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(Violet's POV)

It was nighttime and Jeremy should be here soon and I told Diana to think about exactly what he wanted him to do then to understand that he can't just say a few words then snap his fingers to make Lucas and Julian pop right in front of her. She was kinda disappointed to hear that, but right now while she was thinking, I was getting my baby ready for bed. I still remember the last time Jeremy helped he, he made my baby immortal and I told Diana about this, but also told her to wait on this and not to overwhelm Jeremy. When I put my baby in bed myself I heard the doorbell downstairs, so that must be him and I just went downstairs to already see Diana with a maid, letting Jeremy in.


I was walking down the stairs when the second the door closed Diana was about to go off, but he held his hand up to stop her before he saw me.

Violet-Thank you for coming Jeremy.

Jeremy-How's that everlasting kid of yours?

Violet-He's doing great. I just put Jonah to bed. Anyway, how about a drink before we get started.

Jeremy-*Sigh* I'd like that.

We all went to get a drink served to us and Diana didn't like it, so she didn't drink and waited until the second Jeremy was done with his drink before...

Diana-Ok, I want to find my pup Julian and have a way to know where he is at all times or keep him close! Maybe even make him another of that spraying stuff to have him love me more or-.

Jeremy-One thing at a time please!... Ok, first off, who am I finding, and can you give me something of theirs?

Diana-I have some toys they played with back at my den.

Jeremy-That sounds good.

Violet-We'll take one of my best limos there.

Diana-Also,... I heard you can make pups live forever.

Jeremy-... *Sigh* This is going to a long job.

(Erelah's POV)

Brittney was in time out all day then I took her to give her a bath first before I move on to the boys, but now she was throwing a little fit because she heard me call the boys "my sweet little babies" then got mad because she wasn't the baby in the house anymore, but trust me, she was.

Erelah-Hold still, your bath is almost finished.


(Julian's POV)

I never saw an adult act like this before, it was like seeing someone my age throwing a fit after she wanted to be called a baby or something after Erelah was cooing us earlier today. We were playing a game of dragon ball z together before I saw a shadow of Erelah carrying Brittney down the hall and into her room before she came out here while rubbing her head then smiled at us while she looked kinda wet.


Erelah-Alright Cody, you're up first. Bath time.

Cody-Awww, but-,

Erelah-No buts or no movie tonight before bed.


He left the game, so now I was playing with a computer while Erelah gave him a bath and this time there was no screaming at all. The before I knew it the water turned off, so I turned off the game before...

Erelah-Julian, you're turn! Come here, please!

I just did what she said, and Cody left the bathroom in a towel before I got in then closed the door before Erelah took my clothes off and she already had hers off too. She got in with me since I was the last one with her then she started to wash me.

Erelah-Tell me if i'm scrubbing too hard. I'm going to try to get you extra clean for a while to make sure everything from that succubus is off you. It must've been so awful having her treating and using you like that.

Julian-Well... yeah. Sarita wanted to train me to do other things she liked.

Erelah-You told me, and I would like it if you don't bring those up again.

I remember the last bath with Sarita when she made me strip her down using only my mouth and called me a good boy for doing it in good time. When Erelah was kinda hurting me, she slowed down and wrapped me in her wings before she kissed my head. When she was done with me, she cleaned herself before we got out to get dressed somewhere more private and I miss having privacy, but not completely since Erelah was here. After we got dressed, she took me to her room where we saw Cody on the bed watching a movie and we joined him.


She had one of us on each side of her, wrapped in a wing and I just felt so cozy that I could fall asleep right now, but i'll try to stay up.

(Timeskip To Sunrise)

(Diana's POV)

I just got done explaining everything I wanted him to do in a way he could understand, and he was thinking about what he wanted from me in return, and I said as long as if it's not taking a pack member of mine, he can consider it done.

Jeremy-You'll just owe me a favor and in case you don't know what that is, I can tell you to do one thing no matter what it is.

Diana-Ok, but I won't be hurting my pack.


The limo stopped and we got out to go to my den, so the magic man can get my pup's scent from some of the toys, and he can get him back. We got in and some remembered the magic man, but when we got to my private territory, I saw something that made me angry and even embarrassed me in front of Violent and Jeremy... TRACEY WAS IN MY SLEEPING PILE WITH MY PUP!!!


Diana-*Growl* TRACEY!!!

This made both of them jump awake then they both looked at me, but I was more furious with Tracey, so I just walked up to her and grabbed her by her shirt. She looked at me with fear in her eyes and she was shaking, and she should be scared because she disobeyed me, her alpha in the worst possible way!

Tracey-D-D-Diana, I-!

Diana-I told you to not take my pup out of his cage unless it's for a bath, NOT TO SLEEP WITH HIM!!!

Tracey was about to speak again, but I just pulled her to the cage then swung the door open while glaring at her then she knew to get in. While she was bent over, trying to crawl in...



Diana-Don't you dare touch my pup again without permission!

I took a toy out that I b remembered Julian played with before I locked her in there in front of everyone, but I didn't care. I tossed the toy to Jeremy before I went to my pup to see him kinda crying, but I picked him up to hold him tight while curling up on my pile.

Diana-Just make sure my other pup gets here before it's night!

Jeremy-Uhhh, yeah.

He just left while Violet just went on her phone to do something as she was about to leave.

Violet-Tell Jeremy i'm sending for another limo to here to take him where he needs to go. I'm going home to pick up where I left off before you ruined my spa day.

I could tell she wasn't very happy, but I did that because it was very important, so I didn't really care. She left and my first pup was trying to get me to let Tracey out, but she disobeyed me and she's lucky I didn't send her back with Violet... In fact, I took his clothes off and started to give him a tongue bath.


Diana-No, stay still! I can smell her all over you!

I kept on going as he stopped fighting, but I was just so mad at Tracey for doing something I told her not to do and she waits until i'm gone to do it. Soon an Omega came in and she saw where everyone was in here before she smiled at Tracy until I gave her a look.


Omega-Oh, alpha, a few deltas want to ask something of you. They are concerned that some of the human adults are teaching werewolf and human pups their old bad ways in secret.

I looked at Tracey again before I started to think if she was teaching my pup to be bad.

Diana-... Until I think of something, I want all the bad humans locked away from the pups.

Omega-Yes, alpha.

Diana-Also,... start with Tracey.

Omega-If I may add, she had him out a few hours after you left as far as we know from the baths.

Diana-Thanks for telling me, but take her out of here before you get punished as well.

She did what I said and Tracey tried to beg saying that Lucas was her pup too, but the truth was that she lost him the moment I found out what she did to him before we even met, and I just let her be close to my pup since she was my mate. They were gone and I don't want the magic man worrying about this because he needs to focus on my missing pup.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

(Jeremy's POV)

I finally tracked this kid down and when I bring them back, i'll add a charm that will act like an addiction to be near Diana when her desire for them is strong. By the end of this and making 2 boys immortal for her, she's going to owe me big time and it does sound nice to have a pack of werewolves sicked on an enemy you want something from.


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