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((Y/N)'s POV)

It's been an hour since Bri went crazy and Amy, Cheese, and Cream have been trying to make me feel better, but I tried asking Amy if someone else was here. I could've sworn I heard someone else earlier while I was still crying, but she said not to worry about it and made me stay lying down on my bed while they cuddled me. Cream, Cheese, and I weren't even allowed out of the room by Amy when she got to leave, but she even tried to get me to take a nap. I couldn't sleep though then I heard the voice again, louder this time.

???-Ugh, could you *grunt* be any more of a pain?

(Y/N)-Amy, can you just tell me who that is?

Amy-Don't worry about it right now, sweetie. Just stay here with Cream and Cheese until I get back.

She got up to leave again and Cream just yawned a little before she got me comfy cuddling me. I think Cheese was already asleep or was close to it at this point.

(Amy's POV)

I told this girl not to be so loud to keep (Y/N) from worrying about anything else, but apparently, she didn't listen. I went to the office she found after she said she was hired and would tell me more after she got everything taken care of. When I walked in I saw her putting Bri in a tied-up position and grabbing some papers.


Amy-I told you to do this quietly! What are you even doing?!

???-For starters princess, trying to find out how to fax these over to my new boss. Got no idea how to do that, so I think the ex-nanny has a clue.

Amy-I don't care if you want this for money, but if you so much as hurt the boy in any way, I'll-!

???-Sounds dandy, but you see, I'm about to wake her up and will be kinda busy. I'll meet the boy and show you all I mean no harm until we find a way back to our world then we'll all be happy.

I hate that attitude of hers, but if she's strong, I don't want to start a fight here at least unless I have to.

???-I'll be done here in a minute then I'll introduce myself.

I shot her a glare and she shrugged it off before she grabbed a cup of water to take a sip while winking at me, so I just left while closing the door to get back to (Y/N) and keep him from hearing her.

(Bri's POV)


I woke up quickly and gripped onto something I was on then noticed I was in a chair, in my boss's office. I rubbed the water off my face before I looked down a little to see that bat lady again.


???-Morning. You don't mind helping me with sending my boss something, do you?

She just held up the employment papers and I saw that she signed them already, but like hell I was going to help her with shit. She already screwed me out of the job and I saw I wasn't even tied down, so I just stood up.

Bri-Why would I help you with anything, you freak of nature?!

???-Now, now Bri, you can be a big girl about this and help me or I'll find some other way and toss you out with your stuff and nowhere to go.

I have 5 places, and plenty of money, and fed up with these creatures, so that threat won't work on me. She saw me just glaring at her then she smirked before she reached behind her to pull out my phone then flew up to where I couldn't reach her. I saw her messing around on it, but I have a fingerprint lock, so that should keep her out.

???-Oh, who's Big Daddy? Oh, there's also Stud Muffin, The Destroyer, Mama's Bitch, and Hunk of Meat. Oh, you're a naughty girl. ~

Bri-Wh-What?... How did you get in?!

???-The better question is, what should you say in your next message?

Bri-Give me back my phone you bitch!

???-How about, "Stud Muffin, something came up and I think you should get tested. I got it from my other lover".

She showed me from up there before she tossed the papers down and hit the send button then my heart sank.

Bri-NO!!! STOP IT!!!

???-Calm down honey, you still got 4 left. Now, about those papers... Or I can talk to Big Daddy and-.

Bri-No, no, no, no! Y-You win!

I just picked up the papers and just quickly scanned them in the computer and she flew behind me to watch as I just did it before I turned back to her only to see my phone coming at me and I caught it. I also know her name now.

Rogue-There, that wasn't so hard. I think it would be best though if you're out of here by the end of the day since my things should be here tomorrow. Also if you could help by showing the men here to my room, that'll be amazing. Bye bye. ~

She just landed and I was going to grab something to hit her, but I got a very angry text back from "Stud Muffin" which made me think about how she knocked me out twice before. I fell to my knees in defeat as she left the office.

Bri's mind-This. Isn't. Over.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Amy was talking to whoever this was just outside my door since men were coming over to take Bri's stuff because she quit, and the new girl was moving in. It was hard to hear them since the door was closed, but when the door opened after a doorbell went off then they both came in, so now I can finally see who this girl was, and it was another alien like them.


Amy locked the door to make sure nobody got in and this new girl saw me staring at her before she smiled at me. Amy just walked over to me first and I sat up next to Cream and Cheese before the new girl came and sat on the edge of my bed. I had no idea what to say, but she gave me a feeling like she belonged in a spy movie.

