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((Y/N)'s POV)

We all just finished having some lunch and since breakfast, Bri has been acting weird, like she was trying to stay away from us. She acts weirder around Amy because while she is eating, Amy sneezes a little, and that made Bri jump. After she took all the plates to clean them herself even when she makes me clean my own usually to teach me to be responsible. I just sat on the couch and Cream and Cheese sat next to me before she gave me a hug then Amy sat on my other side then kissed my cheek and that made my face feel warm. They both smiled at me while giggling and Amy gave me another kiss to make me blush harder.

Amy-Awww, you're blushing. That's so cute.~

I'm supposed to be a big strong man, so I can't be called things like cute. I need to say something back.

(Y/N)-N-No, you're the one with pink all over you. You're cute.

Amy-You're just the sweetest little thing!~

She gave me another kiss before she laid back on the arm of the couch and Bri went to the backroom while going on her phone while looking at us. We just watched T.V. while she was gone then I felt Cream pulling on me a bit to make me lean on her, so I looked at her to see what she wanted, and she and Cheese were just smiling at me.



Cream-Do you mind laying on your side for me, please?

(Y/N)-Um, I don't know.

She just gave me a look and it was making it very hard to say no to her.


Cream-Please lay down... Pretty please.~

I was trying to say no, but the second I saw tears coming out of her eyes, I broke and then just laid down with my head on her lap. She looked happy now then hugged my head a little before she started to play with my hair while we watched our show.

(Cream's POV)

Amy was smiling at me while I had (Y/N) lying on my lap then I started to think about my mother. She would love (Y/N) because of how cute, kind, and friendly he is to us, but I don't think she would like Bri because of how mean she was to him. His hair was also so fun to play with because when you trace your finger in his hair, it follows you. He tried to get up a few times, but I didn't want him to, so I just had to push down on him a little to make him stay on my lap.

Cream's mind-I wish my mom was here with us. This would feel so much more like home.

(Bri's POV)

I was in my room now talking to my boss, but since I couldn't tell him or anyone that there was a pink hedgehog, rabbit, and alien in the living room, because I'd just sound crazy, so I decided to cut my losses since I have plenty of money. I didn't save much, but with what I have after I pay off my $667k debt, I should be able to propose to one of my boyfriends and get married in time. During the conversation something happened that made this harder...

(D/N)-Well, I'm sorry to see you go, but according to the contract you signed when you were hired, you must find a replacement or it's a violation and you will be fined $40,000 plus an additional payment for whatever it costs for the next caretaker to be transported there and settled into their liking.

After I pay off the debts, I thought I could put off, keeping up the lie of me being rich, that's going to put me a few thousand back in debt. I need to find a replacement first, but I need them to not know about what's going on here yet, so it will have to be someone from overseas.


(D/N)-I will send you the bare requirements of what your replacement must meet.

Bri-Yes, sir.

He hung up and after a few minutes, he emailed me a list and told me that he was faxing a contract that should be printed out in his office. The requirements were the same when I got here. Likes children, has a clean background check, no drugs, can cook, can clean, able to live with the child, does weekly check-ins, and has a good attitude. They don't care about education that much since they could throw him into online school again after I leave, but I got to work on looking for people online right away.

Bri's mind-Ok Bri, find a replacement, leave with what money you have, pay off all your debts in one lump, get married, and live the rest of your days carefree. You got this.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Amy's POV)

Bri was busy all day with something that she wasn't telling us, but she wasn't touching (Y/N), so I didn't care as long as she kept on doing her job without bothering us. We were eating dinner right now and (Y/N) was between Cream and me to keep him away from her then (Y/N) looked at her.

(Y/N)-Bri, is everything ok? You were gone a lot today.

Bri-I'm just busy.

(Y/N)-With what?

Bri-Nothing you need to worry about. Just eat, relax, and get ready for bed.

The way she said it was so dismissive and that made him look kinda hurt, so I just gave him a hug while I secretly glared at her to make her scared and silently tell her to "watch it".

Amy-Hey, after we're done eating, let's go out to play for a bit while we still have time.

After we got done eating, I got Cream, Cheese, and (Y/N) to go outside first, but before I followed them, I turned back to Bri with another glare as I walked up to her and she backed up in her chair before she fell back and hit the ground.


I got right in her face and she scrambled back until she hit the wall.

Amy-Watch how you say things to him. I don't know what you're doing, but if I find out it hurts (Y/N) in any way, you're going to be dealing with me. got it.



