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((Y/N)'s POV) age:5

My mommy brought me back to Freddy's Mega Pizzaplex again today while she talks to people about business over the phone. She gives me money to spend on food and go play and I started at Music Man's dance floor, and I don't dance, but I do love the music while I eat. Now I was going to Fazer Blaster to play some laser tag which was my favorite thing to do here. When I got there, I was on the orange team and played about 3 rounds before I wanted to go race at Roxy Raceway for a while and on my way I saw Freddy, Monty, Roxy, and Chica come on stage.


I just ignored the show since I really wanted to play still, but while I was walking to Roxy Raceway I got knocked down by one of the robot waiters here, but it I didn't care and kept on going.

(No POV)

As (Y/N) made his way to Roxy Raceway and used his V.I.P. All Access Pass to go on a faster line, the robot put something new on it's tray and brought it to the back room to give it to someone else before they silenced the phone and moved on to phase 2.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was trying to find a quite place here to make a call to one of the company investors to tell them something that might help persuade them into investing more into our company each month here. The boss was eating out of my hand after I showed steady improvement and increased profit by 11% from upgrading the animatronics. If I can only find a place to make the call without sounding like i'm at a party, but just then someone tapped my shoulder, so I turned to see who it was.


???-Hello ma'am, do you need help?

(M/N)-Actually... Do you think you can take me to a more private room? I need to make a call for business. I'm one of the high office workers for this company.

???-Well, i'm not supposed to do this, but... maybe we can make a deal.

(M/N)-What is it?

???-Oh it's just something that I see a lot and really wanted for about a few weeks now. You look well connected to what I want.

(M/N)-Lady, i'm about to have a chance to increase the budget of the whole company. What is it, raise, vacation time-?

???-We'll talk more after the call. Follow me, please.

I just followed her to the back rooms and the moment it was quiet enough, I went on my phone to make the call, but just as it started ringing the signal was lost. I tried to find a signal by holding my phone while I still followed her to where Fazer Blaster is and we were walking up some stairs.

(M/N)-Hey, there's no signal here.

???-We just need to make it to where we're going. Right here is kinda hard because of all the thick walls.

We made it to a room where there was a game and bed up here before she closed the door and I had a faint signal, but better than nothing.

???-So, I would like to talk about the deal and it's just a few "little things".

(M/N)-And what are those?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just got done racing, but I was in so much trouble now because I lost my phone and if my mom calls me and I don't answer, she might make us leave early. I tried retracing my steps at close by places before I ran to the lost and found then saw a security man there and he looked at me.

Guard-Hey kid, how can I help you?

(Y/N)-I lost my phone and I need to find it before my mom finds out! It has a Music Man case on it and no buttons on the screen!

Guard-Let me check.

He went into the room and I was really hoping he had it in there or i'm so grounded then soon he came out with my phone. He gave it to me and I was so happy to see it and when I turned it on, I accidently pressed the camera button then saw myself.


(Y/N)-Thank you, thank you!

Guard-Hehehe, just keep a better eye on it. I think a security guard brought that here.

I just walked off while checking for messages or missed calls and there were none. I really dodged a bullet there and just put my phone in my pocket before I just headed to the stage area too look for my mom since she likes to sit at the tables.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

I couldn't find my mom and I tried calling her, but I would just go straight to voicemail and now I was getting scared. This place closes in 4 hours and I was almost out of money for food here. I didn't want to do this, but I was going to go to the security office, so they can call my mom us to come get me then on my way I saw a security guard and thought she could help. She saw me walking to her and knelt down to me then I felt nervous.


???-Hey there little boy. Is something wrong? You look a little sad.

(Y/N)-I... um... lost my mommy and need help.

???-Awww, you poor thing. Here, let's get you to the office and i'll make a call on the speakers. How does that sound?~

I just nodded my head then she took my hand and took me to the security office and nobody else was here, but us. She went to the mic and held her finger over the button.

???-What's your name little guy?~

(Y/N)-Um... (Y/N) (L/N).

???-Well (Y/N), i'm Vanessa... Would the mother of (Y/N) (L/N) come to the front security office? Mother of (Y/N) (L/N) come to the front security office, please.

