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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was almost night time and Bri decided to go out grocery shopping, so we had the house to ourselves for a while, and Cream, Cheese, and Amy took this chance to see more of my house. They said it was really big, but I never went to another house, so I wonder how small a house can be... Maybe it only has 3 instead of 6 rooms or maybe it has 2 rooms. Cheese accidentally turned on the T.V. by sitting on the remote and this made the others look at it to see that it was on an adult show. It was boring, so I turned it on to one of my cartoons I'm allowed to watch and I think Cream and Cheese were liking it. Amy just went to look around some more until she looked at a family painting from when I was a baby.

Amy-Are these your parents?

(Y/N)-Yeah. I think this was the first family painting from when I was a baby.

Cream-Where are your parents now?

(Y/N)-I think my dad is somewhere in... Um... Well, he's on a business trip for his company and my mom is with him since she works with him.

Amy-And they left you here?

(Y/N)-Well, Bri lives here to keep an eye on me and she can be kinda mean sometimes, but it's ok.

Cream-Huh? Do your parents go out a lot for business?

Amy-When was the last time they were here?

(Y/N)-I think it was 2 weeks after my birthday... 4 months ago.

(Cream's POV)

I felt my heart break that (Y/N) hasn't seen his mother or father in 4 months, even after missing his birthday by so long. My mother would never do such a thing, nor should any parent and he even said Bri was mean to him, so they are not even leaving him with someone who can make him happy.

Cream's mind-Does he even know what a mother or father's love even feels like?

Amy even looked a little sorry for him and (Y/N) was looking at that painting a lot before he just went to the kitchen. I just looked at Amy then she looked at me before she came over and leaned in to whisper.

Amy-Do he really just say 4 months like it was normal?

Cream-They were even late for his birthday, so how long was that before?


The thought of that was just awful, but just then (Y/N) came running back in like he was scared of something and I was worried now too.


(Y/N)-She's here! Get back to my room now!

We quickly ran into the hall to get back to his room and hid there while he turned off the T.V. and followed us. We all made it to his room and he closed the door, but he stayed out in the hall. I was about to go out there with him to get him in here, but Amy stopped me by grabbing my arm.

Amy-No, we can't go back out there. She can't see us. He'll be fine.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was happy that I got those 3 hidden in my room where Bri shouldn't see them and I was going to make sure by letting her see me out here. I walked outside to see another car out here and Bri was talking to someone while I was at the front door, but I could barely see the guy.


I started to walk up to them and that's when the guy saw me. Bri looked over here too then she also looked very surprised.

Man-Hey, you didn't tell me you had a kid.

Bri-Oh, I didn't? Well, let's fix that.


Bri just came over then picked me up and she never did that before, for as long as I can remember. She brought me over to the man before she kissed my cheek while smiling and I was so confused.

Man-So why didn't you tell me that you have a son?

Bri-Oh, well there was this other guy I used to date, but after he left me for someone else, I found out that I was pregnant. One thing led to another, I got this house and he tried to come crawling back to me. It's just a sensitive topic for a single mom.


Bri-Not now honey... Well, it was nice running into you, but I need to get my son some dinner and get him to bed.

Man-Well... OK, bye... See ya, little man.

Bri took me back inside while the guy left before she went back out into the car to bring the bags of groceries in, but while she came back in, I wanted to talk to her.

(Y/N)-You're not my mom. You're my nanny.

Bri-Enough, now go wash your hands before dinner.

I don't know why she would lie to that guy about her being my mom and this being her house. I just went to the bathroom to wash my hands then I really had to go to the bathroom, but by the time I was finished...


I knew that couldn't be good, but I slowly went out into the living room where Bri was and the T.V. was on, but it was the cartoon I left on.


I remember what she said today and knew that I was going to be in trouble since she said no video games or T.V. and she's strict about rules.

Bri-Do you want to explain this?! Why is there a cartoon on in the living room?!

If I tell her the truth, she won't believe me or Cream, Cheese, and Amy can get in even more trouble.

(Y/N)-I... thought 1 episode couldn't hurt.

