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((Y/N)'s POV)

I just remembered waking up to something loud, but now it was quiet... too quiet. I just got up to go look out in the Pizzaplex, but I saw the front doors were covered by a metal door and I went up to it to see if it would open, but it was locked. I was scared when I saw nobody was here and I was alone in a huge place with no idea where my mom was... DID SHE LEAVE ME HERE?!?!?!

(Y/N)-Mom!... MOMMY!!!

I ran to the door to start pounding and yelling into it to see if someone outside could still hear me, but I don't think anyone will be close to this place now. I pulled out my phone to call the police, but there was no service, so I can't call anyone. I started to cry from having no idea what to do, but then I thought of Vanessa then the office phone in there, so maybe I can call from that. I went back into the office and went to phone to call the cops, but it wasn't making any noise, so I put it down.

(Y/N)-There's gotta be something here that can help.

I looked around, but all I found was a chocolate cake that said, "Welcome to Your New Home (Y/N)". It had a picture of Vanessa and me drawn on with frosting and I backed away from it then left the office, but I grabbed a security card that might help.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why was that there?... I gotta get out of here.

I tried to think then remembered that there should be other doors to get outside that was not the front door. I never saw that here, but how hard can that be to find? I just started walking until I made it to an employee only door since if they bring stuff in, there's a way out.

(Vanessa's POV)

I was in my Vanny suit, and I usually have a lot of fun when I wear this, but I really hated how stubborn this woman was being since I was clearly being reasonable. I just want her to tell me everything about her son, transfer all her money to fund this building, and simply sign some forms dated almost 2 weeks ago for her to legally give me (Y/N), then in return, I give her a quick death. I don't know why she was being so stubborn or maybe she just loved being tortured while strapped to a chair.

Vanny-Let's play again when you're ready to talk. I have a baby bunny to go check on.~

I skipped out of the cylinder while she was catching her breath and I went back up through the stage area then went to the bathroom to get changed back into my uniform before I went back to the office. I just got back and thought maybe a kiss on his head should be fine, but my heart sank when I saw that he wasn't there.

Vanessa-(Y/N)!... Sweetie where are you?!

He should've been out like a light still, so how is he up already?! I didn't put enough to kill him, but I don't think I went easy either since I needed him out until morning! I ran out of my office to see where he could've gone and that could be anywhere by now!

Vanessa-(Y/N), you need to tell me where you are right now if you can hear me!... I-I can take you to your mommy now! We can leave!

There was no response, and my heart was feeling heavy while getting harder to breath as I started to panic. I need to find him, and I need to find him now even if it means it scares him, so I went on my phone and activated everything then gave them all one order.

Vanessa-Find (Y/N) (L/N) and return him to Vanessa! He belongs to me, his mother!

I pressed the button and saw extra bots come out already to do their routes, but I made my way to the Rockstar hallway to let out the ones who will help me the most. It said 2 of them were a little faulty right now and in need of repair, but I don't have time for that.


Vanessa-You all know what to do! I don't want you hurting him at all, but if you need to... restrain him.

Freddy-Of course.

Monty-Small fry doesn't stand a chance.

Chica-This will be fun!

Roxy-I'm so best, so I will find him first.


They all left to go look for my son, but I went back to the upgrade station to do some work of my own while taking out some frustration. When I made it down there, I saw her struggling more and I didn't care if I wasn't in my suit as I walked up to her, and she looked a tad hopeful before...








Vanessa-Th-This is all your fault! My baby already ran away to look for you! YOU!!!

She now looked scared as I got more and more angry, but she should've thought of that before helping my baby bunny loose and keeping him from me... his mother he should've always had.

(M/N)-Wease, heme ho! I honh fell-! *muffled*


Vanessa-You will talk, only when I tell you to talk. Understand?... Unless you're ready to tell me everything you know about my baby.

She went silent and I plugged her nose for a bit to watch her panic before I let go then grabbed her phone since my virus took out her passwords, so now I have access to everything on her phone now. I started with her texts and...

((M/N)'s POV)

This security guard just got angrier before she held a knife left on the table to my neck while I saw it in her eyes that she wasn't just crazy, she was completely insane. She got really close to my face until I could only see her eyes and I just felt my heart pounding.

???-I'm only going to say this once... Don't. Ever. Tell. My son. You love him. Again. Or I will gut you... Understand?

She pulled away the knife before she went back on my phone and I don't know how she got past my lock screen, but my passwords to my accounts should be impossible for her to get through since I let my phone choose the password and needs my face to get in.

???-You definitely keep in touch with work more than-... Hello, what are you.

She even got into my emails?! I have no idea what she was looking at, but I have some very embarrassing emails I keep set to a different folder. She was smiling before she took out my gag then smirked at me.

???-What's this about new and improved generation of suits?

(M/N)-... I-It's just something I got today. It's why I wanted to talk to someone on the phone when we met.

???-What good about these suits?

(M/N)-Two are already finished for the main characters here to make them look more comforting and entertaining instead of eerie and giving kids nightmares.

???-Says here that they only need to have a system transfer. So, it would just be the main 4 in better suits... Oh, and they have new features, let's see... Better mobility and agility, accurate texture, softer, and... ok, the rest is unique, but why read it when you can see it.

