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((Y/N)'s POV)

Shira kept on paw on my and would pin me down to drag me back if I got "too far from her" and it's been hours. It was her, Peaches, and I who were in this cave since the others went out for food. Shira wanted me to pet her sometimes and she really liked it then gave me kisses in return, and I don't me by using her tongue. She kisses me with her lips all over my face, but while she was doing it for the 6th time Peaches came over and just yanked me from Shira and held me in her trunk to move me like she was holding a baby with her tusks helping her.


Peaches-You had him for so long. I think it's my turn now.

Shira-He's not a thing!... Now give him back!

Peaches-No, i'm holding him!

I saw Shira showing her teeth at Peaches, but this mad her mad like they were about to get into a big fight and I don't think I would want to be in the middle of that. How do I even stop them from fighting? I was trying to think of something, but they just stopped themselves and Peaches took me to her spot while Shira was glaring at her. I was looked at Shira until I was brought in for some kisses by Peaches then she held me close to be mostly covered by her body.

Peaches-Hey there. I know how much you like being cuddled.~ *whisper*

She started to coo me and rubbed her face into mine before I saw Shira looking at us before she just turned away to lick her paws to clean herself. Later the others came back, but I couldn't see them because of Peaches smothering me into her.

Peaches-Hey daddy. Where's the rest food? That can't be it.

Manny-We've been talking and we're going to do this. This food is going to be for us, but your mom, Shira, and you are going to go to another stash we set somewhere to get you to spend time apart from him.


Manny-It's just for a few hours.

(Ellie's POV)

I hated this just as much as her, but Manny would not let up on this either and even took (Y/N) from her, but it was only for a few hours while we eat and "cool off". She fought on him about it, but I got in the middle of them and just led her with me.

Ellie-It'll just be for a while. We'll just eat, have some fun, just us girls, and be back.

She did pouted before she just left and Shira was right behind her, so I just left to get this over with and Manny can calm down. The second I get back though is when I take (Y/N) back with me. I was going to show them where the food was stashed for us and there was even a deer for Shira that Deigo got her after the deer tried to pick a fight. It wasn't like we didn't try to stop it, but it was like they had a death wish. I just let the disturbing thought go aside to just keep on walking to the food.

((M/N)'s POV)

I found a huge pile of food just sitting behind a bush and I was just so hungry after hiding from talking animals. I was too scared and confused to go up to them to even ask where I was, but I think I was just in a coma after that flash. I just kept on eating until I heard a sudden voice around the corner and my heart sank while I was looking for a place to hide immediately.

???-Why does dad even think's a bad thing?!

???-It's just for a while. Let's just eat for now.

???-Honestly, that fatty is being paranoid.

I quickly ran behind a tree to hide then saw the 3 come out from around a corner and down the path towards the food and I was blown away because I recognize these characters from when I was little.


It was Ellie, her daughter Peaches, and Shira from the Ice Age movies, so this must be a coma or dream or whatever. They went up to the food while talking, but suddenly stopped when Shira perked up.

Ellie-What is it?

Shira-It's... another weird scent. This one's different. *Deep inhale*

She looked over my way before she came over then I decided that if this was a dream about a kids movie then I should be fine, so I stepped out. This made her stop while the others looked at me with shock just like her and I still had no idea what to do, but I guess at this point I just make it up as I go.

(M/N)-... Um... Hi.

They just kept on looking at me before Shira looked back to them then back to me.

Shira-... Hey.

(M/N)-I hope you don't mind, but... I did have some of your food... Do you mind if we talk?

They were iffy, but did let me come over and we started by exchanging names even if I already knew theirs, but I didn't want to freak them out. I just sat down with them and had a bit more food, but Shira had that deer all to herself. I just took my bag off me and laid out the sleeping bag my dream made from the one I have in the real world to get a little comfy. I wonder what I should talk about with them first then I looked at my favorite character, Ellie and thought about some common ground.

(M/N)-So Ellie, is Peaches your daughter? You look a lot alike.


(M/N)-I'm a mother too... I have a son named (Y/N).

(Shira's POV)

I felt something snap inside me, but kept it hidden and under control for now. I was also very worried that this would mean the fat tub of lard will force us to give back (Y/N) and I don't want to do that... and i'm not the only one.

Shira-Really, tell us all about him.

I was secretly getting ready to pounce her, but then she said something the made me stop.

(M/N)-*Sigh*... I miss how whenever I would rub his back just right while we cuddled on the couch, he would melt into me... He got it from his dad.

I had no idea about that, but the others were interested in this too, so I think I can hold off on this for a while.

Ellie-That sounds adorable. What else is there about him?

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((M/N)'s POV)

They might be from my dream, but all they wanted to talk about was my son which might be my dream telling me that I just miss him so much because I do. I told them stories about him, what I used to do to him that would get a reaction out of him, my son was full of cute reactions. He had the same qualities that made me fall for his dad because I loved to tease him when we were dating since he passed almost all his weaknesses down to him, plus a few of his own. I told them secret after secret and they loved it all. I even told them about the gear I had and what it's for then how to use it.

