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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was rubbing my hands very fast to make them warm then put them on my ears and that made them feel a little better, but while I was breathing, I could see fog coming out of me. I should start a fire, so I quickly grabbed some big sticks around here to put them in a pile before I tried rubbing 2 sticks together. After a few minutes there was still no fire and I just gave up and threw them down, but then that's when smoke came up then I saw a small flame.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Yes!

Just then a bit if wind came by and blew on the flame a bit, but it didn't go out... until snow fell on it from the tree branch above me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Are. You. Kidding me?!

I just fell back and just felt so mad, scared, or maybe I should be madder than scared. I don't even know what to feel because I could feel a lot of things right now, so it was just so hard to think.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* M-M-Mommy. *Whimper*

I just wanted to wake up and be with her and I tried everything to wake up! Pinching myself, stretching my eyes while they were closed to make them open in the real world, and all kinds of stuff, but nothing worked. This just can't be real, this has to be a dream and the more I thought about and running out of ideas to wake up, the harder it was to not cry.

(Ellie's POV)

We were still walking to find this human my daughter saw while taking it slow in case we run into others. This new home was huge and this could take a while if it weren't for Shira and Deigo and soon they both stopped.

Deigo-They're close. I can smell them.

Shira-But what's that smell on them? It smells good, but just off.

Deigo-Who cares? Probably just rolled around in something, or had a bath, or both.

Ellie-Which way?

Deigo-We might be able to see them up that hill. Come on.

I just followed them up the hill and when we made it to the peak, we looked around down there and I think I was the first to spot something and I think it was the human, but they looked so small and were curled up. It was still kinda hard to see from up here, but I snapped out of my thoughts when...

Deigo-Found them. Over there kinda close to that pond.

Shira-... They look small. They must be a kid.

Deigo-That means the parents must be nearby.

Ellie-I'm not so sure.


Ellie-Well look around. We were looking for a camp of humans, but I don't see a camp.

They looked around with me and there was no sign of a camp and that child was not moving from his spot, but he was turning and flipping around on the ground from what I could see.

Shira-She's right, there's no camp and humans don't let their young wander off.

Deigo-Think they're lost?

Ellie-... Only one way to find out.

I just turned back to head around to get closer to that small human and Deigo tried to stop me by getting in front of me.

Deigo-What are you doing?!

Ellie-What? Odds are they're alone and just lost if more humans aren't close. What can one small human child do?

He tried to talk me out of this some more, but I just ignored him and Shira was just following us the Deigo shut up when we were getting close and when we were just down the path from the human, I got a better look at them and they stared at us for a moment before they screamed and ran.


Ellie-Hey, wait!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was running again before I one of those big caves things under a tree, so I ran to it and tried to squeeze into one of the holes I could fit in, but then I heard another voice and this one was different.

???-Deigo, stop!

I finally pushed myself in all the and I felt a bit of breeze on my ankle before i quickly turned around and scooted back to the wall and saw the 3 animals there were chasing me looking at me through the tree roots.


I was breathing really fast until I couldn't hold it in anymore and started to cry really loud that I almost got cut, I was cold, hungry, and I just wanted this nightmare to be over. I just curled up again with my face in my knees to cry, just waiting for them to go away.

(Shira's POV)

I think we just got our answer if this human child was really alone because any adults would be alerted and coming for us now, but that doesn't excuse that stunt my mate just pulled. I turned to him with a glare then he looked at me to see I was angry, but looked confused a little.


Shira-You know what! I saw you bringing out those claws at them! We were supposed to just look for a camp here!

Deigo-I was just going to pin them after I grabbed them! I almost caught them!

Shira-You almost clawed them when you got carried them away and if there were more humans, they would be hunting us down!

The crying just got louder from inside the tree and we looked to see the human looking at us a little while still crying. I just turned back to my mate who was in trouble now.

Shira-"This" isn't over. Go sit over there by that rock.


Shira-I bet he doesn't want to see the saber that almost hurt him. You're in time-out until we figure this out!

Deigo-You gotta be joking! Do I look like a cub to you?!

Shira-*Growl* *Snarl*.

He did what I said and went over to the rock before I saw Ellie slowly reaching in with her trunk while the kid was still crying and after getting somewhat of a look at them and hearing their cries, i'm sort of leaning to them being a boy.

Shira-What are you doing?

Ellie-Well we need to start gaining his somehow and if he can't talk to us, maybe I can draw a line to show them how safe they are right there. After that, we just wait.

She did draw a line in the dirt before she pulled out, but laid next to the tree then we heard something come out of the tree.

???-M- *hic* Mommy. *crying*

We were all taken back by this.

Deigo-... Please tell me that it was just the wind.

I just peaked inside the tree to the crying child again and just watched them cry and shake like a leaf.


Shira's mind-Did he just talk?

Shira-... H-Hey little boy. Can you understand us?

To no surprise they didn't even look at me and kept on crying, so I guess I wasn't going to get an answer to make sure. We all just waited and my mate tried to leave the spot of Time-out, but after a glare and growl he just went back while rolling his eyes at me.

