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(Hemio's POV)

I was feeding (Y/N) some dinner and by his teeth, I think I might need to get some meat or a substitute for him to eat for his diet. During dinner, he tried to feed himself and I let him as long as I got to hold and pet him in my lap then he just looked so relaxed and soothed. When he was finished, I just brought him to my room and pulled out a blanket to tuck him in on my bed, but for me, it's not cold enough for me to be using one at this time of year, so I won't need to slip under with him later.

Hemio-I want you to try and get on a bedtime schedule. Just let me know if you need anything. I'll be in the living room.


Hemio-I love you.~

I gave him a kiss on the head and left my room while leaving on my reading light for him for a nightlight. When I sat out in the living room, I was watching a show of mine with the volume kinda low, so I don't disturb him.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I was about to call it a night and go to bed, but then all the sudden I heard a knock at the door and looked at the time. It's not odd to have those who like to stay up at night knock every once in a while, but I just hope they didn't wake my baby up. When I answered the door, I saw a Rentenia woman and she even had a badge that showed she works with hunters.



Hemio-Uh, hi.

???-I'm sorry to bother you this late, but when I was searching down her for a new creature, I got some word from your neighbors and friends that they saw you with another species.

Hemio-Um,... my kinda adopts other races all the time. It's not rare.

???-Yes, but I got word from my higher ups to ask if I may search your home.

My heart shattered and I was scared that if she sees (Y/N), she'll take him back to where many will see him and want to hurt of scare him. I can't let her in, but I don't want to be mean about it or maybe...

Hemio-I'm sorry, but I was just watching the child for a friend, and I sort of lied about them being mine. I live alone... How about we just talk over a nice drink? I make a nice cup of tea or maybe some-.

???-That sounds nice, but i'm on the clock. I just need to do a quick search and i'll be out.

She just walked in and I was panicking while trying to think of a way to keep her out of my room then I thought of something while she was looking in my kitchen.

Hemio-If it isn't too much to ask, I have something rather embarrassing in my room, so if we can reframe from searching there. I promise that I have nothing to hide.

???-Ma'am, i'm sorry, but I have to search everywhere. I won't judge you for whatever you're into.

(Vernia's POV)

It was clear whatever she was hiding was in her room, so I went to the back rooms next while she followed and pleading for me to not look back there, but when I opened her door... I only saw a typical bedroom with nobody inside. I was expecting to find the human Chemfi and my work sent me to search for down here in case they came this way and leads brought me to this house, but I snapped out of it when I heard crying. Her race was very sensitive and caring, so it doesn't take much to make them cry and I saw her walk past me to run inn and grab the blanket on her bed while still crying.


Vernia-I thought your kind doesn't need blankets in this kind of temperature.

She only kept on crying harder now before she wiped her tears then took a few breaths.

???-I- *hic* *hic* I have b-b-been sick and-!

Vernia-Woah, woah, it's ok! I understand now!

They do have an illness where they start to lose fur then are hairless for a while then it gets replaces with a new fur coat and they do have fur suits, but a few things were still off about all of this. I think I need to get her to think that she's alone before I do anything else.

Vernia-I'm sorry to bother you. Have a good night.


(Hemio's POV)

I felt so bad for lying to her when she was just doing her job and cried even harder when I still had to lie. I don't know if she'll get in trouble for not finding them, but I can't let her have my baby. I was still wondering where he was since I could've swore I left him in my bed. After the woman left I quickly searched my room, only to find him hiding in the bathroom in my room, in the tub.



Hemio-(Y/N), I was s-s-so worried! *sobbing*

He wrapped me in a hug and I just picked him up to hold him in my arms as I was still crying. When he wanted me to put him down he just took my hand and brought me to the kitchen before he went into my fridge and pulled out the fruit kabobs we made together to snack on.


(Y/N)-Please, stop crying.

He gave me one, but I just put it back on the plate to pull him onto my lap, since I really just wanted him close to me after I thought I lost him. When I finally stopped crying, he just pushed away a little, so he could look at me better.

(Y/N)-Don't you want something to eat to help you feel better?

Hemio-*Sniffle*... Can... I feed you one instead?

I picked the kabob back up and held it up to him and he gave me a look before he took the bite and even if it was just for me, it still made me feel better.

Hemio-Did we wake you earlier?

(Y/N)-No... I just wasn't tired.

