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(Chemfi's POV)

I was ready for the event tonight and Hemio was getting ready as we speak which just led me to my prized pet getting ready. Hemio already took care of the bath while I got ready, but I need something nice for him to wear. It was going to be a tux since it was going to look traditional, yet adorable on him, but what color should he wear that I got him? Gray looked better on him, but Black went with my red dress that just hugged my body and I don't think I should him because he was very nervous about tonight that he barely ate anything today, so I just picked the black one for him to put on.

Chemfi-Dress up while I go get something. This last part is only to keep others from getting on our backs tonight. If you don't wear this, we can all get in trouble.

He just took the clothes before I went over to my dresser and jumped on top to get a small box and opened it to see what he has to wear tonight as to my responsible ownership for the public, but damn... did it look good.


I hopped down before I pulled it out then got a plain black leash and (Y/N) looked over to me half dressed and didn't look surprised because he knew this was gonna happen.


He looked nervous and sad all day and I can't have looking like that in front of millions of people watching.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Chemfi just walked up to me with the leash and collar and i tried to talk her to letting me stay here to take pictures at least, but she said I was going. No matter Hemio did made me feel better... after she was done doing whatever she did. She sat next to me on her bed before she pulled me into a one arm hug.

Chemfi-You know I don't think of you as a pet... sort of anymore, right? Regardless that you still are, but I think the thought counts.

(Y/N)-That doesn't make me feel better. You only want to show me on T.V. for your job and fame!

Chemfi-I still let you have your own room, a bed, and eat at the table. If I wanted to be stubborn about this, you would be sleeping in my room, on a pet bed, next to your food and water bowls.

She lifted my head up a little to wrap the collar around me next and I tried to pull away, but she held tight before she buckled it. I just curled up and cried a little then she just kissed my head and I tried to take it off, but she stopped me.

Chemfi-If you're good tonight, remember that there's all sorts of food that Hemio can get you.

Just then the door opened, and we saw Hemio come in and her fur looked kinda sparkly and shiny.


Hemio-*Gasp* Are you still upset about tonight?

She came over then picked me up while Chemfi got up with the leash in her hand then checked the time on her phone.

Chemfi-Alright, let's go. Hemio, just remember that you can do a lot to help him feel better, but that collar stays on.

She still remembers when Hemio tried to whisper in my ear that she'll take the collar off when we get inside and nobody is looking, but Chemfi caught us. We were all heading out the door and saw a limo out front to get inside then Chemfi grabbed something from the small snack bar in here then held it to my mouth. I didn't know what it was, but I took the bite, and it did taste good then she rubbed my cheek a little before I pulled away.


Hemio-Be brave for us ok. We'll be right next to you the whole time.~

She just gave me a kiss, but I had a sick feeling in my stomach from really not wanting to go.

(No POV)

There was a huge crowd outside of building holding the awards ceremony with many behind a velvet rope to watch famous hunters walk down the red carpet. A news reporter was getting small interviews with some of the hunters for the people watching at home.

News-7 of the world's most famous hunters have already arrived to help fill this packed ceremony. A very good turn out and the best is yet to come as we heard rumors that our newly discovered friend will be here tonight as promise of the newest well-known hunter. From another hunter in the system to being on the front of covers and all over the news in just a day.

Just then the crowd just got wilder as they saw another limo pulling up.

News-Oh, I think that could be her now!

A limo driver opened the door then the first one out was Hemio with (Y/N) to put him down before Chemfi came out holding his leash.


The crowd was trying to get Chemfi's attention or (Y/N)'s as he just tried to hide behind Hemio from the cameras, but a reporter came up and tried to get closer to (Y/N). Hemio just scooped them up while making him look away and held him close as they got inside then to a table. Chemfi took (Y/N) from Hemio and put him right next to her as chatter and laughter filled the air from the other hunters.

(Chemfi's POV)

This was amazing, but (Y/N) tried to make himself look smaller and hide, but I saw a table full of food then Hemio followed my gaze then smiled before she went to it. I just pet (Y/N)'s head while he just leaned back then someone came over with a camera to record us, but I don't think they were press, but a blogger or something and this actually mad (Y/N) scoot a little closer to be himself.

Chemfi-Can I help you?

Blogger-Yeah, I wanted to know if you could tell me more about your human and if I could get some close shots.

Chemfi-Yeah, we're gonna pass on that.

Blogger-Huh, why?

Chemfi-It's this thing where my pet is already timid, you would be violating a special law for my pet, the last guy is waiting for his "huge" sentence, and I know pictures of him close up would be worth a fortune to the right buyer... Sound about right or should we get security over here to check?

The security here is meant to deal with hunters, so they actually looked like they would eat your bones if you cross them which made this blogger soon give me a nervous smile.

Blogger-M-Maybe another time.

Chemfi-Are you sure?


Chemfi-Good to hear.

They just left as Hemio was coming back with food and I kinda snickered when I remembered his face from when I told him if he stresses my pet out, he can get arrested then exposed his obvious plan to get easy money. When Hemio sat down (Y/N) was eyeballing the food and it looked cute, so I scooted him towards Hemio then handed her his leash.

