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(Lazarus's POV)

It was nighttime and I was at Dixie's house, and this was very nice to be at a friend's house with my baby boy on my lap while she had Fawn on her lap. We were just talking about things during the day and Dixie wanted to talk about how bad (Y/N)'s dad was to him and she knew she wouldn't like him. I completely agree with her, but that's a topic (Y/N) tried to argue with her about, but Dixie can be very stubborn when it comes to getting what she wants. (Y/N) soon gave up talking to her, but was still kinda pouty about it, so she finally dropped it. She made some cookies to help him feel better and it did, so I decided to start a new thing to talk about.

Lazarus-So Dixie, Jasmine and I talked earlier and she said she had a few surprise designs in the works for (Y/N). I think she might even bring one over if she's finished one.

Dixie-Oh, that would be nice to see. Everyone should be here soon. All the kids in one house with a baby boy for a whole night. It's going to be so cute!~

Just then we heard a knock at the door and Dixie was so excited that she took Fawn with her to go answer it and greet everyone then I saw it was everyone we expected here.


Dixie-Come in everyone!

I saw the Addison and Jenny run right over to us to see (Y/N), so I turned him to them and the others walked on over to see him which made him turn away. I guess all these eyes on him made him a little shy then Jenny's mom, Lucinda got a closer look.

Lucinda-Hey there little man. My little girl can't wait when you turn 13.~


Lazarus-Lucinda, please. He has a while before that... Can we also give my baby boy some room? We don't need him more nervous.

I know Lucinda was talking about the age of consent we have here, but before he's ready to the point many of us on the island can have him for that, he has to be ready. I don't even know how he would react to this if he was allowed right now. It wasn't too surprising since Lucinda was the flirty type and got into bed with most women on this island and no doubt will be waiting for my baby to turn age as well.

Lazarus's mind-She's going to be a handful until then.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw everyone talking to each other, but Addison and Penny came to me then Fawn did when Dixie bent over to put her down. Lazarus put me next to her, but the girls just piled on me then the others watched.

Jenny-Hey (Y/N)! Wanna play a game with us?!

Addison-How about spin the bottle?

Fawn-Um, maybe we can play a board game in my room.

Lazarus-I think that's a great idea. Why don't you go play with the girls (Y/N)? Us adults will be out here and come get you when we have dinner then a bath.


Addison-Come on!

The girls took me to Fawns room away from all the adults then Fawn pulled out then set up a board game that was called "Ludo" and by the way they said the rules, was like "Sorry", but with dice. While I was on my first turn I saw Addison lean in and blew a little in my ear to make me shiver.

(Y/N)-Wh-Why did you do that?!

Addison-Come on, it didn't hurt did it?~

She laid down with her head in my lap then Jenny looked a little mad, but Fawn looked at the ground then us like she was nervous.

Fawn-Um, Addison. Maybe we can wait until after the game. Maybe when we sleep tonight.

Jenny-*Gasp*... You know what, Fawn is right. We should wait until bed.

She pulled Addison off my lap then whispered something to her then did the same to Fawn and Addison looked happy, but Fawn looked nervous again.

Addison-I like it!

Fawn-But, we can't. We're not 13, yet.

Jenny-We're not doing that. My mom says anything else is teasing or flirting.

Addison-He's just going to decide who he likes best, but if you don't want to do it, we'll do it without you.

(Y/N)-What are you guys talking about?

Jenny-It's a surprise.

After that we just went on with the game and I was trying to guess what they were planning.

(Lazarus's POV)

Everyone was talking about how cute my boy was and what else has been going on in their lives. Jasmine even brought new clothes for (Y/N) to change into after the bath later and even showed us. It was a pair of pajamas with a handle on them to hold him on his back and support his head. Now everybody wants to hold him and I guess the kids are going to want to stay up late, so I guess we can take turns until he gets tired. Hana, Fia, Kate, and I were in the kitchen to help cook dinner while Dixie was talking with Jasmine, and Lucinda about something and even gave more ideas for my son and her daughter.

Lazarus's mind-Not even a week on this island and my son is very popular.

When it was time to let the food sit and cook in the wood burning oven, so we all went back out in the living room. Dixie suddenly scooped me up and held me bridle style before she spun me before she put me back down. I kinda laughed since that was fun.

Dixie-Oh Lazarus, we just thought of a little game we can play with the kids later.

Lazarus-What's the game?

Dixie-We blindfold them then let them walk around and whoever they touch first, has them do one thing they want. We played this with our moms when we were kids.