Deigo-How long are you going to hold this?

Shira-Until we get this figured out. I told you.

Deigo-What about the others? One of us should go tell us that we're fine before they all get worried and coming looking for us and make things worse here.

Shira-Fine... You do it.

Deigo-Fine, maybe I will.



Shira-Then go.

Deigo-Alright, I will.

Ellie-Ok love birds, can you just go before my husband sends out a search party?

Deigo left to go tell the others we were fine, but he's still in trouble if I find out he did scratch them. This is clearly no different than a scared and lost baby without their family or anyone around them, so the last thing he needs is a saber growling and clawing at them.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Ellie's POV)

The crying stopped a while ago and the child was still shaking while they were curled up and not even looking at us anymore. I never took my eyes off them and besides them shaking they weren't moving and this was kinda worrying, so I tried to whistle and hit the ground next to them, but there was not even a reaction when I tried to startle him.

Ellie-Hey!... Hello!

Nothing and I wasn't going to have anyone shun themselves to death out here, so this wall of tree roots was coming down.

Ellie-Shira, help me! Break some of these roots!

She didn't question it and started to claw at the roots to get in and when she finally made her way in, she grabbed him by the back of his clothes and pulled him out before I saw him with his eyes opened a little and felt him and even with my fur, I could feel how cold they were.

Ellie-He's freezing!

He needed to warm up and quick since he barely had any fur except for on his head and his clothes were kinda wet. I just did the only thing I could think of and pulled them close and laid next to them to huddle up for warmth, but I could feel him weakly struggling.

(Shira's POV)

I could only see part of the child's head poking out from Ellie's grasp over him as he was looking at her then at me with one eye that wasn't buried in her fur. She stayed like that for a while until we saw where the sun was and it should be getting close to dinner time and seeing as they didn't eat neither, they must be hungry too.

???-L-... Let go. *whisper*

We were both still surprised by this since humans couldn't talk as far as we knew and it really was him that cried out for his "mommy". Regardless, I don't think Ellie was going to let him go when he's like that and I got closer to see his small patch of fur was kinda wet, that weird, but good smell was all over him still and when you get a good look at him up close...

Shira's mind-He's kinda cute.

He closed his eye kinda tight to not look at me, but to show him I wasn't going to hurt him, I nuzzled his face a little before I kissed his eye and he brought out his little hand to rub his eye before she tucked it back in Ellie's fur. We both kinda laughed under our breath at this and I decided to do one last check for anything nearby, but as much as I could smell, it really was just him.

Shira-How long until you want to head back?

Ellie-Just a while longer. I can feel him warming up a little, but I think i'll wait until he's completely warmed up.

Shira-Fair enough.

(Timeskip 50 Minutes)

(Manny's POV)

I said we would wait until it gets close to sun down before we go to Ellie and Shira. We had some food set aside for them both as we had dinner for ourselves, but i could barely eat and neither could Peaches with Ellie still out there and even if Diego said there was no camp and no other humans, i'm still not sure. While we were eating Crash and Eddie got really excited all of the sudden.



We all looked to see Ellie and Shira walk down the hill and I just felt so relieved to see that she was ok.


When they got down here, they were both smiling and looking at each other while Peaches and I went up to Ellie.


Peaches-Mom! Did anything happen?! What happened with that happen?

Without saying anything, she reached to her back with her trunk before she brought out the human in front of her and the way her looked at everyone and he was hanging from my wife's trunk was like he was scared.


Manny-You brought them back?! What if their herd comes looking for them?!

Ellie-Ok, first, don't yell in front of them. They're scared enough as it is and there is nobody coming. He's all alone and nearly froze to death without my help and that's not all,... but we'll save that for later.

She put the human back on her back and they tried to hide, but it was too late since we know they're there now and I was at a loss for words. She just walked past us with Shira and if Granny wasn't taking a nap, she would be the only one talking.

Manny's mind-I don't believe this.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was a bit warmer now and I tried to run a few times, but I was really high up when Ellie was walking and I think I can run faster than her, but Shira was a tiger, so she might be faster. When Ellie finally laid down she soon reached back to me with her trunk and she had a pear and I was so hungry, so I took it. She rubbed my head with her trunk before I started eating and I looked at the girl I ran away from when I first saw her and saw she was looking at me like everyone else.


Ellie-You wanna come over and say hi. He's harmless.

She slowly came over and looked at me the whole time and I tried to hide, but Ellie stopped me by making slid down her to be in front of who might be her daughter.

Ellie-Sweetie, this is Peaches. My daughter... Go on, say hi.

Peaches-... Hey there.

(Y/N)-... H-Hi. *whisper*

Everyone, but Ellie and Shira were surprised at this and Ellie just rubbed my head smiling at me, but I just curled up and hid my face in my shirt that was still a little wet and cold.

(No POV)

Ellie's mind-I didn't know humans could be so cute.~


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