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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to feeling so dizzy and I heard some music I recognized that was from Fazer Blaster then when I finally opened my eyes, I noticed something... There was something in my mouth that made it full and stopped me from talking. I saw I was in a room with a game in here and the word "Vanny" written on the wall. I also couldn't move because I was wrapped in a blanket then saw there was rope around it and I was so scared after I remembered what happened last. I tried screaming for help, but I couldn't then soon a door opened, and I saw Vanessa come in and she had food, but when she looked at me, she looked so happy.


Vanessa-*Gasp* Well good morning. You sure gave me a scare last night.~

She closed the door sat on the side of the bed before she untied the strap around my head then took a washcloth out of my mouth.


Vanessa-Yell all you want, but I don't think anyone will hear you with the door closed and music playing out there... I went out shopping for you and got you breakfast. You must be hungry.

I was hungry and she held a bite to me with a banana on it, but I turned away then she just grabbed my nose while making me turn back to her.

Vanessa-Just open up and let me feed you... Or do you need to be punished already, or better yet,...~ your mother?

She let go and I thought about what she said and if she had my mommy somewhere then it would make sense that she didn't come yesterday. She was going to hurt her if I don't eat and I really want my mommy to get hurt because of me, so I slowly opened my mouth and ate what she gave me. Even if it tasted good, I was embarrassed that I was being fed like a baby, and she gave me a smile.

Vanessa-Good boy.~

(Vanessa's POV)

I hate how he cared enough for that bitch that hardly paid any attention to him, but it gets him to listen to me and he looked so cute blushing for me a little as I fed him. After her finished his bowl I just leaned in to give him a few kisses on his cheeks and decided I felt like playing with him a bit more.

Vanessa-Oh (Y/N), do you know I love your cute little laughter whenever you watched (F/C/M)?~

He looked a little freaked out to how I know that and I know that from when I watched him through the window at his house. I reached to the bottom of the blanket to shift the loos part of the blanket to expose his little feet.

Vanessa-And now I get to hear it as much as I want. Yes, I do.~

I gently started to tickle his feet and he erupted in laughter while squirming in my bed. He was begging me to stop, but I didn't listen and leaned in to give more kisses as he was still laughing. I did stop when he was getting out of breath then covered his feet again then he looked at me with tired eyes again.

(Y/N)-Why *pant* are you *pant* doing this?

Vanessa-Why?... Look in mirror and you'll see. You're just the cutest and sweetest thing I have ever seen. I just had to have you for all the hard work I do... Remember those mean big kids that pushed you down after taking your phone?

He slowly nodded his head while I leaned into whisper into his ear while he gave me cute little shivers in fear.

Vanessa-They are someplace where they can never hurt you again.~ *whisper*

I traced a finger on his cheek, and he whimpered a little as I got comfy and did whatever I wanted to him for a few hours until I started to smell that he needed a bath and probably needed to use the bathroom soon, but I can't take him out now... I decided to get another shot for him to put him to sleep and i'll let him out to use the bathroom and give him a shower here before I transfer Roxxane Wolf and Chica into their new bodies tonight. I also thought about his old me as I left her in a room with tons of exo skeletons facing her, so if she sleeps or looks away, she'll be dealt with. I plan to retrieve her tonight, so she can tell me what I might not know about (Y/N) then i'll kill her. When I pulled out the needle, I saw how scared my poor baby was now as he squirmed.

(Y/N)-N-No please! D-D-Don't do it!

Vanessa-Hey, it's ok baby. You're just gonna go down for another nap then tonight, we'll have a nice shower together, and you can use the bathroom. Just sleep for mommy sugar lumps.~

He only pleaded to me as I poked his neck and in the matter of less than a minute, he was asleep for me then I decided to set an alarm and take a nap before my shift here starts. I started to untie him and got under the blanket while holding my baby close to me and closed my eyes to sleep.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Roxy's POV)

Everyone loved me today, they couldn't take their eyes off me, but I was still annoyed that I didn't catch the boy first. I was in my room, looking into the mirror to tell myself that I was still the best, but was stopped when my door opened and I saw it was Vanessa and she was holding (Y/N) then I saw her hair was wet like she just got out of a shower.