I just went outside with the others outside to see them already playing tag, but stayed away from the pool area here. I just joined in to have some fun with them, but in the corner of my eye, I saw Bri looking at us through the window for a bit before she turned away.

Amy's mind-She better watch herself.

(Timeskip 2 Days)

(Bri's POV)

So far there has been no luck in finding a replacement for me and Amy's threats were getting more terrifying, especially last night when I accidentally stepped on (Y/N)'s fingers while I was moving something out to my car and he was drawing. She went into my room to wake me up by smacking me in the face and I didn't pay attention to what she said, but she was scary then dragged me off my bed before she left. I tried fighting her off the night before, but she was actually very strong since she could carry that giant hammer. Right now, those 3 were adoring (Y/N) in his room and playing games and I really need some time away from this house and from everyone, so I'll just go on a walk in the woods on the hiking trail.

Bri's mind-Why is it so hard to find a replacement? I took this job the moment I heard they pay $20k a month.

(???'s POV)

This world has so many beautiful things to have and the most they have for security is loud alarms. It's surprising that other thieves didn't talk about even half the things I already have, but I guess that's one of the perks of flying. The only problem is that I don't have anywhere to put this stuff and leaving it out in the open would just be like putting them up for free grabs. I tried a few caves, but they just weren't comfy, and a few abandoned houses out here were completely trashed, and one even had one of these creatures halfway dead that smelled horrid. I could just take a house, but what would be worth it since loud alarms attract unwanted attention?

???'s mind-There has to be something out there that is off the radar that isn't disgusting.

Soon I saw a woman from this world, and I was more captivated by that necklace and diamond ring on her. They looked so pretty and easy to pack with my other stuff.


???'s mind-She looks wealthy, so I'm sure she can just buy more.

(Bri's POV)

This hike was silent, and I just texted my boss that I had a replacement in the works, and they just needed to make up their mind on a few things. I know I don't have anyone, but (Y/N) has a psycho looking after him, so he'll be fine, but just then I got knocked down and my phone flew out of my hand. I turned to see my attacker, but my mind was blown by seeing another alien.


???-Hey there.

Bri-Y-You're another alien!

???-Alien, huh? I guess you're not far off, but let's not get off-topic. I think I'll be taking that ring and necklace you're wearing.

Everything in the past few days just flooded my head when this bat lady wanted to rob me with a voice that almost sounded like she was a flirty spy in the 90s movies. She took a step closer, and I think the only thing special about her is her wings, so she might not be tough, and I can say and do what I want.




I just turned and started to leave her while I went to pick up my phone, but this time I got hit in the neck very hard. Everything was quickly going dark to where I didn't even make it to be awake when I would hit the ground.

(Rogue's POV)

I have no idea what made her just suddenly snap that much after I just brought up taking her necklace and ring, nor did I really care. I was about to take her jewelry, but I started with her back pocket to look for a bag of money, but I just got something kinda weird looking. It had plastic cards with numbers on them, green paper, and a card with her picture and name on it, so I knew her name was Bri, and she was in her late twenties.

Rogue's mind-Well, this was a waste of time. Has this lady ever heard of gold before?

I suddenly heard a noise coming from the phone she dropped earlier and when I looked over at it, I saw it said "Boss". Out of curiosity I went over and picked it up before I pressed a green button to answer it and held it to my ear.


???-Huh... Bri?

Rogue-She's... a little busy right now. How about a message?

???-Wait, are you the replacement she spoke about?


???-For the job. She told you about the job, didn't she?

Rogue-Hmmm... We spoke and she asked questions, but nothing about a job. Mind shedding some light big guy? ~

???-... Oh, um, yes.

I could tell my voice was buttering him up and that's another thing I love about my body.

???-My name is (D/N) and Bri has been wanting to quit, but needed to find a replacement for her spot and the job is caring for my house and five-year-old son 24/7.


This already sounds, like something I don't care for, so I was about to hang up on him.

(D/N)-Now with this job, there are some perks. The first will be your own master bedroom.

Rogue-... Go on.

(D/N)-The sign-on bonus will be $10,000 with a monthly pay of $20,000. The requirements are you must be good with a kid, cooking, cleaning, contribute to weekly check-ups, and are ok with living at the house.

Rogue-Really?... Then you have a deal, boss.

This went from bad to getting to a point where he was letting me rob him in plain sight while I stayed at his house, but I couldn't let him see me.

Rogue-Will you ever be home to see your kid?