(M/N)-There's also the first time I had a problem getting him to sleep, I spent hours trying to get him down for nap, but all I needed to do was massage the sides of his eyes and he loved it until he fell asleep in less than half hour.

I even showed them what to do while doing it to myself and Shira came to me to pin me down while trying to do the same to me with her paws. It felt a little different, but a little better with her saft part of her paws.

Shira-Like this?

(M/N)-Uh, yeah.

She stopped then got off me then Ellie grabbed me with her truck to pull me back to her while I was still laying down.

Ellie-Can you show me those baby pictures again?

I guess since she's a mom, all mom's love baby pictures of another mom's baby, so I pulled out my wallet, but this time she took it with her trunk and opened it to let the pictures unfold. She stared at them like she was entranced by them then Peaches caught my attention when she cleared her throat.

Peaches-What else can you tell us about (Y/N)?

(M/N)-Um... I think I told you everything.

Ellie-Oh,... are you sure?

(M/N)-Yeah, I think so.

Shira-Come on, don't spare any small details. It's just us girls.

(M/N)-Hmmm... I got nothing else.

Ellie-Oh... Ok then.

Just then she suddenly grabbed me very tight before she lifted me up then the others got up to and I was very scared now. I tried to get her to let go, but she squeezed me very tight before she threw me to the ground.

Ellie-That that you told us a lot of secrets, I think it's fair to tell you a few... We have (Y/N) with us and we're keeping him.

Shira-Which means you can't be around love, sorry.

(M/N)-Wh-What?!... That's my baby, you can't keep him from me!

Peaches-Think of it this way. You told us everything we could possibly know about him for the time being. We'll be taking great care of him now.

(M/N)-This... This is a just a dream! I'll wake up soon, so it doesn't even matter! You're all part of some fucking kids movie from when I was little!

They all just looked confused before Shira chuckles a little while circling around me then I got up, but Shira knocked me back down by just pushing me.

Ellie-(Y/N) is not your baby anymore... In fact, I think he was always destined to be ours now and the thought of you touching my baby, bathing him, and calling him yours... makes me "very" angry.

Peaches-You're not the only one mom.

Shira-*Growl* I'll show you what can happen if you mess with my cub. *roar*!

This was all a dream and I should be scared, because nothing can happen to me no matter what they do. I was going to get my son back, both in here and the real world.

(M/N)-I don't care what you do to me! I'll just wake up! (Y/N) is my son, NOT!!! YOURS!!!

Ellie-... You know, my husband once said something... Sometimes it pays to weigh 11 tons or in this case, 9 tons.~

She quickly spun around to face away from me, so I could only see her ass and tail as she hopped back a few times towards me. I knew what she was going to do, so I tried to get up and run, but before I could even turn, she was sitting on me and only my legs up to my knees were sticking out. I would be calm if not for one thing that told me this was either not a dream or I was dying in the real world...

(M/N)'s mind-I CAN'T BREATH!!!

(Ellie's POV)

I was extra careful not to just crush and kill her right out of the gate since I think she deserves to suffer for all the things she said. I could feel her wiggling under my butt, he muffle screams could only be heard by us, and she was kicking her feet a little now which was a little funny to us. Peaches just took everything this human had for (Y/N) since he can use it now and she packed it up in the bag while Shira just looked at this humans kicking feet before she nipped them a bit.

(M/N)-*Muffled screaming*!

Shira-*Chuckles* Just let us know when you're awake.~

This was actually very fun to do and I don't want it to end so soon when I can make her suffer much more. Soon I lifted up to let her get a few gasps for air while she was too weak and hurt to move before I sat back down while being careful not to crush her then Peaches came over. I then had a thought.

Ellie-Sweetie, how would you like a turn with her in a bit for your little brother?


She looked so happy and I think we had something to take care of slowly before we can go back to our baby.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was relaxing and even trying to take a nap now while the others were wondering where the girls are, but I thought it would be nice for a bit. Soon later now, we saw them come in the cave and Peaches had a backpack in her truck then tossed it to me.


Peaches-We found something you might like.

I opened the back and it was a water bottle, a sleeping bag, a beanie, a scarf, and a flashlight.

(Y/N)-Huh,... where did you find this?

Shira-In some ditch and it looked complicated, so we thought of you.

Deigo-Wait. *sniff* *sniff* What's that new smell on you?

Shira-Huh? It's just (Y/N)'s scent still on me. I just accidently got some blood on me that I washed off is all.

I just looked at this stuff and I never came with any of this stuff and I don't think flashlights are in this movie since this is like far into the past before electricity was a thing.

(Y/N)'s mind-How did this get here anyway?... Is someone else here?


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