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(Hemio's POV)

I just woke up slowly since the light kinda hurt my eyes from the lamp until I looked down to see (Y/N) snuggling me and still sleeping. He looked so peaceful like this that I almost thought it would be too mean to wake him up at all, but I just wanted to show everyone my new baby boy, so I nudged his cheek a little to wake him up as softly as possible and sadly, he lost that peaceful look to stir a bit, but it still looked kinda cute.

Hemio-(Y/N), come on, wake up.~ *whisper*

I felt him move a little until he started to stretch and open his eyes a little and I saw a how groggy his eyes were. They were so cute. When he finally got up to sit up with me, he snuggled up to me for warmth and this made my heart flutter. I carried him out of bed to get a blanket for him to wrap himself in for warmth while I got a bath ready for us and I made his nice and warm, but when I took him to the bathroom, he looked kinda scared when I put him down. It was clear to me what he thought when he gripped his clothes and I would love to give him a bath myself, but to see him scared of it because of me almost made me cry.

Hemio-N-No, please don't be scared. I'll just wait in my room while you take your bath... If you need any help, just call me.

He calmed down when I left the bathroom, but as I sat on my bed I was already starting to worry. What if he doesn't take off his bandages, or if soap gets in his eyes, or if his cuts didn't scab already to keep out the soap and water. As seconds went by, it was getting harder and harder to not go in there and help him. I was waiting and worrying for so long that I was almost about to start tearing up, but then he finally came out which made me feel better that he was alright and even got himself dressed.


I just picked him up to hold him to make me feel a little better before I gave him some kisses.

(Y/N)-Why are you crying?

Hemio-I am?... Um,... I just remembered a sad movie. Let's just move on with the day. I already have a few things to do, but then the rest of the day can just be me and you.

I gave him one last kiss before I dried his hair some more with my hair dryer to make his hair fluffier then have him new bandages to hide his cuts. More for me than for him. He was finally ready to go outside with me, so while I was holding, I just grabbed my basket before I went out the front door to head for the garden and markets. Everyone was looking at my new baby in awe and while (Y/N) felt nervous and shied away from them, I felt proud and not worried at all since I know everyone here is so nice and would just love to dote on him. When we made it to the market first to see if I can find some toys, clothes, and more blankets then suddenly I saw a few of my friends coming over.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw 3 others that looked kinda like Hemio come over and they looked very happy at me then when they got over here. They were all looking at me while Hemio put her basket down to hold me better with both arms.

Alien Girl#1-Hemio, who is this?~

Alien Girl#2-He's so adorable.~

Hemio-Girls, this is my new baby boy. I found him hurt next to a thorn bush. Poor thing was covered in cuts and crying when I found him.~

Alien Girl#3-*Gasp* Poor baby. What's he doing all alone in the first place?~

Hemio-Actually... I didn't ask that. (Y/N) Honey, do you know where your mommy or daddy is?

I didn't know how to answer that since I don't even know if my dad is actually here or in my old world, but I don't want others looking for him. I was also too nervous to talk, so I just shook my head no then Hemio brought me closer to her face to kiss my cheek in front of everyone and I was kinda embarrassed, so I felt myself blushing a little.

Alien Girls#1/#2/#3-Awwww.~

They came closer and one of them pinched my cheeks a little while moving them before she let go.

Alien Girl#2-Why don't you put him with the other children while you shop?

Hemio-Oh, I just thought I would keep him close to me. I'm only getting a few things before I go home to take stuff from my garden.

Alien#1-Can I hold him for a little bit?

Hemio-Maybe another time.

She didn't look very happy about that, but they stayed with us by carrying Hemio's basket to help her with the stuff she bought. After a bit, she got me a few pajamas, a fluffy blanket, and some stuffed animals and toys. We started to go back to her house and her friends stayed with us until we got to Hemio's front door, but when they had to go, they each either gave me a kiss, played with my cheeks again, or both. We finally got back in the house and she made a little bed on the couch before she put me under the blanket, gave me something that looked kinda like a teddy bear, turned on the T.V. in here to put on a weird cartoon, gave me a kiss, then went to the front door.

Hemio-I'll be in my garden for a bit then when I come back i'll make some of my fruit tarts with a glaze coating.~

She left and I stayed on the couch, but I didn't watch the T.V., I just watched her outside the window while she was picking fruit and vegetables from her garden, and saying hi to others as they walked by. I just watched her until I saw her coming back in, so I quickly turned to the T.V. to make it look like I wasn't watching her. She just went to the kitchen to start cooking and washing the food she just got from her garden and soon she came in then picked me up to get on the couch and put me on top of her. It was weird because she was just outside, but she didn't feel cold at all. She felt really soft and warm.

Hemio-Your treat will be done soon. Do you want to do anything else while we wait?

She just started to rub my belly and put her chin on my head, then used her free arm to hold me closer and the way her body was felt so... cozy. He fur was so fluffy and smooth, she felt so soft and warm, when I turned to my side, I could hear her heartbeat, and I think this was the first time since I got here that I actually felt safe.

Hemio-Awww, I see that look on your face, but before you really get comfy, let's wait for those tarts.~

Soon she got up and left my in the living room when she heard a beeping in the kitchen then later, she came out with something for us on a plate.


She put the plate on the table next to the couch before she picked me up to lay back on the couch with the blanket over us, but this time I was laying on my belly, my head was right on her chest, so I could hear her heart beat, and she grabbed one of the tarts to hold it up to me.

Hemio-Fresh out of the oven, just for you. Open up for me.~

I slowly did what she said and these things were so small, I could put the whole thing in my mouth, but she only let me bit down on half. The berries, custard, and crust all tasted so sweet and amazing. She gave me the rest after I swallowed the first bite and she did this as she kept on feeding me then I realized I was completely relaxed and she gave me a few slow kisses on my head.

Hemio-You're just the sweetest little thing.~

(Hemio's POV)

My people know about my baby, they're congratulating me for having one, I have him resting on top of me while i'm feeding him, and he's being so well behaved. After a while of this I saw him look like he was half asleep on me, so I started to stroke his back to give him a little more comfort and see if I can get to sleep on me. As I kept on trying, I saw him trying to stay awake at times before he finally closed those eyes then after an episode of his cartoon, I heard his little snores and that made me smile. I just changed the channel while turning down the volume when I ended up on the news I froze when I saw (Y/N) was on the news with some other girl and she was a koteshiki.


News-Reports on this human on the loose are kicking off searches to return them to their owner. It all started when a home invader that was the woman's neighbor broke him and allegedly attacked the human which led them to run outside then got lost before police could arrive. The invader is currently in custody.

Hemio's mind-SOMEONE ATTACKED MY BABY?!?!?!?!

I know I should call and report this, but if he goes back up there, he might be in danger and I don't know if this girl is really able to care and protect him or if he was even happy with her. I just changed the channel since I don't want to take that risk because I can see he is happy, cared for, and protected here.

Hemio's mind-You're my baby and you're staying with me!


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