(D/N)-My wife and I are rarely home, so that's where you come in. If you can send me your number and bank account number, we can get this underway.

Rogue-Sorry, but I don't have either.

(D/N)-Huh? Are you from out of country or something?

Rogue-You can say that.

(D/N)-*Sigh*... I will have one made for you and have a phone and debit card mailed over to the house. The $10,000 will help you decorate your room however you like. The house is on the east side of the city near the top of the mountains. Head there, Bri will show you to my office, sign a few papers, and you're hired.

I just flew up and not too far away I saw a big, beautiful house. This was just getting better and better and all I need to do is make sure the kid doesn't kill himself.

Rogue-I can't wait to start working for you. Anything else I should know about the job? ~

(D/N)-Well... You should see and get to know my son then have him put back on online school if you don't qualify for teaching. Oh, and for your room, just use the computer in my office to buy what you want. It's linked to my account, so keep it under $10,000 for your sign-on pay, and there will be a budget chart next to it telling you, what you have to spend for what you need to worry about.

Rogue-I see.

(D/N)-Now can you also tell Bri, that she is to be out before your things get here, watch (Y/N) for a few more days, and her final pay won't be penalized to go toward you?

Rogue-... It's funny you should mention that because said she had already moved out since she probably thought (Y/N) could care for himself for a while. She asked me some questions about a 15-year-old. Oh here, she comes now.


I hung up the phone then found out how to take out the battery before I tossed it and looked back down at Bri, but could barely see her through the trees while I was up here. He should think Bri won't answer and that just means more riches for me, so I went to go get my things. I also thought about what that lady said about other aliens and rather in terms she was right, I think I might see some old faces.

Rogue's mind-This job is a gold mine, and it comes with a temporary home for me. I think I'm going to like it here. The worst case is that I just lock up a kid if their a brat or just let whoever else is there take care of them.


(Bri's POV)

I was starting to wake up before I remembered what happened then saw it looked like it was almost noon. I had no idea how long I was out, but I found my phone in the mud with the battery out, so I grabbed it and cleaned it off and it felt so disgusting, but when I got my phone to turn on, I saw messages from my boss and his wife, and they were both pretty angry. They think I already moved out and abandoned their son and I knew it had to do with that bat.

Bri-That fucking bitch!

I had to clear this up and if I can get a word in from (Y/N) that should prove everything that she said was a lie. I just started running all the way back home.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was playing a game on my computer while Cream was reading a book on my bed, and Amy was just looking out the window in my beanbag chair. Soon we heard the front door open and slam shut before we heard footsteps running down the hall before my door swung open and we saw Bri come in, but she looked dirty, her hair was messy, and she looked at me kinda like she was sad and mad about something.


Bri-(Y/N), I need you to talk to your parents, now!

(Y/N)-What? I thought we don't check in for another-.


Amy-Hey, don't yell at him!

Bri-CAN IT!!!

Bri just ran up to me and grabbed me and I was getting kinda scared while she shook me and yelled some more as she pulled out her phone. I saw there was mud on it, and she was only gone for 2 hours, what happened to her?! I was starting to cry then I saw Cream and Cheese crying too, but Amy looked very mad and somehow pulled out a huge hammer. Bri saw this and looked scared, but I just ran to a corner to curl in a corner then Cheese and Cream came to me to give me hugs while Amy got in the middle of us.


Amy-Get! Out!

I turned away to cry harder then I took a peek to see Amy pushing Bri back out the door. When she was out, Amy closed and locked the door then ran back to us to try and get us to stop crying. I heard pounding on the door and it was Bri.

(Rogue's POV)

I just made it back to this house with my stuff in the front yard to bring in later, but my first job was to find that office and sign those papers. The front door was left unlocked and I saw how beautiful this place was on the inside, but I heard, crying and pounding sounds then I looked down the hall to see that lady looking muddy and crazy.


Rogue-New look for you sweetheart or are you planning on quitting with a bang?

She sharply turned to me before she went from looking extremely desperate to very mad and delusional.


She ran to me kinda crazy like, but just like before, I lunged for her to get behind her and then knocked her down with a pressure point to the neck. She was out cold. Probably better for everyone, including her before she does something to hurt herself than to hurt someone else. I just lifted her up and my first thought now was if it would kill her to lose some weight. I just put her on the mat in the living room before I heard a door open then I saw someone walk out in the hall, but I don't remember seeing her that night.


Rogue-Hey... You wouldn't happen to know where the office is by chance?


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