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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was dreaming about my old life before I came to the island before I woke up to someone kisses my cheeks over and over again. When I finally woke up then slowly opened my eyes a bit the kissing stopped and I felt something fluffy covering half of my face. I finally opened my eyes and I saw Addison, but when I looked up and down, I saw she was curled up on me naked.


Addison-Hey (Y/N). I made my tail extra fluffy to cuddle with for you. Do whatever you want to me.~ *whisper*

She kissed me again before I just jumped out of bed before the door opened and I saw that Jenny was naked and was holding a thing of lipstick and looked mad before she smiled at me.


My face was burning as she walked over to me slowly while swaying her hips as I was backing up to a wall. When I hit the wall she put her hands on both sides of me while pressing her body on me.

Jenny-Looks like Addison tried to get a head start, but who could blame her. My mom told me what a man like to hear and how to play nice with them.~ *whisper*

She licked my neck before she tried to lift up my shirt, but I panicked then pushed her and ran into the hallway while her and Addison panicked a little before I saw Fawn in the hallway wearing nothing, but an apron and had something on a plate.


I could see he thighs and butt poking out, so I looked away from that and just looked at the food while she got a little nervous now too.

Fawn-I-I made these for you... Just be quiet. We'll get in trouble if we get caught. *whisper*

Just then Addison and Jenny grabbed me from behind then tried to pull me back, but I fell back then accidently grabbed where Jenny's boob would be then slid all the way down and even touched her private area on accident.


Addison quickly covered my mouth before Fawn started to panic a little then they all took me back into Fawn's room before we heard another door open. The girls tried to get me into bed with them while Fawn put up the plate, but I didn't want to get in bed with 3 naked girls pulling me into it.

Jenny-Come on! *whisper*

Just then the door opened and we saw everyone else was up and saw me being pulled by Addison and Jenny while Fawn was watching, but what caught my attention before I closed my eyes so hard that tears came out was Dixie, Lazarus, Fia, Hana, and Lucinda were naked.


Kate-Girls! What's going on in here?!

They tried to explain it really fast, but we couldn't understand them, but they stopped when Kate took me from them then gave me to Lazarus and I wanted to be put down, but Lazarus just held me kinda tight while trying to shush me and wipe my tears. Just then Dixie saw something in the room and walked up to the plate Fawn made.

Dixie-Fawn, were you baking this late at night?

Fawn-*Whimper* Y-Yes.

Dixie-... It's amazing! You really have been paying attention in our baking lessons and reading that cookbook a lot with me really-.


Dixie-I mean... You know I let you bake by yourself, but only when someone is watching you. What if you got burned by the oven on accident?

Fawn-*Sniffle*... I'm sorry... Jenny and Addison wanted to have a contest late at night to see who can get (Y/N) to like them best by surprise and... I wanted it too... I didn't want to make him cry.

Kate-I expect this kind of behavior from them, but from you?

Fawn started to cry more than I was right now then Hana and Lucinda went over to their daughters and picked them up. They talked to them before they put them to bed. Now Lazarus walked up to the girls while Dixie took Fawn's apron off and tucked the 3 in bed.

Lazarus-Girls, you know how sensitive and unwell he is to being around us nude right now. Forcing it on him like that after waking him up in the middle of night...I think it's best if he sleeps with us now, but you 3 owe my son an apology.


Jenny/Addison-... Sorry.

Hana-Now go to sleep. We'll talk about this in the morning.

Lazarus-Come on sweetie. You can sleep in the middle of the pile.

(Y/N)-I-... Can I sleep alone on the couch or something?

She only sighed and kissed my head before they took me to Dixies room and I saw her bed was huge. Dixie got on first then Lazarus got on with me using Dixie's huge boob as a pillow then the others piled on top of us and my face was buried with only enough of a gap to breath. I whimpered a little from how uncomfortable and weird I felt right now, but now the others were all rubbing or kissing me a little.