She put the mic down before she went to some kinda of coffee thing, but when she poured something into a cup, I saw it was milk before she blocked the view of it with her body.

Vanessa-I'm sure it'll take a while since this is a big place, but I think I have just the thing to help you feel better. I also know it's your favorite in the wintertime.~

She turned around after she opened and closed a few cabinets to get stuff out then I saw what she made for me... She also got it right.


Vanessa-Here's your hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and hot fudge.~

(Y/N)-Huh?... How did you know I like it like that?

Vanessa-Well to be honest, you do come here a lot that I started to notice you a little. I even looked at your profile and your mom gave you the best pack we got... I remember how much you loved the Freddy Faze marshmallows in the hot chocolate and got a little sad when we ran out.

She gave me the hot chocolate before she sat next to me, but...

(Y/N)-My mommy said to not to take things from strangers.

Vanessa-That's a smart thing to say, but I know you a lot to know how you like your favorite drink and it's my job to make sure everyone here is safe.

(Y/N)-Yeah,... but still.

Vanessa-How about this.

She went to get another cup before she came back over and poured her own cup and even showed me how she made it before she sat back down with me.

Vanessa-One sip can't hurt... I made it for you... Pleeaassseee.~

She held her cup closer to me for a toast and I don't want to be rude, so I did the toast and drank a little with her and she smiled at me.

Vanessa-How does it taste?

(Y/N)-I-It's good.

Vanessa-I'm glad you like it.

I just had the rest a tiny bit at a time before she took me cup, but my mom still wasn't here yet. I wondered what was taking her so long, but then I started to feel tired and I didn't want to nap until I got home or to the car, so I tried to stay up. Soon I was really tired and when I leaned back while having a hard time keeping my eyes open Vanessa pulled me into her, so I was leaning on her now.

Vanessa-I think you just had a long day. I'll wake you up when your mommy gets here.~

(Vanessa's POV)

(Y/N) was too tired to fight me about this and he just looked so cute when he was sleeping, but then I got a message on my phone. When I checked it I saw it was "him" and it said "You already wasted enough time. At closing time, take care of them and we will find our next target".

(Flashback 6 weeks)

I just took my costume off to clean the blood off of it later, but I need to get ready for opening and see who our next victim will be. At 6am I went to the front doors to see others come in and nothing that stood out, so I went to my private office to look at the security cameras on my phone while I rest for my next shift in a few hours, but before I could make it to my room, I was stopped by my boss.

Boss-Vanessa, can I speak with you?

Vanessa-Is there a problem, sir?

Boss-You could say that... I'm giving you a week off.

Vanessa-No thanks.

Boss-I'm not asking. Someone from office is here a lot now and noticed how much overtime you've been working. That's a problem, so to avoid corporate getting involved further, you're taking a week off or you're fired.

Vanessa-What am I supposed to do for a week?

Boss-Do you have a hobby, friends, family to spend time with? I'm sure you'll think of something.

I can't get fired from this job since "he" needs me here, but I can't do what he asks if i'm not here at night. I was pissed off as I fantasized about sticking a knife in his neck before I walked away. First those stupid therapists appointed to me by this company and now my stupid boss. I went to my room to get changed while checking the cameras, but my account and access was already suspended.

Vanessa-Fucking hell!

When I left my work place I kept myself in check until I saw a woman that had an outfit that screamed office worker, so I guess it was her that did this to me, then I saw she had a kid with her that must be her son.


I kept my fury inside as they got inside the Mega Pizzaplex, but this woman was going to pay and I this kid was going to be part of my revenge.

Vanessa's mind-Ask for 1 and i'll give you 2.

(Timeskip 2 Weeks)

I had everything ready and planned out and "he" was so happy for me. I use the mom as bait for the son tonight after she "disappears" then he comes to the rescue, only for me to be waiting with a knife. I can't wait to her scared face become horrified after her son dies right in front of her. I saw her order on my phone and she ordered a coffee then if I looked at her other orders, she always did dairy-free, so she was most likely lactose intolerant, so I changed it to extra milk instead of soy milk. I waited for the waiter bot to bring her the order while she was on her laptop then after a few sips, I saw her rushing to the bathroom... alone.

