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(Chemfi's POV)

I was in my car right now with my new prized pet in the back whimpering and crying after the press swarmed us in the parking lot. I even heard it's speech mess up a bit hear and there which means I should keep them away from huge crowds for a while to prevent them from being stressed. I still have no idea if they were just repeating things or not, but I did hear it crying for "daddy" under it's breath. With that thought in mind, I thought it would be best to keep that inn mind, so I can keep an eye out for the parents myself. When I got home I had a little struggle rolling the cage with wheels down a ramp from my car then pushed him to my house, but I got the uncomfortable sight of my creepy neighbor I had a restraining order on looking at me through his window.

Chemfi's mind-Fucking creep.

When we got inside I just left the cage in the middle of the living room before I went out to get the bag of the starting things I need as well as instruction. The worst was getting locks that lock on both sides whenever it's closed then using a key every time to open it. That will be kinda annoying at first, but it's completely worth it in my eyes. I kept my new pet in the cage while I was getting everything set up to my cozy home into a cozy fortress.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

I was finally almost done with all of this and just putting on the final touches to the restraints on the bed incase this creature gets violent. When I finished I went out to the living room to see my new pet half asleep in his cage until I opened it and he kinda perked up.


Chemfi-Welcome to your new home. Play nice and we'll get busy later. I need to rest a bit.

I just hopped on my couch then turned on the T.V. as he just tried to book it to the front door only to fail since he doesn't have the key or maybe doesn't even know how to use one. Next, he tried to go for a window to get out, but the locks on there needed a key too and it shows he was kinda smart to go for the 2 main exits, even if it was hopeless for him. He just looked at me kinda scared again and I just waved at him.

Chemfi-Calm down buddy, i'm not going to hurt you... Maybe make you dress up in something cute for a camera.

I was thinking a suit and tie if I get invited to receive an award. If that happens, the whole world will see me pulling this little guy on a leash up the stage and the thought of that made me so happy. I just couldn't help myself and jumped over to him and kissed his head then squished his cheeks a little to see it was kinda cute.

Chemfi-You are just going to make every hunter want to be me!~

I gave him another kiss before I thought maybe it would be best to start thinking of a name.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't get out of here, but at least I was almost as tall as the one keeping me here, but I was surprised that she could jump very high and she almost hit her ceiling. She was just looking at me now before she started to say names kinda quiet, but maybe if i'm honest she might understand. She's not like Moltra getting very angry, but I need to do this right.

(Y/N)-Wait!... I'm not a pet, just let me explain.

Chemfi-Huh?... No way. You're not just repeating speech?!

I started to tell her everything about what happened to me and she had questions like where my dad was or other things like what I can do. Later near the end of the story she asked another question about what I could do and I was starting to think that she wasn't really listening to me. I tried to get her to tell me what I just said and she did get everything right, so she was listening to me and she looked very happy.

(Y/N)-Ok, now that you know everything, can you help me?

Chemfi-Hmmm, the way I see it, we have no way to know how to send you home, so I guess you'll just be here for now.

She was still kinda smiling and I thought this was kinda weird since last time I spoke, 2 girls freaked out and that was before a living rock got angry, and a water girl tried to keep me... She was taking this all really well,... too well.

(Y/N)-Um,... but do you think you can help me get home?

Chemfi-... Maybe, but what do I get?

She just got up and started to walk to me then put a hand on my head to start petting with a smile.

(Y/N)-Um,... what do you want?

Chemfi-I think you know what. You heard me say it a few times.

She said something about being famous because of me before and I knew that meant she wasn't going to let me go, but maybe I can make her. I just put me hands up and made them fists since she doesn't look tough, but she just laughed a little.

(Y/N)-Let me out of here.

Chemfi-You're going to fight me?... Fine, just hit me and i'll let you-.

I didn't want to let her finish that and tried to punch her by surprise, but she dodged it, grabbed my arm, pulled me, tripped me, and held me on the ground.


