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(Aqua's POV)

The 3 of us were in my room with (Y/N) and I was even feeding him some cake that Aerith made, but the only bad part was that he didn't remember us. My master was with the boys to go visit Master Yen Sid to try and find a spell to restore his memories, but for now, maybe we can jog those memories. I tried explaining my side of the story with him while also maybe lying a little bit, but Aerith and Yuffie jumped in on this, saying things like how they saved him from a kangaroo inside a magic book. I don't think he believed him since that did sound ridiculous, but then again, so did my story of taking him away from a kingdom ruled by a mouse queen and duck princess. He looked confused about these stories even if I sprinkled a tiny bit of lies on mine and they probably did the same thing too, but he still wasn't fighting us in any way.

Yuffie-Let's talk about something else or maybe we can play a little game.

(Y/N)-What game?

Yuffie-Hmmm... How about you try to run from us while staying in this room to see how long it takes to catch you. Whoever wins, you have to sleep with tonight.

(Y/N)-How do I win? What do I get if I win?

Yuffie-Come on, you don't think sleeping with a cute girl is a reward? You win no matter what this way.~

We all saw (Y/N) blush at this and I just put him down then Yuffie held up her right hand before she started to put one finger down at a time for a countdown and he quickly just ran to get under my bed, but when Yuffie was done...

Yuffie-ZERO!!! GAME ON!!!

She launched for him, but I used my stop spell to freeze her in place and I was about to do the same to Aerith for an easy victory, but my keyblade was hit by a staff to make it touch the ground. I looked to see it was Aerith and she kicked my keyblade out of my hands before she ran for my bed to grab (Y/N).


I didn't have time to summon my keyblade back to my hands, so I dove and grabbed her by her foot, but she made it under my bed still. I was scared she won, but (Y/N) came out the other side, so I quickly got up and ran for him, only for my stop spell to wear off since I didn't think it would need to be that long and she quickly zoomed past me then grabbed him... She won.


Yuffie-Ha! He's all mine tonight girls!~

She just gave him lots of kisses all over his face and we did play this game, all of us, so we must respect to rules and avoid any fighting in front of him,... but I was still so mad that she won. I just helped Aerith up while Yuffie was celebrating before my door opened to show it was Terra.



Terra-Whatever happened can't be undone with a simple spell. The master is still with Master Yen Sid to speak with some fairies, but that's all I know. Ven and I will be here to help, but the Master might be gone for a few days until this mess can be cleaned up... Until then, the barrier should hold, so it will be harder for that girl to get in again.

Yuffie-Well if he's staying, I guess we are too.

Terra-We have plenty of guest bedrooms here. Go ahead and take what's open.

Aerith-Thank you for letting us stay here. We are really grateful.

Terra-Please, the pleasure is all mine to help others.

He just left and Yuffie left with (Y/N) to go find a guest room then Aerith went as well while I was left in my room, all alone, so I thought about what I could do in mean time. I could make something, like I did with those charms and soon I came up with an idea.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This guy helped Yuffie find a room she could stay in and she took me in with her before she laid on the bed with me to snuggle. She also gave me more kisses before she held me above her with her arms and legs.

Yuffie-You just have to be so popular with the ladies, don't you? Too bad for them, you already belong to us, yes you do and you're going to remember that soon enough.~

I remembered all the crazy stories they told me and how the memories I had now were fake, but I just don't know what to believe since the others knew me too. I don't know who was lying, but these girls do seem really nice, so I guess I can trust them for now at least. Soon, I accidently fell down out of Yuffie's arms and my face hit hers a little, since I caught myself on the bed a bit as we just touch, but I was so embarrassed when I saw what I accidently did...

(Y/N)'s mind-I kissed Yuffie on the lips?!

My face was burning up as I quickly got off her and off the bed to go to a corner and just said "I'm sorry" over and over again, but she just smiled and laughed a little.

Yuffie-Awww, was that your first kiss like that? I guess that means that i'm your first.~

(Y/N)-N-N-No, I-I take it back!

Yuffie-Sorry, no returns.~

I had no idea what to say or do about this, so I just sat on the ground and hid my face in my shirt while she laughed so more before I heard her come over to me and picked me up.

Yuffie-Hey, it's ok. I'm not mad,... but what did you think of your first kiss? Got anything nice to say or are you just gonna stutter like a shy little cutie pie?~


Yuffie-You know, you used to like being called that before.

(Y/N)-I did?

Yuffie-Yep. I gave you all sorts of pet names that you loved, since it was out special way to talk to each other.

I think she might be lying this time because it just made me feel weird and nervous then she started to call me a few more names. I was starting to wish I got caught by Aqua since she did call me weird names.

(Xion's POV)

Namine and I were in a place called Wonderland after we thought we could follow Larxene here and were right. We went to a castle while tailing her before we saw some card people wearing giant band-aids on them as they rested in the yard, but they got up with spears pointed at Larxene before she swiftly took care of them with a lighting attack. She even traveled that way a bit which made us lose track of her, but it was clear where she was going, so we rushed to get there too. By the we made it to a hole in the that Larxene probably made we heard yelling as we peaked in and saw her with someone else.



Larxene-I said, WHERE IS HE?!?!?!

She threw 5 knives and all of theme hit this woman in her arms and legs then made her scream in pain as she walked up to her with a look on her face that I never saw on her, ever since she was always almost careless and smug... Pure rage.

Larxene-If you don't talk, this kingdom is going to be left without a queen, castle, guards, and its people when i'm done with it... 5... 4...

???-U-Unhand m-m-me!

Larxene-3... 2...

???-W-Wait!... 3 girls c-came and attacked us! They defeated my guards a-and took my baby boy!

Larxene-What did they look like?

???-One girl had short blue hair with a giant key, one had short black hair with not a lot of clothes on, and the last one had long brown hair holding a staff.

Namine and I looked at each other since we knew who were the ones that had (Y/N) and Larxene probably has an idea, but unlike her, we know where to look, so we ran off. When we made it out of the garden area, we suddenly heard a loud noise then looked back to see a big part of the castle was coming down. I just looked at Namine and I think we both don't care about what happened to whoever that woman was.

Xion-Let's just get back to that world. I'm willing to bet that (Y/N) is back where you found him.

Namine-Even if he is, no doubt that they will make it harder to get in. There's a few strong holds we can check after, but it will take a while for me to open that portal again, assuming if I can.

We just went somewhere, where she can focus on trying to open a portal.

(Larxene's POV)

I was staring at the corpse of this woman, angry doesn't even begin to express what i'm feeling, and I tried to fight these feelings at first, but I couldn't. I couldn't take this anymore and even if this a part of some stupid spell, I don't care.

Larxene-*Heavy breathing* (Y/N)... You. Will! Be! MMMMIIIINNNNNEEEE!!!

My powers went out of control as lighting was going all over the place which was making the rest of this place come down, so I opened a portal to get out of here. I know where there are some strong holds for those light huggers, and I don't care what the organization says. I will go each and every one to turn them upside to find (Y/N) then he will "never" leave my side "ever" again.

Larxene's mind-You can't hide him from me forever.


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