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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all eating what the others brought back and Ellie and Peaches tried to take me from Shira, but she said I was fine with her. They just let it go for now, but when we were done, I saw Peaches hang herself on a branch like her mom did to sleep last night before she grabbed me with her trunk. She took me from Shira by surprise and she was not too happy about that, but couldn't stop her as she swung back over to Ellie.


She ran over and looked kinda angry, but quickly shook her head to calm down while some of her friends were looking at her.

Granny-Hehe, someone's territorial.

Shira-No, I... just wasn't ready for a surprise.

She went back to where she was eating and Peaches put me in the middle of her and her mom. Deigo was talking to Shira about something now, but I was too busy to listen when Ellie started to pet my head. She even smelled me a little before she stood up and grabbed me to pick me up with her trunk.

Manny-Where are you going?

Ellie-Kid needs a bath. I'm taking him to the hot springs.

Manny-With everyone else?

Ellie-There's a few smaller ones. It'll be fine.

Peaches-I think I could use a dip too.

Manny-Does anyone need a-?


Suddenlt a catapult behind a rock launched water from a bucket that was heading for Sid and he screamed before he got soaked, but the splash reached Shira and she closed her eyes to keep water out of them. She had a bit of wet fur now and I think the water was kinda brown before I saw marks on her and she looked at Crash and Eddie kinda mad before they looked scared and pointed at each other.

Crash/Eddie-He did it! No! It was him!

Shira-I just had my fur sulked this morning! Now like at me!

Eddie-It was Crash's idea for Sid!

Crash-Eddie built the trap and got the water last night while you all were sleeping!

Shira-I don't care who did what. Both of you better watch your backs when I get back.

They were both scared and nobody else wanted to come and I think Deigo was still in trouble with Shira. It was me, Ellie, Peaches, and Shira going to a hot spring and I think that's another word for bath. I just have to find a place to be alone there at least.

(Deigo's POV)

The girls left with the human child, and I hope that Shira would be more mad at those 2 idiots than at me. She was starting to warm back up to me bit by bit since she talked to me with a little less "go to hell" in her voice. I think silence between us will get her to drop that grudge with me.

Sid-I can't believe you 2! Years of coating of dirt and you washed away months of it!

Eddie-Oh cry us a river. You smelled so bad and-. Wait, only months?

Manny-Maybe you should go take a bath with the others, Sid.

Sid-Hahaha, very funny Manny.

Manny-Wasn't kidding.

Deigo-Is there any idea on how we plan to get (Y/N) back to the humans?

Manny-We don't even know where they are or how he got here, so no. We have no ideas.

Crash-Aren't you and Shira supposed to be good at tracking?

Deigo-Tracking, not being psychic. If he somehow came from over the sea, then we have no way to go off of anything.

Sid-I'm sure his parents must be looking. Parents always find their way back to their kids, one way or another.

Manny-You mean like your family found you to dump Granny on you?

Sid-Well, I wouldn't put it like that.

Granny-Well that's what happened and do you think I was happy about it either, you big dope!

She was hitting him with a cane again then I thought about if his parents are still looking for him. I remember right before the whole baby incident was even a thing, humans caught my pack by surprise and that can happen again... I just got up and decided to go keep an eye on them from afar, but told the others I was just going out to clear my head.

(Ellie's POV)

I have no idea, but (Y/N) was making a fuss about wanting to bath alone when there was nowhere else to do it, so he had to do it with us. We took off his clothes, so I can wash his clothes then hang them to dry, but Peaches has to make sure he didn't run out to hide after I finally got them off. We decided to wait on him to stop fighting us before we start his bath, so until then he just sat in the water for a few minutes while covering up his part that makes him a boy then Shira got done getting the dirt off her then came over to him.

Shira-Hey, what's so special about your clothes to need them during a bath? They just get in the way right now. Besides, we don't wear any and we're doing just fine.

(Y/N)-Well, you all have fur to cover up and used to it! I wanted to have a bath alone!

Peaches-So you can try to run again?

Shira-Yeah, so you're fine here with us.

They kept on going back and forth then when I got done bathing since I was already here, I took (Y/N) to let Peaches clean herself. When she was done (Y/N) noticed how we were looking at him since it was his turn.

Ellie-Take him back sweetie. I'll spray him down.

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

(Peaches's POV)

The first 10 minutes were him somehow finding more fight in him, but now he was completely exhausted which made him easier to hold, scrub, and Shira even helped by giving him a tongue bath before we just let him soak and rest. I saw how relaxed he was in the hot water, and he was laying against my mom's hind leg, and I reached in to pet his fur on his head and it felt more squishy now. He tried to push my trunk away, but all he did was just gently grab me and I felt his little hand.