Chemfi-Watch him and no pictures or anything like that while i'm gone. I'm gonna go get some food myself before the awards.


She pulled him on her lap while I got up to leave and I recognized some famous hunters over here, but I just focused on making my plate. After i get my reward and go up stage, they might wanna talk to me. While I was making my plate I got a tap on my shoulder, so I turned around then saw a Zinkenite looking down to me.


Chemfi-Um, hi.

???-Mind if we talk?... Alone.

I could tell by her voice that she was threatening me instead of asking me. I wasn't scared because of some fucking rock head thinks she can push me around since I hate being taken lightly.

Chemfi-I think I do mind. If you wanna talk, i'm free right here.

???-... You have something of mine.

Chemfi-Oh, I do?

???-Yeah, you do... I had him first, so Teddy is mine.


I took me a sec to see if she was serious, but then I thought about (Y/N) and I know I wasn't the first to really catch him, but I was the first to claim him after he escaped a zoo.

???-Where is he?

Chemfi-Sorry hun, but I legally own him now. Got a problem, you can call 1-800-Fuck off.

This made her really angry and the second she snaps the security will come running and be able to force her out and I think she knew this by looking around.

???-"This" isn't over.

She walked away and I just got my food then went back to my table only to see Hemio fending off others trying to get pictures until I came over. A few left, but one was very persistent, and I saw she had a tablet with her.


I have a feeling i'm gonna be dealing with stuff like this for now on.

Chemfi-Sorry, but we're not doing pictures.

???-Oh, i'm not here for pictures. I already have some from before.

I looked to see (Y/N) giving this girl looks and I had no deal what she wants or how she got pictures, or if she was just lying. Before I could tell her to leave, so held out her hand to me.

???-I did some research on you Chemfi. My name is Zara and I used to have (Y/N) with me... before he got startled and ran off.

Chemfi's mind-Is she going for a fan kind of vibe or stalker?

Chemfi-Um,... what exactly are you here for?

She put her tablet on the table and turned it for me to read and I did see pictures with notes on it like it was some kind of presentation.

Zara-I'm a college student close to graduation with a degree in Biology.

I scrolled through the pages and saw there was not a whole lot since he did run off and if he didn't run from me after he ran from a zoo, I would put up a red flag, but I don't know what to make of this except...

Chemfi-How good are you with medicine or treating illnesses on new creatures.

Zara-Well... I can diagnose, but treating something is another story unless I have something to go off of.

Chemfi-... Why don't you have a seat?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Hemio held me close while Zara looked happy to sit down and I wanted to tell her no, but I don't know what will happen if I do talk when sometimes, bad things happen. I tried whisper to Hemio what happened when I was with Zara, but just then I saw someone coming close with a camera pointing at me, so I hid my face in Hemio's neck and she looked surprised.

Hemio-Sweetie, what's wrong?

Just then 2 other aliens came with cameras before they started to take pictures and the flash stung my eyes. Hemio held me tighter while almost crying then I heard Chemfi getting mad before I got grabbed by someone by my leash which chocked me a little then saw it was one of the aliens with a camera.

Alien#1-Smile cute stuff!


I saw Chemfi jump to wrap her legs around his neck and spun around before she made them flip and hit the ground only for me to be grabbed and turned by another alien. The flash stung my eyes again, but it was only one before I heard the camera drop and when I could see again, the alien was being held up by their neck by... "her".


They were struggling before they accidently kicked me in the chest, and I started to cry before more aliens came over to take the 3 away after Moltra dropped the other alien. Chemfi and Hemio came over to me before the security guards took the 3 away. They saw I was holding my chest since it really hurt before they just lifted my shirt then...


(Hemio's POV)

His chest was bruising with a purplish color and it broke my heart to see him crying which made me cry. I don't know if it was eternal bleeding or not, but when Chemfi touched it a little he cried louder before her turned away.

Chemfi-Shit, hey we need a first aid!

???-L-Let me check him!

We both turned to see someone coming down to her knees behind him before she got in the middle of us and turned him over.


We had no idea who she was, but she was trying to help and I was just so worried if anything might be broken. My tears were flowing and hitting the floor before she turned to Chemfi.

???-He's fine, but some ice will help then apply heat later when the swelling goes down. I-I think by his body texture, it should take a few weeks as long as he's settle about it.

(No POV)

The incident made the awards delayed for a while when the police came and the woman that helped was here as a plus one with someone from work then got a few bandages from a first aid kit here. The 3 aliens that started this mess by ambushing to get pictures to sell were going to be dealt with and charged by Chemfi. Speaking of which, she looked at the 2 that helped, even if one threatened her earlier, she saw she was still pretty strong in raw strength while the other knew what she was talking about since (Y/N) already stopped crying. Chemfi just took hold on the leash and put (Y/N) on her lap when she sat back down and things were getting back on track for the awards. She motioned the others to sit down with her at her table while others were looking since the scene earlier made them more of the main attraction.

Chemfi-First, thanks for helping... I got an offer for all of you.


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