Bri-Did I or did I not tell you that there will be no T.V. or video games today?!

(Cream's POV)

We could hear what was happening since I cracked open the door and (Y/N) was getting yelled at because of us. I can hear what he's saying too, but Amy can't and (Y/N) lied to her to protect us too which made me feel bad. The yelling lasted until...

Bri-You're lucky I didn't tell your mother and father about this!

(Y/N)-Well... you lied about being my mom and I can tell her that!





I heard him starting to cry out there and I wanted to run out there so bad to help him, but then I heard.

Bri-Go to your room right now and don't you "ever" raise your voice at me again! DO IT AGAIN AND YOU CAN GO TO BED WITHOUT DINNER!!!


He suddenly ran into his room and I closed the door before I saw him on his bed and crying into his Pillow while Amy was starting to comfort him by going on his bed with him to rub his back.


I ran up to him and got on the bed too then saw him holding his wrist, but this also reminded me of when we got back here to find him crying. His wrist was a little pink again and I know that what he told me was a lie before.

Cream's mind-He didn't fall last time! She hit him!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still trying to stop crying while I felt my head and back being rubbed by Cream and Amy, but I felt Cheese hugging my arm. When I was calming down a little I looked back up to the girls and saw they were looking a little sad at me.


Cream-Are you ok? Let me see where she hit you... You don't need to lie to us while you get hurt.~

Cheese-Choa, choa, choa.

Cream took my wrist that Bri hit really hard before she gave it a few kisses then gave me a hug and Amy made me look at him, but this time she looked serious.

Amy-Why did she hit you?

(Y/N)*Sniffle* Well... I told her th-that I w-w-would tell my mom that she was pre-pretending to by my mom and this was her house, to just lie to some guy.

(Amy's POV)

It was clear that this lady was trying to shut him up and not get in trouble with his parents. He only looked a little sadder and Cream was cuddling him, so I got his other side. What was really annoying is that woman and when we heard footsteps, we all quickly ran to the closet and then heard the door open.

Bri-You can eat in here tonight and don't bother leaving your room tomorrow. You're grounded.

This made me feel so mad that she was clearly abusing him and I was peeking through a crack in the door and saw (Y/N) shying away from her until she left. Cream and Cheese immediately ran to his side and the food was on his desk and it looked kinda weird, but smelled good.


There were 5 slices of whatever this was and I brought one up to him while Cream was comforting him again. When he looked at me, I held his food to him while giving him a warm smile, but I think he misunderstood this a little, because... he just took a bite while I was still holding it... I was feeding him and the way he was looking at me with tear stains on his cheeks, those innocent-looking eyes, and his chubby cheeks while he was chewing made me smile and giggle at him a little.

Amy's mind-He really thinks I meant to feed him? How cute!~

Amy-*Giggles* I meant you can take it from me.

(Y/N)-Oh, sorry.

Amy-You don't need to apologize.

(Y/N)-Well... You all must be hungry too. It's a garlic bread pizza, but if you don't like spicy meat, you can take off the pepperoni.

He took his slice and I was hungry, so I guess this is all we're getting for now until I can sneak something without getting caught. We each took a slice and there was one more left since it was his. Cream took the pepperoni off while I took a bite and this was so good, but when (Y/N) went to get his last slice, he ripped it up into four pieces to share.

Amy-Oh no, it's all yours.

Cream-We'll be fine.

(Y/N)-... We're friends now, so we can share.

He gave us each a piece that wasn't much, but he was just so sweet and innocent which made me even more mad that this woman was abusing him to lie to others about all of this being hers. I looked back to Cream and Cheese cuddling him under a blanket now and after a while, he fell asleep with them and I would love to stay under a warm blanket with them, but I think it's clear that something needs to be done.

(Bri's POV)

I was getting ready for bed, but right now I was in the shower. After that quick dinner, I made (Y/N) should be asleep right now and I just need to keep him away from the phone for a while, but I was still pissed since now my boyfriend thinks I'm a fucking single mother. He might even get stupid toys for (Y/N) and he already has enough of those. I'll have to start cutting him off a bit at a time if he starts bringing up my "son" more. When I got out of the shower, I just got into bed since I always sleep naked and have a heated blanket to help me keep warm. While I was still above the blankets, I heard my door open and I was furious that (Y/N) was just coming in, so I quickly got under.