Lazarus-It's alright honey bunch, nobody is going to hurt you. Go back to sleep now.~

(No POV)

For the rest of the night, (Y/N) was buried under half naked or completely naked women. He tried to wiggle out, only to be pushed back deeper in the pile where they could easily cuddle or pet him. During the night he quickly fell asleep within the hour, but... his throat felt scratchy.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Lazarus's POV)

Last night must've been so hard for my baby after the stunt those 3 pulled on him and it usually wouldn't be because they were naked around him, but because they woke him up and even knowing how fragile he was, they were hard on him for what little he can handle. Jenny, Addison, and Fawn told us exactly what they did to him and just got a timeout before breakfast, but my baby boy was off limits to them for the day. After breakfast I think it would be a good time to head home for a bit to get a few things and start my day, but on my way home I noticed how much (Y/N) was coughing many times and I felt his head to feel no fever.

Lazarus-Sweetie, do you feel ok?

He didn't speak to me and come to think of it, he didn't really want to speak at all this morning. I just took he jaw and opened his mouth while I turned to where the sunlight was coming from for a light.

Lazarus-Here honey. Let me see.

I took a peak in his mouth to check his throat and saw it looked a little pinker than is should. I had just the thing for it, so there was no need to go to Hana for this and it was no medicine, but a nice cup of tea, honey, and soup.

Lazarus-My poor baby. Guess you're gonna be inside today until you feel better.

I still had things that have to be done, but I can't just leave him alone or ask the others to put their things aside to watch my son. It was clear what I must do since this girl was usually the one to watch another's house or occasionally a sick daughter, but this will be her first time with a boy. She was on the way to my house, so I kept on going before we made it and I knocked on her door. She soon answered then looked very surprised to see who I was holding in my arms and no doubt she knows like the others about my son, but must be waiting for me to ask her.


Lazarus-Hey Kaia. I'm sorry to drop this on you last second, but my son just got sick and I have a few things to take care of. Do you mind caring for my son for a few hours? I'm sure you now that he needs special attention.

She just stood there frozen while looking at my son before she just looked so happy and took a few small steps closer to me.

Kaia-Can I hold him?!

Lazarus-Um, maybe when we get to my house. He just has a sore throat I want taken care of while i'm out.

Kaia-You know that I will take care of more than that. I've been waiting for this since I saw him around town!

I was happy to hear that as we started to head to my house, but we started to hear a commotion then looked to see a crowd was forming. We decided to go take a look and when we did get through we saw another man, but this was far taller than (Y/N), but at the same time shorter that us. I think I have a good almost 2 feet on him.


((D/N)'s POV)

I was surrounded by woman both human and animal that were all taller than me and looking at me like I was something brand new to them. I had no idea what to do or say since this felt extremely awkward, but something caught my eye and it was my missing son being held by a very tall woman.



(Y/N)-D-Dad! *scratchy voice*

I ran to them, but just then the woman holding him turned him away then started to look skeptical of me now and so did everyone else. There was a shift in the air now as the woman holding him looked kinda mad at him.

???-... You... You're his dad?!

(D/N)-Huh, yeah. Why?

???-You... monster!


She was actually really strong and (Y/N) reached for me, but she turned his face to force him into her huge cleavage before tears were coming out of her eyes.

???-You abusive monster! Do you have any idea what you have done or even care what happened to (Y/N)! IF YOU EVER LAY ANOTHER FINGER ON HIM I'LL... I'LL... I don't know, but you won't be have anything to do with him ever again!

???-I know what i'm going to do.

I was grabbed and picked up by my head before I was turned to see the one holding me and it really hurt from the pressure building in my head. Who this was or how she's even real depending on if this is a dream or not, but it feels so real.


She switched to holding me by my shirt collar while the woman with my son was running off with someone else, but I got slammed and pinned to the wall.

???-So you're the abusive and manipulative father? Your son might buy your fake love and you not really neglecting him, but I see right through it.

(D/N)-Wh-What the fuck are you talking-?

She slammed against the wall again and while I was grunting in pain she pulled her hand back while making a fist then...




I felt so much pain and dizziness while others only watched and I just slowly started to black out, but she brought me up to her face.

???-You are going to regret everything you did to (Y/N)... All that abuse... you're going to pay for 10-fold.

