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((Y/N)'s POV)

This morning was so tiring because Lazarus made me take a bath with her while holding me in the water. I tried to get out, but she didn't let me until we were both clean. At breakfast she just kept on feeding me like I was a baby, but worst of all is that she waited to get dressed after, so I could "Get used to it like everyone else because it's nothing to be ashamed off". After everything was all done, I just sat on a part of the couch alone, not wanting to be touched and Lazarus sat in her chair to watch me before there was a knock at the door. I looked to see who was there and when Lazarus opened the door, I saw Kate, but she suddenly looked surprised and worried for Lazarus.


Kate-Are you ok?

Lazarus-*Sniffle* I'm fine... I just had a bit of a bad morning. He just tried to fight me so much during the bath time and breakfast.

Kate-Come here, I got something to talk to you about.~

Kate pulled her into a hug then closed the door to leave me in here alone while they talked outside. Later they both came in then over to me and Lazarus picked me up off the couch before she gave me to Kate.

(Y/N)-What's going on?

Lazarus-Sweetie, Kate is just going to need a little bit of your help today. She even promised you some treats during and after you're done.~

Kate-It's just going to be a few lessons we need you for and Fia will have cookies waiting for you, but you also get to meet a new friend. Now say bye to Lazarus, you won't see her for a few hours.~

I didn't want to say anything, but Kate grabbed my arm to make me wave before she took me with her in one arm while and Lazarus blew me a kiss goodbye. Kate closed the front door and took me through town and she let so many others say hi, give me kisses, and coo me as she walked by. We soon made it close to the forest where I saw Joan, Addison, Jenny, and some new girl.


When we got to them, Joan put her weapons down before she came to me and took me from Kate to spin with me then kissed me a few times.

Joan-Hey there little man. Are you gonna be our little helper today? Yes, you are.~

She gave me another big kiss before she finally put me down then Jenny and Addison both wrapped me in a hug to give me kisses.

Jenny-Hi (Y/N). Thanks for helping us.~

Addison-I couldn't stop thinking about you. Were you thinking of me?~

They both slowly started to pull on me, but Kate took me from them again by grabbing the back of my shirt, putting me next to the new girl, and looked at them.

Kate-No fighting or only Fawn will get to do hands on lessons today. Understand?

They both nodded their heads, but I was still confused about all of this. What were these lessons going to be, but I was scared to ask and I don't think they were going to let me say no. I just saw the new girl looking at me like she was kinda shy then Kate walked past us while clapping her hands to make us look at her.

Kate-Alright, we're going to have (Y/N) only for a little while before we let him go back with someone in town. Luckily, Fawn's mother agreed to meeting us back here in a few hours and i'm sure Joan told you all some rules, but most importantly... No fighting.

She was looking at Addison and Jenny when she said that last part before she pushed all of us a little to start following Joan into the forest, but after a few minutes I saw a vine with a flower at the end of it move then the vine moved up to look at us and it had teeth or thorns in its mouth or whatever. Joan quickly swung one of her axes to cute it and I think I heard a high pitch scream. I was the only one surprised by this as we kept on walking until we got to a tree with pink flowers on it then sat under it.

Addison-So what are doing today?

Kate-I'm glad you asked. Seeing as we have an um... What was it again?

Joan-A complex disturbed individual.

I only understood one of those words then Kate came over to me to make me lay my head on her lap.

Kate-It's important to remember to keep things honest instead of just saying nice things randomly. (Y/N) is very fragile right now and-.

(Y/N)-For the last time! My dad did nothing wrong!

I just saw Jenny whisper something to Addison and I knew it was about me, so I was mad at them. Kate just rubbed my head and even when I tried to push her arm away, I couldn't stop her.

Kate-Let's just jump in... Let's start with you Addison. Come here and sit on your knees.

She was so happy she wagged her tail a little before she came over next to us and Kate lifted me up before she put me on my side and my head was on Addison's lap then Kate put of her hands on my head then the other on my back.

Kate-Just pet his head and scratch his back, firm, but gentle. This should make him settle down a little at a time.

(Y/N)-Let me go!


Kate only held my arms then held me down on Addison while I felt Addison hold my head still before she started to just pet my head then the others got closer.

(Fawn's POV)

Joan told us that this boy was hurt and very confused on right and wrong because his daddy was mean to him, but this just seemed so sad. Addison and Kate were holding him down until he just got too tired to fight back.

Fawn's mind-What did his daddy do to him?

This was supposed to be something to have done to you and he just tried to fight us. When Jenny went up, I saw her do the something as Addison at first, but she switched to focus more on his back until it was finally my turn. He just looked so sad, tired, and frustrated. If my mommy ever saw me like this, she wouldn't leave my side or let me down for a week since she can be a little overprotective. When it was my turn, I saw Jenny stick her tongue at Addison since she thought she did a better job and Ms. Gelder took my hands after I sat on my knees. She put his head on my lap and I think he needs more than petting and scratching, because even if it feels good, my mommy says there is no such thing as showing too much love.