She let me go and it didn't hurt at all, but I did get back up and tried to grab her, but she jumped over me while doing 3 flips and landing on her feet then turned to me. I wasn't going to give up this time and I don't care how long this takes!

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I was tired even during breaks I took from trying to hit her and leave, but she wasn't even breathing as heavy as me at all and wasn't even breaking a sweat. She even cooed at me like a baby sometimes before I just fell to the ground from being so tired then she came to me to sit on her knees then put my head on her lap to pet it.

Chemfi-That was fun and you just got yourself ready for something you need.

(Y/N)-*Pant* Huh?

She put my head down before she left then down the hall I heard running water then knew what she was going to do... She was going to give me a bath, but I just hope I can at least take it alone.

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

(Chemfi's POV)

It was a little tricky, but a lot easier than it could've been to give my new pet a bath, but that shampoo and soap that want me to use smelled like a bleached doctors office, so I used mine on him. I will be getting more soap for just him later, but he smells like flowers now. I know he's a sentient species now and must have been embarrassed someone a little taller than him gave him a bath, but regardless, I already saw him naked back at the station when they put him on the table to examine him. After his bath I put his clothes in the dryer since they were in the washer during his bath, but in the meantime, I just let him wrap up in his new fleece blanket to pout.

Chemfi's mind-That does take care of everything for now.

I looked online to already see headlines of (Y/N) and I just from leaving the station. Now I thought about the things I wanted to get and maybe i'll get a few toys or something for him to play with that aren't just toys for house pets, even if he is qualified and known as my house pet now.

Chemfi's mind-Maybe some treats, toys, and time to adjust will help him calm down.

I looked at (Y/N) pouting in his blanket and I decided to get up and go shopping to give him some time alone, but just to be safe, I put some of my fragile stuff up higher before I took the keys and unlocked the front door while he watched me with a little girl.

Chemfi-I'm gonna get a few things kid. T.V.'s all yours until I get back from the store, and if your good, i'll give you a few things i'm getting.

He was still pouting from losing to me and mostly the bath I bet, but I knew he wasn't going to take it like the way he is if I just asked. I just left and the door locked behind me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just stayed in the blanket until I heard a beeping sound come from the back and I think those were my clothes, so I ran to go get them then put them on and they were so warm. I remember seeing Chemfi using a key to open the door from the inside and I bet she locked it, but maybe there was a spare key somewhere. I tried looking around the house and for 5 keys, but none of them opened the door, so I tried the windows with the keys, but they didn't fit too and I could break the window, but I remembered how many police or whatever Chemfi knew.

(Y/N)'s mind-There's gotta be a way out of here!

I checked the backdoor, other windows, more keys, but found nothing then I saw a rock person like Moltra come over to the door, but this one was a guy. I heard the front door lock jiggle a bit before it opened then I was happy the front door was open, but then I got scared when I thought this was a really bad guy. I wanted to hide, but he came in and saw me then froze before I just screamed and ran while he started to make shushing sounds and came after me.

(No POV)

This neighbor of Chemfi was chasing what he knew was Chemfi's new pet around the house to try and put a lid on this, but he left the front door open not only for others near by to hear what was going on inside, but soon (Y/N) ran outside screaming and crying down the street. He tried to give chase to catch him, but that's when he heard sirens which meant someone called the police from witnessing the scene that got a lot of attention.

Wingro-Awww, shit.

(???'s POV)

I just got up from the surface and thankfully too because it was really hot for me up there. The walk home the rest of the way easy and I had the string, cloth, and yarn I needed since I was running low. I made it home to see my garden was not ready for picking, so I guess I got the day to myself,... in my house,... all alone. I was living alone for a while now since my husband passed and I couldn't bring myself to date anyone else, but I just wish I got pregnant if it weren't for my birth defect. I tried adopting, but most adoption agencies require that I have a job even if they know how my people work not only for traditions, but I just can't work above ground.

???-*Sigh*... Maybe i'll go out for a walk later.


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