She dropped me before she grabbed me by my foot and started to drag me while I could barely talk or feel much of anything, but soon I was thrown into metal bars before I hit the ground and that was enough for me to finally black out.

(Kate's POV)

I slammed the door of the cage we use to put animals in here and this man belongs there after what he did to such a small child. I don't know if he was just taking out his anger for being smaller than others back home, but I don't care. Others came over to see him lying on the ground before I started to push the cage back out into the woods where he can be alone until "she" comes back to really crack down on him. When I was done and made it back to town I ran into my sister while everyone was already saying bad things about him.


Fia-Was that really (Y/N)'s dad?

Kate-I heard (Y/N) call him dad while acting as if he wanted to go to him. I'm sure.

Fia-*Grunt* Wait until I give him a piece of my mind.

Kate-We're not doing anything and you can yell at him when she's done.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was being forced to lay in bed by Kaia while Lazarus was sitting on the couch kinda mad, but mostly crying. I kept on telling them to let me go see my dad, but that only made her worse and my throat hurt really bad. Kaia put something in a jar of honey and was letting it sit in the kitchen for a bit before she finally got up with me to go get it then Lazarus followed us in the kitchen.

Lazarus-Kaia, I have a few more rules now.

Kaia-I'm know not to let that new man in the house. I wouldn't trust him with anyone after the things he did.

I was so annoyed by that while she opened the jar of honey with one hand then got a spoon earlier she said it was going to help my throat and I do like honey... I took the bit and it did hurt a little less when I swallowed the honey, so it was working and there was some kind of ripped up flower in thee too that I just noticed.

Lazarus-If he even comes near this house, you scream for help, lock down the house, and let others handle it. I don't want him alone for a split second when that man is around. Don't think (Y/N) knows any better than to be near his toxic father.

I felt like I could talk again without my throat hurting after the third bite, but now I started to feel... so relaxed and not so mad and annoyed anymore.

Kaia-Relax, I got that figured out. I just went into your medicine cabinet and ripped up some seda flower petals, and now he won't even want to fight us on this. Look at him.

I... kinda forgot most of what she said already... this honey tastes good, but she stopped after a few more bites.

(Kaia's POV)

You could even see it in his eyes that he is out of it and usually Lazarus might be very mad I just sedated her baby boy, but I think this time she was willing to make an exception. She might be the most caring, so she babysat the girls more than me and i'm caring too, but I will do what I need to in order to keep things under control. She just came over and gave her boy a few kisses and hugged his head and he looked like he was leaning into her.

(Y/N)-*Giggle* soft.

Ok, maybe I gave him one too many bites and it might take a while longer for him to shake it off than I thought. Must've been a rich flower.

Lazarus-Stay safe sweetie, no talking to that bad man for mommy. I'm going to go talk to Layla now, and i'll be back tonight, ok?~

She gave him one last kiss before she left and I had him wave goodbye to her as she closed then locked the door. I just looked down while shifting (Y/N) in my arms a bit only for him to snuggle into me.

Kaia-Alright little man let's get you in a bath, and after you can watch me tidy up the house a little. I'll even let you splash around in the water for little while. How does that sound?

(Y/N)-I like splashing.

I just took him to the bathroom and rumor spread fast that he would fight this if he was not sedated which was hard to see. I was just glad not to see him fight me as we got in the water and I started by washing him first, but then I thought about his dad. It soon brought me to my best friend and she usually enforces a lot of rules around here if she needs to. She can be a chill friend to hang out with, but if you do something she doesn't like, like say what (Y/N)'s dad did to him...

(No POV)

Kate just left a house after she explained ever last detail she knew of the situation as well as telling where she left (D/N) in a cage for her. Needless to say she was very mad after hearing the story of "A father abusing and manipulating his son mentally and physically" and punched a hole in the wall before she went to her room and grabbed her bag of "toys" that had a metal pipe sticking out it before she went up to a mirror.


???'s mind-You like being rough with someone smaller you "big guy"... Let's see how you like.

She just left her house to head to where the man was while she just her bag to make sure all her weap-, "toys" were all there for when she sees him. He first thing she was going to do when she sees him was that all his clothes were coming off to make sure he was going to feel everything she was going to do to him.


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