That does sound like a good way to help (Y/N) come out of his shell and have fun with girls too as long as they don't go too extreme, and I made it clear on that. Dinner was ready in about around 20 minutes, so I went to go get the kids and when I opened the door I saw them playing a game and they Jenny was leaning on him.


Lazarus-Dinner time. Come on.

I just went in to pick up my son and the girls followed me out to the others already making plates for the kids and I made mine with one hand before I went to find a place to sit with my boy. While we were all eating, I saw (Y/N) was trying not to look at everyone and just at his food while he ate, and this was him being shy still or another thing to bring up to Layla.

Lazarus-Sweetie, are you ok? You seem very defensive of your food right now.

(Y/N)-I'm fine.

That wasn't very reassuring to me, so I just pulled him a little closer to give him love and show him that everything was ok. After we were done eating, Dixie brought out some scarfs for blindfolds for the kids and gave me one.

Dixie-Ok everyone, we're gonna play the game now.

Fawn-What game?

Dixie-You 4 are going to be blindfolded and spun around before we let you walk to one of us in a circle and whoever you touch, you have to do one thing they tell you. It's like a little exercise.


Lazarus-Don't worry, we won't make you do anything crazy.

(Y/N)-... C-Can I just watch?

Lazarus-Don't be shy honey. We'll just play a couple of rounds, take a bath with everyone then go to bed.

I saw his cheeks turn pink as I tied on his blindfold like the other moms were doing to their daughters.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't see anything as I was being brought to the middle of the room to be spun around and heard the girls laughing a bit before we were let go. I was bumped into a few times, so I just tried to move a little and not touch anyone, but I kept on bumping into the girls as they kept on walking until I tripped over myself then got caught by someone. They took off my blindfold and I saw who it was smiling at me.


Hana-Hey sweetie pie. You're looking better than when I last you.~

I turned to see where the others were, but Hana made me look back to her and she made me sit on her lap.

Hana-Now they you touched me, do you mind lifting up that shirt of yours using both hands? Don't put it down until I say so.

(Y/N)-What are you gonna do?

Hana-That's not lifting your shirt, but if you wanna break the rules, we can always take the bath early just for you.~

I didn't want that to happen, so I slowly lifted up my shirt for her while the other girls were done with their dares and looking at me. Hana brought out one claw that wasn't sharp then started to trace hearts on my belly and I was trying so hard not to laugh. She drew 5 before she stopped then pulled my shirt down while she was giggling at me before she put my blindfold back on then kissed my cheek.

Hana-Good boy.~

She spun me around again as she brought me back to the middle of the room. I was so dizzy that it was hard to be in one place and girls bumping into me made it harder until I was just grabbed since they probably thought I was taking too long. When the blindfold was off I saw who it was that grabbed me.


Fia-Hi, sweetie pie.~


Fia-Do you mind giving me some kisses? At least 10 of them on all different spots. You pick them.~

She would probably just threaten me with the bath that's gonna happen, but this buys me time and she brought me closer to her face which made me blush harder.

Fia-I'm waiting.~

I started with her cheek, her other cheek, her forehead, then her nose, but now I had 6 left and nowhere else common to kiss... I slowly got her neck, then her ear, her other ear, her hands, and I was going to go up her arm for the last one, but she made me look at her then kissed me a little on the lips. I felt my face burn up as she just laughed.

Fia-*Giggles* I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself making you blush. You look sooo cute.~

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

After many rounds (Y/N) got every woman at least a few times then by the end (Y/N) could feel his heart pounding as they went to Dixie's huge bath that was almost like a pool. Everyone saw how much he didn't want to be in the bath with everyone, so they tried all sorts of things to get him used to it while saying it was ok, but nothing fully worked through the whole bath. After the bath Jenny, Addison, and Fawn took (Y/N) with them to Fawns room to sleep while the adults went into Dixie's room to share her big bed and more than half slept naked for their sleeping habit.  As for the girls in Fawn's room, they pretended to go to sleep while (Y/N) really went to sleep before they got ready for their surprise in the morning.

Jenny's mind-Unlike the others, I know how my mom moves for others she gets in bed with. I got this in the bag.

Addison's mind-My fur just needs to be groomed a little more to be fluffier for him. My mom did say that boys love to cuddle.

Fawn's mind-Oh, what do I do?... I can't just copy Jenny... My mommy taught me how to bake alone, so maybe I can do that... I hope he likes my cooking.


Outside on the beach a man washed up and woke up a little bit to cough up water before he looked at the town on the island before he was about to pass out again in the sand.

(D/N)'s mind-Where... am I?
