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((Y/N)'s POV)

Today, I tried to run away 4 times, but all of them failed. The first one was trying to jump off Ellie by surprise, but she grabbed me as soon as I landed, the second was the same as the first one, the third is when I said I wanted to take a nap in a cave, but Ellie just made me take on her back. The other 2 were that I did get away for a little bit, but I feel into big and puffy piles of snow that made the others laugh at me, and it was mostly Crash and Eddie. It was night time now and it was snowing, so it was so cold when I even tried to leave Ellie, I would have a blizzard to walk out in. I had to stay with everyone and this just felt so weird all day to be around animals that could talk, but at least they all stopped asking me questions about who I was and how I could talk. Sid made a fire in this cave while everyone was resting or for Crash and Eddie, doing some stupid things to mess with others, but Ellie got them to leave me alone... Kinda.

Deigo-Would you both knock it off and settle down?!

Crash-Oh come on, there's nothing else to do.

Deigo-You can go play outside. What's another ice age for you?

Eddie-Speaking of cold, is Shira still leaving you out in it?

Crash-Or was it a time out corner?

They both started to laugh before Deigo was growling at them to make them stop then Sid added more wood to the fire. He went over to sit by Granny then I felt more heat fill the cave, so I scooted away from Ellie a bit, but she looked at when she felt I moved away.

Ellie-Where are you going? I hope you're not gonna try to run again.

Crash-Oh no, do it! It's hilarious!

Shira-Hey, don't encourage it!

Just then Granny hit Crash and Eddie with her cane a few times while they were trying to run over to Ellie to protect them.

Granny-Do you be picking on children! If you don't shut your yaps, i'll make sure they say something better!

They just hid more behind Ellie before she just rolled her eyes and pulled me back over to her, but this time I was right in front of her, in the middle of her big horn things, and I think this bothered Manny a bit.

Manny-Ellie, don't you think you have been very clingy to (Y/N) since you brought him back?

Ellie-What makes you say that? He just needs someone to keep him warm and you don't seem to want to do it while the others can't carry him all the time while making sure he doesn't freeze.  He's fine where he is.

Sid-Aww, like a new son.~ Ow!

Granny just hit him again, but I think that time was just for fun then Ellie flipped me to my back, so I was looking up at her and Peaches leaned over, so I looked at her looking at me.


(Peach's POV)

I was looking at the human again and they did look cute then my mom started to tub his belly with her trunk a little, but he just pushed her trunk away. His cheeks were kinda pink then tried to get up, but my mom pushed him back down and I kinda laughed at this. He was kinda funny today when he failed at trying to run away and when I got a little closer to him...

Dad-Peaches, mind your space.

Mom-And what's (Y/N) gonna do to her now? Nibble her legs?... Come here, sweetie.

I did what my mom said and got next to her then she took my trunk and brought it over to him, so I can touch him. He felt so soft then I started to rub him a little before he tried to push me away while pouting then I just couldn't help, but smile a little. While I was trying to pet him a little more, I got his neck a little then...


Ellie-Awww, look at that smile.~

I made a small squeal before he just turned his cheek pink again before he turned himself over to face to ground, but it only just made it easier for me to pet him and all he can do is pout.

Peaches's mind-I ran away from him? He's just so adorable.~

After a while we just had dinner my dad, Sid, and Deigo went out to get before we all just started to go to sleep for the night, but I looked at how my mom let him go to hang on a branch in the wall in here before I saw her reach for him to pull him with her. I suddenly acted on my own then reached for him and my mom saw that and stopped while the others saw this too.

Peaches-Mind if I have him and sleep down here tonight.

Ellies-Well... are you sure? You'll have to make sure he doesn't sneak off by being ready to wake up.

Crash-It's a skill we possums have.

Peach-Hey, i'm part possum, remember?

Eddie-This is more for adult level skills.

Granny-So neither of you can do it?

Manny-Enough. Peaches, I forbid you doing this. Last thing you need to do is get too attached before we find a way to give him back to the humans.

Ellie-Well until that happens, i'm sure our girl can handle this. It's not like he'll just sneak off into the snow and where would he have to go if there's no camp here.

I saw (Y/N) look a little more uncomfortable by that, but I just went ahead and took him to my spot before I laid down with him. My mom and dad talked about this then my mom won unless my dad really wanted to make a scene, which he doesn't like doing that, so he gave up. I just had (Y/N) then just played with his fur on his a little and when he tried to leave, he was easy to pull back since I can lift things 5 times his weight. Soon I just closed my eyes and pulled him close then he struggled for a bit before he gave up to go to sleep too and when I opened my eyes for a bit, I saw his were closed while he was wrapped in my trunk. He looked so tired, but peaceful too while he was getting warm by snuggling with me.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I couldn't sleep, but everyone else was while the fire was still going and I found out a little thing about (Y/N)... He likes to cuddle in his sleep and I found that out when he nuzzled into my chest which was just so cute. I know the story my dad told me with Sid and Deigo made it sound like humans didn't talk and Shira said this one smelled different, so maybe they were smarter or something... Either way, this little guy was just a lovable sweetheart since the most he does his pout and not talk to you when he's mad, like how Shira is treating Deigo right now.

Peaches's mind-I think you're just grumpy and scared that you're lost... Maybe some love and time to adjust is all you need.~

I just gave him a gentle nuzzle before I finally closed my eyes and went to sleep for the night.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Shira's POV)

I was sleeping soundly and enjoying my dream, but then I woke up to the sound of something snapping. I was too cozy and my eyes felt so heavy that I couldn't open them all the way, but I did start stretching while taking a deep breath then I noticed something was missing. I opened my eyes now and it was just as I thought when I smelled that something was missing and (Y/N) was missing while it was not snowing outside anymore and just cloudy. It was clear to me what just happened, but since it was not snowing, I saw he left tracks behind.

