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((Y/N)'s POV)

The Red Queen was just putting me in a bath with her again and was cleaning me while also playing with me, but when I tried to push her arm away a little, she got really mad and got out with me on the edge just to give me a spanking before we got back in while I was crying. The bath went on and when she got me everywhere I accidently pushed her away 4 more times during the bath and each time would be more yelling and spanking. When we finally got out, dried off, and dressed, she had the guards wrap my back up and put the gag back in my mouth. She went with me in her arms back to her throne room before she sat down and had me on her lap.

Red Queen-Brush!

The guards quickly gave her a brush and she started to brush my hair for a while until she tossed it for the guards to catch it. She sat with me for a while longer before she headed outside and the guards were following us into the garden for a walk until when we got to a pool, a knife came out of nowhere almost hit the Red Queen's feet which made her jump a little. She went from being scared to holding me tighter while she was getting very mad again.



Just then someone jumped over the bush and landed on their feet while they had more weapons out, but I had no idea who she was.



Red Queen-*Grunt* GET HER YOU FOOLS!!!

The guards ran to attack her, but when she was fighting back and winning again many guards already there was a fire blast before I saw 2 more girls show up.



I was confused on how these girls knew my name, but the one with the giant key fired more fireballs and ice blasts while the girl in the pink clothes came running over, so the Red Queen ran away with me to get back to her castle as more guards were showing up.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who are these girls?!

(Aerith's POV)

As I was chasing them, I pulled out my staff and shot blasts of light at the card people, but not the queen since (Y/N) could get hurt. Judging by her body, she's going to get tired faster than me or i'm just going to corner her and take (Y/N) back by force. Seeing him tied up like that and scared made me furious, but something was off from (Y/N) as I felt confusion coming from him. It might be from this sudden attack. I just chased the queen all the way back to her castle and throne room before I swiftly took out the guards at the door.


This time lots of guards showed up as she ran for the back rooms and now, I was forced to put the chase on hold to fight, but it shouldn't be hard to find her after i'm done. The others might have a chance to catch up as well.

(Red Queen's POV)

I locked myself in my room holding my baby close as I got in bed to hold him tight until the guards handle those intruders, and I will have their heads immediately, on the spot. As I was waiting for the guards to come in, I heard a tapping on my open window then turned to see the one that threw that knife at my feet, but what surprised me the most is that we're on the 3rd floor!


Red Queen-GUARDS!!!

???-Are busy lady. Now, give him back to me and nobody else has to get hurt.


???-Hmmm, I see your point, but "counter-point"...

She suddenly launched at me then kneed me in the stomach really hard and as I went down to the ground, she took my baby from my arms. She rocked him a bit before kissing his head right in front of me and my anger fumed as she smiled.

???-Hi (Y/N). It's been a while.~


???-"Your" baby? Hehehe, I think you mean, "mine". Later.~

She jumped back out the window and I ran to window and looked down to see her running on the rooftops. I screamed for the guards, but nobody came, so I ran out of my room and back to my throne room, only to see the last of my guards being taken down by 2 of the intruders.



???-What do we do with her Aerith?

Aerith-Yuffie has to have him since she doesn't. Let's just go.

They were about to just leave, but I ran after them, but the blue haired girl turned and pointed her giant key a me.


I froze in place, and I couldn't move as I watched them both calmly leave. My heart just shattered from losing my baby after I just got him back, but when I find them again, they'll be sorry... and headless.

(Aqua's POV)

We were heading back to the ship, and I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders now that we have my little brother back. I'll tell my friends and master that we found him, and the search was over. We made it back to the ship and we saw Yuffie and my little brother in front of it and he was still tied up while she was tossing him in the air to play with him.


We ran up to her and I leapt up and took him in mid air then landed on the ship's steps.

Aqua-Why is he still like this?

Yuffie-I thought he looked kinda cute like that.

Aerith-Let's get out of here before we get anymore unwanted attention.

They followed me on the ship and I got to work on letting him out after Aerith took off then when I got that gag out of him and got him untied it should be safe for him to stand up. We all watched him stretched a little and it was just so adorable, but then he looked at me with those innocent and curious eyes of his.

(Y/N)-Thank you for saving me, but... who are you and how did you know my name?

We all looked a little confused then I knew it had to be the doing of that girl or the forces of darkness. It might even him having amnesia from the trauma he must've endured when that girl did who knows what to him. I felt so mad, but hid it and picked him up to put him back in my lap.

Aqua-It's ok, we're your friends and we're taking you somewhere safe.

He still looked very uncomfortable around us then Yuffie looked like she got an idea.

Yuffie-We have cake where we're going!

(Aerith's POV)

That made him look a little more hopeful from Yuffie's lie and just to avoid disappointing him, I was now going to have to make a cake or something along those lines. When (Y/N) just wiggled out of Aqua's arms to go to his own seat it made her look hurt and I felt kinda happy, but sad that he would try to do the same to me instead of snuggling up to me like he would before.

Aerith's mind-When I find that girl who took you. There will be hell to pay.


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