(M/N)-... The set isn't ready yet.

???-But Roxxane Wolf and Chica's are. How nice of you to buy and have them shipped here tomorrow.


That all together is going to be over $90k and she was no doubt making good on her threat as she was messing around on my phone. I tried to keep calm since she was unstable, and she has a knife on the table next to me, but I can easily get that on her after the footage in the building proves her kidnapping me and my son. All I need to do is play her game and stall to run out the clock then this whole nightmare will be over.

(M/N)'s mind-Just let her have her way for now... She'll be in a jail or something and whatever how much money she spent will go to her and not me... The clock just needs to tick.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I thought this card could open all the doors here, but so far it only opened one and I was at Rockstar Runway, but something was weird about it... Freddy, Chica, Roxy, and Monty were gone, and they can only be out during a show, but why have a show after closing? I just kept on walking until I hit a dead end, but I saw 2 big red doors left open. It looked dark, but... the only way I can go now is down there since I can't go back because I don't think Vanessa is trying to help me. As I made it down the stairs slowly, I got more scared of the dark then saw something move behind a fence, so I screamed a little before I ran downstairs a little more before I heard...

???-Hello, is someone down here?

The voice sounded so deep and scary when I heard metal footsteps coming down, so I ran, but I guess they heard that.

???-Is that you (Y/N)? Please remain calm, i'm here to take you to your mother... She is very worried about you.

I didn't stop until I made it at the end of the stairs and ran down a hall then a door opened very loudly as I just ran, but the footsteps got faster. I quickly turned down another hallway to make sure he didn't see me, but it was a dead end, so I hid inside a first aid box thing. The footsteps got closer and soon I saw the one chasing me was Freddy, but he didn't see me peeking through a tiny gap in the curtain.


Freddy-Hello, are you in here?... We are just trying to help you get back to your mother.

I don't trust it because last time I trusted someone, I got locked in here with my mommy not even here or she would've gone to the security office. He soon left and I waited a while before I got out then went the way he did since it was all I could do, but I made sure to hide behind boxes to keep him from seeing me, but out of the whole way there I didn't see or hear him.

(Y/N)'s mind-Where'd he go?

I went up more stairs then saw a door that was open, so I went through, but was careful incase Freddy was close. I went down a hall and through a bathroom then to a place with a lot of pipes and steam. I just kept on walking until...

???-There you are!

This voice sounds different and when I turned around, I saw Monty smashing through a fence to chase me, so I ran.


I just kept on running down the hall while I was screaming as loud as I could without being able to stop then I heard another voice, but it was girly. It took me a second, but I know that voice after racing so many times.

Roxy-Are you lost?

I just kept on running until I made it to a door and found more stairs then I heard someone else I hear a lot at the pizza place here.

Chica-Lost boy over here.

I kept on running up the stairs then soon found a room and when I got in the door closed by itself before I heard pounding on the door. I think I was safe for now, but just then I was grabbed from behind and picked up by metal hands. Since the others were behind the door, I know who had me.

Freddy-Don't be scared. Your mother just wants you. She loves you.

While there was still pounding on the door, he took me while I tried so hard to wiggle free, but he put me under his arm as he kept on walking.


I couldn't get free as he made it out of the hallway and I was back where I started after I woke up... The front doors, so I just went in a giant circle!

Freddy-Calm down while I send a report to your mother to tell her I have you. She will be so happy to see you're alright.

He just stood in place without letting me down and soon Vanessa came from around the corner, and looked so happy to see me.


Vanessa-*Gasp* Thank you so much Freddy! Just hold him still for a while longer. Turn him around please.

Freddy did what she said and soon something sharp poked my leg and it hurt which made me jump before Vanessa took me from Freddy to give me more kisses.

Vanessa-Go tell the others it's over and Roxy and Chica are getting a surprise tomorrow after work.

He just left while she took me back in the security office and tucked me in on a bench while I was getting really tired and felt so weak... Am I going to die?

Vanessa-You had me worried sick. You shouldn't scare your new mommy like that.

(Y/N)-Y-... You're n-not my *yawn* mom.

Vanessa-... *Sigh* But I guess you're just adjusting and woke up earlier than I thought. We'll talk in the morning, but it's bedtime... I guess now would be a good time to take you to my room her.

She scooped me in her arms and I could barely move as she was taking me somewhere, but when we got in the elevator, I couldn't stay awake anymore and fell asleep in her arms only to feel one last kiss on my head.

Vanessa-Goodnight, mommy loves you.~

(No POV)

As (Y/N) slept in his "new mother's" arms she felt so happy as she took him to her room in Fazer Blaster. She stayed with him this time as she already hid the last mother away for later when she has her new son taken care of, but still wants more information out of her. The new suits were ordered and on their way as this was a "field testing" opportunity, but Vanessa just wanted to bleed (M/N) dry of money before she is another step closer to being done with her.

Vanessa's mind-You're a bit of a handful already... Maybe I should take care of that before you wake up.~

Vanessa-We can't have strangers touching you anymore. No, we can't. One of them already has to go bye bye soon.~

She knows he can't hear her, but she just went to go get something to help her baby boy stay still in the morning.


Vanessa's mind-Alright Vanessa, this will be easy. Just don't tie anything around his neck.


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