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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still running and hiding until I was sure that I lost that guy then I suddenly went from having a lot of energy to feeling really, really tired. I was in an ally, but this one looked kinda like it was decorated and nobody was here or looking this way, so I sat against the wall on the ground here to rest. Soon I saw a few police cars come back from where I came from then I saw them park just around the corner where I could see them down the street, and someone was being taken out while screaming. This was really bad because if I was close to a police station, they'll find me really fast, but to make things worse, I saw that guy starting to run away. He tried to get away, but he was running down the street to where I was and others were coming out to make the few monsters or aliens into a lot, so I can't stay here. If I try to run through the allies again, it'll just be the same thing, but I saw something at the end of this trial from where I came from to another trail, and it was a hole. It might be the sewers and it'll smell really bad, but I don't want to go back to being a pet.

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe this we get me away from the city by going underground where nobody can see me!

I was happy that this could work for, so I started to run as quickly and quietly as I could before anyone turns around to see me. I made it to the hole and there was a ladder, so I went down and instead of the bad smell I was expecting, it smelled kinda nice. Soon I saw light rocks on the walls as I kept on going down without turning around to make sure I don't slip, and this was a deep hole before I finally touched the ground then let go of the ladder. I turned to see that this was not a sewer at all, but something like a village and this was bad, but going back up was going to be worse. That was until I saw a very big tunnel at the other side of this place and maybe if I can sneak over there, I can still get out of here by being underground. It wasn't great, but the best plan I got, so I started to walk while staying behind the few bushes and trees up here then realized that there was not a lot of places to hide unless I got closer to that village.

(Y/N)'s mind-This just got a whole lot harder.

I kept on going by running and hopefully nobody would see, but then I saw an alien heading this way from far away and I didn't get a good look before I just turned back to run into a bush. When I did that... I didn't know there was thorns and it really hurt that I screamed and cried. I tried to pull out of the bush, but it kept on poking and scratching me that made me bleed more, so now there was cuts and scrapes all over my arms and legs since my pants and sleeves are pulled up or short. I couldn't stop crying and it became a big problem when...

???-Oh my, hold on!

I looked for places to run, but they would see me, and I was too hurt to run then the one that was coming came around the bush kinda fast then froze a little when she saw me.


???-*Gasp* Oh dear, you're bleeding!

(Hemio's POV)

I had no idea what species they were, but I didn't care. The poor thing was hurt, bleeding, and crying with nobody else to care for them, so I picked them up and wasted no time to start running back to my house. I was crying from how scared I was for them, and I know those are small cuts and scratches, but a lot of them too, so it's best to get all of them cleaned and bandaged as soon as possible. As I ran through the village others saw me holding something, but just didn't know what before I made it to my house and closed the door to be alone with them to tend to easier. His crying was still filling the air and he was even struggling which might be from the pain or just being scared that things are happening really fast, but I just put a towel on my bed then put him on it to keep the blood mostly off my sheets.

Hemio-Stay here and i'll be right back!

I ran to the bathroom to get my tub of ointment, bandage wraps, and some rubbing alcohol to make sure the big ones are extra clean. I went back into my room with everything, and this poor thing was still crying, but he was starting to calm down.


Hemio-Here, let me see.

I took off his shirt and rolled up his shorts a bit to only see that he was only cut on his arms and legs, probably from that thorn Kimai flower bush he was behind. I started with the smaller cuts to put the harmless ointment on him then there were 4 big ones that I was going to have to use the rubbing alcohol then the ointment before I bandage him. When I poured a little on him, he only screamed, and it broke my heart when I had to hold him down then repeat this a few more times before it was done. I wrapped up his arms and legs while he was just whimpering.

Hemio-You poor baby.~

I tried to go down and cuddle him, but he just held up his hands to keep me from cuddling him while he looked scared. I tried to not cry for him to make him feel safe, but even now when I was scaring him without considering how scared he already was.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This lady had no clothes on even if she did help me, I don't know what she might try to do now and I need to leave without her starting to like me, but after I pushed her away, she backed up a bit more. I saw her making a face she made while she was cleaning my big cuts, but now she was whimpering before she started to cry like how I did.

???-I-I'm sorry! I-I-I d-didn't mean to *hic* scare you! *sobbing*

She just left what must be her room to cry in the bathroom before I saw that this was the perfect time to get out of here, but... I just feel so bad now. I could hear her crying louder in the bathroom before I heard knocking at the front door and I could go out the back or something, but... her crying after she said she was sorry for scaring me... I just went to the bathroom door, and it was unlocked, so I went in to see her crying in the bathtub.


I walked up to her and tried giving her a hug to make her feel better before she just looked at me while wiping her tears. She actually felt very soft, like a pillow you could hug then she leaned into me a bit before she slowly stopped her crying more and more.

???-*Sniffle* You're sweet.

She grabbed me and pulled me in the bath with her to give me a hug and my face was buried in the fur on her neck.

???-My name is Hemio. Do you have a name? Can you talk or understand me?

(Y/N)-... My name is (Y/N).

(Chemfi's POV)

I can't fucking believe this! Not only to my creepy neighbor break into my house, but he also let my pet out and now I have no idea where he is! I was out looking and if police or anyone finds him, I can easily take him back since I have the paperwork and the incident report. Not to mention that out of all the charges that Wingro is getting, which is violating the restraining order, trespassing, breaking an entry, endangering a new species, losing my property, and to top it all off, he assaults a cop while he was being arrested, I was going to make a lot of money in fines off him. This should be a wakeup call to find a new house and with all this money coming in from this incident alone I can find a nice place then have the pictures of my pet worth a fortune.

Chemfi's mind-How much is that house out in the Tanjera mountains again?

(Hemio's POV)

I took (Y/N) out of the bath before I started to take a shower in front of him to get this blood off my fur then he went back into my room and on my bed after he took the little bloody towel off. When I got out of the shower and dried off, I went back to my room and got on my bed and this time, he let me cuddle him. I loved this feeling I was getting before I came back to a thought I had before then it made my heart flutter.

Hemio's mind-Is this... how a mother feels to her baby?!~

I just want to take him outside and show him to all my friends, but right now, i'll let him rest and recover from those cuts for the day and take him out in the morning when I go to my garden.

Hemio's mind-Oh, everyone is going to be so happy for me! I finally have a baby of my own like I always wanted!


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