(Y/N) was sleeping in her arms with his head on her shoulder and she shifted him a bit while moving aside of the door where I finally noticed Chica was standing behind her.


Vanessa-Come on, you and Chica are getting an upgrade tonight.

I was happy to here that I was getting an upgrade to make myself even better than I already was , so without a word I just followed her down the walkway. We took the quickest way to the main stage before we headed down then walked down the hall to get to the upgrade station first.

Roxy-I'm going first!

Vanessa-You both are going at the some time. I already have your new bodies all set it, so you are just going to transfer into them. This way.

We went to the side of the room where I saw a gagged woman with her arms tied behind her back, and hung upside down by her feet, but Chica and I got hung up to with the other exo skeletons.


(No POV)

Vanessa put her "son" down on a table while she stripped Roxy and Chica down to their exo skeletons and hooked up a few cables to them before she started the process and they both powered down. She then got blown up with messages by her "friend" saying to "Stop wasting time and just kill them!" "You will listen to me!".

Vanessa's mind-... I think we need to talk face to computer.

She decided to leave (Y/N) here with the girls while they transfer, but gave them an order for when they wake up.

Vanessa-This is Vanessa, (Y/N) is mine, make sure he stays safe, no guest touches him, and bring him to my room when woken up.

She submitted the command into their main program, so it's rules they live by, and left after she gave (Y/N) a kiss. While the process was still going (M/N) woke up and started to panic and swung around until she fell back over then without noticing she accidently fell on a few wires that were unplugged from Chica and Roxy.

(Meanwhile in the Cyberverse)

Main Program-ERROR. Calibrating... ERROR. Re-calibrating.

The system did it's best to resubmit the last command it was given, but... there was a glitch.

Main Program-*Static* (Y/N) is mine, Make sure he stays safe, no guest touches him, and bring him to my room when woken up.

Later within the hour the process for the girls has been completed and they woke up in another room with mirrors then got up to look at themselves.


(Roxy's POV)

I know that I was the best before, but this... I was gorgeous and I just looked so real, like I was not an animatronic anymore, but I felt something and... it felt good... I COULD ACTUALLY FEEL!!! I looked at Chica to see her checking herself out while she was smiling, actually smiling.

Roxy-I'm even more beautiful!

Chica-This feels as amazing as it looks!

We spent a little while longer to look at ourselves in the mirror before we heard something out of this room.



We both left to go see what it was, and we were back in the upgrading room then looked over to our old and ugly exo skeletons then went back over to them where I could've sworn (Y/N) was left on a sliding table, but he was gone, and some woman was still hanging upside down.


Suddenly memories were brought back up when I scanned her face to pull up her guest profile which must be a new feature. I saw her membership and footage of her coming in and walking around... holding (Y/N)'s hand.

Roxy's mind-She. Touched him?!

Anger flooded my new body since that was the number one rule we live by, but Chica didn't look mad at all, in fact she even...


She just went up to her and lifted her up to unhook her and threw her over her shoulder before she walked off humming a song we sang once. I was about to stop her to take (M/N) away from her to rip her apart limb from limb, but my main programing-. No, I wanted to find (Y/N) first since she was leaving, and it was my chance to find him first.

Roxy-He's yours and they kept him from you for far too long. He belongs to me!

He couldn't have gotten far or even out of this area, so I started to search the room until I heard a door open from behind the protective cylinder then saw it was my door that just closed. I know who it had to be, so I ran to the door and when it opened, I saw (Y/N) down the hall.



He ran around the corner, but he was so dizzy, and I started to run after him and it was kinda weird hearing how soft my feet were hitting the ground. I saw at the elevator pressing the button again and again, but it was too late since I could catch him easily now.


I just walked up to him while he was panicking until he curled up on the ground before the door open and he fell over into the elevator. I just picked him up before I pressed the button to close the door and we headed up to my room while I just cradled him as he weakly struggling.

Roxy-You must still be tired from sleeping all day. I bet you missed me, but you were just nervous and scared. How cute.~

(Y/N)-P-Put me down!

Roxy-No. Don't forget that you belong to me, so I can do what I want with you.

