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(Layla's POV)

It was getting close to nighttime, but after a whole day of seeing a child push away or hide himself during bath time, cuddling after just to try and give him a break, only for him to look very uncomfortable. It kinda reminded me of Fawn a little, but even she's not this bad. Compared to him, she's very confident when it comes to this, but it's very sad and concerning.

Layla's mind-You poor baby boy. What did your father do?

Lazarus should be on her way soon and she's not going to be happy when she sees that no progress was made. It was to be expected since this was how he was raised, but I just hoped that he would at least adjust a tiny bit or even take my words into considering. Right now I was holding him on the couch while giving him comforting words, but he was just so frustrated from all our exercises. He was settled down now, but not fully relaxed and I could feel him tensing up while I was stroking his head then suddenly my front door flung open and I saw Lazarus coming at us with tears in her eyes.


Lazarus-MY BABY!!!

She took (Y/N) from me and held him tight while crying into him then started to rock him side to side.

(Y/N)-Hey, put me down! Stop it!

Lazarus-Your old daddy was just a mean, mean man!

She covered him in kisses before she looked at me, so I just got up to give her a look to show her how serious I was about to be to her.

Layla-I trust you heard from Fia and Kate. I am making these rules "very" strict for everyone.

Lazarus-He will not be leaving my sight! I'm holding him every step of the way home!

Layla-I also want him back here at least once every week. Expect some things I want you to have him do.

Lazarus-Thank you Layla. I'll be going home now.

She left while waving goodbye before she went back to hugging and kissing (Y/N) while he was turning away from her affection. That's just 1 of many bad habits that we need to fix and with his father gone and the girls following my instruction, he's already started his path to recovery.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to get Lazarus to put me down, but she would only say stuff like, "It's going to be okay" or just covering my face in kisses all the way to her house. When she finally put me down on the couch she just covered me in a blanket then I saw that this one was new and there was other stuff in the corner of the room.

Lazarus-Do you like your new blanket? Jasmine made it for you. I heard you met her today from Fia and Kate.

(Y/N)-What's all that other stuff?

Lazarus-Let's see... We have more shampoo and conditioner, toys, and... all kinds of stuff. Everyone heard what you went through at home and want to help you feel better.

(Y/N)-For the last time! My dad did nothing wrong!

Lazarus-*Whine* I-I'm sure he wasn't, but maybe he could've paid a tiny bit more attention to your needs and letting you socialize... Just a thought.

I could hear it in her voice that she didn't mean it and I wasn't stupid. She just got a fire going in the fireplace before she just grabbed a book then went into the kitchen.

Lazarus-I'm gonna make something special for dinner. I'll be watching you the entire time, so don't you worry.

She went into the kitchen to open the book and put it on a stand, so it must be a cookbook and she took things out of the fridge while I was sitting on the couch still. She looked at me from time to time and I tried to get off the couch, but she instantly stopped what she was doing to come out here.

Lazarus-Is something wrong? Do you need a book to read or a toy to play with?

I had a feeling that this was going to be a long night.

(Addison's POV)

I was in my room reading my favorite book while my mommy was making dinner after she was done making medicine. This book was about a tragic love story where 2 lovers are separated by war among both their families and at the end they both die. I started to think about (Y/N) before my door suddenly opened and I saw it was my mom.


Mom-Addison dear, dinner's ready.

Addison-Coming mom.

I put my book down then came out of my room to go to the dinner table, but I didn't really pay attention to the food that much while I ate. I couldn't even really tell how it tastes because I wasn't looking then soon my mom knocked on the table, so I looked at her and she was smiling.

Mom-Are you ok?

Addison-Yeah, why?

Mom-You ate your vegetables first and alone with mixing it.

I looked and she was right then I looked back to her to see her smile got bigger.


Mom-I think I know what's on your mind. Is my little girl thinking about my special little patient?


Mom-Unless any other boys washed up here?... It's a shame what happened to him. Poor little guy.

Addison-What happened?

Mom-Adult stuff and nothing you should be bothered about really. There's just going to be a few rules with (Y/N).


Mom-It's just the kind of stuff we do, but... how about I tell you a little secret about what boys like.

Addison-... I'm listening.

She started to tell me about what boys like, how to approach a boy, and how to always catch his eye, and most importantly since (Y/N) was shy... how to take control over him.

Addison's mind-Penny is going to be so jealous! (Y/N) is going to be my boyfriend!

(Fia's POV)

Kate was still kinda fuming even after I made her favorite dinner, but it's not surprising since she's always protective over others that can't help themselves. Children fall into that category most of all and as I was sitting next to my sister reading a book she was lifting a weight in one of her arms to help blow off steam.

Fia-So when is (Y/N) going to join your little classes with the girls?

Kate-I don't know, but until he gets better, he better be focusing on breaking those bad habits from his father.

Fia-That would be best, but do you think socializing with the girls can help him too?... Mostly Fawn?

She was thinking about it for a second and I know she was also thinking about Penny and Addison fighting over him again, but Fawn could help him more and I know her adoptive mother can be over affectionate at times, but it would be good to let (Y/N) see her too... Slowly, of course.

Kate-I'll need to start with something small. I don't think he can lift very mouth compared to the others and that could make him feel uncomfortable.

Fia-Well,... how about a nice hike on the trail. You can even get Joan to help for extra protection.

Kate-... I guess that sounds good. Fawn and Jenny also do like it when we pick flowers.

Fia-Then it's settled.

Kate-Will you also be coming?

Fia-Sorry, but I got work to do tomorrow.

I would love to join them and seeing (Y/N) just to hold him would be amazing, but not only do I have some heavy lifting to do, my part of the garden could use some attention.

(Penny's POV)

I finished dinner and dessert, so now I was getting in a bath with my mom in a bit after our food settles then soon I saw her come in my room holding towels.


Mom-Come on, bath time.


I just followed her then we took our clothes off to put them in the hamper before we got in the warm water. I started with getting my hair all wet before I started to scrub it with shampoo, but I was using my flower-scented shampoo. I was thinking about how (Y/N) would love the smell of me again that a smile curved onto my face while my eyes were closed.

Mom-What are you so happy about?

Penny-... Mom, can I ask you something?

Mom-Hmmm... Is it about that new boy that just got here? (Y/N).

Penny-Yeah. What can I do to make him like me? He's so shy that he would barely talk.

Mom-Awwww, my little girl has a crush.~

Penny-Sooo, my question?

Mom-Well, I will have to go over a few rules with him later since something happened with him, but here's something you can do. You just have to find out what food and drinks he loves. The best way to a man is through is stomach.

This gave me an idea to bring food to him tomorrow after my lesson with the others and there was no way this can fail.

Penny's mind-Sorry Addison, but I don't share my man.~

(No POV)

Meanwhile on the biggest house on the island with the biggest furniture, clothes, windows, fireplace, and door was a family of 2. Light was coming through the bathroom windows as the 2 were getting out to get dried off and dressed for bed, but the mother of this little girl named Fawn was going to read her favorite story to her daughter. As the 2 sat next to the lit fireplace, Fawn was lying flat across her adoptive mother's lap that was still a little too big for her, the light showed the family in the house.


As the elephant mother was reading the story and stroking her daughters whole head with just 3 fingers, Fawn fell asleep in her mother's lap, so she carried her to her bed with her and slept together.


Aiden Cassidy

I think this story is shaping up to be one of your best. It’s great