((Y/N)'s POV)

She kept on feeding me until the kabob was done before she pulled me back in, so my face was buried in her chest. I turned to breath and tried to push away a little, but I just heard her starting to cry a little while holding me tighter until I stopped. When I pushed away a few more times, she threatened to cry each time until she took me back to her room to lay in bed with me.

Hemio-Please... Stop pushing away from me.

She curled up and gave me kisses from time to time until she fell asleep while I was still wide awake. I thought I could slip out of her arms, but even in her sleep, she almost cried. Soon I started to hear her talk in her sleep too and what she said...

Hemio-*Deep breath* My baby boy... Mommy loves you too... You just... need to... stay with mommy.~ *mumbling*

(Y/N)'s mind-Is she dreaming about me... calling her mommy?

(Vernia's POV)

I saw those 2 in that women's kitchen through the window thanks to my plan of spying around the house for a bit until I was sure she wasn't hiding this human. Right now, I was on my way back to work, to meet with Chemfi before we might have to get police involved since I know that woman won't survive a minute in jail. Chemfi is also gonna be happy that I found her pet and her creepy neighbor is waiting for his sentence, but from how bad the punishment of messing with a new or endangered species is at least almost a year of jail time, she'll be moving out without any extra problems. She already found the place she wants anyway and used a lot of her money for a down payment, but can make that back after a little over a dozen captures.

Vernia's mind-Please, just give them up before things have to get ugly.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Hemio and I just had breakfast before she took me back outside for a morning walk and to meet others again, but ever since we got out of bed... She would cry every time I would try to get her to put me down. The worst if it happened in front of others because they would surround us and help her hold me more or try to comfort her until she got better. This happened 5 times as we were going to the market then as she was shopping, she was looking at a few strollers for me.

(Y/N)-Hemio, I don't need a stroller.

Hemio-But... But what if while you're walking, we get separated or if you step on something and *whimper* y-y-you get hurt?!

She was almost going to cry, but a man of her kind came over then gave her a hug from the other side she was holding me.

Man-Hey, it's ok. Why don't i show you a few more selections we have on sale. All safe, rest assured.

This made her calm down before she went with him, and this was just so annoying. As she was looking at some we heard something at the door then turned to see an alien woman holding up a badge before I saw "her" walk out from behind this woman.


???-Alright, my name is Vernia and i'm a hunter. Listen up... We're here for a human my friend her owns. Hand them over and we'll be willing to overlook this. No charges will be filled.

Hemio just held me tighter while threatening to cry then covered her mouth to try and stay quiet, but I saw Chemfi's ear flicker like a cat's ear would before she looked over here. I saw her smile before she walked past on the clothes somewhat blocking her way then Hemio held me very tight before she just whimpered and teared up. Chemfi just calmly stopped in front of us as her friend walked behind her.

Hemio-Please, *hic* I just want to keep him sa-safe. *whisper* *whimper*

Chemfi-Sorry honey, but I legally own him. I know your kind is very sensitive and I don't want to be the one to have to get authorities involved, but I will if I have to.

This just made Hemio almost about to cry, but Chemfi held up a finger which made Hemio a little curious and I wonder what she was thinking too.



Chemfi-You can hand him over and here what I have to say. I'm "willing" to throw you a bone if you just give him back to me... He'll be in good hands... Trust me.~

(Chemfi's POV)

I know what makes a lot of her kind tick and it's a lot like speaking to a child. Talk calmly, show them you also mean business, but also give them a small trail of crumbs if they cooperate. The last thing I need is a whole time having it out for me because i'm simply taking what is mine. She was still shedding tears on her fur coat, but was thinking it over before she hesitated to let him go and when she did, my little pet tried to make a run for it, but Vernia easily caught him by wrapping him in her tail without hurting him. This whoever got a scared reaction out of her then reached for him.


Chemfi-No, no, it's ok! He's fine, just shaken up after last time. I barely had him before he came here, so he's just a little timid.

I am seriously talking to a sensitive adult child right now.

Chemfi-How about we start at the beginning? My name is Chemfi. Yours?

???-*Sniffle* H-Hemio.

Chemfi-That's nice, now that you gave him back, I have a job offer for you.~

I was going to need a little help in building a dependable house staff that won't screw me over by trying to run off with my prize for some fast cash. Who better to hire first than a keiban that is hell bent on caring for my pet?

(No POV)

As Chemfi slowly and calmly talk to Hemio about the job like she was speaking to a cry child, she was feeling confident about her first hire. Hemio has stopped crying as she felt hopeful about this and Chemfi just smiled.

Chemfi's mind-Too easy.~


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