He struggling more as the doors opened and we went into my room then sat on my couch with him laying across me lap. He was still squirming a little since he was getting tired quickly, but when I thought he was finished, he suddenly got his second wind, but instead of springing up and running away, he rolled off my lap quickly and his head was going for my table before...



I just picked him back up and held him close and I did feel so worried and mad that I wanted to break my table in 2 for a moment, but decided against it. I checked his head and there was no blood, so that was good, but he needs to know better than to resist my love and accept that he only needs his favorite rockstar in the whole wide world.

Roxy-Don't cry. I'm going to make it all better.~

He kept on crying in my arms and rather than get annoyed... it was actually really cute and just shows how much he needs me.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up to see I was being carried over someone's shoulder and there was a smell of pizza in the air where I was going until a pair of doors open by my legs and ass slamming into it. I started to noticed that the one carrying me was humming a song I heard here before. I looked to see we were in the kitchen here before I was tossed to the ground somewhere that smelled bad and my vision got blurry, but I saw someone walk up to me then I saw and knew who it was in her new model suit.


(M/N)-Ch-... Chica?

Chica-*Giggles* Yep.

(M/N)'s mind-Is she heling me hide from that crazy guard?

I just rolled over to show her the rope around my wrists and arms, so she could untie them and I could start getting out of here with my son.

(M/N)-Hurry, please. Untie them.

Chica-... *Snicker* Hahahaha! You're stupid!


Chica soon stopped laughing, but kept her smile while she bent down to me, grabbed and lifted me up by my jaw and cheeks, and made me look into her eyes.

Chica-I saw you touching (Y/N) over and over again and sometimes right in front of me... I'm his mother, not you, silly little pedo.~

She kept her smile before she dropped me, and I was too weak to move as she skipped away.

Chica-I already forgive you for touching my child. always taking him, lying to him that you're his mom, and doing it all right in front of me sometimes, I really do.

I tried struggling free, but then my vision returned, and I saw a lot of garbage bags then looked up to see what made my heart sink... I WAS IN THE GARBAGE COMPACTOR!!!

Chica-You even tricked me into thinking I wasn't his mommy all this time then even made me love eating trash for some reason, but now I think you had more than enough fun.

She was clearly malfunctioning and going completely insane because I had no idea what she was talking about then I saw her come back in and bent back down to me with a garbage bag this time.

Chica-Since you made me eat so much garbage... Let's see how you like it!~

She forced my mouth open before she reached in the bag with her other hand and stuffed old pizza and used napkins in my mouth until they couldn't go further in. I was screaming and gagging to the point I was going to get sick while she stuffed more garbage in my mouth before she...

Chica-Hehehe... Hahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

She kept on studding more in mouth until I accidently swallowed some and she smeared more on my face until her laughing died down.

(Chica's POV)

She was gagging on garbage and her mouth was so full, she couldn't spit it out, and it serves her right from what she had to have done to me and my baby. I just left her laying there in filth before I grabbed the button and sat on the table to enjoy the show.

Chica-I think I should get back to my baby with some pizza for us. Bye bye, homewrecker!~

I pressed the button to see the compactor coming down and she was squirming and wiggling to try and get out, but soon I couldn't see her anymore, but knew she got caught.

(M/N)-*Muffled screaming*!


*Cracking sounds*

The compactor came back up and I saw her broken body surround by blood as she was pushed into the garbage and dumped down where she can't bother us anymore. I just washed my hands and shivered at the thought of me eating so much garbage before.

Chica-Ugh, what was her problem anyway?

I just shrugged it and started on making the pizza and it was going to be special since I have my baby back now.

(Roxy's POV)

I kept on wondering why he was so special to me, and I thought it was because that I was clearly his favorite here, but that was too obvious. I then remembered a movie I saw a staff person play here about a fan being owned by the rockstar and letting them dote on them and I liked that idea, but I looked at them and saw no way for others to know he was mine.

Roxy's mind-These can be spare clothes.

I had something better in mind, so I left him on the couch while I went out to go to the gift shop and get some things for him while it was still very early in the morning.

Roxy-Everyone will see that he belongs too you! They will know he's yours!


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