Peaches's mind-So cute!~

I played with his hand until he let go and the others were watching, but soon after we heard voices then saw 2 deer come around the corner. They stopped talking when they saw (Y/N) with us.

Shira-Can we help you?

Deer#1-What... is that... doing here?

Ellie-Is there a problem?

Deer#2-Oh no, no... Unless you like getting speared! Get rid of that thing before others show up!


Deer#1-No, wait. The saber tiger is probably saving them for later.

Deer#2-Then make it quick!

Shira-Excuse me?!

My mom got kinda mad and so was I then she pulled (Y/N) deeper in her while Shira was getting out of the water and didn't bother to even shake herself as she walked up to them.

Shira-Say that again. *growl* *ROAR*

She lunged forward a bit which made those 2 take off running before she came back in the water to calm down, but I think she was looking to where they ran off while she got in front of (Y/N) and my mom. To think they want Shira to eat him, it just makes me so... mad.

((M/N)'s POV)

It's been 2 days since I realized my son went missing when I got home from a snowstorm and I was just so worried. Police have searched all over our small town. I was packing up to camp in the woods with the police tomorrow for a search, but my friends told me I need to calm down a little before I have a heart attack. How can I relax when my own son, the only family I have left from my husband?! I had hours before we head out, so I think a movie can help.

(M/N)'s mind-I wonder what's in the Blu-ray player.

(Ellie's POV)

We had (Y/N) dried off and dressed when we got out, but while we were waiting for him to drip dry, he said he was very cold, so he clung to us for warmth. I have him wrapped in my trunk and resting on my tusks and he gave up fighting. We also noticed that his fur on his head with softer and fluffier now and with no smudges on his skin, he looked even more adorable. Shira was also getting defensive when we walked past a few others on the way back to not let them close. I took another look into his eyes then he looked back to me and I felt my heart flutter.

Ellie's mind-It feels like I have another baby now... I'll just talk to Manny about you staying with us.~

When we made it back to the others, I lifted (Y/N) up to put him on my back, but I saw Deigo was talking to them already before they just stopped and looked at us.


They were giving us looks and I wanted to talk to Manny as soon as possible, but I wanted to do it alone and kinda settle like to get him to warm up to it. I just gave (Y/N) to Shira by putting him on her back and she looked happy while she went to Deigo then I went to Manny.

Ellie-Hey Manny, mind if we talk somewhere alone for a bit?

Manny-Uh, sure. Kinda need to talk about today to.

(Shira's POV)

I saw Ellie leave with Manny before I laid down and had (Y/N) by my side. I felt like I was in a really good mood then my mate came up to us then laid next to us and I think I can let him off as long as he doesn't so much as growl at (Y/N).


Deigo-Am I not in trouble anymore?

Shira-Guess not.

Deigo-Then we can talk about something.

Shira-What about?

Deigo-... I saw what you did at the hot spring and on your way back over here... You threatened everyone that got close to you.

Shira-... Ok. And?

Deigo-Do you think that was a little much?


(Y/N) was about to get up and leave, but I nipped the back of his shirt to pull him back down then put my paw on his chest to pin him a little then turned back to Deigo. He was looking at us a little funny before he looked over to Sid.

Deigo-Do you think you might want to give Sid a turn, so you don't get too attached?

Shira-After we "just gave him" a bath? He's fine over here with us.

He looked skeptical and I know Deigo wanted to separate us, which was making me a little mad, but i think I know how to get his mind on something else. I leaned in to lick his eye a little before I gently blew in his ear then rubbed up against his head. He can act like stone all he wants, but I know his soft spots.

Deigo-*Purring*~ Wait, I know what you're doing! It's not gonna work!

Shira-Come on Tiger, you just got out of trouble. Why can't I show you a little love?~

I just gave him more affection before I sealed the deal with a kiss on the lips and made it last until he went limp. I didn't care if everyone here was watching us.

Shira-We don't need to worry about those others, do we? I was just protecting him. They were saying mean things to him.~


I gave him another kiss and then it was settled that he dropped this and I can get whatever I want from him right now.

Shira's mind-And what I want, is to keep my cub.~

(Ellie's POV)

Manny and I just talked, and he was stubborn about this and it was hard, but I got him to say yes on a few conditions. We have to search a few weeks to find his tribe, no taking him out to public places to show others, and no threatening anyone coming near him. When he walked away I was settle and calm... until he was out of sight and jumped up and down.

Ellie's mind-He's ours, he's ours, he's ours, but most importantly, HE'S MINE!!!

((M/N)'s POV)

I was in a lot of snow and looked around to see no signs of buildings or my home after I think my Blu-ray player blew up.

(M/N)'s mind-Where... am I?


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