Bri-(Y/N), what are you doing?! You are in so much more trou-!

When I turned to my door I expected to see (Y/N), but instead, I saw something I couldn't believe, but I knew I was awake.


???-Hey... I think we should talk.

Who or whatever this thing is just closed my door calmly before she put her hammer over her shoulder and walked up to me, but I was going to reach for my phone, but it was gone. I looked back to her smiling before she reached behind her and pulled out my phone.

???-I thought this might be important, but you're going to listen to me.

She tossed my phone to the side of the room before she jumped on my bed and I was frozen in fear while looking at that huge hammer before she snapped her fingers by her face, so I looked into her eyes.

???-Keep your eyes on me and listen!... I don't know what your problem is or who you think you are, but I do know that you were hitting (Y/N) and abusing him! That stops, NOW!!!

She swung her hammer and it was inches away from my face, but I still screamed before I saw an evil smile on her face before she got mad again then swung her hammer again, but this time it was at my lamp I keep in her, but she also took my nightstand with it and smashed them to pieces. I was crying and when I tried to hit her all I did was smack her in the face and she held it for a bit before she got even more mad. She just grabbed and pulled my hair really hard before she let go of her hammer to bring back her hand into a fist.

(Amy's POV)

I punched her right in the nose and then saw I gave her a bloody nose, but it could've been a lot more if I used my hammer. I yanked on her too when I did it to bring her right in, so when I let go of her, she was shaking, crying, and looking at me in fear. I was going to finish this, so I got right in her face then she her eyes shrinking before she closed them.

Amy-My friends and I are staying, you're not going to tell anyone, you're going to apologize to (Y/N) the next time you see him, and you better not hit or yell at him anymore... Do you understand "me"?

She only nodded her head while her eyes were closed and her hands were still covering her mouth and nose while she was still crying after I punched her. I was going to leave her with one more reminder of tonight, so I grabbed a cup of water on the other small table I didn't destroy then splashed it in her face before I just took my hammer and hopped off the bed. I just left her room then went back to the others who were sleeping together and I put my hammer away then got in bed with them on the free side where (Y/N) was facing me.


He just looked so peaceful sleeping right now and a smile curved onto my face before I leaned in to give him a kiss on his head.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake to see that Amy, Cream, and Cheese were gone, and then I noticed my door was left wide open. I quickly snapped awake before I got out of bed to go look for them, even if it was cold, but they could be in trouble and I don't want them getting hurt. When I ran around the house to look for them I made it to the living room and I saw them, but there was also something I didn't expect... Bri was talking to them.


I was so confused then they all saw me and Cream, Cheese, and Amy looked happy to see me, but Bro looked a little... worried or something. I saw a Band-Aid on her nose for some reason, but there was no blood coming out. Cream just ran over with Cheese to take my hands and put me on the couch with them.

Amy-Well look who's up. We were just talking about you after we met this morning.~

(Y/N)-What?!... Bri, I can explain!

Amy-Don't worry. Actually, Bri has something she wants to say after Cream gave her a talking-to just now. Don't you Bri?

Bri looked nervous now then Cream got a little mad while Amy was just smiling.

Cream-You owe him an apology, so go on or I'll yell at you again.

Amy turned to Bri then she looked even more worried before she cleared her throat to talk.

Bri-(Y/N), I'm sorry I hit and yelled at you. You're not grounded anymore and it won't happen again... I'll have breakfast ready soon.

I was actually very surprised to hear her say that because she never apologizes when she's mean to me and never lets me off a punishment. I couldn't even say words because I had no idea what to say, but then Cream and Cheese hugged me while Amy scooted closer then gave me a kiss. Bri left the living room and Amy turned the T.V. back on to a cartoon, but I couldn't really pay attention to the show because...

(Y/N)'s mind-What made Bri apologize? She never does that.


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