insane amount of money and a place to stay, but now that (Y/N) was going to be gone. It will just be here and the girls... She realized she wanted something more than money.

((M/N)'s POV)

I just walked into the house and stopped by my son's room first to see that he was asleep with a few new stuffed animals. He looked so adorable, so I guess he can take them with us. Now I was going to the new nanny's room and saw she had a very modern taste and also gems, diamonds, and jewelry, but I didn't see her. I just closed the door before I called out to her since the walls in this room were super thick. I remember Bri paid for that remodel that I was against but made her get a baby monitor for my son's room in return.

(M/N)-Rouge, where are you?

Rouge-In the bathroom, just getting dressed.

(M/N)-Ok, well I'm sure you're happy to have this house to yourself for a while. Just make sure you keep up with it.

Rouge-Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.

(M/N)-Huh, what is it?

Rouge-Since I just got here, I think it would be good for (Y/N) and I to bond more. My friends also really love him and you seem to be a very busy woman. Would just be a shame if he just felt more alone while you're at work.

(M/N)-You sound like my husband. My position for this project won't be nearly as time-consuming as my others, so I want to take my son with me... If you have a problem with it then maybe we'll just have to talk about a replacement already.

Rouge-... I'm sorry for speaking out of place, I'm just looking out for his well-being.

(M/N)-Just... try to not let it happen again.

Rouge-Oh darn it, can you come in? I need to ask you something and won't answer.

(M/N)-Um, ok.

I just opened the bathroom door but didn't see her as I walked in, so maybe she was in the bath and toilet area in here.

(M/N)-What did you need to ask me?


I jumped a little while I turned around only to see what I didn't even know what I was looking at, but one idea came to mind as I just froze.


Rouge-Just who do you think you are?

I was about to scream, but she lunged at me to pass me a bit before she hit my neck and I started to black out.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)


I woke up to water in my nose and something in my mouth with my arms and legs tied together in a hogtie. I was in the shower area with my wet clothes now clinging to my body as I was coughing before I saw a boot step in front of me then I looked up to see her.


(M/N)-*Muffled screaming*!

She only rolled her eyes before she walked over to the shower knob and turned it on to full hot before the shower head above me started to shower me and it started cold but got hotter and hotter until it burned. I screamed more for her to stop and she did before she walked back over.

Rouge-Do you know why am doing this?... It's because I tried to be nice at first, but you wanted to be stubborn. Should've stuck with phone calls.

She just knelt down to me and grabbed my face to make me look at her before...





I couldn't do a thing to stop her and when she stopped she took my gag out, but now I was scared and speechless.

Rouge-I heard what kind of mom you are from the others. Like how you are barely around.

(M/N)-Pl-Please stop... Wh-What do you want?! I'll give you anything, just... let me and my son go.

Rouge-Wow, how noble of you. You must really love your son... How about this, we'll play a game and if you win, you can take him and go and I'll leave. You'll never see me again/

(M/N)-... Really?

Rouge-Here's just one question and I'll test your answer... What is one thing that (Y/N) loves that was not on his chart?

(Rouge's POV)

Any good mother would be able to answer this within a few moments, but when we got to the 3rd minute I was losing patience and snapped my fingers in front of her which made her jump a little.

(M/N)-Um... It's rated R movies right?... Tons of kids always watch those when most adults aren't looking.

I could hear how desperate she sounded, and she couldn't have been more wrong, so I knelt down to her.

Rouge-Wanna hear a story?... This morning after we had breakfast we decided to have a pool day, but something happened... In less than a day, I found out that (Y/N) just melts if you scratch his spot just right, my other friend copied me while the other had his head on her lap to pet him and... he loved it so much he fell back asleep already. This brings us to now... I'll give you one last chance to win... Where's his spot he loves scratched?

(M/N)-Um... His back!

Rouge-Where exactly? If you're wrong, you won't like what I'll do... or you can just leave with nothing.

(M/N)-It's... mainly his upper back.

I gave her a fake smile to see how relieved she was, but when I got up and went back to turn on the water, she looked horrified.


(No POV)

Rouge turned on the hot water and then heard the mom scream again while she got a towel to roll it up and whip her. Thanks to super thick walls, and 2 closed doors, nobody could hear them that much to wake them up. Soon Rouge turned the hot water to cold water but didn't stop whipping the mom with a wet towel until she saw a look of pure fear and desperation towards her and smiled while turning off the water.

(Rouge's POV)

She looked so wet, red, and exhausted when I knelt down to her and she flinched, but I just rubbed her cheek to calm her down to help her want to listen. She looked at me with tears when I pulled her over to the small place to sit in her while I looked down at her.

Rouge-You're not taking (Y/N) with you... Say "Yes ma'am".

(M/N)-Yes ma'am.

Her voice was like a scared puppy that just whined for mercy after knowing it was in trouble... This was a good sign. Now comes the part where I'm gentle with words, but firm on the message to install obedience in her like I did to so many men and women before to make them work for me in secret. She just needs to know who is in charge, so that shouldn't be too hard without blackmailing her.

Rouge-You're also not going to talk to him unless it's through me, when I call and you're alone you're going to address me as Ma'am or Mistress and do what I say. Understand? ~

(M/N)-Y-Yes ma'am.

I brought my boot to her face since it was covered in water because he and I were already going to have to get changed because of her.

Rouge-Look how wet they are from all this water. Lick them clean. ~

She did what I told her which shows me I have control and power over her, but just to see how far it went, I made her lick the bottom clean before she moved to the other. When she was done I got up then started to untie her and she went limp for a bit before she managed to get on her hands and knees.

Rouge-This is going to be our little secret... I also want you to send me pictures of all your jewelry and I'll be taking half of what I want since you made me so angry. ~

(M/N)-Yes ma'am.

I think she needed one more good push to understand her place, so I grabbed her by the jaw and squeezed. Her mouth was open for me and I built up something and spit in her mouth and it slid down her tongue and throat. She coughed a little and tears came out of her eyes when I let go.

Rouge-Now get out of here before "my son" wakes up... Get going. ~

(M/N)-Yes ma'am.

She got up and was slowly walking in shame and I bet her soaked clothes that were clinging to her were rubbing or pinching in some areas, but I didn't have time for this. I rolled up the soaked towel again then whipped her twice in the back and once on the ass which made her start speed walking.

Rouge-Faster... 'Bitch'.

I followed her out of the house while she was dripping then got her car to drive off while I waved goodbye to her then got changed before I started to wipe up the trail of water we left. When I was down, I just sat on the couch and thought things over and I know I took this job for the money until I could get home, but now there's something new that I decided to just let (M/N) and (D/N) find out after I quit.

Rouge's mind-When I leave, I'm not just taking whatever treasures I find... I'm taking (Y/N) too.


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