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(Chemfi's POV)

My car had the A/C on full blast to make sure Hemio didn't overheat or sweat back there, but it wasn't going to be that long of a drive. I had my pet on my lap and Hemio was the one that made him calm down a little, so I can tell that she was going to be a good fit for this job. After a while we made it to my house and the movers were just moving in small stuff now, so it was just a matter of time before we are alone then I have a new problem. I need a whole staff that I can trust not to try something funny with (Y/N).

Hemio-This house is huge!

Chemfi-It took all the money I made from the photos put online and magazines already for a big down payment, but that can be made back quickly.

Hemio-So when do I get to meet my co-workers?

Chemfi-Honey, you're my first hire. I need trustworthy staff for even maids to keep things clean around here.

Hemio-Oh, i'm sure my people will be good for the job to clean at night.

There were 2 things wrong with that and the bigger problem was that I didn't want a staff that will break down crying the moment I say something they don't like. I let her off gently with that one and went off what I need besides others to keep my big house clean... This is why I like smaller places, but I didn't have time or money to be out here while building a house, so this will have to do for now. I need a private vet for him, security, and add on to those teams.

Chemfi's mind-Who said rich and famous hunters have it easy? This is already giving me a headache.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Hemio was carrying me into this big house and aliens were looking at me, so Hemio held me tighter while following Chemfi and her friend Vernia. I know Chemfi wants to use me for fame and money, and I hate even going up in front of classroom, but now I will be on T.V. because of her.

Hemio-Where will we be staying?

Chemfi-I had the lock switch sides on (Y/N)'s door as well as put bars on his window to keep him safe and across the hall from my room. I have 5 extra rooms, but something tells me that you might want blackout curtains.

Hemio-W-Wait! W-W-We aren't going to be sharing a room?!... B-But what is *sniffle* he gets lonely or sc-scared at night?

Chemfi-Look, i'll put in a monitor for us. Only sound though.

I guess I can always cover the mic with something, so I can be alone with nobody watching or listening. Hemio still didn't like me have my own room which was the only good thing coming out of this. We made it to a room and when I looked inside I was kinda surprised by what I was seeing.


I looked at Chemfi thinking this would be too good to be true, but she just smiled and nodded her head. She walked up to Hemio and motioned for her to bring me down closer to her, so she bent over.

Chemfi-Do you like your room little guy?~

(Y/N)-But, why go this far?

Chemfi-In case you need a little fun time after the spotlight, but there is a condition... Tomorrow night is going to be our first time out in public at an awards show for hunters. Guess who is going to be my guest of honor.~

I knew she meant me, but Hemio held me a little tighter.

Hemio-Um, b-boss. I don't think (Y/N) will like doing that.

Chemfi-Will we need money for this place somehow, I want my name to be glorified in the hunter community, and as for you, you'll be there to keep him calm in case he starts to be overwhelmed.

Vernia-That is the job you took.

Chemfi just stepped out of my way to let me see my new room again, but now it feels like i'm making a deal. She just started to pet and scratch my head until she got under my chin which tickled and made me close my neck to stop her and she giggled before she kissed my cheek.

Chemfi-It's all yours for a show tomorrow night or you can just sleep with me in my room for some blogs of me recording you. What do you say?~

(Chemfi's POV)

He should know that this is a deal and it was a sweet one too. I give him a life of luxury and being care free and I get to bring him to events and take pictures as my pet. He's sentient and people would kill for what i'm giving him rather if he likes it or not, but I just went to his toy chest and opened it and that made him come over to see what I got him... then he started to dig in and took something out.

Chemfi's mind-Looks like we have a deal.~

Chemfi-Have fun and stay put.~

I lead the others out of the room with me before I think he found a toy he liked or was just curious, but as cute as it was, I have other things to do. Vernia was just going to hangout for the day, but Hemio needs to worry about moving in today since I might need her. We got to the kitchen and I sat down with Hemio across from me and Vernia was behind me.

Chemfi-So I wanna go over a few things since you'll be working here.

Hemio-Oh,... is it anything about cleaning or cooking?

Chemfi-No, if anything if I get enough people, we might just split that up. I don't know, but this is about time off house rules, and stuff like that.

I went over rules of my house and some I think she didn't even need to hear, I gave her holidays off to spend whole days with her friends and family instead of just certain hours in the day. I was going to print this on a contract later, but she knows now and can just sign later. She was just so happy to work like this and go back home to tell her friends she was moving here and while she was going on, I started to think about the ceremony.

(Fantasy Start)

I had (Y/N) on his leash for when we are out of the house, and he was sitting next to me as the press and media were taking pictures before the awards start. I answered a few questions then gave (Y/N) some love to show off that he's mine and he gave a cute look that the crowd ate up. Soon we saw the host come up to the stage, so we all took our seats.