Vanessa's mind-Perfect.

I got up and left my office to go knock her out with a little help of chloroform I have in my bag then store her in the big vent, but on my way someone was crying and when I turned I saw 3 kids picking on that little boy of hers while he was on the ground.


???-Hey, give that back!

I saw one of the older boys holding a phone over him while he tried to jump and grab it. I always hated people that act high and mighty, so I went over and snatched the phone and got a good look at 3 other kids that looked like they were junior high then looked at the smaller boy crying before I looked at a text notification that said "Happy birthday (Y/N)".

Vanessa-... You 3, beat it before you're kicked out.

Kid-Um, we were-.


They just left and I looked at (Y/N) and he was crying still while not looking up at me, but gave both of my legs a hug by surprise and... I haven't felt this since... I can't remember.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Thank you.

Vanessa-Um... your welcome.

I felt kinda weird, so I just gave him back his phone then sent him on his way while I looked back to where the others boys went. I thought about it for a bit and I just remembered about the mom, so I rushed to the bathroom only to find 2 others going in now. I waited to see if they left first, but later I saw the mom come out while looking angry then came to me.


(M/N)-I want to have a word with the staff in the cafe!

She went on about how her order was ruined and it lasted 5 minutes with no end in sight before she got a call then sighed before she answered it.

(M/N)-Sweetie, we're going home early today... Stay there and i'll come get you... What?! Ask for a bag of ice!

She hung up the phone and left without saying a word to me and I was curious, so I followed her until she got in the elevator, so I took the employee stairs. When I made it there I saw them both leaving while she was holding her kid with an ice pack. I went to the First aid office and saw the worker inside.

Vanessa-Hey, what just happened?

Worker-You saw that? Some very pissed off mom got mad after her son got a black eye from some boys. Then lawsuits, find the ones responsible, that sort of stuff.

I didn't know they gave (Y/N) a black eye, those punks. I turned around and saw those boys at the front counter with toys we don't have here, so they must be gifts from a birthday party here. They left with smiles on their faces which made me think about the hug (Y/N) gave me while he cried. Those smiles were really getting on my nerves since they looked so happy, but... it just has to be a glitch.

Vanessa-Hey, tell the others i'm not feeling well. I'm taking the rest of the day off.

Worker-Oh, ok. Can you still make it home?

Vanessa-I'll be fine... I just need to make a few stops.

(Timeskip 3 weeks)

I was reading the newspaper now and from a little over 2 weeks ago and the 3 children missing is already blown over. I have been in a really good mood lately as I was planning something else, but "he" said that it was not what he wants, and I know it's not what he wants. I just got an alert about a certain guest profile I put under watch just checked in, so I went on the cameras and saw the one person that makes me feels better than "he" does.


Vanessa-*Sigh*... Such a cute baby face.~

I was at his home last night, but he was in a blanket fort where I couldn't see him, so I had to sneak in to see him, but I couldn't take him yet even when I really wanted to. His mom got on my nerves more than usually yesterday, so I scrubbed the toilet with her toothbrush a little before I left in the middle of the night.

Vanessa-My sweetheart, it'll just be us soon. Just give me a little more time... I love you.~

(Flashback End)

(Y/N) was sleeping in my arms now as everyone was gone, so it was just me with the animatronics for the night as far as the boss knew. I had the mother strapped in the protective cylinder for safe keeping before I can interrogate her about my son before i'm done with her. I just laid him down a bench then got a stuffed plushie for a pillow and a blanket to tuck him in and kissed his head.

Vanessa-Welcome to your new home sweetie.~

(No POV)

Vanessa just left her new son in the security room with the door unlocked since there was nobody else here and that drugged hot chocolate should've kept him out until morning, but she didn't use a whole lot since she was kinda new to drugging people while keeping them alive and (Y/N) had such a small body... He started to stir at the sound of the front door shutters closing at midnight before...


(Y/N)-*Groan*... H-Huh?


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