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(Eraqus's POV)

I was speaking with Master Yen Sid about our problem, and he said if the child's memories are gone, there must be traces since memories are a part of ones heart. All he needs is to go back to his world and the recent ones will take longer, but the older ones should be easier to give back once we get there. He just needs sometimes to trace back to where the boy has been as well as looking into the boys heart, so he may quickly unlock the boy's memory that he should be able to remember easily.

Eraqus-Thank you for helping with this problem.

Master Yen Sid-There is whoever a warning.

Eraqus-What's that?

Master Yen Sid-A heart is connected to others as you may know, but for this spell to work, I must enforce those memories to the surface which will most defiantly have side effects.

Eraqus-Anything harmful?

Master Yen Sid-Physically no, but mentally and emotionally, he will be confused as the memories given to him and the ones we are returning will come to him. He will no doubt be confused since he won't fully remeber anything since he did his first world travel and with the connection of his heart to others, rather good or bad, the organization has a chance on finding him... I can do my best to mask his world to them, but I cannot guarantee they will not find him.

Eraqus-These nobodies should have no use for him. They will want to focus on us and whatever else is they're after.

Master Yen Sid-That is where you are wrong.


Master Yen Sid-... Hed this warning...

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up with Yuffie and the sun was just coming up, so I tried to get out of bed without waking up and I did before I just went to the bathroom. After I was done, I opened the door to go back to Yuffie's room since her bed was warm and when I made it back and got in that made her wake up.


She just yawned a bit before she smiled and pulled me into her then kissed me on my head. She rubbed my back a bit before she sat up, but I stayed under the covers to stay warm while she got out of bed to stretch with her back turned to me.

Yuffie-Morning little man. Hope you're ready for a bath.

(Y/N)-But I just got in back in bed... Do I have to?

Yuffie-Awww, how about this then. I'll go get the bath ready then come get you.

???-Actually, I already have one ready for us in my room.

We both looked to see who it was and I already knew who it was because of her voice and she was walking to me now.


She was about to take me, but Yuffie grabbed her arm to push it away before she picked me up to take me out of bed and it was so cold. Aqua looked a little mad before she took a deep breath to calm down.

Aqua-I'm going to take a bath with him. You can have him after breakfast.


Aqua-You got to sleep with him, so Aerith and I get turns before you do again.

They made it sound like I was a toy and Yuffie was about to fight over this, but when they heard another door open down the hall she just pouted before she let Aqua take me to her room When we made it there, I saw that a bath was made, and she took her clothes off after mine then got in the nice hot water with me. It felt really weird, but nice at the same time then she started to wash me. She even added more hot water to let us soak in the water while she cuddled me. I was still having a hard time relaxing until we finally got out then she dried me off and got me dressed first before her.

Aqua-Come on, let's get some food in that belly of yours.~

She poked my belly before she picked me up again to take me out of her room then down the hall to the kitchen and when we got there, we saw Aerith, Yuffie, Terra, and Ven, and food was already on the table.


They almost looked finished eating when they saw us then Aerith came over to us and reached for me.

Aerith-My turn Aqua.


Aerith didn't let her finish before she took me from Aqua and brought me to a chair next to her and made me sit really close... Like, until our chairs touched. There was pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage for us then the boys finished first before they said they were gonna go out for some training then left before I saw I didn't have a fork or anything.

(Y/N)-Aerith, can I have a fork?

Aerith-You don't need one. That's what i'm for.

She grabbed her fork before she got some of my pancake then held it up to me and I knew what she wanted to do now and me not having a fork was not an accident.

Aerith-Say ahh.~

(Y/N)-C-Can I just feed myself, please?

Aerith-But you love being fed. I know you don't remember, but after you got sick for a whole 2 weeks and needed us to feed you, you didn't want it to stop.

(Y/N)-I... You're lying, right?

Aqua-No, she's not. You also loved how I fed you the most. Why don't I show you?

Yuffie-As if, you loved me feeding you the most!

For my whole breakfast, they made it a contest about feeding me with either train or plane noises, making me say "ahh" or they wouldn't feed me, and even rubbed my belly and other parts of my body like my chest and cheeks. I tried to make them stop by taking a fork from one of them, but they just pushed my hands back down or played with them. It was too late when all my food was gone, and we stayed in here while they finished their food then they took me back upstairs.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

We were all playing a board game in Aqua's room before there was a knock at the door, so she went to answer it and when she opened it, it was Ven.


Aqua-What is it?

Ven-Master Eraqus wants you 3 to meet someone and Terra and I are gonna stay behind with (Y/N).

Aerith-Why only us?

Ven-I wasn't told that much. Just orders from our master.

Aqua-... Give us a minute.

She closed the door before she and the others turned to me then Aqua grabbed something from her desk then walked over to me before she bent down and showed me some kind of necklace.


(Y/N)-A necklace?

Aqua-Just keep it on, just in case. Here, we'll even tuck it in under your shirt for safe keeping.

She just put it on me then under my shirt before she gave me kiss before the others did then they left the room. I was in here alone now with no idea what to do now. After a while I was super bored and wondered when the girls were coming back, but when the door opened I saw 2 men come in and one was Eraqus.


(Y/N)-Wh-Who are you?

???-Relax young one, I am here to help. My name is Master Yen Sid.

Eraqus-We can't go too much into details that you can't possibly understand, but all you need to know is that you're going home.

(Y/N)-Home?! But my mom and dad are really mean to me!

Yen Sid-... Will you sit still for a moment?

I really didn't want to go back to my mean home, but when he walked up to me I saw him raise his hand to make light come out of it until it flashed and everything went dark as I fell back on the bed.

(Eraqus's POV)

The young lad was out cold on Aqua's bed and Master Yen Sid got to work on what he described to me as "rebuilding the boys mind". It took a while and the girls should be almost done with the 3 fairy godmothers to fuel and create the spell that will make finding his world much harder, but they don't know that last part until we meet again. There was no time for them to say a tearful goodbye because time is not on our side right now, as the organization knows where he is, but just can't reach him, yet.

Eraqus-Is there any short-term side effects?

Yen Sid-At best, he'll just have small headaches every now and then when a memory is recalled that displays in a dream or something.

After almost an half hour he was done then opened a portal of light back to the boys world and we stepped through with him in over yen Sid's shoulder and we saw a house. Through the window we see a man sitting at a table on a phone while a woman was curled up on the couch, not doing anything. It wasn't surprising though, as there son was gone for a while now. We just brought him up to the front door of the house before I knocked and we swiftly left through the portal again.

(No POV)

The mom got up from the couch to go answer the door with dread in each of her steps then when she finally answered the door she looked around until she looked down. Her face went from Grieving to being overjoyed, but at the same time worried that her son was unconscious on the door stepped.

(M/N)-(D/N), (D/N), it's (Y/N)! Grab the keys, we need to go to the hospital now!

The dad looked in disbelief that his son was her and the mom just picked him up off the ground as he grabbed his keys and they rushed to the car. As they drove to the hospital the mom felt something in her son's shirt, so she carefully reached in to pull it out and it was the Wayfinder Aqua gave him.


(M/N)'s mind-Where did he get this?... Where was he all this time?



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