(Rogue's POV)

This boy was kinda cute and he was eyeballing me in amazement so much that he couldn't look away from me. I even moved closer to him a little and I think his eyes got a little wider which made me chuckle a bit, but made the pink hedgehog mad a little while this rabbit and alien cuddled him. I think it was time I properly introduce myself while my stuff gets set up while I stay in here to avoid making a scene.

Rogue-Well hello there. You must be (Y/N), right?

(Y/N)-You... know my name?

Rogue-I had a talk with your dad about Bri leaving.

(Y/N)-You're my nanny now?

Rogue-That's right. The name's Rogue.

(Y/N)-Well... You know my name and this is Amy, Cream, and Cheese.

Amy just got closer to lean on him and he looked at her with innocent looking curious eyes as to what she was doing while she was turning away from me with her eyes closed to act cold on purpose. Cream and Cheese just stayed where they were and it wasn't a big deal to me, but I do love to mess with others in my free time.

Rogue-How about we get to know each other since I'll be living here? Got any ideas?

(Y/N)-Um... I have games in here and we have lots of movies in the living room, and we have a pool in the backyard, and-.

He just went on about what we could do here, and some did sound more appealing than others, the best was that this was ticking Amy off a little. She stopped him by turning to face him then he stopped to look at her.

Amy-How about you play a game on your computer then we can do something together when everyone is gone? Ok?... I even saw some cookie dough if you want to make some later with me.

Cream-Maybe we can even put on that show we like.

Cheese-Chao, chao.

They seem clingy to him while trying to exclude me, but unlike me, they don't have experience in seducing and manipulating all sorts of people. I took dense ones that were adult children for a joy ride and I know way innocent-looking ways to make an actual child tick, but what to choose?... I got it. When he got up and went to his computer I just leaned on his desk and he looked at me instead.

Rogue-So little man, anything I should know about you now that it's my job to watch you?

(Y/N)-Um... Well, the schedule my mom and dad want me on is in his office.

Rogue-Not that. What do you like to do?

(Y/N)-Well, I can show you some games, I like to play. Check it out.

He turned his sights to the computer and I moved in closer, so now he's not suspicious about me getting close. I took off one of my gloves then put my hand behind his back before I went under his shirt on his lower spine then traced a fingernail up his back. My goal was to make him jump a little, but as I kept on going up he only shivered and made small noises while the others were watching his breathing getting a little fast. The whole time he didn't try to get up but moved away a little for me to follow him.

Rogue-Oh, do you like this?~

(Y/N)-I-I-. Um, st-st- ahh it.

I made it to the top, so I slowly and a bit more firmly made my way back down his spine before he finally broke his stutter and then got up so quickly that his chair rolled back a little and he turned away. He looked back at me with his cheeks so pink and he tried to look away only to look back at me. I just teased him a little with one finger tracing his spin, and he acts like I just flashed him while pinning him down.

Rogue's mind-How funny. It's so adorable and fun... This job just gets better still.

Rogue-I didn't hurt you, did I?~

(Y/N)-*Unintentional muttering*... N-No.

Rogue-I think I'll just make myself cozy. Just play your games for now sweetheart.

He blushed harder when I said that while I just went on a beanbag chair and he slowly went back to his computer while regaining his self-control.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't focus on my game at all right now. I never felt anything like that before or felt before Cream and the others showed up, I never had anyone touch me much at all anymore since Bri said to always keep your hands to yourself. I still don't know what to say because it felt so weird, but also kinda nice. I couldn't look at anyone right now, but I could feel someone or everyone looking at me, or maybe it was something else.

(Y/N)'s mind-What was that feeling?... Should I ask her to do it again?... No, that'll just be rude. Maybe it was just a one-time thing from her... Yeah. Remember, "Keep your hands to yourself".

(No POV)

While Rogue was relaxing on the beanbag chair while watching (Y/N) fidget a little to her amusement Amy and Cream felt a little angry, but Cream was better at hiding it.

Rogue's mind-What a cute little plaything and so innocent too... This is going to be fun.

Amy's mind-You think you can just come in and do that?! You're lucky I don't want to scare him by fighting you physically, but if anyone is going to be his favorite, it's going to be me!

Cream's mind-How rude of her! (Y/N) looks so bothered now!... After these people leave, I think having him lay his head on my lap while I pet it is just what he needs.


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