Shira-*Sigh* Alright then. *whisper*

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so lucky that I woke up while everyone was asleep, so now I could get out of here. I don't know if those tigers get hungry then i'll be dinner. I was running until I made it to another cave and I thought I could hide there, but when I got there, I saw a few animals in here already, so I left before they woke up. I kept on walking to find a place to hide, but suddenly I heard noises until some bushes moved and almost instantly after I saw Shiva jump out.


Shira-There you are!

I just screamed a little before I fell backwards and she just came up to me and stopped a few feet away, but I know she was fast and I couldn't get away. I just closed my eyes while I was about to cry then turned away since I couldn't away, but I was surprised when I felt fur rubbing on my face instead of teeth biting me.

Shira-Hey, i'm not here to hurt you... We just need to go back.

(Y/N)-... N-No.

Shira-*Sigh* Where do you plan on going? I know that there's no camp here or any other humans... Can you at least tell me who you're looking for?

(Y/N)-M-My mom- *hic*-my... I just wanna go home. *hic* *sniffle*

I was about to cry, but she just sat in front of me before she wrapped her paw around my back to pull me in for a hug and I was maybe a little shorter than her.

Shira-Calm down, love. Take deep breaths.~

She wasn't hurting me and I first I couldn't do it and the second I thought I was going to cry and others would come she started to take deep breaths. I tried to copy her as best as I could before I stopped, but I was still scared.

Shira-Alright, let's get back before the others worry. Be lucky i'm not telling them about this.

She walked behind me before she pushed me with her head again and again to make me walk with her until I gave up and just walked. We made it back to the cave where I saw everyone was still asleep then Shira took me to lay down with her.


(Shira's POV)

I got him to lay down with me, but he just looked so sad and I can't blame him for wanting his mother and going home. I can tell he's just a baby and judging by his smell, he'll need a bath soon since we don't need him to smell as bad as Sid and Granny, but what he needs now is some love and comfort and this was going to take a while. Everyone was still sleeping, so they won't see me like this, but if it gets this human to stop trying to run then i'll do it to make things easier. I just nuzzled his side while he was laying down to get his attention and when he turned to look at me, I just gave him a smile and remembered what my mom and dad did for me before I got abandoned.


Shira-Is there anything you or I can do to help you feel better? Just name it. *whisper*

(Y/N)-Um... M-My friend has a kitty and I liked petting them... Can I pet you?

I was surprised by this, but then I thought about him clinging to Ellie since the moment she held him for warmth, aside from his escape attempts. I was embarrassed because I never got pets before and that kind of stuff is something I didn't need, but I just looked around to see the others were still sleeping.

Shira-... Ok, but only for a little bit.

I just stayed still for him before he slowly came over me a little to start petting me and at first, I thought it wasn't going to feel different than brushing up on Deigo or someone, but... it just felt so good.

Shira's mind-Don't make any loud noises. You'll wake up someone.

He just kept on going from scratching my neck to going down my back, but when he got to my side and belly, I lost it for a moment and...


I quickly snapped out of it when I heard Deigo yawning, so I quickly pulled (Y/N) down to me to make him stop petting and scratching me which made me get back under control When Deigo looked at us after waking up a little more he looked a little confused.

Deigo-What are you doing with him?

Shira-Oh, he just tried to sneak off a while ago, but I got things under control... Also, don't forget that i'm still mad at you!


He looked at the entrance and saw the footprints as proof and I just felt so relived. One by one, everyone got up and I were about to go out to look for food.

Ellie-I think Peaches and I will stay behind to make sure our little friend doesn't run off.

Shira-... Actually, I think I should watch him... You 2 might need to help tubby over there get food by knocking down trees. We usually get more food that way and we got another mouth to feed here.

Manny-One, i'm not fat!... Also, you 2 need to remember that we can't get attached. Let Shira handle him for a bit. You need some time apart before it gets hard for you to let him go.

Sid-Hey, how come I can't stay behind and babysit. I'm "great" with kids. I have 3 of them!

Deigo-You'll get attached the moment we leave. You'll probably just lose him while we're gone too.

Sid-No I won't! I bet I would do a great job and I have never lost anything in my life!



Granny-Where's my teeth?

Sid-Easy. They're right over... Um... No, I think they are... Um...

Just then Granny looked mad before she raised her cane while walking over to Sid.

(No POV)

Sid ran out of the cave screaming while Granny was chasing after him as fast as she could, screaming at him to, Come and find my teeth and if I have to, i'll beat yours out of you!" The others were walking out to follow them, leaving Shira and (Y/N) alone. The 2 just sat there and did nothing, but Shira was deep in thought.

Shira's mind-I had no idea that what he did could feel so good... I can't get too attached, but... maybe a little more couldn't hurt... or maybe as much as he needs to feel better... Ok, maybe wait for tonight before you have him do it.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

Shira didn't even ask (Y/N) in any way to pet and scratch her again. He just helped himself, but Shira didn't do anything to stop him.


Shira's mind-Why does this feel so good?!... I... I don't want to let this go!

After a while he stopped and Shira just curled up around him while he leaned back on her and leaned into his cheek to pucker her lips and gave him a kiss. She just smiled as he blushed before she laid down then thought about what he said earlier.

Shira's mind-I'm sure his parents must be moving on by now.~


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