Fawn-Um... Ms. Gelder, is it ok if I try something else?

Kate-Of course, just be careful with him.

Fawn-I will.

She let of me and I just laid back while I straighten my legs to get comfy as I laid his head on my chest. To finish, I just wrapped him in a hug and even if he was tired, I can feel him relaxed and the others were looking at us kinda smiling and I smiled at him too.

Fawn-Hi... I think you already know my name, but i'm Fawn.

We stayed like this for a bit and when Ms. Gelder took him from me to hold him in one arm then he started to look fuller of energy.

Kate-Ok, now that we got him calmed down a little, let's do some swimming lessons then we'll play a few games in the water too.

(Lazarus's POV)

I hope spending some time with girls his age will help him feel better, but what happened this morning broke my heart and when I told others about it, they just sympathized with me. I was just walking through town when I passed by Jasmine's clothing shop and she suddenly came up and smiled at me.


Jasmine-Lazarus! How are you doing? I heard what happened between (Y/N) and his father.

Lazarus-Oh um... Things were a little hard this morning for us. He's just so... stubborn about defending his abusive father.

Jasmine-That sounds awful. How about you come in for some tea?

Lazarus-I don't want to be a bother. I'm sure you're busy and-.


She just took me inside before she started to make the tea she spoke about and I just sat at a table then I saw some kind of weird looking clothes with handles and big pockets on them. They looked unfinished, but at the same time, they looked kinda around (Y/N)'s size, but I looked away when Jasmine came in and poured me a cup.

Jasmine-Tell me everything and don't spare me the details. Honestly, the way his father was to him was nothing short of a disgrace and being horrid to a child.

Lazarus-I'm... I'm not mad at (Y/N), i'm mad at his father!

Jasmine-And you have every right to be. Nobody ever saw him, but now he's the most hated on the island.

I spilled everything that happened and how I felt, but when I got to the part when I told her that I felt like I couldn't help him, I just cried into her shoulder. She gave me a hug which I really felt i need.

Jasmine-I know, I know. You're the most caring and gentle person we all know. This must be killing you to see a baby boy like him fight you when he clearly needs help.

Lazarus-I just do-don't know wh-what to do! *sobbing*

Jasmine-... You know, Dixie is going to pick up your little boy after Kate lets him off early before the survival lessons start. I think I know what you can do.

Lazarus-*Sniffle* What?

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I already knew how to swim when they played, but the only problem was that we didn't have bathing suits, so they made me swim naked with him and they even played games while I was trying to get out and put my clothes back on, but Joan held me in the water the whole time. I was finally leaving and they were coming with me, but they said I was going with Fawn's mom since they think it can be good for me. When we made it out, I saw Lazarus with another woman that Fawn ran up to while they both looked happy.



???-My baby girl!

I was so surprised that this giant elephant woman that even Lazarus only makes it to her belly was Fawn's mom. She made it her mom's knee, but I don't even make it there since I only make it to Fawn's neck. Her mom picked her up and brought her to her and used her trunk to play with her hair a little before she saw Joan holding me and came over running while the ground was shaking then she knelt down.

???-Oh my god, he's adorable! You must be Lazarus's adopted baby boy.~

(Y/N)-I'm not adorable and i'm not a baby!

???-You don't even try lying to me about what you are.~

She put her trunk on my belly then blew to make a farting noise and it tickled so much that it made me laugh before Joan gave me to her.

Lazarus-(Y/N), this is Dixie, Fawn's mother. I thought it would be a good idea for us to stay the night at her house tonight and you get to spend more time with Fawn later. She also was very excited to meet you.

Dixie-And who wouldn't be?! I just stand how little you are. You and Fawn would be so cute together!~

Fawn-He's spending the night?


Jenny-Fawn, you're gonna let us stay the night too, right?


Dixie-Why don't you bring your moms too. It can be a nice get together.

I had a few ideas about what could happen if this happens and I don't like it all because if they all get in a bath together, they'll make me go in with them and i'll be naked in front of everyone.

(Y/N)-I don't want to-! *laughing*

She was blowing her trunk on my belly again and again to keep me from talking as the others did before we started to leave.

(Dixie's POV)

It was settled that the moms and girls were coming over and Kate wanted to come with her sister and there's plenty of room at my place and they said that they'll each bring something to eat, like a party. Lazarus also said that this was Jasmine's idea, so I expect to see her coming too tonight and it was just going to be so much fun to see so much cute children in one place to play, and women to talk to. I was still playing with Lazarus's boy to make him laugh and I was told of the story of this boy too which was heartbreaking, but nothing a bit of playtime, love, and cuddles can't fix

Dixie's mind-I don't why you say you're not adorable. You need to look in a mirror.~


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