Host-Good evening everyone and welcome to the 65th annual hunters awards. I hope you enjoyed the food, music, and each other's company for the time being, but let's kick off this night.

Everyone got quiet and took their seats while eyes were still on me and my pet.

Host-This night is dedicated to hunters all around the globe for keeping us feed, safe from attacks, or even finding someone's lost pet. No matter how small or big the deed or job, they are honored out there, but there are those who are the best of the best. We even have a new, one of kind creature with us tonight ladies and gentlemen, brought by a very skilled hunter.

Spotlights were on us and applause filled the room while cameras were on us, so I gave my pet a kiss and he blushed while eating a donut I gave him. Everyone awed before they were turned back to the host.

Host-Now for the moment you were all waiting for... The awards.

We all clapped as he got off the stage the speaker came out with the list of nominees for the first award, but this was not the prize I was after this time. The smaller awards were most improved, most catches, most dangerous catch, and all sorts of awards, and I won 4 of them but the time came for the final and biggest award.

Speaker-For the final award tonight, is the most valuable capture of a species, a.k.a, Hunter of the Year. The is the biggest honor I can give to not the luckiest, but the most skilled and cunning.

Everyone was looking at me and this was in the bag, but I was waiting for this moment my whole life.

Speaker-This year's Hunter of the Year is... Chemfi Jericca for her perfect record of many catches and most importantly, her capture of the human.

I was in tears from how happy i was as I took (Y/N) with me to the stage this time and got my huge trophy. I saw my friends out there in the crowd as well as my co-workers, and family. I got my picture taken with my reward that will mark me down in history and give me a place in the hunter's hall of fame. The crowd was even chanting something that I didn't pay attention at first, but when I heard it...

Crowd-Chemfi, Chemfi, Chemfi-!

(Fantasy End)

(Hemio's POV)

Chemfi had her eyes closed while leaning on her hand for 5 minutes now, but now Vernia was trying to talk to her. It didn't work, so Vernia snapped her fingers in front of her face.

Vernia-Chemfi... Chemfi... CHEMFI!!!

This made her snap out of it and even jumped a little in her seat.

Chemfi-Huh, what did I miss?!

Vernia-We were asking about how you plan to find the rest of your staff. It's gonna be hard for you 2 to keep this place together while caring for that human kid.

Chemfi-Oh, um... i'll post openings online or go to places of the kind of people i'm looking for or something.

Hemio-You mean like going to a vet and taking someone for a private vet?... But what if someone likes that vet and needs them for their pet to live?

The thought of someone having to lose a pet they love because we took a good veterinarian for ourselves was breaking my heart. I tried not to cry, but a few tears and sniffles were slipping out and she raised her hand to stop me.

Chemfi-Calm down, please. We don't need (Y/N) to hear you cry and worry about his caretaker... We need someone who is good with all sorts of animals, not just house pets, and make sure they aren't taking the job to just try and run off with (Y/N)/

Hemio-*Gasp* Y-You're right! If we get the wrong person, they could also be secretly mean to him and... and...

I thought of someone hurting my baby on purpose while making it look like an accident. Our poor baby boy! They could tell I was getting closer to crying now and Chemfi put her fingers to the bridge of her nose.

Chemfi-Before you cry, would it make you feel better to get a ride back to your house and start packing up to move in?

Hemio-*Sniffle* C-Can I bring (Y/N)?

Chemfi-He has to stay here, but you can take some movers.

I tried to calm myself down by saying yes and thought that Chemfi loves him too and he was in a nice room playing. If i'm quick, I can get my bed and things over here and put the rest in storage then be here to tuck them in tonight. I pulled myself together and got going to get in a truck with the A/C on since it was really hot for me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I looked out the window and saw Hemio left with someone in a truck then I just went back to playing some basketball by myself before my door opened and I saw Chemfi and Vernia come in to see me playing.


Vernia-Hey little guy. Mind if we play with you?

I looked at Chemfi and I think she was going to be around as good as me since she's only a little taller than me, but she saw I was giving her a look. She lunged at me to get the ball before she jumped really high then did a flip before she did a slam dunk and my jaw dropped befoe, she walked up to me to close it then gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Chemfi-Don't let my looks fool you sweetie.~

(No POV)

The three played when (Y/N) got out of shock, but time based, and Vernia headed home then Chemfi saw that (Y/N) was tired and was resting on the floor. Chemfi just helped him to his bed and thanks to her species, she recovered really fast from play time, but decided to lay in bed with him to cuddle her tired pet. She couldn't wait until tomorrow night, but off somewhere in town someone saw (Y/N) with Chemfi on a magazine and remembered when they had him in their clutches before he got away.

???'s mind-So that's where you went!


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